Lose 5 Pounds a Month August 2011 Challenge



  • MaggieP86
    **wrong forum :D sorry!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good morning all,

    Thought I would check in early, before the kids get up and take my computer away. I went for a morning walk the last few days. What a nice change after the high heat and humidity. This morning it is 58 degrees.

    I broke my glasses this week and I am using my old ones at this time and they do not work for me very well. I need to get my old ones fixed this weekend, or order new ones.

    I am staying on track to walk 150 miles this month too bad the scale is not helping me with my 5 pound goal.

    Today's tip

    Want sculpted arms? Stop concentrating on your biceps. Triceps-the muscles on the back of your upper arm- make up 70% of your upper arm musculature. Focus on these to lose the jelly arms.

    Get off that chair and do some tricep dips today.

    Have a great day!

    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I posted the sleep one yesterday because I need to get to bed earlier. It is my only quiet time of the day and I have been staying up later and later just to enjoy the quiet.
  • brinsy
    brinsy Posts: 226 Member
    id like to try too such a sweet tooth today though
  • MaggieP86
    Today's tip

    Want sculpted arms? Stop concentrating on your biceps. Triceps-the muscles on the back of your upper arm- make up 70% of your upper arm musculature. Focus on these to lose the jelly arms.

    Any suggestions on tricep exercises? I did a ton of arm workouts this week (first week EVER lifting weights) but none of the machines did anything for my arms.

    I have 0 clue how to do weight lifting -- I need a website, phone app (android) or book that does weight lifting for beginners, sample workouts, muscle areas worked, etc. Perhaps even premade workout plans. Any suggestions? Most of them are more like "Here, here's a bucket list of everything you COULD do, go do something on this list." Not helpful for the unknowing!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Maggie, I need to get back to lifting weights myself... Since I haven't been doing much lately, my recommendations are a bit archaic. I had a Kathy Smith Lift Weights to Lose Weight, which was nice because there was a 20-min upper body workout, and a 20-min lower body workout. You could alternate them daily, or do them both every second day. I also had her book of the same name, which I also liked. I'm sure you will get some better answers from some of the other members here. In the meantime, specifically for the triceps, you check out this video for the tricep dip and overhead extension: http://www.tricepexercisesforwomen.com/ Good luck!

    I just got back from a walk during my lunch break. It was drizzly out, so my walking partner didn't want to do our full route. We walked 35 minutes instead of 50, but we did the important part, which is the crazy steep hill. I may try to squeeze in a bit more at home tonight...
  • uniquemoves
    uniquemoves Posts: 102 Member
    Progress Update:

    I'm in!!!

    8/1 : 187.2
    8/8: 183.5
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member

    Jenn, great to see you... I've been away for so long, that I've been wondering what the latest scoop is on the wedding?! Also, I don't think I've ever told you, but I really love your signature quote about anyone can make a new ending. What a great inspiration! Wow, I'm super impressed about your 7 mile walk. Geez, here I was patting myself on the back for ~3 mile walk. I'm sure you're right about fluid retention in the muscles. Good luck on Friday's weigh-in.

    Thanks for the ego boost! You should be patting yourself on the back! 3 miles took me a long time to get up to and your be able to do 7 soon enough.
    As for the wedding... :cry:
    I called it off. I left him and moved back in with my mom. It has been reallllllly hard but I feel like it is for the best. Some of the long timers on this thread might remember a bit of my story but I waited a LONG time for that ring (9 1/2 long hard years) it comes down to different life goals and parenting style (or lack of life goals and parenting I guess). I think that he thought buying a ring would change our problems, but I didn't want a ring I wanted a partner and he is to selfish to give me that. I put up with a lot of crap and remained the bigger person, but when he broke a lamp in front of my daughter my mama bear claws came out and I left the next day while he was at work. I wont stand for that temper, most of all in front of our babies. I left everything but our clothes and the kids bunk bed. I wish I could have seen his face when he came home from work to see no dinner on the table and no family in the house. Hope he is happy by himself with all this toys that he put before his family cuz we are done and gone.
    I was only gone 3 days before he put my diamond ring on Craigslist. :brokenheart:

    On a better note, I am doing great on my weight loss without his bad eating influence and the kids both seem happy and maybe even a bit relieved.

    Thanks for asking, sorry the reply wasn't all happy color options and bridesmaid dresses. :laugh:
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Jenn, you sound like you are doing great, but I am sitting here absolutely traumatized! I had absolutely no idea that this had happened! How long have you been back at your mom's? From what you're saying, it sounds like you've made a very wise decision. Funny sometimes, how getting the ring can actually make you realize that this is what you DON'T want? I can totally understand the 'mama bear claws' thing. You did the right thing. Huge hugs, and lots of compassion and understanding and love go out to you: :flowerforyou:

    As for the 7 miles, how on earth do you find time to walk 7 miles? I would be more than happy to do it, if I had the time.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Jenn, you sound like you are doing great, but I am sitting here absolutely traumatized! I had absolutely no idea that this had happened! How long have you been back at your mom's? From what you're saying, it sounds like you've made a very wise decision. Funny sometimes, how getting the ring can actually make you realize that this is what you DON'T want? I can totally understand the 'mama bear claws' thing. You did the right thing. Huge hugs, and lots of compassion and understanding and love go out to you: :flowerforyou:

    As for the 7 miles, how on earth do you find time to walk 7 miles? I would be more than happy to do it, if I had the time.

