Why did you start trying to lose weight?

I realized I was getting larger than I wanted to be. I would look in the mirror and think "I look fat today" like everyday. Then I realized...Maybe I'm just getting fat haha. I gained a lot of weight really fast after my sister passed away 4 months ago.. How about you guys?


  • FatDadSlim
    FatDadSlim Posts: 497 Member
    When even my "Homer pants" started to become tight!
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Because I'm fat, and not getting any younger.
  • carlxo21
    carlxo21 Posts: 143 Member
    my mom got diagnosed with lung disease. I want to be healthy and avoid disease
  • kylee_marie
    kylee_marie Posts: 299 Member
    I was in the dressing room at target trying on clothes for work and I had my son with me. He is only 4 and he said to me... Mom you are too fat to wear that.... I know he doesn't know any better by I definitely felt like crying. Sometimes it takes people that love you to tell you what you don't want to hear! I want to be a good role model for him, I want to run around with him and enjoy it!
  • Tuffjourney
    Tuffjourney Posts: 971
    I broke the bed, starting getting heart palps, snoring, sleep apnea. Then broke a chair. Looked in a mirror and wondered where did I go?
  • kaylaortega
    Because when I was walking up my stairs I was winded and my chest started hurting! I have two grandchildren and I want to be the grandma to run and be able to play with them! I
  • unicorn19girl
    unicorn19girl Posts: 56 Member
    Had chest pains one night...scared me straight. Now 112 pounds lighter, I will NEVER go back to that.
  • SeanC86
    SeanC86 Posts: 88
    When the army said shape up, or get out. haha Pretty serious there. I was quite overweight for the standards, and I needed to get better on my run and PT test. Frankly... it feels a lot better being healthier then I was before, so I now use that as my reason. :D
  • meemo88
    meemo88 Posts: 436 Member
    after a guy stopped calling me and i called him and asked why he told me he doesnt like "big girls"
  • littleali
    littleali Posts: 179 Member
    I was in a group doing a team building activity at school, there were 10 of us and the RAF guys running it threw out two free tee-shirts that everybody wanted. I was lucky enough to grab one and was chuffed, until the other girls made comments such as 'that won't fit you! god, give it here!' 'come on, just give me the tshirt!' and being a wetblanket at that point I just handed it to them and ran off to cry. From then on I pledged to not only get smaller, but also stand up to myself. What's funny is looking back on it, those girls were a pretty similar size to me!
  • leonardk09
    leonardk09 Posts: 86 Member
    Well, I've been overweight my entire life. I have a broader bone/body structure, so I realize that it just sort of came naturally with who I am. My parents got divorced when I was 9, and I started binging food like crazy, and it was a serious problem that my parents never realized. It lasted until I was 18. When I was 8, I was diagnosed with premature hypothyroidism, which my mother failed to even pay attention to. I ended getting the full on diagnosis when I was 17. Long story short, I've been on and off diets since I was 13, and I finally decided that I needed to this for myself and no one else. My weight has caused me a lot of emotional stress, and I want to grab it by the balls before it's too late.
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    I've never been overweight, and then last fall my clothes started feeling tighter. I never weighed myself so I didn't really think much of it. Then I realized I didn't like wearing anything fitted. Then I realized I had fat rolls on my back. That was the point where I decided enough is enough!!
  • BobertC
    BobertC Posts: 123
    when my wife told me she was no longer attracted to me :(
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I had chest pains, stomach pains, everyday. I was unhappy and stressed out. I didnt want to go anywhere and i felt old and ugly. I was always tired, my clothes didnt fit me anymore and i told myself months ago i was not going to go back to being in the 150lbs again. i got up to 159lb and i refused to go into the 160lbs. I started eating better and my fiance a few days later found this site and we both joined. I am 16ls down and he is 20lbs down. I hardly am in any pain anymore. Oh i used to have constant lower back pain and it is gone.
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    I want "me" back. My confidence has been and is lacking. I'm usually the "over-confident" woman who isn't scared or anything....However, since I gained all this extra weight, I don't feel as comfortable presenting, being in front of people, or even enjoying summer time activities. This "WILL" be the last summer that I avoid beach outings. Time to get back to being me again ;D
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    I have an 18 month old daughter and when she started eating the food my husband and I were eating, I knew I had to change the way we ate. I want her to be healthy and she deserves a mother who is healthy and a good example. I once heard someone say being the the best person you can be is a gift you give those who need you the most. That really resonated with me.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I went for a physical and didn't like what the scale said.
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    I want "me" back.

    I feel the same way.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    I had this idea I would just get skinny, then I realized I had to make it happen. I would excersise but not track my calories, and I finally decided I at least had to try. What was the point of being fat and unhappy. There are so many places I want to go and things I want to do and I will never do them becasue of my weight.
  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    Two words: vacation pics.