Lose 5 Pounds a Month August 2011 Challenge



  • afitchpatrick
    afitchpatrick Posts: 54 Member
  • MummaSue
    MummaSue Posts: 242 Member
    1 Aug: 190.4
    8 Aug: 187.6
    15 Aug:
    22 Aug:
    29 Aug:
    31 Aug:

    On course so far ... early days though! :wink:
  • AmandaB4588
    Hello everyone,

    Last week was busy busy busy and I'm just now catching up with posts! Friday (my weigh in day) I was down to 154.5 but today I am up a bit again. I worked very hard for 5 hours in the yard yesterday and I think the gain might have just been extra fluid in my body due to all that work. Could also be the 2 glasses of wine on Friday night, but I'll check tomorrow and if I'm not back down I'll call it the wine and change my ticker back to 155.
    Hope everyone is feeling better from car accidents, and weekend parties! :flowerforyou:

    Woohoo!!! You are so close to the 140's! Great job!

    And thank you :-)
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Sorry I was MIA over the weekend went to the parents to pick up my kids. They have internet but its a very slow dial-up so I don't even try. I did get in a 5.5 mile walk and the lawn mowed before we left on Saturday so I got my exercise. That was good because It was also my little brother's 25th wedding anniversary. I had my 20% failure for the week over the weekend. Way to much salty food and beer. I think I drank more beer on Saturday night than I have drank in the last 2 years. My drink of choice is a nice glass (or two) of cabernet. So sad to say I was up a pound this morning. I have been pushing the fluids. I also have walked almost 9 miles today. Hopefully I can down a few pounds by next week.

    Here is a tip for today...

    Shut, melt fat. In one study dieters who slept 8.5 hours a night lost more body fat. DIeters who slept 5.5 hours per night lost more muscle. Why is this important? Fat plays a role in the metabolic game, and its literally working to slow down your calorie burn. Fat cells are very lazy. Fat barely burns any calories at all. For your body to support a pound of fat it needs to burn a mere 2 calories per day. Muscle on the other had is very metabolically active.. At rest 1 pound of muscle burns 3 times as many calories every day just to sustain itself...and a lot of those calories that muscle burns come from fat storage units. That's why fat hates muscle and why you should love muscle, because it is constantly burning fat off.

    So lift some weights and get enough sleep.

  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Thank you I am glad that im getting back on track, I pretty much lost it for a while!

    Well for my weigh in I lost 1 pound! Too many cookies last night and an hour and ten minute walk that my muscles aren't used to so my weight didn't drop quite as much as it did right at first But that is no big deal at least I lost a pound. I am mostly walking to keep myself from getting fat, lazy and out of shape. I won't be making goal for about a year and a half to two more years which makes me sad but it is so completely worth it.

    Aug 1st: 160
    Aug 2nd: 159
  • MaggieP86
    Daily weigh-ins are bad for the morale, and multiple times a day are really bad for your sanity as you fluctuate anyway throughout a day by as much as half a stone, so I weigh myself weekly on a Monday morning, first thing and that's it, although it's really tempting to do it more I don't let myself as if it's bad I'll get dejected and if it's good I get complacent. Maybe that's just me though!!!

    I don't normally weigh in so often, it was kind of a curiosity. I used to weigh in weekly, but just thought I'd take a look that day and see what would happen :). I like having a group for weekly weigh-ins though!

    8/01: 216.7
    8/08: 217.3
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    starting weight of 188even

    8/2 - 187





    are my weigh in days :) good luck all

    this morning weigh in 185.2 almost 2pounds lost this week :)
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    Franny—totally agree with you about weighing in. Another girl on here, Kelly, decided to toss the scale aside for a period of time (longer than a week, perhaps a month or more. I cannot remember.) I was obsessed with the scale at that point and decided to follow in her footsteps. I had my boyfriend hide it somewhere so I couldn’t do a cheat weigh in, and that seriously changed my life. I have thanked Kelly for it but she really has no idea!!! Now I am doing WW and only weigh at the weekly meetings. It is one less thing I have to worry over!

    Hi Amanda - it's really great to meet like-minded people on here - I hope to get to know everyone better over time, this thread will be a great help I think when the short term enthusiasm turns to slow but steady weight loss. Like most people I think I want instant results - but there's no such thing, I've tried all those fads. Slow and steady wins the race....but it's just keeping going when the results slow down. Hopefully we can all help each other...

