Over 200 New Year New Me Part 51



  • purpleprose
    Allison: Great Dismal Swamp sounds a bit like any oxymoron, don't you think? For some reason the name brings ominous Harry Potter images to my mind.

    It is seriously as dismal as its name implies:

  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Oh my! That is Dismal! And Harry Potter esc! *wanders off into HP dream world* :heart:

    ANYWAY! - sorry to hear about your morning sickness - I hope it passes quickly! :flowerforyou:

    Checking in for last yesterday:
    Calories - under but only because of exercise calories
    Water - excellent
    Exercise - Day 2 Week 1 of the 5K101 and it felt pretty good! Plus I added 15 minutes of elliptical to that to make sure I was good and drenched - YUCK:grumble:

    Proud - I went to the rec center THREE DAYS IN A ROW!!! I haven't done that since the spring of 2010 - way back when I was stalking this group and LOSING WEIGHT! :happy:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Awesome job on getting to the rec center, Melinda!!

    Allison: Cool pics! Did you take them? It totally looks like a Harry Potter scene...so cool.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Hey ladies,

    My daughter leaves tomorrow. No weighing in. I know I have gained weight anyway. Her mole was benign and her blood work has not come back yet. So still waiting and looking forward to my new normal. It is going to be very difficult for me not to see my 23rd birthday present EVERY DAY! But I am so excited for her......

    Hopefully, I will be back full force next week

    :heart: :heart: you guys

    lilspy, I LOVE LOVE that pic of Maisie she is the cutest little baby!!!! She even looks like a little girl you can just tell even if she did not have a big flower in her hair:laugh: :laugh:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Momma your little girl will be SO READY thanks to all the love and care you've given her! :flowerforyou:

    Checking in for last night:
    I ate more chips and dip than I'd planned (only because I'd planned zero!:tongue: )

    Calories- over by 500 :huh:
    Water - awesome
    Exercise - 25 minutes 'in the pool' :glasses:

    Proud - I had a 6 am doctor's appointment (yeah - he's awesome that way) and had decided that was a good reason to miss working out. But I decided to work a little late on Wednesday and allow myself to come into work late on Thursday... so after my doctor's appointment I drove the 3 miles to the rec center and got into the pool! I can only swim the length of the pool once, then it's little spurts from time to time - mostly I walked in water up to my neck and did arm strokes to move me forward. (kinda hop up - then arm stroke - then touch down and repeat) But seriously I HATE having to get into a suit and the whole getting in the pool the googles the dealing with a wet suit afterwards - the whole process is SUCKY and I'm so proud that I've done it TWICE! :drinker:
  • purpleprose
    Checking in for Friday! Hopefully everyone remembered to weigh-in this morning.


    I am getting tantalizingly close to being under 200. Just 2.4 pounds to go!

    Other August goals -
    *30DS every day I'm not working out with my trainer - I've been good about working out 6 days/week
    *no night snacking! - this goal has saved me from some major binge eating at night, so doing pretty well
    *2 - 3 runs per week - hit this target this week with a really great run on Tuesday :smile:
    *only weigh in on Fridays and either Monday OR Tuesday - I'm doing okay on this, but I got on the scale a few times this week (it's TOM so I wanted to see what was going on)
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Heather.............-2.2.............0.00% (re-loss)

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Slightly over (135 cals over)
    Water: 106.3 oz.
    Exercise: Ran 2 miles, walked 0.6 on the treadmill before work.
    Proud: Only ate what I was truly hungry for! No unwanted, unnecessary fries with my burger for dinner!

