Lose 5 Pounds a Month August 2011 Challenge



  • ibbray04
    ibbray04 Posts: 227 Member
    August 1: 133
    August 8: 132
    August 15:
    August 22:
    August 29:
    August 31:

    I just realized I may have to do my last weigh in early or late... I'll be on vacation that last week of the challenge.
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    8/01: 198
    8/08: 198
    8/15: ?
    8/22: ??
    8/29: ???
    8/31: ????

    WK 1: No Change

    The past 2 weeks have been challenging for me...I've allowed other things to become more important than my weight loss. I need to regroup & reprioritize.
  • MaggieP86
    I'm just now joining the thread, always helpful to have a group to weigh in with to keep it regular. I find myself stepping on the scale 3-4x a day.

    Two days ago I was sitting pretty at 215.4. For some reason today I stepped on the scale and weighed 223. Back to weekly weigh-ins I go!

    8/01: 216.7
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    In the past I've always tried to lose weight using WeightWatchers and it did work for me back in 2005, I got down to lower than I'd ever been in my adult life. However I got depressed and put it all back on gradually over the past 6 years. However, I stopped weighing myself at home when I was at WW and found that I wasn't becoming obsessed by it. Daily weigh-ins are bad for the morale, and multiple times a day are really bad for your sanity as you fluctuate anyway throughout a day by as much as half a stone, so I weigh myself weekly on a Monday morning, first thing and that's it, although it's really tempting to do it more I don't let myself as if it's bad I'll get dejected and if it's good I get complacent. Maybe that's just me though!!!
  • ekimpton
    ekimpton Posts: 18 Member
    Count me in too! I go back to work next week and need this to keep me motivated when the craziness starts. I've been losing and gaining the same 10 lbs. for 3 yrs. Maybe this will help. What do I need to do?

    8/1 : 186.6
    8/8: 184.8

    Let's do this!:happy:

    Let's keep this up. I hope that I can loose even more once I start working out more regularly. This is a good start though. :happy:
  • chellaJKR
    chellaJKR Posts: 146
    Hey ladies =( I had a total binge last night and feel like a total loser. I'm trying to get over it and get on track and I came to see how everyone else is on track and that if I want to hit my goals too I better smarten up! It's nt to late to hit my 5 in August! Good job guys, let's get this thing!
  • ekimpton
    ekimpton Posts: 18 Member
    I know what you mean. I can become quite obsessed with the scale. I forced myself not to look at the scale this week and tried to eat a little better on vacation this past weekend. I'm actually surprized that I lost any.
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    Hey ladies =( I had a total binge last night and feel like a total loser. I'm trying to get over it and get on track and I came to see how everyone else is on track and that if I want to hit my goals too I better smarten up! It's nt to late to hit my 5 in August! Good job guys, let's get this thing!

    You are exactly right and have the right attitude. You can't undo last night or roll back time, but it is not too late. You can still do 5 lbs and one day isn't too horrendous. We're all allowed our little splurges from time to time. Keep going - you can do it :-D
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    I know what you mean. I can become quite obsessed with the scale. I forced myself not to look at the scale this week and tried to eat a little better on vacation this past weekend. I'm actually surprized that I lost any.

    You did really well if you lost weight and had been on holiday! Well done you!!! Keep going - 5lbs is achievable - we can all do it :-D
  • Karlirosem
    Karlirosem Posts: 73 Member
    1-8-11 206lbs
    8-8-11 205lbs
  • chellaJKR
    chellaJKR Posts: 146
    Thanks Franny =) Just have to remember 1/31 days is not an end all be all! I needed the reminder
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    8/1/11 = 207.2lbs (then i went up to 210 a few days later! ughs)
    8/8/11 = 205.4lbs
  • AmandaB4588
    Congrats to all who lost and HANG IN THERE if you didn’t!
    DMG, dang BBQ’s!!!! They mess me up every summer, too. We had one yesterday after my nephew’s baptism and I totally overdid it on the cake balls. Grrr. Anyways, thanks so much for your continued support on my youtube videos! It means a lot. I have gotten nothing but positive feedback from them (something I was totally worried about,) and the support is really nice. I already left you a comment about it but I just did C25K on the treadmill--- started at Week 1, though. Congrats on doing Week 3.5 successfully!! I think that will make the transition to Week 4 fairly easy for you. Keep me posted on your C25K progress!! Also, let me know if you do walk your sister’s dog. It is such a fun workout for me. The dogs love going out and exploring so much and are so grateful!

