The last 10 pounds challenge (closed group)



  • manit1117
    manit1117 Posts: 54 Member

    I know the group is closed but I was hoping to follow your journey. I will be participating on my own :)
  • vsetter
    vsetter Posts: 558 Member
    I'm up to 125 squats. I should make that challenge. BUT --- I have already FAILED the water challenge. I'm really having a hard time getting my required water. A few times, I have waited toward the end of the day to drink my water. THEN....I was up 3-4 times during the night. I've gotta get better with drinking throughout the day. Those were easy points to get, and I dropped the ball.
  • vsetter
    vsetter Posts: 558 Member
    Any suggestions for next week's challenge????
  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    Thanks on the water challange! I now find that I am actively trying to drink more, to get some of those extra bonus points. Lol.

    Only 60 squats down (with weights) but by golly after looking at the table I need those points, I WANT those points! Got to love the competitive spirit! :happy: Need to get cracking!

    Just to fill you guys in a little as I joined the group late... Growing up I was a competitive swimmer and after finishing highschool I ballooned out to 176 Ib's (at only 5 foot 2!).After seeing my 21st birthday photos I decided I NEEDED to lose some weight. After many fad diets I lost about 28 Ib's with weight watchers and maintained it for years. Recently it had started creeping up but then I turned 30 and decided that it was time to get fit and healthy. We only have one body, right? And... I'm not getting any younger! So that got me onto MFP. 6 months later and another 24Ib's down here I am. I never thought I would get this far! I haven't been here since I was competitive swimming and am looking better at 30 than I did all through my 20s! And with only 3 Ib's to go, I am so close!! Goal is 116Ib. It sounds low but I am a solid shorty! So that's my story... thanks for the accountability and now let's ROCK IT!
  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    Any suggestions for next week's challenge????

    Something to do with a jog/run/walk?
  • vsetter
    vsetter Posts: 558 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Please welcome manit1117 !!!! She will joining our group and introducing herself soon! She will start with Sunday's weigh-in. Welcome!!!!!

  • vsetter
    vsetter Posts: 558 Member
    Any suggestions for next week's challenge????

    Something to do with a jog/run/walk?

    I love it! Another thought that I had for another week --- what if we add some competition. Maybe the top 3 people that do the most cruches (for example) will get extra points???
  • manit1117
    manit1117 Posts: 54 Member
    Hi All:
    Thank you for letting me jump aboard. Today is my day 1 with this challenge so I'm a bit behind. I'm sure I failed every challenge for this week but I'll put everything into high gear come Monday :wink:

    I'm 29yrs old, married, mother of 2 little boys (2.8yrs & 17mnths). I'm looking to lose the last 10lbs and I can use all the support I can get. I have lost all my pregnancy weight but growing up I always had those "last 10lbs" to lose. Now add in my stretched out belly well you get the picture my stomach needs alot of work :laugh:

    I've been doing Turbo Fire and I'm in the middle of Week 5. So far things are going ok but I need to get my eating under control. My biggest challenge is to not be ashamed when I have a cheat day (or 2). I need to log everything in and be hoenst with myself. This is a lifestyle change...not a temporary change. I need to accept that there will be highs and lows.

    So here's to us and losing these last stubborn 10 lbs :drinker:

    Height: 5'3"
    Starting Weight: 133.25 lbs
    Goal Weight: 125 lbs
    Waist: 30"
    Lower Abs: 35"
    Hips: 38"
    Thighs: 19.75"
    Arms: 10"

    These measurements were taken Tuesday but I'm still going to measure again on Sunday. I want to get on track with everyone else. As far as the squat challenge...I think I lost that one :ohwell:
  • manit1117
    manit1117 Posts: 54 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Please welcome manit1117 !!!! She will joining our group and introducing herself soon! She will start with Sunday's weigh-in. Welcome!!!!!


    Thank you. Glad to be here :bigsmile:
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Welcome manit1117!!!!!

    My week has been outstanding (if I say so myself :laugh: ), I have been soooo good and the scale was very very very nice to me today, can't wait to weigh in for my official weigh in this weekend, I think I will finally have some progress.
    I only have 50 squats left and I will probably knock them out today....might even add more :happy: I like squats!!! My legs have been super sore but a good sore. I started yoga again this week after not doing it for 30-some days and it feels soooo good :happy:

    So for next weeks challenge if its a jogging/running thing I will definitely fail. I have a real bad knee (its weak and cracks A LOT) and I am recovering from a broken bone in my foot, so......I say no :laugh: I tease but seriously I can't run!!!!!

    My camping trip got cancelled because of impending bad weather, so I should be able to stay within my calorie range and get to go to the gym tomorrow and sunday!!!!

