August Challenge Team 7 Drop It 'Cause We're Hot(Closed Grou



  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    Just updating our chart

    100 miles Team Challenge

    sass30 - 4 miles
    jadery24 - 7 miles
    themommie-5 miles
    mkaluzny - 6
    sass30 - 2
    bhurley1424 - 2
    spurradic - 4
    mkaluzny - 3 on treadmill
    sass30 - 1
    zukekitty- 1
    spurradic - 4
    mkaluzny - 4
    bhurley1424 - 1

    Total 44 miles
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    Moooseee3 ( I get the three thing) - thanks for the recipe. We actually had something similar for dinner last evening.
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Each step on your stairs = 1 stair climb
    MOOOSEEE3 Posts: 218 Member
    I'm gonna tear up the stairs at work today. I work on the first floor, and If I start from the basement and climb's 63 stairs total to the top floor. I'll run up and run down and then the stairs will be all set. I'll whip out the jumping jacks after work tonight and the globe jumps I'll do way later tonight. As for the mile challenge, I am not currently excercising this week due to the move and the only thing I am doing is the challenges. I will strive to get in a good 5 miles +. I'll let everyone know. Here's to hoping I can do more than the 5, but we'll start there. Happy Thursday everyone!
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Here is our team's losses (based on percentage lost) for week 1

    RickyBobby - 5.6%
    Jadery24 - 2.8%
    zukekitty - 1.7%
    fitwatch - 1.6%
    BethanyCee - 1.4%
    Sass30 - 1.1%
    spurradic - 0.9%
    mkaluzny - 0.8%
    seballard08 - 0.5%
    bhurley1424 - 0.3%
    themommie - 0.1%
    MOOOSEEE3 - 0.0%
    aybee77 - 0.0%
    sunniebeehealthy - 0.0%
    Lopez84 - 0.0%
    spngebobmyhero - 0.0%

    Congratulations to the losers and the maintainers! The best news of all is there were no gainers! Keep up the great work everyone!
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Hi everyone! Well, I have to apologize. I'm not going to be able to complete most of the challenges for a while. I've been given orders by my doctor not to do any leg or ab work and no cardio for at least 2 weeks. I need to rest my back. I can do some light walking so maybe I can get that in anyway. Sorry to let you guys down! :(
  • zukekitty
    zukekitty Posts: 185

    100 miles Team Challenge

    sass30 - 4 miles
    jadery24 - 7 miles
    themommie-5 miles
    mkaluzny - 6
    sass30 - 2
    bhurley1424 - 2
    spurradic - 4
    mkaluzny - 3 on treadmill
    sass30 - 1
    zukekitty- 2
    spurradic - 4
    mkaluzny - 4
    bhurley1424 - 1

    Total 45 miles
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    Bored at work today - I found out that 40 laps around the inside of the store was one mile. So I went for it.

    Thu 08/11/11 04:50 PM

    100 miles Team Challenge

    sass30 - 4 miles
    jadery24 - 7 miles
    themommie-5 miles
    mkaluzny - 6
    sass30 - 2
    bhurley1424 - 2
    spurradic - 4
    mkaluzny - 3 on treadmill
    sass30 - 1
    zukekitty- 2
    spurradic - 4
    mkaluzny - 4
    bhurley1424 - 1
    mkaluzny - 1

    Total 46 miles
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member

    100 miles Team Challenge

    sass30 - 4 miles
    jadery24 - 7 miles
    themommie-5 miles
    mkaluzny - 6
    sass30 - 2
    bhurley1424 - 2
    spurradic - 4
    mkaluzny - 3 on treadmill
    sass30 - 1
    zukekitty- 2
    spurradic - 4
    mkaluzny - 4
    bhurley1424 - 1
    themommie- 2

    Total 47miles

    I didnt get in my challenges for yesterday but i did do the jumping jacks, and have my water in , drinking my water and keeping within calories usually isnt a problem for me. It is getting in exercise..........CONGRATS to everyone for losing and maintaining that is great that we didnt have any gainers. Keep up the good work
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    100 miles Team Challenge

    sass30 - 4 miles
    jadery24 - 7 miles
    themommie-5 miles
    mkaluzny - 6
    sass30 - 2
    bhurley1424 - 2
    spurradic - 4
    mkaluzny - 3 on treadmill
    sass30 - 1
    zukekitty- 2
    spurradic - 4
    mkaluzny - 4
    bhurley1424 - 1
    themommie- 2
    sass30 - 4

    Total 51 miles

    WOOOOOOOOOOOT! We are now over the halfway mark!

