Weapons of Mass Reduction : Team August Challenge!



  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    I just got back from SIGNING UP TO JOIN A GYM!!!!! :happy: :happy: :happy:

    I walked 2 miles on the treadmill, did 40 jumping jacks with weights, the 21's, and swimmer's presses.

    I am now home and since I'm already sweaty I am about to get down on the floor and give 150 crunches and those windshield washers!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I just got back from SIGNING UP TO JOIN A GYM!!!!! :happy: :happy: :happy:

    I walked 2 miles on the treadmill, did 40 jumping jacks with weights, the 21's, and swimmer's presses.

    I am now home and since I'm already sweaty I am about to get down on the floor and give 150 crunches and those windshield washers!

    Girl, you amaze me!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Okay Team, Gary has had some stuff going on over the weekend so I will post our exercises today!

    Today is Week 4, Day 1... the challenge is:

    2 sets of 20 Windshield Wipers, 3 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of Swimmer’s Presses

    Windshield Wipers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omeqA3O4DUk
    21's: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xLcsg-5Dw8
    Swimmer's Presses: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYwzaUXK6gs

    Don't forget, as a team we need to complete 4000 crunches AND 4000 jumping jacks AND 100 miles walked/run/jogged/biked, etc. That is 200 per week for extra crunches and JJ's and 5 extra miles per week.... you also need to inspire someone else in your life to join MFP and get movin'!!!! LET'S DO THIS!!!

    What will you commit to? Who are you going to inspire this week?

    I'll commit to 500 Jacks, 200 crunches and 5 extra miles...at the least. :happy:
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Girl, you amaze me!

    Awww thanks... and hey, can she do my portion of jumping jacks?! LOL I HATE them so much!!!

    Okay, so I did 40 windshield washers - I started with the modified knees bent version and did 20.... then realized I could do the REAL ones so I did 20 of those! I did 150 crunches.
  • Aloxander
    Aloxander Posts: 121 Member
    Wow! Well I can certainly do:

    * 1, 200 = 200 jumping jacks per day for 6 days
    * 200 crunches
    * 5 extra miles
    * Striclty commit to C25k this week

    It will be challenging because I like to take care of my family but we only have 9 days to go.

    I truly want to inspire my boyfriend and daughter this week. Everytime I am working out, they look at me and say "Wow, nothing will stop you! I will stop inviting you out to eat so much and let you do your workout!" :tongue:
  • Sadie_sal3267
    Sadie_sal3267 Posts: 44 Member
    Just saying WHAT'S UP to my team. I went hard all week and lost 1.6LBS!! Body sore today, but, NO PAIN NO GAIN!!

    Have a great week.
  • Aloxander
    Aloxander Posts: 121 Member
    Water - over! +1
    Food - logged and was over before I exercised... cheat day today! But then I exercised and I am under calories... didn't do so well on the fat though. +1 anyways!
    Challenge - complete! +1

    50 squat kicks *modified exercise for burpees*
    300 crunches *yeah, that's RIGHT, I brought it tonight!!!
    50 wall push-ups
    50 jumping jacks
    50 leg raises
    3 sets of 12 woodchops w/weights *I am really liking these now and adding it to my routine
    10 minutes of stretching/yoga positioning

    So I've completed my personal crunch challenge of 1000... plus the 100 from today's challenge so I've done 1100 crunches this week! I NEVER in my life thought I would hear (type) myself say that. I can still add 200 more tomorrow, too.

    Good night!

    :flowerforyou: :drinker: :happy: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :tongue:

    I don't think I can beat this challenge. I shouldn't think that way! You are great.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Girl, you amaze me!

    Awww thanks... and hey, can she do my portion of jumping jacks?! LOL I HATE them so much!!!

    Okay, so I did 40 windshield washers - I started with the modified knees bent version and did 20.... then realized I could do the REAL ones so I did 20 of those! I did 150 crunches.

    Well it's funny you should say that...I have to take back my commitment to 200 crunches. I'm having some tailbone issues and it's really painful to do them. I'll up my jumping jacks to 750 in return.

    So for today:

    Food logged and within-check
    Daily challenge-check
    Did 1.1 miles towards my five (on top of my regular workout)
    200 jumping jacks done, some I did as squat jacks to make them harder.
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member

    Well it's funny you should say that...I have to take back my commitment to 200 crunches. I'm having some tailbone issues and it's really painful to do them. I'll up my jumping jacks to 750 in return.

    So for today:

    Food logged and within-check
    Daily challenge-check
    Did 1.1 miles towards my five (on top of my regular workout)
    200 jumping jacks done, some I did as squat jacks to make them harder.

    I'll do your crunches then! LOL And squat jacks?! Daaaaang, you're killing me!
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Got all my challenges done last night. I did 50 crunches, 50 jacks and walked an extra mile and bike about 5 extra miles. Tonight's challenges look interesting!
  • Aloxander
    Aloxander Posts: 121 Member
    WEEK 4 DAY 1-


    I apologize for slacking off a little. Bare with me! Please :embarassed: I had to do 3 weeks worth of laundry yesterday. I spent three hours! :sad: I was racing myself to finish fast. I finished at 10:30 pm. I got home at 5pm, cooked dinner, fed the family, got ready and left to the laundry room and was stuck there. I burned 404 calories but not because of a workout.

