The last 10 pounds challenge (closed group)



  • jrueckert
    jrueckert Posts: 355 Member
    Hi! I'm Jordin. I'm 21 years old and I'm looking to lose the last nine pounds to reach my goal weight :) I'm excited for this challenge, I hope it will motivate me to get moving!

    My Stats -

    Height: 5'8"
    Starting Weight: 139.4
    Goal Weight: 130
    *Waist: 28 in.
    *Lower Abs: 36.5 in.
    *Hips: 35.5 in.
    *Thighs: 20.5
    *Arms: 10.5

    Good luck to everyone! Happy Losing!
  • brianna626
    brianna626 Posts: 156
    So sorry I did not post this yesterday. My name is Brianna and I am 24 years old and married to the love of my life, no children yet. I just finished a Master's Degree in Educational Counseling to be a school counselor. I started MFP at a healthy weight (135) but it was at the higher end I am hoping to gain muscle and get toned. The last time I weighed in I was 130.9 and today I was 132.8. I am hoping to get to 120 but I have been fluctuating from 128 to 132 for two months and I am getting frustrated. I am hoping this challenge will help me break through my plateau and reach my goal.

    My Stats:

    Height 5'4.5
    Starting Weight 132.8
    Goal Weight 115-120
    Waist 26
    Lower abs at belly button 29
    Lower abs 2 inches below belly button 32.5
    Hips 38.5
    Thighs 20
    Arms 10.25
  • vsetter
    vsetter Posts: 558 Member
    Unless you have special medical needs, your diet should have a good balance of macronutrients (carbs, protein, fat). Your body needs fat! Crazy, I know. EVEN CRAZIER -- the average American diet only consists of 15% protein. This is crazy because protein helps build and re-build cells (including muscle cells). AND...muscle, by itself, helps burn fat!!! How can you lose?? The only way to preserve muscle tissue when drastically cutting calories is to eat a lot of protein. So.....

    What are your macronutrient goals? My goals are set to 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat.

    If you want to change your goals, click goals (from your home page), click change goals at the bottom of the page, click the cusom option.

    Sorry for all of the nerdy information --- I'm reading a new book, "The New Rules of Lifting for Women". I'll keep you posted on the other tid bits that I learn. :laugh:
  • brianna626
    brianna626 Posts: 156
    So sorry I did not post this yesterday. My name is Brianna and I am 24 years old and married to the love of my life, no children yet. I just finished a Master's Degree in Educational Counseling to be a school counselor. I started MFP at a healthy weight (135) but it was at the higher end I am hoping to gain muscle and get toned. The last time I weighed in I was 130.9 and today I was 132.8. I am hoping to get to 120 but I have been fluctuating from 128 to 132 for two months and I am getting frustrated. I am hoping this challenge will help me break through my plateau and reach my goal.

    My Stats:

    Height 5'4.5
    Starting Weight 132.8
    Goal Weight 115-120
    Waist 26
    Lower abs at belly button 29
    Lower abs 2 inches below belly button 32.5
    Hips 38.5
    Thighs 20
    Arms 10.25

    Forgot to add this
    BMI 22.5
    Body Fat % 23.7
    I am also set to 40% 30% 30%.
  • srwilliams3
    Hi I am Sierra and im turning 24 on wednesday. I weighed 133 when I started MFP. I work full time at a desk and I have gotten lazy and smushy. I want to tone up and hopefully lose a few inches. I just started training for the Nike Womens Half Marathon in San Fran October 16th. I am really excited about kicking it into gear these next 12 weeks.

    Hieght: 5'4"
    Weight: 130
    Goal weight: 120
    Waist at belly button28.5
    2 inches below belly button 34.0
    hips 39.0
    Bust 33.0
    Arms 12.0
    Thighs 22.0
    I dont know what my BMI or body fat % is...
  • Brooklyn85
    Hi, I'm Brooklyn; hope I'm not too late to join this. Just did a search for losing the last 10 pounds today and found this. I am full-time grad student, so time for exercise and planning healthy meals is really hard most of the time. And when I'm stressed I quickly lose sight of my goals and just whatever is easiest. I also get migraine headaches that totally disrupt all workout plans for days at a time. I'm really trying to get at least 5 pounds off before I get too far into the fall semester in mid-September.

