so what was your OMG moment?? how did you end up on here?



  • 100lb
    100lb Posts: 75 Member
    I didn't have one...I was looking for free apps on my blackberry and saw this one. Blackberry made me lose weight. There's a marketing campaign!

    rofl, same for me. Got the Android app then thought I'd log a day. My OMG was realising what I "normally eat" - healthy but LARGE!
  • capricorn144
    capricorn144 Posts: 335 Member
    Hit my highest weight AGAIN! :angry: found the app for my iPhone for MFP and the rest is history.
    I will never go back up to that weight again.
    end of story
    Just 2 lbs shy of 25 lbs lost! Off blood pressure med too!
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Got the Android app then thought I'd log a day. My OMG was realising what I "normally eat" - healthy but LARGE!

    My story is similar. I work for a hospital, so they promote wellness A LOT. I joined the 2011 Meltdown Challenge and knew I had to do something or else I'd let my team down. I started logging all of my calories on a piece of ledger paper and about crapped myself when I saw how many calories I was actually eating on a daily basis. No wonder I weighed 282 pounds!! A fellow Meltdown member suggest MFP to me so I checked it out and was IMMEDIATELY addicted. I now have a lot more control/understanding over what I eat and how it affects my body and attribute most of my success to religiously counting calories.
  • melanie_klerer
    When my "fat pants" were getting just a little too tight and i avoided mirrors like it was my kob.
  • allenpearcy
    allenpearcy Posts: 227 Member
    I was at the doctor and weighed 382 lbs, was told I was "pre-diabetic" and needed to start a prescription for High Blood Pressure. I wasn't sure I could do it, but I have lost 130 lbs so far (since October of last year) and will hit my goal of losing 192 before I am done!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    There are a lot of reasons and it's quite embarrassing but here it goes :

    - None of my clothes fit me except my "really" fat clothes so I resorted to wearing the same clothes week after week to work. Yeah, I know, terrible. It was like this for 1 year until now. Same clothes (of course i take them to dry cleaner every friday so they will be ready on Monday) :embarassed:

    - I have a closet full of clothes I can't wear.

    - My husband is younger than me and I want to be able to feel sexy and more active/positions in bed :embarassed:

    - I started getting chest pains at 32...... yeah, no bueno.

    - I have a history of diabetes, heart disease and cancer in my family, don't want to follow their footsteps.

    - Looking at pictures of a party I went to recently where I could see a 18 wheeler size freaking roll sticking out of my gut ((horrible))

    ..... among other things, sigh.
  • capricorn144
    capricorn144 Posts: 335 Member
    I turned 60, I hit 185.8 (all time high), ws on BP med that kept adjusting up higher with each visit. Felt lousy.
    Looked on my iPhone for a calorie diary that I could log what I ate into.
    Found MFP and the rest is history!

    I have checked in every day since April 13th 2011 and I have lost 25 lbs. My goal #1.
    So that was it for me...never going to stop doing what I am doing. It works.
    I just treat each day like a budget of calories for the day and stay in the parameter.