    Happy friday everyone!!!!!!!!
  • manit1117
    manit1117 Posts: 54 Member
    kblue2007: congrats on your successful week :smile:

    Once a week Turbo Fire does Stretch 40 which is yoga. I cursed the DVD up and down and swore that I hated yoga. To my surprise I LOVE it :love: I did yoga before but I just might not have liked the type of yoga I was doing. Anyway stretch it girl :bigsmile:

    I thought I was the master of squats and enjoyed doing them until I met with a personal trainer. She told me I wasn't going low enough and I was insulted. So let me ask, how far into a squat do you go? I thought I was parallel and looking in the mirror I was parallel but the personal trainer had my butt basically touching the ground. I didn't like squats anymore after that. I still do them but now I feel that I'm always doing them wrong :frown:

  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    kblue2007: congrats on your successful week :smile:

    Once a week Turbo Fire does Stretch 40 which is yoga. I cursed the DVD up and down and swore that I hated yoga. To my surprise I LOVE it :love: I did yoga before but I just might not have liked the type of yoga I was doing. Anyway stretch it girl :bigsmile:

    I thought I was the master of squats and enjoyed doing them until I met with a personal trainer. She told me I wasn't going low enough and I was insulted. So let me ask, how far into a squat do you go? I thought I was parallel and looking in the mirror I was parallel but the personal trainer had my butt basically touching the ground. I didn't like squats anymore after that. I still do them but now I feel that I'm always doing them wrong :frown:


    Ha down to the ground PLEASE!!! Hahahahaha, I watched vidoes of squats and they were all had your legs parallel, so that's how I do them....might try it with my butt on the ground, but I have a feeling I won't like them anymore :laugh:
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    Hey all! I won't be back from my long weekend until Monday, so I will weigh in then. I'm bringing healthy foods to encourage me to stay on track even as I cruise the boardwalk. Wish me luck, and see all you lovely people Monday!
  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    Welcome Manit!

    So the week was going ok until today. Unhealthy choices!!

    The inlaws came to visit. I feel like I have to constantly have to prove myself to them. They are all 100+ Kg (210 Ib+) and they all look at me like I dont eat! I do! I struggle with weight too! I feel like I have to eat everything they do, so I am not considered 'difficult' or vain. That meant today for breakfast there was bacon and eggs and cereal and 4 slices of toast each (I got away with 2 slices of toast, 1 with peanut butter and the other with an egg but still I was hassled!) This was followed by chinese for lunch. Each time my plate was finished they re-filled it (I had to scrape it onto my hubby's plate). I had 2 dim sims, about a cup of fried rice (they refused to order plain) and 1 spring roll. I was stuffed. The day ended with lamb shanks for dinner with mash, bread and butter and wine. I got by with 1 shank, a little mash and salad (I was the only one who ate it!), 1 slice of bread with butter but couldnt resist the wine! For some reason it's always harder to knock back the wine when they visit. Funny that.


    The only one thing that went well today... was that I excused myself from the day of feed. and went for a walk that turned into a run. The longest run EVER! I used to struggle with running for 1 minute and today I managed to run for 45 minutes without barely breaking a sweat. One victory for today.

    Really lovely people the in-laws but just different to me. There is no way I could stay indoors ALL day and just eat without doing anything else. Unless I was sick in which case I would be sleeping between eating anways. I never thought eating less or differently to others would be so difficult or make me feel so uncomfortable. Such a bizzare other side of the fence to be.

    Luckily... before all this, I weighed in. I've hit this weight before, just a week before I joined the group and have bounced around it a bit so not a huge success but the right direction non the less.

    Weight- 55.8Kg (121 Ib)
    Monday- 60 minute Walk
    Thursday- Upper/Lower Weights
    Saturday- Upper and Lower Weights Class+90 minute walk.
    Sunday- 45 Minute Run

    Ps. How many squats was it? I think I did about 200 over the week. 60 on my own and than another 150 in a class. Killer. That combined with the running= sore gluteus maximus! Love the burn!

    Sorry about the length. Just needed to vent! Hope everyone's week went better than mine!!
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    It sounds like you made the best of the situation ljb! I totally understand how difficult to can be but you were able to limit but still enjoy! Great job!

    I got my HRM this week and I am loving it!! It makes be feel more comfortable eating all that food!!! And the scale agreed with me FINALLY!!!!