    Today I did 30 Day Shred, Level 1 before work. I'm only burning about 200 calories (196 today) with this workout; when I first started my fitness journey, I burned over 400 calories with the same workout. Amazing how things change. I'm also no longer sore or out of breath with it. I'm going to finish out a full 10 days on Level 1, though, before going to Level 2 just to not short myself. I swear my calf muscles and biceps are more noticeable in the one week I've been exercising every day before work!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I've been MIA for awhile...sorry ladies...I'm still trucking along. Slowly but surely!! I'mb ack down to 220...hope I can get back into the 21? by next week!! I'd really love to see my all time low of 207 in the very near future! Trying a different approach to losing weight. Trying to not focus so much on tracking calories and weighing but listening to my body and getting in a regular routine of working out. Not trying to get the biggest burn but still push myself. I want to enjoy working out like I use to. It became too much of a chore for me.

    In some happy news I won the biggest loser competition at work!! WHEW!! This girl needed the money bad!! I had to fix the A/C in my car yesterday and today I have to get the transmission flushed...goodbye $700+!!

    Happy Friady ladies!!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Jessica - it's wonderful to see you back here!!! I have to say that given the current climate on here when you said "In some happy news" I thought "BABY?" LOL! :tongue: I'm sure you'll be in the 21?s soon!

    Heather.............-2.2.............0.00% (re-loss)

    I thought I'd gain a little due the workouts but nothing yet. Next week I bet I'll see a couple pounds up - it seems to always go up before heading down.

    I made it to the rec center AGAIN today. I can't believe it! I finished the third day of the 5K101 and I feel great! I love my Vibram shoes!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Jessica - it's wonderful to see you back here!!! I have to say that given the current climate on here when you said "In some happy news" I thought "BABY?" LOL! :tongue: I'm sure you'll be in the 21?s soon!

    Heather.............-2.2.............0.00% (re-loss)

    I thought I'd gain a little due the workouts but nothing yet. Next week I bet I'll see a couple pounds up - it seems to always go up before heading down.

    I made it to the rec center AGAIN today. I can't believe it! I finished the third day of the 5K101 and I feel great! I love my Vibram shoes!!!

    No baby for this girl anytime soon!! LOL
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    my little girl is moved in. She has to come back in 2 weeks to re due blood work AGAIN! The second set came back worse than the first. The doctor is concerned it could be an autoimmune disease that attacks the blood platelets. My mother is going to go pick her up in 2 weeks. Thank God for Grandma's. She is making my life easier. The doctor also told us about a lab that does lab work on Saturdays. Just trying to hang in there!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Heather.............-2.2.............0.00% (re-loss)

    Well I was ok with only being up one pound for my weigh-in on Friday because I've been seeing higher numbers. I really hope I can get my weightloss mojo back and get my eating under control again.

    momma: I'm sorry about your daughter's blood test results, I hope they get it figured out and can take care of it. Having that going on at the same time that she is moving out must be stressfull.
    mstahl: Good for you on getting to the rec center!
    heathermn & allison - congrats on the weight losses!
    redneckwmn: Yeah on winning the biggest loser contest!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I have a whine.

    My baby is 1 month old today. I have milk supply problems but I breastfeed or pump 7-8 times a day. I bled straight for 4 weeks postpartum. That bleeding finally stopped halfway through this past Wednesday. And I'm nearly positive AF JUST FREAKING SHOWED UP. Cramping, bloating, bleeding, the works. Seriously?!?! :sad: :sad: :sad: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: I didn't even know that was possible!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, ladies!

    I hope you all had a good weekend. Nate and I were active with over three hours of hiking this weekend.

    This morning, he was sitting on the floor putting on his shoes for our 5:30 am run. He had this pouty look on his face and as he pulled on his shoe he says, "I can't even put my shoe on this morning. I don't wanna go. You're evil." He looked so darn adorable, like a little kid, that I couldn't help but laugh at him.

    He really struggled with the run this morning because he said his legs were tired from hiking this weekend. I think part of it was that he wasn't in the right mind set. He went as far as he could, then turned around while I finished my 2 mile route. I feel really good and am on 8 days of activity in a row! I even saw my lowest number this weekend of 176.0...less than 1 lb. away from being at a 45 lb. loss.

