

  • JeremiahStone
    JeremiahStone Posts: 682 Member
    Interesting post. I try to stay away from dodgy areas. Stick to open spaces on trails, or not the main roads. But I usually walk around with an EDU knife.
  • jessicamckay13
    Leaving from my front door leaves me limited options. I can either head into a business park (I go early morning or dusk) where there aren't many people around or to the other side of my neighborhood, which, thanks to the economy, has turned into wanna-be-gang territory. I'm very petite and probably look like an easy target.

    I've been a victim and have no intention of becoming one again. I only have one ear bud in while running, volume pretty low. My German Shepherd is 85 lbs and is apparently rather intimidating, as some creepy guy at a bus stop quickly moved out of our way. She's protective and bigger than most dogs, so I feel pretty safe with her. If I'm having a paranoid day or if it's dark, I take mace as well. And I usually give my husband a general idea of where I'm heading.

    Another thing to think about safety-wise is carrying some sort of ID with you. Say you twist your ankle and fall on your face, knocking yourself out..whoever comes along to rescue you (preferably a hot fireman that carries steak to call off my dog) will need some info. ESPECIALLY important if you have allergies or medical conditions. I am going to find some sort of ID arm band. Right now I just assume they would be smart enough to check my dog's collar and call my house and talk to my husband (who is always home with the kids when I run).

    So, kinda crappy to have to think about safety, but please do.
  • imgone324
    imgone324 Posts: 84
    Usually just strap my 12 ga shotgun to my back. Keep it loaded with a couple deer slugs. But just in case it jams, I have a butterfly knife stuffed in my sock.
  • kellybones
    kellybones Posts: 281 Member
    Leaving from my front door leaves me limited options. I can either head into a business park (I go early morning or dusk) where there aren't many people around or to the other side of my neighborhood, which, thanks to the economy, has turned into wanna-be-gang territory. I'm very petite and probably look like an easy target.

    I've been a victim and have no intention of becoming one again. I only have one ear bud in while running, volume pretty low. My German Shepherd is 85 lbs and is apparently rather intimidating, as some creepy guy at a bus stop quickly moved out of our way. She's protective and bigger than most dogs, so I feel pretty safe with her. If I'm having a paranoid day or if it's dark, I take mace as well. And I usually give my husband a general idea of where I'm heading.

    Another thing to think about safety-wise is carrying some sort of ID with you. Say you twist your ankle and fall on your face, knocking yourself out..whoever comes along to rescue you (preferably a hot fireman that carries steak to call off my dog) will need some info. ESPECIALLY important if you have allergies or medical conditions. I am going to find some sort of ID arm band. Right now I just assume they would be smart enough to check my dog's collar and call my house and talk to my husband (who is always home with the kids when I run).

    So, kinda crappy to have to think about safety, but please do.

    I wear a Road ID shoe pouch that has my information on it (and holds a handy bit of cash) in case I am rendered unconscious and people are afraid of the dog.

    But where do I find a hot fireman with steak? I would like to nibble on both!
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    nothing..I'm not SKURREDDD...lol
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    I'm thinking about carrying a dirty toilet brush.

    I mean, seriously, who wouldn't run from that??

    This is a great idea. LOL
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Assassin's Creed style. I'm a boss like that.
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    I have walked, run n cycled alone or with my dogs for ages now without even considering safety issues it simply never occurred to me. A group of women were recently horrified by my lack of attention to detail and they scared me to death!!!! I have found that I am now twitchy, not pleasant! I did have a villager park his car up n hide in the woods watching me once - before i was being scared so I just kinda thought that was hilarious....
    I'm English, even the title of this thread is alien to me, I believe that the more you carry to protect you the more any potential attacker has to outdo.... So I would never carry anything I don't think, I don't take foolhardy risks, I guess my dogs are a deterrent but they are sweethearts not guard dogs I am in the *kitten* end of nowhere n an alarm or anything would serve no purpose.... I really regret the conversation with the women that took away my peace of mind or maybe that could be called blissful ignorance I dunno?
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    WTF at these people carrying knives and guns just to go for a jog?! Like, seriously. I think I'd be too scared to go to America where everyone has guns. I got freaked out when I went to London and visited the American embassy, and the police guards had shot guns. First guns I'd ever seen in real life. And last hopefully!
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    @ sexforjaffacakes I am in your gang! and I love your name lol!!!!
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    I can only say that those who don't take a moment to think about their own personal safety EVERYTIME they leave their house are living in blissful ignorance. Ask most first-time victims.... they too at one point never thought anything could happen to them. Or you could just bury your head in the sand and hope no one walks by and kicks you in the *kitten*!

    Being prepared eliminates the fear.

    I'm sorry, but I just can't understand people who don't take the time to NOT BE A VICTIM. Carry on.
  • 1horsetown
    1horsetown Posts: 247 Member
    Actually, I just carry...
  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    I can only say that those who don't take a moment to think about their own personal safety EVERYTIME they leave their house are living in blissful ignorance. Ask most first-time victims.... they too at one point never thought anything could happen to them. Or you could just bury your head in the sand and hope no one walks by and kicks you in the *kitten*!

    Being prepared eliminates the fear.

    I'm sorry, but I just can't understand people who don't take the time to NOT BE A VICTIM. Carry on.

    I agree. Even those who are saying they run in well-lit areas that are populated and have houses around aren't safe. I remember reading about a woman who was raped in some bushes while loads of people walked by on the populated sidewalks and no one knew anything. Always be prepared!
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    My fist, they're called Lighting and Thunder!
  • traceywaugh
    OK Im in scotland run a really lovely route by the river very popular with dog walkers etc but i wouldnt consider carrying any weapon and certainly wopuldnt go out running if i felt i needed too
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I can only say that those who don't take a moment to think about their own personal safety EVERYTIME they leave their house are living in blissful ignorance. Ask most first-time victims.... they too at one point never thought anything could happen to them. Or you could just bury your head in the sand and hope no one walks by and kicks you in the *kitten*!

    Being prepared eliminates the fear.

    I'm sorry, but I just can't understand people who don't take the time to NOT BE A VICTIM. Carry on.

    Because if I worried about everything that could happen to me I'd never leave the house. Chances of being accosted are 1 in 300. Chances of being injured in an auto accident are 1 in 40, dieing 1 in 80. Yet, very few people are afraid of driving and it's the most dangerous thing we do.

    I can see where some people would feel more comfortable with something to defend themselves. My biggest threats while running and biking are traffic. That's why I wear a road vest, and sometimes a head lamp. But don't think people who don't take any weapons are ignorant.
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    This is a mad thread! The fact that you have to actually consider carrying a weapon to go outside scares me so much America!

    Carrying any kind of "weapon" (gun/knife/mace) is illegal here. And for good reason. We don't need them and I'm glad for that!

    <3 UK sometimes!
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    I am prepared to void my bowels on command and throw monkey style crap at assailants.

    bahahahahahaha! i'd say this is the best self-defense tactic i've seen yet! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • marquesajen
    I usually run when it's still a bit light out or if it's darker/farther away I usually run with my tall, burly, big husband. I've never been a target before hopefully thanks to that and our combined piercings and tattoos. Worse comes to worse, I guess I'll just run harder and call 911!
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I have been seriously considering this as we've ha two murders locally this month. I do have mace and I was raised to carry a firearm. Firearm's ruled out, chance of accidental discharge is too likely. According to my 16 year old sister, Japanese steel from Hattori Hanzo himself is the only way to go...

    Curious as to why you say that a chance of accidental discharge is too likely?

    My luck. Ask any of my MFP friends the kind of luck I have...