Team FOODIES: because you wanna loose a few pounds but love

....TO EAT!!!!

Anybody else out there wanna loose some weight BUT adores good food and cooking? If eating salads everyday is impossible for you to achieve here's the group for you!!!
I love cooking mexican, indian, french cuisine. I'm trying to find ways to light-up my recipes all the time.
We could share tips and recipes. MOTIVATION!

Please, post a short description: name, age, height, current weight, goal weight.

Repost your CW each sunday so I can do a recap!

Stephanie (lives in Canada)
35 yrs old
CW:146 lbs
GW for sept.1st: 139 lbs
Ultimate GW : 135 lbs

Mom of 1 girl (5 years old)
I speak french and english.
I'm not a fan of extreme exercising and gyms, but I'm pretty active. I like to walk or run, play tennis, petanque (yep! LOL), dancing.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    maybe this is the place for me??!! I HATE salad - unless it's been drenched in dressing, but that kind of defeats the point it.

    CW:171 OY!
    GW:167 (9/1/11)
    Ultimate GW: below 150

    Mother of 2 boys from Nebraska.
  • Lemonaiding
    Lemonaiding Posts: 78 Member
    Jillian (Seattle)
    CW: 186
    GW: 150 by 12.31.2011

    I love to bake! Unfortunately I am not
    a fan of artificial, low fat anything.
    For me, I will cut down portions significantly
    to be able to enjoy full fledged deliciousness.
  • tsportygirl
    Im in -

    Theresa (Arlington, VA)
    CW - 243
    GW - 225 by October 1st

    I dont hate salad, but I am definitely in agreement that I am a foodie... I will work out more so that I can eat something a little higher in calories. I love to cook and find new recipes that I can make easily at home. (and also to figure out what to eat when you go to restaurants)
  • morenita71
    morenita71 Posts: 137 Member
    Yes definitely! Mature student who loves to cook , eat and going out. Turning 40 soon...Finding it hard ot lose weight although I think I have toned up and people have told me I look like i've lost weight but curious to be in a group and see how that motivates me...

    Nadia (London)
    CW 152 (although it's time of month this week)
    GW 140

    Love cooking all types of food. Indian, Italian, Mexican, Thai, Vietnamese and now trying out Japanese! My one saving grace is that I don't have a particularly sweet tooth (although creamy desserts are my weakness)
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    This looks like an awesome group! I am a beginner foodie- eating healthy made me start cooking meals for my family, which has lead to an interest in trying new things. I am more into baking than cooking right now, and I do still love salads. But I think this would be a great group to help me learn more about cooking, new recipes, tricks, tips, etc! I am really into eating foods that are as unprocessed as possible- I steer clear of foods with gobs of chemicals, additives, etc.

    CW: 129
    GW: 125-ish (I am actually going for a body-fat percentage more than a weight)
    I am also a SAHM with two kids, ages 4 and 2. I LOVE exercising- I do everything I possibly can. I bike, rollerblade, skateboard, swim, run, walk, do elliptical, exercise videos, circuit training, weight lifting, yoga, pilates, ETC! Now that I am back to my active self, I would love to clean up my eating habits even more :)
  • seph_house
    seph_house Posts: 101 Member
    count me in, i love cooking and baking, especially for appreciative others :) though what is the point of cooking if you can't sample everything as you go along? it's killing me that there is quarter of a polenta cake sitting in the kitchen at the moment that i know is going to go to waste because my other half won't finish it before it goes off and i'm not letting myself do the deed... *sigh*

    on the other hand, i've just hit 60days on this site, i'm feeling positive about continuing and tomorrow is the first day of my gym membership & i'm going to ask for an intro to using weights (eep!). i love that i can "buy" myself a few extra calories just by getting off my ar** & doing something.

    Suzy, another Londoner (UK)
    SW 161
    CW 152
    GW 140 for the moment
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I just might be a foodie in the making. :smile: I was noticing the other day how much more I appreciate food since focusing on eating well. That being said, my diary still has plenty of fast food and the occasional entry of cheetos or donuts. :noway:

    I'd like to follow this thread because I might find some inspiration here. I've been having fun baking lately but am also on the lookout for recipes, tips, etc to make MOUTHWATERING meals. :)

    Nom, nom, nom!!!
  • fantomette
    fantomette Posts: 148 Member
    WELCOME everybody!!!:smile::happy:

    ...Tonight I had absolutely no time to cook so I cooked a frozen Organic Burritos from Annie's. It's actually pretty good especially because I "pimped" it! :laugh: Instead of sour cream I put a spoonful of natural no-fat yogurt (gush, it really tasted like sour cream!). On the side I make a small salad using a spoon of leftover basmati rice, cherry tomatoes from my garden and green salsa. The green salsa was REALLY spicy. Usually I make my own but that one came from the small mexican store in my town.
    Well, I was looking at my plate, it was GORGEOUS (so many colors!) but I expected to still be hungry afterward but now I can say I feel FULL!
    I'm pretty sure it's because of the spices, and because all of that was so tasty. I noticed in the past that I don't overeat when the food is spicy (indian, mexican).