    Checking in for this weekend:
    Calories: Over
    Water: 98 oz.
    Exercise: 30 Day Shred, Level 1
    Proud: Completed an entire week of 5:30 am workouts!

    Calories: Over
    Water: 32 oz.
    Exercise: Hiking for 1 hour, 28 minutes
    Proud: We were on the trails for a hike by 10:30am, so we'd have a nice long hike done before going to Alex's soccer game.

    Calories: Over
    Water: 48 oz.
    Exercise: Hiking for 1 hour, 46 minutes on hilly terrain with our hydration packs. We had planned on taking it easy, but then found a harder, more scenic trail the park ranger told us about. We ended up doing the harder train and THEN the easier trail. The scenery was beautiful! So glad we did the harder trail.
    Proud: We chose to do a harder trail than we planned because it looked more interesting. Pics are posted on Facebook!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Sorry your are feeling so ishy Lilspy! I think you have hit on the thing I disliked about pregnancy .... feeling like your body just isn't 'normal' for 2 years (while you are pregnant and a year plus afterwards). But it is all worth it in the end because I wouldn't give up my kids for anything! :love: :love: :love: Hang in there!

    HeatherMN: You are really doing fantastic and sounds like you are 'in the groove', keep it up!

    I on the other hand have lost my 'groove', I am still plugging away - but really am not as motivated as before and let myself 'slip' up too often. It didn't help that my husband told me today that he has now lost 30 pounds (same as me) ... and he doesn't exercise other than golfing once a week, and he drinks too much beer, and it just doesn't seem to be as hard for him to forgo snack foods. Not fair. :grumble:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Checking in for the weekend -

    We had another farm weekend planned but every one is so poor - and I've been so busy with life that we didn't really spread the word much this time. Even Ken and Meghan skipped it since Meghan is working a summer job at the cottage and Ken didn't want to drive 3 hrs each way.

    Usually we take the mastiff and leave the setter home to guard the place - but due to recent events I took Simon the setter (who's 7 yrs old and mostly white with red speckles) with me and left Figgy at home with the chickens. When ever I leave the chickens out with the dogs I am always half expecting to come home to a back yard full of feathers and no chickens but once again it all worked out fine! (we have sitters who will stop by and feed the dogs and check on them).

    Simon and I got to the farm around 11:30 PM and we were the only ones there! I realized as I sat in the driveway and looked up at the dark empty house on the hill, that I probably should have checked the Facebook page before I left! I haven't been to the farm over night by myself since I was in college! I will admit here that for a few seconds I even kinda wondered if there was a surprise party for me since this was my birthday weekend (but not a significant year). :embarassed:

    The weather was beautiful, mid 70s, bright harvest half moon, and partly cloudy so the clouds would sweep across the star filled sky and when they covered the moon it would get crazy dark! The farm is about 20 miles from the nearest town - so there is no "light pollution" to worry about and the stars always look ridiculously bright! :heart:

    Simon and I made up my bed and unpacked and then I found a cold diet coke in the refrigerator and I baked a pizza - and we sat on the porch. I lit a bunch of tea lights and put them in water glasses along the porch railing - it was a beautiful night and I don't remember the last time I just sat out on a dark porch and enjoyed the cacophony of frogs and cicadas for a few hours! Simon would do a run down to the barn and back but otherwise stayed dry and basically snoozed on the porch. I went to bed around 2 AM. I'm happy to report that I must be all grown up because I didn't get freaked out in the old empty house on the hill in the middle of nowhere :glasses:

    Friends started arriving mid day Saturday and it turned out to be just a nice small group of us, along with my sister and her wife, and their two dogs. My little baby sister is expecting her first in November!

    SO here we go:
    Calories - pretty close
    Water - good
    Exercise - two hours in the garden helping with potatoes and onions!
    Proud - considering the amount of food and I made mostly smart choices (maximum bang for the calorie!)