    Oh no, don't be traumatized! I'm not surprised that you had no idea, I never said anything because I knew it would come up at some point. I moved on July 15th, so almost a month. Getting the ring wasn't really what made me realize, but more that I have been working very hard to make things work and he acts like he could care less. He wont help out around the house, never has time for his kids, wont even help pay for childcare but he has the money for toys for himself. Time to move on. Regardless if he is the father of my kids or not because I deserve more and more importantly the kids deserve more.
    But like you said, I’m doing okay. What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. Thank you for the concern, I truly appreciate it.

    Because I work for a school (best job ever IMO) I have summer hours! That means I am only at work 9-3 so I get off at 3 and walk walk jog jog for two whole hours before I need to grab my kiddos.
  • cantina920
    cantina920 Posts: 53 Member
    I can do this...I'm in!!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Jenn, I've been thinking about you all afternoon. A) I am really impressed with your courage and determination, and your decision to make your life better all around, inside and out, and B) I am really shocked that he put the ring up for sale - what a dummard. Doesn't he realize you are the best thing that ever has and ever will happen to him!? Oh well. His loss, for sure. And it sounds like you are sooo much happier already, and it's only been a month. Good for you! I still feel bad for "outing" you, but at least don't feel as dumb as before, thinking everyone knew, and I was just putting my foot in my mouth. Have you guys worked out some kind of visitation arrangements? or is he too busy with his toys to bother seeing his kids?

    And yes, you do have the best job ever!! I wish I was off work that early! Although I still managed quite nicely today. I went for a walk at lunch, and tonight I did my C25k workout on the treadmill downstairs after the kids were in bed. It helped that we put the kids to bed early tonight, since the little one has a bit of a cold. I figured the extra rest would do them some good.

    So, speaking of my C25k workout, I did the same made-up Week 3.5 workout, and completed all the runs at my regular pace (Run @ 5mph, and Walk at 3mph). I didn't feel ready to move on to week 4. I may try to schedule a run at the gym, since I always seem to perform so much better there than at home. Tomorrow, my walking buddy and I are planning to walk at lunch, then go to Zumba after work. Two days in a row with double workouts? I'm on a roll!

    Food-wise, I am still doing ok. I've cut way back on carbs, sugar, etc, and am eating more fruits, veggies and proteins. And now speaking of food, I'm going to go prepare some lunch and snacks to bring to work tomorrow.

    Have a great night everyone!!
  • AmandaB4588
    Franny—Stick with us, and you will get to know all of us better! I have made some really good friends on MFP and particularly in this group. Instant results sure would be nice but you are right; slow and steady!

    UConn—Enjoy your vacation with your parents! We’ll talk business when you get back! ;-)

    Dmg—Good job making all of those healthy choices on your day-trip back home AND on getting some exercise while you were there! It’s so funny that your sister’s dog didn’t want to walk in the rain. I bet my dogs wouldn’t either. I thought they were animals?!

    Bj—130’s!!! YES!!! Way to go!

    Terri—58 degrees? Wow, I cannot even imagine what that feels like right now. It is freaking 100 degrees here in Houston every single day. It is pretty miserable! Your 150 mile walking plan is so cool, and you are 1/3 of the way there already. Great work!!

    Jenn— Wowza, that’s a lot of working out! Good for you! I could definitely see a gain from your muscles swelling. Thank you for watching my video!! That’s so funny and cute that your daughter asked about the dogs. Tell her she can have the big one! On a more serious note, I definitely remember your story, and I am sorry for the hard time you are going through right now. That said, I am so proud of you for sticking up for yourself and your kiddos! Hang in there, sweet pea. You will make it through this and come out the other end a happier and healthier you.

    I finished my last final for the summer today. Thank goodness! I hope everybody is doing well!
  • AmandaB4588
    So, speaking of my C25k workout, I did the same made-up Week 3.5 workout, and completed all the runs at my regular pace (Run @ 5mph, and Walk at 3mph). I didn't feel ready to move on to week 4. I may try to schedule a run at the gym, since I always seem to perform so much better there than at home. Tomorrow, my walking buddy and I are planning to walk at lunch, then go to Zumba after work. Two days in a row with double workouts? I'm on a roll!

    That roll sounds like a great way to get to the 140's!!! :-)

    If I remember right, I never felt ready to move forward to the next week in C25K. I like the half-weeks A LOT and will probably use some all along the way this time around!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Dmg—Good job making all of those healthy choices on your day-trip back home AND on getting some exercise while you were there! It’s so funny that your sister’s dog didn’t want to walk in the rain. I bet my dogs wouldn’t either. I thought they were animals?!