    Bru, I am glad you had a good bday! Are you still wearing your weight? I thought of you the other day when walking my pups around the neighborhood; about all of the horrible experiences and your awesome reaction to them! Fortunately, we have only gotten nice waves but I will totally wear my weight if the need arises (and the dogs will, too!)

    55, glad to see you are doing well with the walking! Good job!

    Ailene, I think women in general put themselves on the back burner far too often… especially if you have a husband or children or demanding job or really anybody/anything to care for! It is great of you to recognize that you are falling into that trap, and hey—you maintained through it!! Not bad at all! Keep up the hard work and hopefully you will see a loss next week.

    Franny—totally agree with you about weighing in. Another girl on here, Kelly, decided to toss the scale aside for a period of time (longer than a week, perhaps a month or more. I cannot remember.) I was obsessed with the scale at that point and decided to follow in her footsteps. I had my boyfriend hide it somewhere so I couldn’t do a cheat weigh in, and that seriously changed my life. I have thanked Kelly for it but she really has no idea!!! Now I am doing WW and only weigh at the weekly meetings. It is one less thing I have to worry over!

    Chella—binge schminge! Way to shake it off, girl. That’s the best way to do it!

    Well gals (and Joe, wherever you are!) I misbehaved this weekend. One nephew’s 2nd bday party was on Saturday, and I did well there. I skipped the cake and spent the whole party chasing toddlers around with my camera. It was madness. My other nephew was baptized on Sunday, and I guess I just cannot resist the cake temptation 2 days in a row! I had 2 cake balls. They were freaking awesome but I would have done fine with just 1! Ah well, onward and upward! Have a good week everybody!

    Oh, almost forgot... I also have finals this week. Booo. I have one tomorrow and another the next day. That is why I have written such a long post. I am avoiding studying at all costs! Anybody need me to clean their house? :laugh:
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    August 1: 159
    August 8: 158.5
    August 15:
    August 22:
    August 29:
    August 31:

    Woohoo, half a pound! Pretty awesome for me, after a week of bouncy-scake syndrome. (You know what I mean -- the thing where your weight keeps jumping a round, but never going down? Lol.)

    Looking for a similar loss next week! Maybe bigger?
  • lambchop1042
    lambchop1042 Posts: 102 Member
    Wow! It looks like this thread has gotten very popular, I'm glad! Makes me even more motivated to stick with the challenge.
    Posting my weigh-in for the week...

    SW (8/1) - 143.1
    8/8 - 141.4 (-1.7)
    8/15 -
    8/22 -
    8/29 -
    8/31 -

    Looks like I'm off to a great start, hope I can keep up the pace! Good luck this week everyone!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,108 Member

    Bru, I am glad you had a good bday! Are you still wearing your weight? I thought of you the other day when walking my pups around the neighborhood; about all of the horrible experiences and your awesome reaction to them! Fortunately, we have only gotten nice waves but I will totally wear my weight if the need arises (and the dogs will, too!)

    Actually I haven't since last year! Not that I lost my courage or anything, just life happening. I haven't had any issues since then though either :wink:
  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    August 1: 182.8 lbs
    August 8: 181.2

    Loss: 1.6 lbs
  • patrick323
    8/1: 296
    8/8: 293

    loss 3lb
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Last week was busy busy busy and I'm just now catching up with posts! Friday (my weigh in day) I was down to 154.5 but today I am up a bit again. I worked very hard for 5 hours in the yard yesterday and I think the gain might have just been extra fluid in my body due to all that work. Could also be the 2 glasses of wine on Friday night, but I'll check tomorrow and if I'm not back down I'll call it the wine and change my ticker back to 155.
    Hope everyone is feeling better from car accidents, and weekend parties! :flowerforyou:
  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,152 Member
    01/08/11 = 220
    08/08/11 = 219
    15/08/11 = ?
    22/08/11 = ?
    29/08/11 = ?