    Calories WAY over (three crab cakes for lunch!)
    Water - awesome (finished off the tea which I count as water)
    Exercise - as I could barely move after the potato harvest (yeah - one little row with four of us working on it) no exercise for me!
    Proud - When I got home I ate a spoon full of peanut butter and a banana for dinner which is far better than normal!
  • purpleprose
    Hey everyone!

    I had a good weekend, for the most part. Spent Saturday morning at the 2 local markets, getting fresh vegetables, fruits, and meat for the coming week, then drove up to see my best friend and some of my classmates. The only downside with Saturday is that I was insanely hungry ALL DAY. I did my best to eat well, but I went way over (I even stopped recording what I was eating). It's not like I was eating junk food or anything, but it was just one of those hollow days where nothing fills you up.

    Sunday was spent hiking along the riverfront before it got too hot (it was gorgeous when we were out), then running errands and driving back home. I made up a yummy pasta and vegetables recipe on the fly last night for dinner (heavenly!) but was still up 3.5 pounds on the scale this morning. I know it's sodium (I didn't drink nearly enough water this weekend) so I'm setting myself a goal of getting in at least 8 cups every day this week. I was hoping to get under 200 this week, but, at this point, I'll be happy to be even with last week!

    Julie - can you believe she's already a month old? Glad it sounds like the breastfeeding is getting better.
    Heather - love that you went for the harder trail! WTG! And I love that you are incorporating your fitness into your relationship.
    Leeann - it's easier for men to lose weight. Sickeningly easier, so don't let it get you down.
    Melinda - (I just blanked on your name, so I hope I'm right) Sounds like the farm was a lot of fun this weekend and I love being out in the middle of nowhere, looking up at the stars.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    mstahl-Your night at the farm sounds amazing!! Can I borrow it for a night!? ha!!
    lstpaul-You will get your groove back. Are you still taking your nutrition classes?
    heather-You hiking machine!! I loved looking at your pictures on facebook
    Allison-I hate those days where no matter what you want to eat everything in sight!!

    My weekend was so great..until yesterday. I spent the weekend with the guy I WAS dating and we had a great time. We were together from Friday evening till yesterday afternoon. I broke up with him last night. I wish I could tell you what happened but I'm pretty unsure myself. A long story short he told me he felt like he has to "check in" with me allt he time. I didn't even realize that this had happened or that's how he felt. He just kept on and kept on about it and finally told me he needed to focus on getting his divorce final. They've been sepearted for 8 months but not divorced yet. Telling me he needed space. Something wasn't sitting right. He spent all Friday night telling my friend about how much he cares about me and I'm the best thing that's ever happened to him etc etc etc...so I got online cause I had a bad feeling. He had created a new dating profile on the website we met on. So I dumped him. He hung up on me when I confronted him. I haven't gotten any answers. I'm very confused and left with wheels in my head turning trying to figure out what happened. I'll probably never know. I get to go do the dreaded pick up my things on Wednesday. I'm trying to be positive and stay motivated to continue losing weight. The scale is finally moving in the right direction. I'm struggling friends....struggling.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Melinda: Your solo evening at the farm sounds amazing. I'm glad you had a wonderful weekend and your chickens were safe.

    Jess: Bummer about the guy, but please, please, don't let it keep you from focusing on what you need to do for your health. It sounds like the guy was a jerk and was too scared or cowardly to tell you how he really felt about the situation. You're better off without him, but you already know that! Keep up the awesome work you've been doing with your workouts!!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Keep your head up, Jess!!! WONDERFUL for you to know to get out when you had the bad feeling (A long time ago, I was victim to not trusting my instincts and paid dearly in the end).

    Monday's been busy as usual today... but I'm thinking of all of you!

    I have an appointment with a nutritionist tonight! Looking forward to getting a grip on my pants size!! hahah (I realize I have a pretty good reason for the weight gain... but I need to make sure I'm gaining it properly!)