    Fran :)
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Im checking in quick because I have been on vacation visiting my parents. You know what that means ALOT of eating, NO working out. I was traveling yesterday so I wasn't able to get to a scale, and now Im scared to go near a scale til next weigh in Monday. But PLEASE dont count me out of this month! I'll need everyones motivation even more now! Hope everyone is great and happy with their results!
  • Count me in! I am a bridesmaid for my brother's wedding in September and want to look my best so far in this weight loss journey
  • tiffmode
    tiffmode Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in!
  • avalonms
    avalonms Posts: 2,468 Member
    I'm jumping in a little late -

    1 Aug:
    8 Aug: 213.0
    15 Aug:
    22 Aug:
    29 Aug:
    31 Aug:
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    8/2/11 - 154.8

    8/9/11 - 154.8 Still!!! but it is a certain time of the month so I'm not too discouraged. Next week’s my week!! Keep it up everyone!!!

    8/16/11 -

    8/23/11 -

    8/30/11 -
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    starting weight of 188even

    8/2 - 187





    are my weigh in days :) good luck all

    this morning weigh in 185.2 almost 2pounds lost this week :)

    That is great!! Keep it up.
  • chellaJKR
    chellaJKR Posts: 146
    Haha Amanda- "binge shminge" LOVE IT!!
    And really who can resist cake balls? Evil little things.

    Good job everyone!
    afitch- no loss no gain is way better than gain- rock it!

    uconn- It's not over til it's over, no way you're out of this! Plenty of time to bring it home =D
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hello everyone,

    So I know I told you all yesterday that if the scale was still up today I would change my ticker, but I lied. I'm up another 1/2 lb but I reallllly think it is due to my exercise. I had a little jog yesterday morning, did my 7 mile walk, then swam for 30 minutes after that and I am still sore from my yard work Sunday. So although today the scale says I'm gaining I just don't believe it is true. I have been staying under my calorie goal and I have heard that sore muscles hold a bit of fluid in them. So I'm going to wait until my Friday weigh in to post my official change. By them I think I'll be back down.

    ps Thanks Amanda! I loved your uTube video, my daughter asked if she could have your doggies ha ha ha. Of course I said NO! :wink:
  • MmaBoo
    MmaBoo Posts: 2
    count me in!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    SW 143
    CW 139

    whoooop 130's
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Ok, so yesterday's update first - I had an appointment in my hometown (1.5 hours away), so I went out for lunch with my mom to one of my favorite restaurants where I can get a reasonably healthy meal and I made very strong suggestions on what she should make us for supper to ensure that I again had something relatively healthy to eat. She is currently babysitting my sister's dog while they are at a cottage, so I took the dog for an hour long walk (in the rain).

    Today, I was back at work, and by 1:30pm I had a migraine, so I forced myself to take a lunch break! My allergies were acting up this evening, so I haven't worked out. I took an allergy pill, and have plans to go walking with a friend tomorrow at lunch, and we are also going to do a Zumba class this week (probably Thursday). I had a lot of temptations yesterday and today, but managed to say no to most, other than licking the drips off my daughters ice cream.

    55, glad to see you're still finding ways to be active! Don't talk yourself down - you will reach your goal before you know it! And besides, the 'delay' will be for a good reason (assuming you're talking about baby #3)...

    Amanda, "high five" to starting the C25k!!! So glad to see you've gotten over the Week 1 hangup, and just got started somewhere! It's great that you have a friend to do it with. PS. Yes, please, come clean my house!! :laugh:

    Jenn, great to see you... I've been away for so long, that I've been wondering what the latest scoop is on the wedding?! Also, I don't think I've ever told you, but I really love your signature quote about anyone can make a new ending. What a great inspiration! Wow, I'm super impressed about your 7 mile walk. Geez, here I was patting myself on the back for ~3 mile walk. I'm sure you're right about fluid retention in the muscles. Good luck on Friday's weigh-in.

    Terry, my mom does have "high-speed", but it's the absolute lowest speed option (not much better than dial-up), so I didn't bother posting yesterday either. Thanks for the sleep tip - one of my goals is to get to bed earlier, but it's hard when it seems to be the only time I get to myself. Like right now, I should be in bed... :yawn:

    BJ, congrats to you hitting the 130's!!! :drinker: (But, can I just say, I am soooo jealous?! That's good though, you're a perfect example of what I can accomplish if I just stick with it!)

    Congrats to all the other "losers" so far this month!!!
  • lee155
    lee155 Posts: 120
    I'm in

    8/1/11- 190
    8/8/11- 190 (no change probably because its that TOM) I won't let It stress me out.