(28th) group of 30 day shred / part 2



  • theseagull
    theseagull Posts: 181 Member
    Ooops .. I'm too late .. I must do day 6 + 7 today ...
  • corgifan
    corgifan Posts: 155 Member
    I took yesterday off. When the first half of your day is spent curled up on the bathroom floor I think you've got a good excuse. :)

    Doing Level 1, Day 10 tonight. SO excited to start Level 2 tomorrow! As great as the workouts are, they get pretty boring after awhile.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Hmm ... I seem to have got a bit out of sink, I notice on my calendar that I'm actually on level 1 day 9 today, not day 8 as I thought ... ah well, all good anyway, all done. Starting to feel really strong with the weights now. Looking forward to level 2 even though I'll start it on a Monday, which isn't ideal!
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Started Level 2 day 1 today - holy moly it was tough but I felt great after it! shock to the system - Level 1 is a good bit easier!

    Grace, I also just finished L2D1!!! LOVE the plank jacks, HATED the plank thrusts! I can NOT do the 1-leg extensions if my life depended on it. My shoulders truly burned after today's workout!

    ROCK ON, Gang! :tongue:
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Did my day 9 with boxing and windmills for the cardio intervals, going to do day 10 later on. :-)
    Will deffo try squats because most the fat I want rid of is on my thighs.
    thanks for the support guys ;-)

    Hey, I thought of something else, can you pony? It's not as high impact at the jumping because you always have one foot on the ground...
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    L1 day 10 done, level 2 tomorrow, yay!
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Finished Day 12 - L2D2. Nice.. trying to get deeper into my squats.
  • Ninnyninball
    Ninnyninball Posts: 29 Member
    Day 12 finished today - Level 2.

    Mscaramarie you are right about those squat thrusts - HATE THEM -not a big fan of the lunges is this level either but im persevering through!

    I'm just hopeing they get a bit easier!
  • corgifan
    corgifan Posts: 155 Member
    I took a couple days off due to illness, but I'll be picking back up tonight. L2D1 here I go.

    Side note....I peeked at my measurements, not all, but I did realize I've lost 2 inches off my waist! And I've still got 20 days to go! Woot!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Wow!!! 2 inches off your waist is AWESOME!!! YAY!

    I've done 2 days of level 2 now, and it's definitely harder, and a good burn for 20 mins exercise (200 - 220 calories) for me.

    I'm a bit sick atm, but I'm going to keep up my shred if I can. Missed my bootcamp this morning, but I had a tough night with sick kids and wasn't feeling too hot myself ... so had a lie in ...
  • corgifan
    corgifan Posts: 155 Member
    Feel better soon!

    I'm happy about the inches...would prefer if they came off right around my midsection, as that's where I'm widest, but hey, inches lost are inches lost! AND, I still have 18 days of the shred left!
  • theseagull
    theseagull Posts: 181 Member
    Today ..I must be on day 14 due to the starting day ... But I still in day 8 .. OMG ..OMG .. OMG !! I FEEL SO BAD ... AS A LOSER!!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Don't stress about it, just keep on going!!

    I've just done day 3 of level 2, all good. I managed to follow Natalie mostly, which is good as I'm still a bit under the weather. Feeling so much stronger though, really enjoying level 2, especially the burn! 220 cals today, which is just fab for 20 mins I think.
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Finished Day 17 L2D7. I kind of like this level. I'm starting to see strength increases in the gym, I was able to lift more this morning.

    Everyone have a GREAT day!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    day 4 level 2 done, quite enjoying level 2, my arms are soooo much stronger!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    No shred for me today :-( I fell asleep instead, and now I'm off to bed ... will just carry on tomorrow ... If I feel energetic later in the week I'll attempt to catch up, but I'm mega busy tomorrow, and fitting it in once will be a challenge!
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    No shred for me today :-( I fell asleep instead, and now I'm off to bed ... will just carry on tomorrow ... If I feel energetic later in the week I'll attempt to catch up, but I'm mega busy tomorrow, and fitting it in once will be a challenge!

    Personally, I don't think you can catch up. If you miss is, you miss it, It's 30 days of exercise. IMHO, you need to do 30 days, maybe you miss a few, and it takes 35 days, but hey that's ok!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Yeah that's easier than considering doing it twice in one day anyhow!

    I've missed today too ... everything is just busy, busy, busy atm ... it's not looking like it's going to imporve in the near future ... so I'll just have to squash it in!! Should be all good tomorrow actually.

    Happy shredding!
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Finished the first day of Level 3. OMG! Sooo much jumping!
  • theseagull
    theseagull Posts: 181 Member
    I'm still on day 8 .. !!