    My favorite spicy recipe is Pico de Gallo. It's super healthy and I make it extra-spicy. Sometimes I just eat it with a spoon!

    -3 big tomatoes: make small cubes. You can also take a bunch of cherry tomatoes and cut them in half.
    -a small onion: cut in very small pieces
    -Fresh Cilantro: you can put a little or a lot depending of how you like it. I like to put A LOT.
    -2 jalapenos in very very very small pieces (don't forget to put on glove while cutting them...)
    -2 tbsp of lime juice

    A very good article : TASTE MORE, EAT LESS:
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    I have read that about spicy food. Unfortunately, I don't have the stomach for it. I made my first ever gazpacho tonight - and I am quite pleased. I haven't yet plugged it in for cals, but since it basically just veges, it should be pretty decent. I have lunch for most of the week - fingers crossed it will keep me satisfied!
  • fantomette
    fantomette Posts: 148 Member
    I have read that about spicy food. Unfortunately, I don't have the stomach for it. I made my first ever gazpacho tonight - and I am quite pleased. I haven't yet plugged it in for cals, but since it basically just veges, it should be pretty decent. I have lunch for most of the week - fingers crossed it will keep me satisfied!

    Oh I looooooove Gaspacho!!! It's so tasty...and everytime I make it, it tastes different!
    Sometimes I add yellow banana peppers (not spicy at all). Sometimes I add tabasco. You can add a few croutons in it with a bit of good quality balsamic vinegar.
  • fantomette
    fantomette Posts: 148 Member
    If you wanna see some meals ideas, things I've cooked and took pics of:
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    A group after my own heart! I am a FOODIE thru and thru. There is a saying in my family that you can't diet when you go to my house. Hahaha, I love to cook and I love to eat. Right now I am modifying recipes and trying new ingredients to help me make the right choices and still have lots of flavor. I will recommend the following to my Foodies in this group, and the SparlRecipes App. These two give you nutritional information for the recipes and you can also plug in your own if you want to.

    Adriana - Orlando FL
    CW - 160.8
    GW - 136 by January 18
    Ultimate GW - 120

  • fantomette
    fantomette Posts: 148 Member
    A group after my own heart! I am a FOODIE thru and thru. There is a saying in my family that you can't diet when you go to my house. Hahaha, I love to cook and I love to eat. Right now I am modifying recipes and trying new ingredients to help me make the right choices and still have lots of flavor. I will recommend the following to my Foodies in this group, and the SparlRecipes App. These two give you nutritional information for the recipes and you can also plug in your own if you want to.

    Adriana - Orlando FL
    CW - 160.8
    GW - 136 by January 18
    Ultimate GW - 120

    GREAT! Thanks for the links Adriana!!! Keep us posted on how you can modify recipes to make them more healthy!
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    Correction on one of those... it is Sparkrecipes! Sorry.

    First thing I have done is taken out the chicken skin out of my cooking. It reduces the calories and the fat! I am also cutting out the pork and frying. Which is very difficult because so many of my favorite foods are fried. More fresh veggies and fruit. And last but not least portion control. This is my starting point... I know that as time goes by I will have to do more drastic change, but it is baby steps for me.

    Can you share recipes you have created on your MFP with your friends? As I add recipes I will be more than happy to share them.
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    Hey fellow foodies! I found this recipe a while back and finally made it today:

    That's right. BLACK BEAN brownies. It has a 4-star overall rating on

    My verdict: They're actually pretty good! The texture is good! There is a slight bean taste, but I tried them while they were still warm. I think letting them cool completely will help, as well as adding a little more instant coffee. Go try them!!!
  • SallieBeige
    SallieBeige Posts: 341 Member
    Sounds like the perfect group for me.
    I am a major comfort eater :(
    It has to be heavy and either saucy or sweet (but I am not sure bean brownies will do the trick!! ... sorry)

    I havent managed to loose any weight in years ... it just keeps climbing because a stressful day seems to come along at least 3 times a week.

    I am nearly 50 (that doesnt help either!!)
    I want to loose at least 40 pounds, but to be honest, anything will do.

