Curves vs Skin and Bones!



  • datzun
    datzun Posts: 198
    Depends on how 'curvy' her 'curves' are.

    Height, body type, etc. play a big role.

    Also, it is a little biased to say 'skin & bones'. I'm pretty sure no one wants to be with a skeleton.
  • FabCheeky
    FabCheeky Posts: 311
    I guess that I'm the odd ball. I prefer Strong over Skinny OR very curvy. My butt is rounder and rounder with all the heavy squats and lunges that I do...and I love it. I only had big boobs when I breastfed...So, I guess that I'll never be super womanly in that regard. But I am starting to genuinely LOVE my body after years of loathing it. My body is strong. I'm not the thinnest that I've ever been---and I never will be again. I'm healthier and stronger---a force to be reckoned with.
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    If I were just being a pig and not judging any personality and going with the physical preferences, skinny is no where on the list. Athletic, average, curvy, a little plump, a good looking woman is a good looking woman. But that Holocaust look is sort of gross. But if I had to pick, this had to be one of the hottest pictures I've seen in a while.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    I like a woman with some curves! I need something to grab on to.................lay my head on. SOmething to carress to rub spank!.................damn! :bigsmile:

    Im feelin sexy all of a sudden!!!
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    Hell yeah babycakes!
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Just throwing this out there! Did you know that more than 85% of men in Hollywood (Celebrities) prefer natural curves on a woman than stick thin.

    A lot of people say they prefer their ladies "curvy" rather then stick thin....but I've noticed that usually means they like a nice butt and big boobies. Put fake boobs on a size 00 and they all the suddenly don't see the girl as too thin anymore.

    ...just an observation, I really don't have a point I'm trying to make or anything.
  • Salpica
    Salpica Posts: 205 Member
    Now I will be different from the majority on this list. "Curvy" women to me are not attractive. I think the term curvy gets used in many different ways and doesn't have one distinct meaning. Now I'm not saying it's a term used to hide the fact people are overweight, but I think some people will use it for that purpose. That's also how I tend to see the term.

    Petite women do it for me everytime! :love: I don't care if they are "skin and bones" as it is said in this thread, nor do I care if they do not have large/medium breasts either. Smaller breasts are very attractive to me actually.

    Statistics mean jack in a thread like this because this is all based on opinions. I think the key is that the person is being healthy whether they are curvy or skins and bones....
  • byukid
    byukid Posts: 55
    Just throwing this out there! Did you know that more than 85% of men in Hollywood (Celebrities) prefer natural curves on a woman than stick thin.

    A lot of people say they prefer their ladies "curvy" rather then stick thin....but I've noticed that usually means they like a nice butt and big boobies. Put fake boobs on a size 00 and they all the suddenly don't see the girl as too thin anymore.

    ...just an observation, I really don't have a point I'm trying to make or anything.

    Again, it comes down to concave curves- fake boobs on a size 6 with hips will be as attractive as a size 2 with equally proportioned breasts. What's not attractive is when there's only convex lines. This is true of men and women.
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    Fake boobs are over rated. They look alright in clothes, but that huge space between them and the non-jiggle factor is sort of a turn off. I must be part T-Rex because I track girls by movement, in the chest area, there has to be some motion.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    part of the problem with this idea is that I was never curvy...just straight and fat or straight and fit. I guess I just have to lose either way...
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member

    Petite women do it for me everytime! :love: I don't care if they are "skin and bones" as it is said in this thread, nor do I care if they do not have large/medium breasts either. Smaller breasts are very attractive to me actually.

    When you say petite do you mean small framed/short? I hear the word Petite used a lot too but I notice it doesn't always mean the same thing to everyone.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Now I will be different from the majority on this list. "Curvy" women to me are not attractive. I think the term curvy gets used in many different ways and doesn't have one distinct meaning. Now I'm not saying it's a term used to hide the fact people are overweight, but I think some people will use it for that purpose. That's also how I tend to see the term.