    Weight-130.6-WoooHoooo 1.6 down :)
    Tuesday-Elliptical, yoga, strength training
    Wednesday-Treadmill, strength training, yoga
    Thursday-Stationary bike, step mill, strength training, yoga
    Friday-Elliptical, step mill, strength training
    Saturday-Elliptical, treadmill, step mill, strength training
    I got all 200 squats in...I think I am going to incorporate them in every couple of days, they really help tighten the glutes!!!

    I went out last night and drank alittle too much!! I have a feeling I'll be overeating belly :wink:
  • vsetter
    vsetter Posts: 558 Member
    Well.....the scale is not being my friend. Today I was back up to 128#. I HATE this. I have been bouncing for 7 weeks now, bouncing between 125.5 and 128. I am really getting discouraged. You guys may have to light a fire under my *kitten*, because I am losing my own motivation. I am having more and more days of just not caring. I typically exercise 5-6 days a week, I added strength, I increased my calories. I don't know what else to do. My fat % is still high (according to my scale, I average 26% fat), so I KNOW there is more to lose. WTF??????

    CW = 128
    Sun - Turbo Fire
    Mon- Turbo Fire, Butt Bible upper
    Tues - Turbo Fire, Butt Bible lower
    Wed - Rest
    Thurs - Turbo Fire, Full body strength
    Fri - Turbo Fire
    Sat - rest (and eat lots of pizza)

    I FAILED at the water challenge!!!!! I think I only drank my water 1 day this week. I did hit 200 squats.

    So for fun.....or to make me sad....I plotted my weight loss so far. Check it out.....I'm STUCK!!!!
    I'm thinking about doing the Turbo Fire 5 day Inferno Plan which says you see results in 5 days. BUT it is 1200 calories and a crap load of cardio. You are not supposed to do more than 5 days (probably because that can't possibly be good for your body).

  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    @ ljb-- I can completely empathize with you with the in-laws (and even my parents sometimes). It's an insult to everyone if I don't eat dessert. :/

    @ kblue-- Awesome loss!!! It seems like you have reached the equilibrium between being healthy and still having fun. One day of hangover won't sabotage your amazing success.

    @ vsetter-- I read once that sometimes for a plateau, sometimes decreasing the intensity or frequency of workouts helps. I'm going to try this, and see what happens (mostly because of missing TOM). Next week, my goal is two days on, one day off, rinse and repeat. We'll see how that goes. Again, I can empathize.

    I went down to 137.4!!! I've never been this low. So happy. I only had one real "cheat meal," which was a lot of (skinny girl plus more tequila plus more lime) margaritas with...snacks. Too much. But I thoroughly enjoyed it.

    Sunday: Circuit training (No More Trouble Zones)
    Monday: Rest (AND...found my wedding shoes!!!)
    Tuesday: Yoga (Meltdown with Jillian, Levels one and two) and Zumba
    Wednesday: Zumba
    Thursday: Circuit training (No More Trouble Zones)
    Friday: Yoga (YM level 1) and Zumba
    Saturday: Rest

    I have no idea if I did the squats; I know I did some in various JM videos, but don't know how many. Count me out for that challenge.

    Yay for this week; we'll see how the next ones goes (last week of summer...). Thanks for the support, ladies! <3
  • crazytxmom
    crazytxmom Posts: 166 Member
    Hello ladies!

    So, I stayed under on calories almost everyday. Friday, not so much.

    I did drink my water & do my squats though.

    Sunday - 2 hour 45 min bike ride
    Monday - 30 Day Shred L1 - 60 squats
    Tuesday - 45 minutes weedeating the yard - 60 squats
    Wednesday - rest
    Thursday - rest
    Friday - 30 day Shred, 30 minute bike ride - 72 squats
    Saturday - 4 hours walking the mall school shopping with kiddos (only logged 2-1/2) - 24 squats

    My weight stayed the same, but that's OK. It will likely be several more weeks until that drops again.

    I can't wait to see what the challenge is this week!
  • vsetter
    vsetter Posts: 558 Member
    This week's challenge!!!!!!

    Let's do another 2 part challenge!

    5 points extra if you walk/jog/run/bike/whatever 5 EXTRA miles (this would above and beyond your normal workout)

    5 points extra will go to the top 3 with the most crunches for the week --- so make sure you are counting --- you will report your final number at weigh-in.

    Future challenge --- the average American eats 10g of fiber per day! You should have between 25-35g per day. How much do you eat? This week, pay attention to your fiber levels. Try to increase your levels SLOWLY (otherwise you could have digestive issues) over the next two weeks. Then --- we'll incorporate it into a challenge. But I'm not including it now because the increase must be gradual.
  • lgravitt1
    I would like to join your group. Is it too late? I have been stuck at this weight for so long despite following a 1200 calorie diet.

    Starting Weight: 123
    Goal Weight 118