    Height: 5'7"
    Highest weight (over 3 years ago): 145
    Current Weight: 136 (stayed between 130-136 for the last 2 years)
    Goal Weight: 126
    Eventual Goal Weight: 120-123
    Waist at belly button: 28"
    2 inches below belly button: 34"
    Hips: 38"
    Bust: 36"
    Arms: 10.5"
    Thighs: 22"
    BMI: 21.3
    BAI: 25.5 (

    Daily net calorie goal set to 930
    Ratios set to 40 carbs 30 protein 30 fat
  • Jerseygirl02
    To continue from earlier today. I'm Sharon , married to my best friend and the mom of 2 beautiful little ones, ages 2 & 4. I have lost 55lbs since January of last year and now I am stuck trying to loose the last 10 pounds.

    Height 5'6"
    Current weight 168
    Goal weight 158
    Hips 40"
    Thigh 22"
    Bust 36"
    Arms 13"
    BMI 27
  • vsetter
    vsetter Posts: 558 Member
    Woohoo! There are 14 of us in this group! Very exciting!

    So as I mentioned, I am reading this new book. It says that I need to be eating more calories so that I am not losing muscles (in addition to fat). I also have to eat back my exercise calories too (which in some cases may mean eating 2000 calories). I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around this, but I am going to give it a shot! I've been stuck for a month at this weight --- I'm ready to try a whole new plan.

    I have set my calories to 1/2 pound loss per week, which comes to about 1450 calories per day.

    I didn't meet that calorie goal today (I'm used to eating 1000-1200 per day). Maybe tomorrow will be better! I drank my water though, which is a HUGE accomplishment for me.
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Sorry two days late posting my stats :happy:

    Hi, my name is Kate. I joined MFP in March and I love this site....I stalk it, haha!!! I'm 30yrs old (for the next 30days anyway). I'm happily married to my best friend in the whole world. We have been together for 10 1/2yrs and married for 4. No kids, just our kitties!
    I've gotten into a pretty good workout routine and was even at my goal weight in May, but the bbq's and weekends away, so far this summer, have brought back 3lbs. I'm currently going to the gym 5-6days per week (depending on what the weekend plans are) and I'm on level 3 of the 30day shred. I usually do 30mins of cardio and 15-20 strength training per day. Before I started the shred I was incorporating yoga in 3-4 times per week (and I can't wait to get back to it next week). When I strength train I usually only do upper body, since I feel I get lower body gets worked through my cardio and yoga (and now 30DS). I plan on doing the 30DS quarterly to kick my body into gear every few months.

    Height- 5'5 1/2
    Starting weight-131.2
    Goal Weight-127-128
    Waist (at narrowest point)-27
    Lower abs-32

    I also have my weight loss set at 1/2lb per week and my exercise goals are 450mins and 2140 calories burned per week. My base calories are 1390 and I typically eat my exercise calories back but last week I started to only eat half back hoping to see a some weight loss (nothing so far). I usually drink about 4-5liters of water a day.

    Ok everyone let do this!!!!!!!!!
  • sunnikim
    sunnikim Posts: 30
    Ok ladies....for those of you who are moms who work full-time, how do you find the time to work out? I am REALLY struggling with this (and have been for a while). When I do workout it's been at 9:30 at night after my kids go to bed. Most nights, however, I'm just too tired at that point. I've tried to set my alarm to get up early, but I end up setting it back to a later time when it goes off or if I wake up before it goes off. I used to be able to get up at 5am on a daily basis, but since having kids I've gotten lazier (just more exhausted) and try to sleep until 6am. I'd really like to find the motivation to start working out in the mornings, that way my evenings are free. How can I kick my butt into gear?
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    Woohoo! There are 14 of us in this group! Very exciting!

    So as I mentioned, I am reading this new book. It says that I need to be eating more calories so that I am not losing muscles (in addition to fat). I also have to eat back my exercise calories too (which in some cases may mean eating 2000 calories). I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around this, but I am going to give it a shot! I've been stuck for a month at this weight --- I'm ready to try a whole new plan.

    I have set my calories to 1/2 pound loss per week, which comes to about 1450 calories per day.

    I didn't meet that calorie goal today (I'm used to eating 1000-1200 per day). Maybe tomorrow will be better! I drank my water though, which is a HUGE accomplishment for me.