    I want you all to remember that when you start changing up your workout, start lifting weights, or just increase your cardio your body and muscles will hold onto water weight in order to help repair itself. This will come off and usually does not last longer than a couple of weeks. So if you don't see that scale moving and you are doing everything right (exercise and calories) this could very well be why. Hang in there because you are strong and you can do this!

    I completed all challenges today and ran 2.5 miles! I am not a runner so I am super pumped about this. Keep up the great work everyone!
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    this is from Gary:

    Tomorrow I thought we should have some FUN! And do a FUN Challenge. Now I realize the guys are probably going to groan.....but gentlemen let's do this for the ladies. I promise I'm planning something for us guys next week! 4 Minutes of Fun With Beyonce! Let me know if you did it tomorrow!

    I think that this is a just for fun challenge and is not going to cost any points if you don't do it. If I hear differently I will let you all know. I for one plan on doing this, what's a little extra cardio, plus it looks fun!
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    Here is 3 more miles for the team. My husband invited me on an after dinner walk. We walked for a bit over an hour. The weird part was most of it was through the local cemetery, especially the civil war section. Isn't he the romantic sort of guy?


    100 miles Team Challenge

    sass30 - 4 miles
    jadery24 - 7 miles
    themommie-5 miles
    mkaluzny - 6
    sass30 - 2
    bhurley1424 - 2
    spurradic - 4
    mkaluzny - 3 on treadmill
    sass30 - 1
    zukekitty- 2
    spurradic - 4
    mkaluzny - 4
    bhurley1424 - 1
    themommie- 2
    mkaluzny - 3

    Total 50 miles Hey, that's half way
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Here is 3 more miles for the team. My husband invited me on an after dinner walk. We walked for a bit over an hour. The weird part was most of it was through the local cemetery, especially the civil war section. Isn't he the romantic sort of guy?


    100 miles Team Challenge

    sass30 - 4 miles
    jadery24 - 7 miles
    themommie-5 miles
    mkaluzny - 6
    sass30 - 2
    bhurley1424 - 2
    spurradic - 4
    mkaluzny - 3 on treadmill
    sass30 - 1
    zukekitty- 2
    spurradic - 4
    mkaluzny - 4
    bhurley1424 - 1
    themommie- 2
    mkaluzny - 3

    Total 50 miles Hey, that's half way

    actually there is more than that, you left off my 4! Here is the corrected list:

    100 miles Team Challenge

    sass30 - 4 miles
    jadery24 - 7 miles
    themommie-5 miles
    mkaluzny - 6
    sass30 - 2
    bhurley1424 - 2
    spurradic - 4
    mkaluzny - 3 on treadmill
    sass30 - 1
    zukekitty- 2
    spurradic - 4
    mkaluzny - 4
    bhurley1424 - 1
    themommie- 2
    sass30 - 4
    mkaluzny - 3

    Total 54 miles
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    Here is 3 more miles for the team. My husband invited me on an after dinner walk. We walked for a bit over an hour. The weird part was most of it was through the local cemetery, especially the civil war section. Isn't he the romantic sort of guy?


