Why did you start trying to lose weight?



  • shybelle
    shybelle Posts: 254 Member
    I've been overweight my entire life. However, I ballooned up and was just miserable. Felt bad..looked bad..one night I weighed and the number scared the crap outta me. I decided taht night I was going to lose weight... 69lbs down...roughly 55 more lbs to go.
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    I felt fat all the time. I hated looking in the mirror. I started to feel like I took up more room than anyone else on the subway, train, etc... I got winded walking. I felt like a frumpy mom of 3 and not a sexy woman anymore. And my fat jeans got tight.

    And worst of all, I lost 100 lbs when I was younger (18-21). I had been 280 lbs then and got down to 180. One day I got on the scale and was 289 lbs and just could not believe that I let myself get there AGAIN.

    So I started trying for real.
  • daniran
    daniran Posts: 233 Member
    This was a great question. I love the many reasons everyone is trying to lose weight.

    Myself.... I want to look and feel better and healthier. I'm getting older and want to be a healthy "older." I'm tired of hearing "we don't carry your size" or choosing from a limited selection; tired of leg cramps; making noises when I move; not being able to breathe when bending over to buckle/tie my shoes; getting numbness in my limbs; high blood pressure.

    Well I think that just about covers it....
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Two words: vacation pics.

    That'd be me too
  • jillwaller
    jillwaller Posts: 82
    I know I'm healthy, but I feel this is the way to get as toned and tight as possible!:)
  • tracey121
    tracey121 Posts: 1
    I hate feeling tired all the time, I have a three year old, and have very little energy for her. I just feel like I'm carrying around too much weight...oh yeah...I want to look HOT!!!
  • leilani♥
    leilani♥ Posts: 579
    I have a few reasons:

    When my jeans wouldn't button anymore :grumble:
    When my father in law took FULL BODY PICS of me and my daughters on Easter and saw through pics how large I became. (I only post pics on facebook that are headshots lol). I had to change my facebook settings to not allow my friends to see tagged pics of me.
    When I stepped on the scale and realized that I had gained 20 lbs after getting my IUD inserted. (I GOT IT TAKEN OUT)
    When I looked down at my stomach and saw how extended it was :cry:
    I came to a realization that I was eating very unhealthy on a daily basis and I want to live a LONG HEALTHY life so I can be there for my daughters.
  • cobaltis
    cobaltis Posts: 191 Member
    I started when I couldnt fit in the desks in class.

    I got serious when my ex dumped me and I wanted a good looking girl so I knew my chances were better if I was too :)
  • zml_mom
    zml_mom Posts: 270 Member
    because I was un happy and wanted to be able to enjoy my kids and do stuff with them without getting tired quickly
  • MdmAcolyte
    MdmAcolyte Posts: 382 Member
    To get fit rather than get thin. I want to be healthy and strong :).... so that when the zombie apolcolypse starts I can outrun the *kitten*.

    THAT IS AWESOME!! I'm stealing that and putting it on Facebook... Lol
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    Well, first time around (yea, I'm having to do it twice) I did it because I was 250lb, 17yrs old and no one liked me, quite literally. My P.E. teacher failed me twice because he didn't believe I wa strying hard enough. Truth be told, and it's pretty pathetic, I tried too hard and would get phsyically sick after P.E. class. On top of that, my dad bribed me with $ to lose weight. My mom lied to me to get me to do a diet "with" her (aka: she didn't do it). Among a ton of other things. So I lost 110lb completely unhealthily.

    That was 5 years ago. I got pregnant last year and gained 100lb, on top of the 30lb I had gained before hand. Idon't want to go through it all over again. My mom's already calling me fat again with no "congratulations!" for losing the first 50lb or anything. i want my fiance and my daughter to be proud of me, I want to be able to run around with no problems, I want to not worry if my shirts clinging to my rolls or anything.
    Being fat scares me so I refuse to stay this way. Only difference, I'm doing it the right way because skinny doesn't mean healthy, it matters how you get there.
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    Because I'm fat, and not getting any younger.