    Amanda - I only had the dog as a walking partner on Monday at my mom's. I'm back home now, with my "human" walking partner again, who is the one who didn't like the rain. The dog loved it, and I was completely soaked when we got back! :laugh:
    Congrats on finishing up your last final! More time to study for LSAT!!! :smile:
  • MaggieP86
    So, speaking of my C25k workout, I did the same made-up Week 3.5 workout, and completed all the runs at my regular pace (Run @ 5mph, and Walk at 3mph). I didn't feel ready to move on to week 4. I may try to schedule a run at the gym, since I always seem to perform so much better there than at home. Tomorrow, my walking buddy and I are planning to walk at lunch, then go to Zumba after work. Two days in a row with double workouts? I'm on a roll!

    C25K is something I've tried to do in the past, but every time about 2 days in I can' function.

    Maybe my idea of 'jogging/running' is a bit different than others. I'm starting from an activity level of 2-3x/week at the gym, but have a big problem with sticking to it. I'll bet I manage that maybe 2 weeks out of every 4. The rest of the time I'm either too blah or too sore to get there.

    When you start the c25k plan, do you start all-out running? i.e. if I get on a treadmill right now I walk at around 3-3.5 and jog/run at 4-4.8 depending on my energy level. After about 15-20 min I have to drop my speeds to the 3 and 4, but then usually feel out of shape and disheartened by my having to scale back.

    Am I expecting too much?
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    I'm definitely in again...last month started out really good but with the wedding planning etc everything went south. But I'm going to keep at it

    8/01: 177
    8/08: 175
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Thank you very much. I feel the support through the internet lines! I feel fine with "having it all out there" haha we all have our ups and downs and I truly feel like this was the best option for me. It is still hard, but surly for the best. I feel empowered to be a better mother, daughter, friend and embrace the change in my life. A weight has been lifted, but I better figure out how to change my own flat tires!
    BTW, Double workouts! Your a super star, keep it up hon. I feel like this time around is our (You, Amanda, and I) turn at success!

    Thank you! I took a peek at the scale today and I was back down! SOOOO CLOSE to reaching the high 140's, maybe next week...
    As for the dog, I think I'll pass haha two kiddos keeps me busy enough! wink wink
  • AmandaB4588
    Dmg—Good job making all of those healthy choices on your day-trip back home AND on getting some exercise while you were there! It’s so funny that your sister’s dog didn’t want to walk in the rain. I bet my dogs wouldn’t either. I thought they were animals?!

    Amanda - I only had the dog as a walking partner on Monday at my mom's. I'm back home now, with my "human" walking partner again, who is the one who didn't like the rain. The dog loved it, and I was completely soaked when we got back! :laugh:
    Congrats on finishing up your last final! More time to study for LSAT!!! :smile:

    Ahhh, well that makes sense! I should have read closer. I guess I couldn't imagine more than one rainy situation because we are having the 2nd worst drought in our history here!!

    I am glad you had fun walking the pup, even in the rain! I bet she loves you so much now!
  • AmandaB4588
    So, speaking of my C25k workout, I did the same made-up Week 3.5 workout, and completed all the runs at my regular pace (Run @ 5mph, and Walk at 3mph). I didn't feel ready to move on to week 4. I may try to schedule a run at the gym, since I always seem to perform so much better there than at home. Tomorrow, my walking buddy and I are planning to walk at lunch, then go to Zumba after work. Two days in a row with double workouts? I'm on a roll!

    C25K is something I've tried to do in the past, but every time about 2 days in I can' function.

    Maybe my idea of 'jogging/running' is a bit different than others. I'm starting from an activity level of 2-3x/week at the gym, but have a big problem with sticking to it. I'll bet I manage that maybe 2 weeks out of every 4. The rest of the time I'm either too blah or too sore to get there.

    When you start the c25k plan, do you start all-out running? i.e. if I get on a treadmill right now I walk at around 3-3.5 and jog/run at 4-4.8 depending on my energy level. After about 15-20 min I have to drop my speeds to the 3 and 4, but then usually feel out of shape and disheartened by my having to scale back.

    Am I expecting too much?

    I hate having to decrease my speed during it also so I understand. That is definitely one benefit of doing it outside because you just naturally pace yourself! But if I do have to slow things down, I just remind myself that it is better to slow down than stop or totally quit the program. (By the way, these are from my experiences of C25K last year because I am just now getting back to it again and am at W1.)

    I am so happy this time around because I did the running intervals at 5.0 on the treadmill vs. the 4.0 I did it on last year. Dmg on the other hand started right off at 5.0! Everybody is different. I also found that I run much slower on the treadmill than outside. From looking at other forums and websites, it seems a lot of people do... while a lot of other people run faster on the treadmill than outside, and others experience no difference. One website recommended covering up the display on the treadmill (but knowing where the increase and decrease speed buttons are!) and just go at the pace that feels right to you.

    I think the program says something about keeping an even breath throughout your running intervals. Well, that never happens for me because I am totally out of shape!!! But it does suggest that taking it slowly is just fine. I do not think you are expecting too much but just thinking too much about it!