    I've been thinking about changing mine to 1/2 lb. instead of one full pound per week. I created a thread asking about upping calories, but I didn't get a lot of responses. (I've been eating my exercise calories back this whole time, but that's nowhere near 2000-- more like 250-500, haha.)

    I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking about this! What's the name of the book?
  • vsetter
    vsetter Posts: 558 Member
    Kim -- I'm just like you, I don't have much time to workout with the kids around. Usually I am working out at 10pm. I can't seem to wake up early enough in the morning to get it in then. Plus -- I'm just NOT a morning person. Night is just best for me! If I joined a gym, I might be able to sneak some time in right after work. But right now I am working out at home.

    cheshirechic -- I am reading The New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women: Lift Like a Man, Look Like a Goddess. I have found it to be very interesting! I'm sure I'll be posting a lot of what I learn.
  • srwilliams3
    It's my birthday, I already feel like im going to end up spluging. I ate really good yesterday and workout and plan on having a hard core workout tomorrow :)
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    It's my birthday, I already feel like im going to end up spluging. I ate really good yesterday and workout and plan on having a hard core workout tomorrow :)

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! Enjoy yourself!!!
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Was under my calorie goal last night UNTIL I stopped for hard pretzels after my mani-pedi, ended up eating 4, over calories by 46, carbs 36 and sodium 1375 HOLY COW!!!!!!!! I have to behave! Tonight I will be under cals by 131 but over sodium by 4...not too bad!!! (BTW I plan my weeks out in advance and try and keep within the guidelines I've laid out)
    Have a great day everyone!
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Was under my calorie goal last night UNTIL I stopped for hard pretzels after my mani-pedi, ended up eating 4, over calories by 46, carbs 36 and sodium 1375 HOLY COW!!!!!!!! I have to behave! Tonight I will be under cals by 131 but over sodium by 4...not too bad!!! (BTW I plan my weeks out in advance and try and keep within the guidelines I've laid out)
    Have a great day everyone!

    Had lunch with my brother and mom and no longer under calories....not by food (i did really well) but I decided to have a margarita.....that was my downfall :grumble:
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    Was under my calorie goal last night UNTIL I stopped for hard pretzels after my mani-pedi, ended up eating 4, over calories by 46, carbs 36 and sodium 1375 HOLY COW!!!!!!!! I have to behave! Tonight I will be under cals by 131 but over sodium by 4...not too bad!!! (BTW I plan my weeks out in advance and try and keep within the guidelines I've laid out)
    Have a great day everyone!

    Had lunch with my brother and mom and no longer under calories....not by food (i did really well) but I decided to have a margarita.....that was my downfall :grumble:

    I hope you enjoyed the margarita, though! I usually have 1-2 "cheat" meals a week (kind of subscribing to the 80/20 rule), and I always save it up for something that I know will be worth it. A margarita usually fits the bill. :D
  • vsetter
    vsetter Posts: 558 Member
    How is everyone doing this week?

    Don't forget that on Sunday we will check-in. Make sure to report your weight, how many days you did upper body strength training, and how many days you did lower strength training (squats and lunges). Make sure your food and water diaries are complete because I will be basing points on that information.

    Does anyone have an idea for next week's extra point challenge??? Send me a message if you have one in mind! I'll annouce the challenge on Sunday. Thanks!
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Had a rough night AGAIN last! I was sooooo over calories it was kind of gross!!! I usually save days like that for the weekend BUT my husband was working late and I was bored. I'm trying to make up for it today....increased my gym time this morning by 45mins and I will complete day5 level3 of the shred tonight. I'm also going to keep a deficit for the day (I know part of the challenge is to eat back your exercise calories, but I'd like my weekly average to kind of balance out).
    Anywho's HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    I had a tough few days. My aunt brought a chocolate cake with my favorite frosting... and then my ENTIRE family went on vacation (but me). So I've had this chocolate cake staring at me... I don't want to waste it.. .but it's EVIL. I had a couple slices of cake... AND I made oatmeal goji berry, blueberry, and cranberry cookies. All wheat and flax.. but not exactly steller in the health department with a 1/2 of a cup of butter.

    ugh. So I need to get my act together. I hope I can sugar fast for three weeks and kill the excessive sugar in my diary. Maybe form some new good habits? *hopes*

    Have a lovely morning ladies.