    Petite women do it for me everytime! :love: I don't care if they are "skin and bones" as it is said in this thread, nor do I care if they do not have large/medium breasts either. Smaller breasts are very attractive to me actually.

    Statistics mean jack in a thread like this because this is all based on opinions. I think the key is that the person is being healthy whether they are curvy or skins and bones....

    What is your definition of "petite?" I'm just curious because I had this conversation with some guys the other day, and one of them thought it meant skinny but not necessarily short, while everyone else thought it meant short and small-framed. Specifically, we were discussing why big/tall guys and small women seem to flock to each other.

    By the way, I agree about the word "curvy." Some people use it as some sort of mask for being overweight, and I don't think it has anything to do with weight; it's about body proportion.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    part of the problem with this idea is that I was never curvy...just straight and fat or straight and fit. I guess I just have to lose either way...

    No you do not lose. You are beautiful and fit! Like someone mentioned above, we all have different tastes. I know a lot of guys/girls who looove girls with athletic figures.
  • Salpica
    Salpica Posts: 205 Member

    Petite women do it for me everytime! :love: I don't care if they are "skin and bones" as it is said in this thread, nor do I care if they do not have large/medium breasts either. Smaller breasts are very attractive to me actually.

    When you say petite do you mean small framed/short? I hear the word Petite used a lot too but I notice it doesn't always mean the same thing to everyone.

    I believe the term is used more so to describe shorter women, but I tend to not get to technical concerning the height.

    Now I know a gal who is over 6' and she is very skinny. Even though she weighs around 170 she doesn't look it. Now that may be stretching the term petite, but to me though that is still beautiful.

    I'm not going to try and put an maximum height to the term because like curvy, it can be used in many different contexts. Like I said though, the key is that the person is healthy irregardless on which term they use to describe themselves.
  • foodfight247
    foodfight247 Posts: 767 Member
    Thank you - finally we're getting to the meanings....

    Petite is generally a term used for short small framed women... Me being one of them...

    To me curvy is just a little natural curves in the right places.

    Stick thin is almost skin and bones.

    I'm also one of those small petite women who ends up with taller, muscular men... In my ex's case he's taller but with a little weight on.
    I like the security of a tall muscular mans arms around me...

    I think bottom line is everyones definition of certain terms like stick thin or curvy is different...
    At the end of the day if you look attractive to the opposite sex then great, whether you're slim, curvy, small, big...etc...
    As long as you feel happy in yourself and are beautiful in your own unique way, then your attractive...

    And if that ain't good enough then get off your butt and work it to a happy healthy figure!
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    part of the problem with this idea is that I was never curvy...just straight and fat or straight and fit. I guess I just have to lose either way...

    No you do not lose. You are beautiful and fit! Like someone mentioned above, we all have different tastes. I know a lot of guys/girls who looove girls with athletic figures.

    Indeed I agree with this....we all have different tastes!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    p.s. you need to stop staring at that photo, Cris. hah

    I think *I* need to stop staring at that picture!!

    Suzi, I think you and I would get along wonderfully with a small amount of effort lol :).
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I'm also one of those small petite women who ends up with taller, muscular men... In my ex's case he's taller but with a little weight on.
    I like the security of a tall muscular mans arms around me...

    Me too. I'm not quite 5'2, small frame, but I have always been attracted to men who are a lot bigger and taller. I agree that it is kind of a primitive thing. It makes me feel safer.
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    p.s. you need to stop staring at that photo, Cris. hah

    Can you blame me lol?

    Honestly though...that just happens to be very near my ideal body type, and her tattoos were good illustration for the other thread lol.

    Who could blame you. I think every woman on here is jealous of this ho. My favorite part is the sand on her butt/legs. hott.
  • Riebop
    Riebop Posts: 275
    I like a woman with some curves! I need something to grab on to.................lay my head on. SOmething to carress to rub spank!.................damn! :bigsmile:

    Im feelin sexy all of a sudden!!!

    Everybody needs a bosom for a pillow. :P