    And my closet wouldn't support another wardrobe in the next size up!
  • Maggie_Pie1
    Maggie_Pie1 Posts: 322 Member
    after a guy stopped calling me and i called him and asked why he told me he doesnt like "big girls"

    That phrase is my pet peeve. Seriously. One of my girlfriends is overweight, too - and I love her to death, but one day we were shopping in the mall and she said to me "They don't make cute clothes for us "bigger girls"". That's when I realized I need to lose weight. Not only because she called me a 'bigger girl', and I cringe at the term, but because she was right - the clothes are atrocious. I want to be able to walk into any store in the mall, find a cute top or pair of jeans, and know they'll have it in my size and NOT be limited to stores that sell clothes to 'big girls'.

    That's not the only reason, though. There are a lot of reason I started, too many to list.
  • DebsFernandez
    I like the Zombie Apocalypse answer! :P

    Well, I have been trying to lose weight for about 3 or 4 years. Before that I was the smallest I had ever been. I have always struggled with my weight since elementary school. It wasn't until I became really active with my sisters and friends (playing sports and whatnot) that I actually lost a lot of weight and was able to fit into my youngest sisters clothes (we were cool so she didn't mind sharing with me :P ). I don't actually know how much I weighed by I measured by where I was able to get my clothes. Well, after that I put on a lot of weight again and am now the biggest I have ever been. It's depressing and still depresses me when I get ready everyday and have to look at myself and my clothes. I have tried several times to try and lose weight, but...well I have no excuse I guess. Now, my best friend (who is on here also) had started to lose weight after having her beautiful baby girl to live a better life for herself and her baby. I really admired that. Then she said that next year she wants our small group of friends to do a marathon. I said yes. I don't know why I did, but I did. I'm glad, because I don't want to break a promise that I made to my friend because I couldn't do it for being fatty. She is the only person who cares enough to support me and help me get through it. I will admit that I just started a few days ago. The next few weeks will be hard but I am determined. I need to make a change. I need to feel better about myself. I read all these posts that say how they feel more confident and better about themselves and I want to feel that way about myself too. I never have.
  • MdmAcolyte
    MdmAcolyte Posts: 382 Member
    I decided to try (again) to lose weight when I met my boyfriend James. He likes to travel and go to interesting places and I really want to be able to keep up with him, look fantastic in our vacation photos, and look like the trophy wife he deserves someday. Part 2 to that of course is when the time comes and we decide to get married, I want to have a REAL wedding and look absolutely fabulous. He loves me the way I am, and I am not aiming to lose weight for him (he's packing a couple extra pounds too), but I am finally at a point in my life where I am happy again and I deserve having my rock star body back. Ive loved and raised my kids, Ive been married and divorced twice, and now its "MY" time. Im going to make it worth it. ;)
  • ShaunHensley
    Because I would like to start dating again. : )
  • MintyCandy
    MintyCandy Posts: 44
    I don't want to be overweight my whole life. I'd like to be athletic.
  • MelissaCagle
    MelissaCagle Posts: 52 Member
    I was in really good shape (110 Lbs) Then I got preg. with my first. I got really big (160), the I got down to 130. Then I got preg. with my second child and got up to 190 with her. I'm am 181 Lbs now and she is 16 months already. I really want my body back. I'm wanting to get done to 130. I hate the way I look, I want to feel pretty again. Not look in the mirror and think I'm so fat.
  • ivansmomma
    ivansmomma Posts: 500
    To continue to be more healthy. After 14 years of fighting a rare auto-immune disease and a kidney transplant, I am ready to continue living a long life.
  • tobybear
    tobybear Posts: 109
    I'm 57 years old, my sister is 10 years older than me and she has problems with her hips and knees. I don't want that to happen to me so I need to buckle up and start working out.