    Anyways, stop with the whining! I will certainly make this up on Sunday or squeeze it in before the week ends.
    I committed and I am doing this.

    *under calories
    *72oz+ water
    *250 Jumping Jacks
    *125 Wall push ups
    *15 squats :embarassed: WHAT? I always do like 100+ with brazilian butt lift

    These workouts I managed to do during my restroom breaks because I knew I would be a Cinderelly in the evening.
    The positve thing is that my family will have fresh clean clothes for the next 3 weeks. Boy my kids & hubby have tons of clothes. :tongue:

  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member

    Well it's funny you should say that...I have to take back my commitment to 200 crunches. I'm having some tailbone issues and it's really painful to do them. I'll up my jumping jacks to 750 in return.

    So for today:

    Food logged and within-check
    Daily challenge-check
    Did 1.1 miles towards my five (on top of my regular workout)
    200 jumping jacks done, some I did as squat jacks to make them harder.

    I'll do your crunches then! LOL And squat jacks?! Daaaaang, you're killing me!

    It's a deal!

    Everything is done for today:
    food logged (will be way under)-check
    plus 200 jumping jacks to bring my total so far to 400, plus 2.3 additional miles walked this morning before the gym, bringing that total to 3.3 for this week.
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Water - over! +1
    Food - logged and under! +1
    Challenge - done with modifications for those tuck jumps and globe jumps! +1

    I also did 150 crunches for a total of 300 so far this week!
    I biked 5 miles at the gym for a total of 7 miles so far this week!
  • Aloxander
    Aloxander Posts: 121 Member
    WEEK 4 DAY 2

    Here is Tuesday's info:

    *Under calories
    *144oz water
    *200 Jumping Jacks
    *90 Squats
    *2 miles
    *50 squat kicks
    *20 tucks
    *30 Lunges
    *30 Squats sets of 10 with 25lbs
    *30 Global jumps
    *50 crunches
    *100 mountain climbers


  • missysmission777
    missysmission777 Posts: 82 Member
    Day 3 - Week 4 ( I also messaged this to you)

    My day is complete....and the muscle relaxers & heating pad is calling my name......:noway: :noway:

    2.5 miles walked
    (20) Split Squat Jumps
    (3) Sets of 20 woodchops ( getting better at this)
    (100 ) Heart Attack Jacks
    10 min Dance Off

    Under Calorie Goal

    13 Glasses of water chugged.......

    I actually completed todays challenge......hip hip HOORAY!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker:
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Hi everyone,
    For the first time all month I took a rest day in the middle of the week. I really hurt my bad knee at the gym last night (or when I got home, I don't know). I woke up with it throbbing and I could hardly walk. If it continues tomorrow, I need to see my doctor.
    I'll update you tomorrow.
  • brotherjeem
    brotherjeem Posts: 18 Member
    Couldn't get to a computer yesterday....but as usual:
    food logged - under
    water - over
    7.5 miles on bike
  • Aloxander
    Aloxander Posts: 121 Member
    WEEK 4 DAY 3 Wednesday

    under calories
    144+oz water
    3 sets of 21s
    250 Jumping Jacks
    100 wall push ups
    20 Squat split jumps
    30 Lunges -sets of 10 with 16lbs-111
    30 Tricep kickbacks sets of 10each side with 8lbs- right 111/ left 111
    40 Bench dips
    30 Triceps sets of 10 with 8lb-111
    50 crunches
    Zumba 51 minutes

    I was going to do my 2nd week 2nd day of C25k but tried Zumba instead. It looked like fun, I hadn't taken that class in about a year.

    *Does this count? :tongue: (chasing around 1 year old for 50 minutes) my son wouldn't let me watch my daughter's first soccer scrimmage :devil: he wanted to run with the ball. Everyone was amazed by his motor skills for being 16 months.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    Jillian Michael Shred 1 - 27mins
    20 split squat jumps (challenge)
    3 sets of 20 woodchops (challenge)
    40 zig zag jumps (challenge)
    3 sets of 21's (challenge)
    2 sets of 15 swimmer presses (challenge)
    200 jumping jacks (challenge)
    300 crunches (challenge)
    150 mountain climbers
    300 pushups

    I had to take a partial rest day yesterday, so I did yesterdays challenge with todays :o) I have completed 950 crunches and 600 jumping jacks and 7 miles towards the team total :o)
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Hi everyone,
    For the first time all month I took a rest day in the middle of the week. I really hurt my bad knee at the gym last night (or when I got home, I don't know). I woke up with it throbbing and I could hardly walk. If it continues tomorrow, I need to see my doctor.
    I'll update you tomorrow.

    Hope you feel better!

    Sorry team, I failed miserably yesterday. Was waaaaaaaaaaaay over on calories and didn't do the daily challenge. 0 points for me for yesterday.

    But I have a question, if do yesterday's challenge today, does that still count?