August Century plus cycling challenge



  • nerdieprofessor
    nerdieprofessor Posts: 512 Member
    Not going to set any records this month! My goal now is to do one mile more than last month...

    8/1 - 20 miles
    8/2 - 20 miles (it's already 95 at 10am when I finish my ride, we are going to roast today at 112... I've NEVER see 112 before!)
    <a week off while traveling for a conference, then a few days of riding in Colorado>
    8/11 - 7.3 miles (at a mile of elevation)
    8/12 - 11 miles (at a mile of elevation)
    8/13 - 20.5 miles (at a mile of elevation)
    <travel day>
    8/15 - 9.11 miles of hard hills around the neighborhood, 30 seconds faster than my fastest time
    8/16 - 12.22 miles of mostly flat neighborhoods
    8/17 - 20.5 slow miles of mostly flat neighborhoods with a friend
    <rest day - meetings and napping to catch up>
    8/19 - 10 miles in the neighborhood BEFORE sunrise (followed by 8 hours of meetings...)
    8/20 - 31 miles in the hot and humid hinterlands today
    8/21 - 9 miles in the afternoon. I should have biked at 6am!
    8.22 - 18 miles on the hybrid with a friend

    About 189 miles so far. Pathetic, but I'll keep chipping away at it. Tomorrow will be problematic, at best. Fall semester is going to be kicking my butt, already is, really.
  • thcri
    thcri Posts: 459 Member
    August 3rd 37.12 Miles
    August 5th 21.8 Miles
    August 6th 55.29 Miles
    August 7th 26 Miles
    August 8th 40.25 Miles
    August 14th 39.00 Miles
    August 15th 28.4 Miles
    August 19th 100 Miles
    August 20th 20 miles commute
    August 21st 27 miles

    Should be 395 for the month so far. My goal was only to be 300 this month so am doing better than I thought. Leg did fine tonight so I should be set to keep riding. I wonder if I can get to 500 like last month.
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    August 3rd 37.12 Miles
    August 5th 21.8 Miles
    August 6th 55.29 Miles
    August 7th 26 Miles
    August 8th 40.25 Miles
    August 14th 39.00 Miles
    August 15th 28.4 Miles
    August 19th 100 Miles
    August 20th 20 miles commute
    August 21st 27 miles

    Should be 395 for the month so far. My goal was only to be 300 this month so am doing better than I thought. Leg did fine tonight so I should be set to keep riding. I wonder if I can get to 500 like last month.

    You're killing it this month! Great riding.

    08/01-14.24 miles
    08/03-42.25 miles
    08/07-22.66 miles
    08/10-42.84 miles
    08/14-22.66 miles
    08/16-10.80 miles
    08/17-42.50 miles
    08/22-14.39 miles
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,161 Member
    8/1 5.10
    8/2 4.05
    8/4 11.08
    8/5 8.30
    8/8 11.74
    8/14 10.03
    8/15 10.02
    8/17 10.05
    8/20 11.02

    Total 81.39

    Looks like I'll definitely hit my goal of 100 miles this month!
  • thcri
    thcri Posts: 459 Member

    Total 81.39

    Looks like I'll definitely hit my goal of 100 miles this month!

    Then I challenge you to do 125 this month. Promise me you will give it your best shot and I will do my best to get to 500. You in?
  • CDGolden
    CDGolden Posts: 343 Member
    August 22...31 miles with 217 for the month...
  • thcri
    thcri Posts: 459 Member
    Shout Out to OkieWorkout everyone!!!!!!!! She has accepted my challenge and is going to go for the 125 instead of the 100. That means I have a 105 more to do since I had to raise mine from 300 to 500.
  • budkid
    budkid Posts: 50 Member
    good job everyone!!! keep up the miles!!

    I have 184 miles so far with less than 2 weeks left!
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    ronda_gettinghealthy Posts: 777 Member
    18 this morning... 67.7 to go...whoop
  • thcri
    thcri Posts: 459 Member
    August 3rd 37.12 Miles
    August 5th 21.8 Miles
    August 6th 55.29 Miles
    August 7th 26 Miles
    August 8th 40.25 Miles
    August 14th 39.00 Miles
    August 15th 28.4 Miles
    August 19th 100 Miles
    August 21st 20 miles commute
    August 22st 27 miles
    August 23rd 14 Miles

    Should be 409 for the month so far.
  • BryanAir
    BryanAir Posts: 434
    After today's ride I am up to 243.00 mi for the month. I'll almost definitely make the 300 I aimed for.

    Today was the first day in four months that I got to ride into work with absolutely no wind. It was so great not having to fight a 10 - 30 mph wind the entire way. I didn't want the ride to end, but it did about 20 minutes faster than normal.