    Will post CW on Sunday

    Good luck to all of us!
  • elysetoplin
    this is a great idea!

    My name is Elyse, I'm 21 years old and I live in New Orleans. I'm about to start my senior year of college at Tulane, and I've been on and off MFP since June 2009. When I started I weighed 165 and I've been able to keep 10 lbs off, but have struggled to maintain a lower weight loss (and I know I can stand to lose more weight because I'm only 5'5". My goal weight for September 1 is 145, and my ultimate goal weight is somewhere between 120 and 135 (I'll see when I get to 135). I'm really good about exercising and work out a lot - I'm currently training for my second half marathon. I love cooking (but easy recipes because I'm a college student who's always pressed for time!) A few of my friends and I just started a "Food and Fun Times" group and rotate between four of us cooking, and I'm always trying to come up with new, healthy recipes for the group! Can't wait to share and find out more things I can eat!
  • Dmax12
    Dmax12 Posts: 36 Member
    I like this! I have driven myself into the organic but fine dinning parts of life and want to loose a few pounds and increase my overall eating habits. I have recently started cooking foods im not too familar with (ohhh danger) to expand my cooking abilities and I think it would be pretty neat to learn some new ways to remove calories and fat from otherwise healthy meals. After a few years as a janitor I decied I needed to go to school. I am now a senior down here in Arizona.

    Jon from the US
    SW 161
    CW 155
    GW 140

    Hope to get some great ideas!
  • fantomette
    fantomette Posts: 148 Member
    So here we are, let's start our first week!

    Stephanie (Canada)
    35 yrs old
    CW :146
    GW (sept1st):139
    Ultimate GW: 135
    CW:171 OY!
    GW:167 (9/1/11)
    Ultimate GW: below 150
    Jillian (Seattle)
    CW: 186
    GW: 150 by 12.31.2011
    Theresa (Arlington, VA)
    CW - 243
    GW - 225 by October 1st
    Nadia (London)
    CW 152
    GW 140
    CW: 129
    GW: 125-ish
    Suzy, another Londoner (UK)
    SW 161
    CW 152
    GW 140 for the moment
    Adriana - Orlando FL
    CW - 160.8
    GW - 136 by January 18
    Ultimate GW - 120
    SW: 185
    CW: 185
    GW: Any thing less!!!
    CW: 155
    GW (for sept1):145

    SW 161
    CW 155
    GW 140
    (the bad thing is, it seems we cannot edit a MFP if it has been posted for more than an hour, so I'll repost another recap if I have to add anybody or correct some mistake. I made that into a word doc.)

    ...if some people still want to join YOU ARE WELCOME HERE: the more the merrier!

    ...and sorry for the delays posting this: I had incredible bad luck today! car probs...
  • fantomette
    fantomette Posts: 148 Member
    Correction on one of those... it is Sparkrecipes! Sorry.

    First thing I have done is taken out the chicken skin out of my cooking. It reduces the calories and the fat! I am also cutting out the pork and frying. Which is very difficult because so many of my favorite foods are fried. More fresh veggies and fruit. And last but not least portion control. This is my starting point... I know that as time goes by I will have to do more drastic change, but it is baby steps for me.

    Can you share recipes you have created on your MFP with your friends? As I add recipes I will be more than happy to share them.
    If you like frying, have you tried "rubs"? I was a big fan of frying and it seems removing the skin of chicken (like, using chicken breast) and using rubs do the trick to satisfy my taste. Now I prefer rubs over frying.
    I know they sell rubs in stores but I prefer to do mine 'cause it's so simple. My favorites are from Steven Raichlen's book:

    BBQ RUB:
    1/4 cup coarse salt (kosher or sea)
    1/4 cup (packed) dark brown sugar
    1/4 cup paprika
    3 tablespoons freshly ground black pepper
    1 tablespoon garlic powder
    1 tablespoon dried onion flakes
    1/2 to 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
    1/2 teaspoon celery seeds
    (I tend to put less sugar. Sometimes I put maple sugar instead. I never put celery seeds)

    ¼ cup coarse salt (kosher or sea)
    3 tablespoons sweet paprika
    2 tablespoons garlic powder
    2 tablespoons onion powder
    2 tablespoons dried thyme (preferably ground)
    2 tablespoons dried oregano
    1 tablespoon freshly ground black pepper
    1 tablespoon freshly ground white pepper
    2 teaspoons ground dried sage leaves
    2 teaspoons cayenne pepper first I thought rubs were only for BBQing but it works really well in a pan but you have to use a bit of EVOO. I also did it with chicken in a stove. Really good.