    100 miles Team Challenge

    sass30 - 4 miles
    jadery24 - 7 miles
    themommie-5 miles
    mkaluzny - 6
    sass30 - 2
    bhurley1424 - 2
    spurradic - 4
    mkaluzny - 3 on treadmill
    sass30 - 1
    zukekitty- 2
    spurradic - 4
    mkaluzny - 4
    bhurley1424 - 1
    themommie- 2
    mkaluzny - 3

    Total 50 miles Hey, that's half way

    actually there is more than that, you left off my 4! Here is the corrected list:

    100 miles Team Challenge

    sass30 - 4 miles
    jadery24 - 7 miles
    themommie-5 miles
    mkaluzny - 6
    sass30 - 2
    bhurley1424 - 2
    spurradic - 4
    mkaluzny - 3 on treadmill
    sass30 - 1
    zukekitty- 2
    spurradic - 4
    mkaluzny - 4
    bhurley1424 - 1
    themommie- 2
    sass30 - 4
    mkaluzny - 3

    Total 54 miles
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    There is still more, the 1 mile I recorded in the early evening is missing from the chart. Will will go through the posts and try to figure out what is happening and where we really are. Please use care when copying the chart. Thanks. You are all doing a super job and I don't want anyone shorted their hard earned miles.
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    Okay, I think I figured out what was going on with our list. It seems some people are changing their previous totals rather than adding a new line to the bottom of the list. It is easier to track if you just add a line, then we do not have to re-add the entire chart. Going through all the numbers and taking out the corrected/uncorrected entries - here is where we stand.

    100 miles Team Challenge

    sass30 - 4 miles
    jadery24 - 7 miles
    themommie-5 miles
    mkaluzny - 6
    sass30 - 2
    bhurley1424 - 1
    spurradic - 4
    mkaluzny - 3 on treadmill
    sass30 - 1
    zukekitty- 1
    spurradic - 4
    mkaluzny - 4
    bhurley1424 - 1
    zukekitty - 1
    mkaluzny - 1
    themommie- 2
    sass30 - 4
    mkaluzny - 3

    TOTAL RECALCULATED MILES 54 MILES (remember just add your entry to the bottom of the list and change the total
  • jadery24
    jadery24 Posts: 53
    Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been on the last 48 hours or so, I was sick yesterday and realllyy busy today. Boy did I miss a lot!! Haha.
    Anyway, I was not under my calories yesterday, but I did get all my water. Today was much better, I stayed well under my calories, got all my water, and knocked out some of the challenges (I'm doing them out of order).

    Sass30 - Do you still need my stats for last week?
  • zukekitty
    zukekitty Posts: 185
    Completed all challlenges for today. Drank enough water. Still have enough calories leftover I would have to gorge on Ben and Jerry's to get through them all and I don't have any Ben and Jerry's. So I assume by the end of the night I will still be under on calories.
  • spurradic
    spurradic Posts: 153 Member
    evening all :)
    i got in 2 more miles this evening to add to our 100 mile challenge, which should bring us up to 56 (see below). i almost managed to talk myself out of doing my scheduled p90x yoga, but i plowed through most of it just because i didnt want to do it (1:22 instead of the full 1:30). because of the 2 miles and yoga i was well under my calories, and as usual way over on my water :)

    i also managed to get in my 100 stair climbs! i have 6 more challenges to go for the week! and i should have a few more miles left this week too!

    keep up the good work everyone! woot woot!
    100 miles Team Challenge

    sass30 - 4 miles
    jadery24 - 7 miles
    themommie-5 miles
    mkaluzny - 6
    sass30 - 2
    bhurley1424 - 1
    spurradic - 4
    mkaluzny - 3 on treadmill
    sass30 - 1
    zukekitty- 1
    spurradic - 4
    mkaluzny - 4
    bhurley1424 - 1
    zukekitty - 1
    mkaluzny - 1
    themommie- 2
    sass30 - 4
    mkaluzny - 3
    spurradic - 2

  • spurradic
    spurradic Posts: 153 Member
    I completed all challenges today and ran 2.5 miles! I am not a runner so I am super pumped about this. Keep up the great work everyone!

    ive always been told (and totally believe) that even if you can only run 10 feet, the fact that you're out there and you run even that much makes you a runner! be proud about your running (no matter how big or small) and a big WOOT WOOT! to your accomplishment today! :-D
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