    I have a new bike being delivered on Thursday. If all goes well and it isn't too hot I am thinking of riding the Sacramento river trail for a total of 60 miles. If it is too hot I may try for the Iron Horse trail from Concord to Pleasanton and back.
  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    Heading to Portland, Oregon tomorrow to bike across the state of Washington. I'm looking forward to it.

    Rode 9 miles today, bringing my monthly total to 551 miles for August.
  • CDGolden
    CDGolden Posts: 343 Member
    August 23...15 miles with 247 for the month...

    yikes 203 miles left....well its still a goal
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,161 Member
    Shout Out to OkieWorkout everyone!!!!!!!! She has accepted my challenge and is going to go for the 125 instead of the 100. That means I have a 105 more to do since I had to raise mine from 300 to 500.

    YES!!! Thanks for pushing me to ride more! I had an awesome ride yesterday an put 15.99 miles on the stationary bike in 75 min! I'm getting faster too. That said, I raised my goal to 150 miles since I'm already at 97.38 miles.

    8/1 5.10
    8/2 4.05
    8/4 11.08
    8/5 8.30
    8/8 11.74
    8/14 10.03
    8/15 10.02
    8/17 10.05
    8/20 11.02
    8/23 15.99

    Total 97.38 miles
  • thcri
    thcri Posts: 459 Member
    YES!!! Thanks for pushing me to ride more! I had an awesome ride yesterday an put 15.99 miles on the stationary bike in 75 min! I'm getting faster too. That said, I raised my goal to 150 miles since I'm already at 97.38 miles.

    150 Miles??????? No Way Get Out of Here!!!! Okie that is great. I was second guessing my 500 and now for sure I have to. That is great. Thumbs Up.
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    So here is the link to my bike....

    Unfortunately, I still have not had a chance to ride it yet...GRR!! Hubby had to finish putting it together, and he has, but he still needs to "tweak" it for shifting. And we had a jam packed weekend, so there just wasn't any time for him to get it done.

    Hope to be on it no later than Saturday. He is starting an 8 week training plan for the Seagull Century Ride in Salisbury, MD and I have a long ride scheduled for my sprint tri plan.

    Nice! Now go ride it!
  • nerdieprofessor
    nerdieprofessor Posts: 512 Member
    Not going to set any records this month! My goal now is to do one mile more than last month...

    8/1 - 20 miles
    8/2 - 20 miles (it's already 95 at 10am when I finish my ride, we are going to roast today at 112... I've NEVER see 112 before!)
    <a week off while traveling for a conference, then a few days of riding in Colorado>
    8/11 - 7.3 miles (at a mile of elevation)
    8/12 - 11 miles (at a mile of elevation)
    8/13 - 20.5 miles (at a mile of elevation)
    <travel day>
    8/15 - 9.11 miles of hard hills around the neighborhood, 30 seconds faster than my fastest time
    8/16 - 12.22 miles of mostly flat neighborhoods
    8/17 - 20.5 slow miles of mostly flat neighborhoods with a friend
    <rest day - meetings and napping to catch up>
    8/19 - 10 miles in the neighborhood BEFORE sunrise (followed by 8 hours of meetings...)
    8/20 - 31 miles in the hot and humid hinterlands today
    8/21 - 9 miles in the afternoon. I should have biked at 6am!
    8/22 - 18 miles on the hybrid with a friend
    8/23 - 4 miles on the bike trainer at 530am (only time I had)
    8/24 - 20 miles on the hybrid

    About 213 miles so far. Pathetic (compared to last month), but I'll keep chipping away at it. Tomorrow will be problematic, at best. The first week of Fall semester is kicking my butt.
  • budkid
    budkid Posts: 50 Member
    I have a new bike being delivered on Thursday. If all goes well and it isn't too hot I am thinking of riding the Sacramento river trail for a total of 60 miles. If it is too hot I may try for the Iron Horse trail from Concord to Pleasanton and back.

    I just did rode the Iron Horse Trail last weekend from Benicia to Dublin. It is a good ride! There is a lot of stops and looking left and right between Walnut Creek and San Ramon.
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,161 Member
    YES!!! Thanks for pushing me to ride more! I had an awesome ride yesterday an put 15.99 miles on the stationary bike in 75 min! I'm getting faster too. That said, I raised my goal to 150 miles since I'm already at 97.38 miles.

    150 Miles??????? No Way Get Out of Here!!!! Okie that is great. I was second guessing my 500 and now for sure I have to. That is great. Thumbs Up.

    Yay! OF COURSE you can do more...hehe. I won't get a chance to get to the gym until Friday so I'm walking now. I'm looking to put some bike miles down over the weekend!
  • CDGolden
    CDGolden Posts: 343 Member
    August 24...15 miles with 262 for the month
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