Tazzy's August Challenged



  • abzbargs
    abzbargs Posts: 100 Member
    Hi just checking in with my weight loss. I was 184.5 on the 1st august and today I weighed 180.5, so a 4lbs loss this week, yipee!

    I've walked a lot this last week and did a mini triathalon last monday, an exercise class another night and some toning/strengthening work every day. Most exercise was walking though. I was also more aware of my water and sodium intake. I ate cake and pancakes and some biscuits, but within my calorie allowance. This and my other august challenge has pushed me this week. I'm not going to become complacent though, am gonna work my butt of the whole of august.

    How has everyone else getting on? Hope you've all had a successful week, whether it's weight, measurements or general wellbeing:)
  • minni2906
    minni2906 Posts: 182
    I unfortunately didn't touch my treadmill this week. I have been feeling sick all week. But I stayed within my carb range, and I lost 1.2lbs this week. From 210.8 to 209.6. :)
  • beachbumdoug
    beachbumdoug Posts: 171 Member
    Week check in:
    Lost 2.2 pounds, walked 2 miles 3 times this week. Did a ton of other cardio such as zumba and mountain biking and averaged about 80 oz. of water a day.
  • vnelson17
    Just checking in- one week down, 3.5 pounds down!!!!!!
  • MayMaydoesntrun
    MayMaydoesntrun Posts: 805 Member
    I knew it. Started off last Monday at 174. On Wednesday, I was 171. After my race this weekend and good food, I weighed in at 174 this morning. So 0 loss. I'll get it done. Damn.
  • amyp26
    amyp26 Posts: 12
    Just checking in.. after the first week I am down 1.8 pounds!
  • Sumijain
    Sumijain Posts: 309 Member
    Good morning, everyone. For my first week I've lost 2.6 lbs. Pretty excited about it since it was a harder week than usual. I ate out a lot and found myself hungry after dinner a few times. On the plus side, I walked 10 miles! That's probably more than I've walked in most months previously. :)
  • gdneff
    gdneff Posts: 279 Member
    Well, here it is time to check in, and unfortunately I don't think I have helped us reach our goal very much. I love 0.2 pounds this week. I did my exercises. I think I am not eating enough to make up for the exercise, and have put my body into starvation mode or something.

    But am not going to give up. It is another week, and time to look forward not back.

    Good luck to everyone else last week and this upcoming week!
  • bravesgirl1
    Lost 2 lbs since my August 3rd weigh in!!!! Yay me! :happy:
  • martha1485
    martha1485 Posts: 70 Member
    Ok so time to LOG and I must say the sorenes and exhaustion have paid of..... initial weight 139.3.... CURRENT WEIGHT 133.1!!!!!!!! I am soooooo happy!!!!!! Lost 6.2 pounds in a week!!!!! At this rate I will have reached my August goal by next Monday!!!! (fingers crossed)
  • bravesgirl1
    Does anyone know why my weight loss ticker isn't showing? Nm it is now??
  • martha1485
    martha1485 Posts: 70 Member
    Well, here it is time to check in, and unfortunately I don't think I have helped us reach our goal very much. I love 0.2 pounds this week. I did my exercises. I think I am not eating enough to make up for the exercise, and have put my body into starvation mode or something.

    But am not going to give up. It is another week, and time to look forward not back.

    Good luck to everyone else last week and this upcoming week!

    Hi there!!!! Since I started my weight loss journey at 163 pounds I have lost 30 pounds... and let me tell you it is no easy feat !!!! nevertheless... it is important for you to star focused and keep at it!!!!! I don't believe your body has gone into starvation mode..... it is so much more likely that you have hit a plateau.... after years of dieting I have now learned that it is not about what you eat but about how you live!!!! Weight loss is directly linked to a lifestyle change!!!!! I would be delighted to help you in this journey... please feel free to add me as a friend, and if your food diary is public I would be more than happy to take a look at it and give you a couple of pointers!!!!

    remember .... losing weight is not a sprint it is a marathon so keep at it!!!!
  • Sheesgotarms
    Checking in, Starting weight was 184 lbs, I am now 183. No excuses but whenever I travel my weight goes up a little being out of my element. I exercised 3 times last week , total miles was 5.25 intermediate. Sodium was under for the week but I still was vacation puffy. Thanks Taz, you are the best.
  • Macknbee
    Macknbee Posts: 22 Member
    Started at 272, now at 269... quarter of the way to my goal of 12 lbs!!
  • crazycat828
    Signature updated.. 3.2 lbs in one week! Thanks for the motivation Miss Tazzy.
  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    Weight loss 7 pounds
    Sodium under -4871
    Water consumed 1,064 ounces
    Walking Advance Group 15 miles a week i did only 11.8 miles. so i fell short . Next week will do better.
    Second week Get ready Set Go !!!!
  • starting0vern09
    starting0vern09 Posts: 79 Member
    ok well my tracker doesnt show any cuz i had gained a few before starting but i am down 2lbs this week taz so goal met i guess. gonna attempt to try a little harder this week to make sure it comes off for the next weigh in
  • fat_girl_b_gone
    Checking in for week 1: I feel short on the pounds this week and I know where I went wrong. My food choices were not the best and it showed on the scale. However I did lose 2 inches off my waist, 2.5 off my chest and one inch of each one of my arms and legs. At least something is moving and I will take a loss any where I can get it,
  • Jycooper
    Jycooper Posts: 195
    Good evening. Lost exactly 1 pound, was 196.4 now 195.4. Did one workout his past wk. This past wk was hard hopefully it will be better this wk.
  • EBundrige
    Last week I did 10 miles for the week.. mainly because I was told not to exercise last Wed. due to issues with my back. But I did run my first 5K Saturday! woot woot! However, my food intake has been off since going back to work last week.. so I know this year I will be doing a lot more planning for my lunches.. so sad to say- not weight loss yet.. Week 2 must be better.
