Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - August Challenge!!



  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    bump for now! WooHOO August!
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Bump for now! thank goodness it's a new month..
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    theprettyone1010- run 30 miles
    GypsyRose25 - Lose 10 lbs and/or 2-3 inches. Make it through Level 1 of 30DS. Make it through the first 2 weeks of C25K.
    Bellum24 - Be under 200 pounds, lose 2-3 inches from waist are.
    femme62209- make it to ONEderland, see a weight of 195 by September 1, drink 80 ounces of water every single day, eat desserts only on weekends, write at least one day a week, work out for at least 30 minutes at least 6 days a week, reach week 6 of C25K, give up scale for the month on August (HARD FOR ME!), take time every night night before I go to sleep to reflect on how I am making my body stronger and the things I am thankful for
    knfowler - Cut back on Diet Coke, drink more water, start working through C25K, get back on the rowing machine
    lipe44 - lose 5 pounds, workout 3 times a week while at school, stay on track with my 40/30/30 ratio
    anapai- bike 20 miles a week, back under 120lbs, and log in food diary at least 28/31 days
    Amberness89 - be as close as I can be to 160 lbs, 10 glasses a day, keep on track with P90X & C25K, pack lunches when school starts back, and work out at the gym as soon as school starts back as well.
    SweetcheeksRN- to workout 4x a week and walk or step 50 miles (walk away the pounds, elliptical, crosstrainer) and log everything...try my best to stay under my calories and lose 8-10 lbs.
    lalonmeg000- no more than 2 "out to eat" meals a week, 3hrs cardio and 3hrs of strength training a week, again .5 inch loss all around !
    Fromaquizer - Run 170ks this month, eat 100g of protein a day and strength train 3 days a week
    Gaia85 - Work out for at least 31 hours (including my remaining 17 days of the 30DS and Week 5 - 8 of C25K); Drink at least 8 cups of water (very hard for me!); Go down a size (14 to 12) and/or lose 8lb.
    CCSunlight - Work out 2x a week after/before work. Start packing my lunch instead of buying it every day. Stop eating pizza rolls for dinner every night.
    KayyB13 - Lose 4 more pounds to get to 184, workout 5-6 times a week, drink less diet soda and more water, and only step on the scale once a week! (Hardest one haha)
    Ashleypeterson37- Gym at least 4-5days a week, get into the 180's, try one new recipe and run at least 3 miles every time I go to the gym! (12-15 miles a week!)
    IMARUNNER8908- walk 2-3 days a week, get 8 hours of sleep, wake up at 8-8:30am every day, get to 165lbs

    I'm in 3 different challenges this week so hopefully I can make my goal of 165 this month. I seem to be losing after upping my cals for the day. LET'S DO THIS!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Allie~ I am right there with you, I am SOOO glad July is over. It was like the longest month ever! I dont even know why, but now we start fresh AGIAN!~!~!

    Ashley~ Sucks about your move. I totally understand.. you cant count on anything the Army says unless is 48 hours out! Ive been the wife for 5 years so far and It still drives me crazy! Nothing you can do but grin and bear it! A good way to do that is to control the things that you can.. like your workout schedule!!! You're going to do great this month!

    Meag~ Thanks again for this awesome thread! Hope you're having fun with the BFF!~!

    AFM.... July was "OK" I didnt weigh in all month, which was my MAIN goal. But I also wanted to tone up while I wasnt on vaca, I gotta say that I failed that goal! I worked out more on Vaca than I did after wards! Well... I did just enough because I didnt gain! I stayed right at 136. I wanted to magically be at 135, but if I am honest with myself, I know I didnt put in any effort wouldnt have earned it anyway.

    So for August.... Loose 6 pounds. Why not. 135 was my goal, but Im pretty much there, so I guess Ill just keep going. If I loose 6 I will be at 130. That is still on the high end of my bmi. I also want to do 30DS again. I just cant seem to finsih the darn thing. But now its geting kind of cold so I know it will be harder for me to get myself out and to the gym, so 30DS will be perfect to keep me on track. Is 6 pounds too ambitious????

    theprettyone1010- run 30 miles
    GypsyRose25 - Lose 10 lbs and/or 2-3 inches. Make it through Level 1 of 30DS. Make it through the first 2 weeks of C25K.
    Bellum24 - Be under 200 pounds, lose 2-3 inches from waist are.
    femme62209- make it to ONEderland, see a weight of 195 by September 1, drink 80 ounces of water every single day, eat desserts only on weekends, write at least one day a week, work out for at least 30 minutes at least 6 days a week, reach week 6 of C25K, give up scale for the month on August (HARD FOR ME!), take time every night night before I go to sleep to reflect on how I am making my body stronger and the things I am thankful for
    knfowler - Cut back on Diet Coke, drink more water, start working through C25K, get back on the rowing machine
    lipe44 - lose 5 pounds, workout 3 times a week while at school, stay on track with my 40/30/30 ratio
    anapai- bike 20 miles a week, back under 120lbs, and log in food diary at least 28/31 days
    Amberness89 - be as close as I can be to 160 lbs, 10 glasses a day, keep on track with P90X & C25K, pack lunches when school starts back, and work out at the gym as soon as school starts back as well.
    SweetcheeksRN- to workout 4x a week and walk or step 50 miles (walk away the pounds, elliptical, crosstrainer) and log everything...try my best to stay under my calories and lose 8-10 lbs.
    lalonmeg000- no more than 2 "out to eat" meals a week, 3hrs cardio and 3hrs of strength training a week, again .5 inch loss all around !
    Fromaquizer - Run 170ks this month, eat 100g of protein a day and strength train 3 days a week
    Gaia85 - Work out for at least 31 hours (including my remaining 17 days of the 30DS and Week 5 - 8 of C25K); Drink at least 8 cups of water (very hard for me!); Go down a size (14 to 12) and/or lose 8lb.
    CCSunlight - Work out 2x a week after/before work. Start packing my lunch instead of buying it every day. Stop eating pizza rolls for dinner every night.
    KayyB13 - Lose 4 more pounds to get to 184, workout 5-6 times a week, drink less diet soda and more water, and only step on the scale once a week! (Hardest one haha)
    Ashleypeterson37- Gym at least 4-5days a week, get into the 180's, try one new recipe and run at least 3 miles every time I go to the gym! (12-15 miles a week!)
    ~~KanCrav.. loose 6 pounds to hit 130. Be on level three of 30DS by the end of the month.
  • cmg2008
    cmg2008 Posts: 139
    I know in July I was hardly on this thred but time to start anew!!! In July I hit my goals for the most part, expect I discountie the C25K and just planned on running when I felt like it and for however long I thought I could manage.

    For August, I plan to....
    stick with my 5K training plan, run at least 26miles, get into the 130s, continue with the 30DS shred on my CT days and conintue doing all this once Grad School starts back up!
    theprettyone1010- run 30 miles
    GypsyRose25 - Lose 10 lbs and/or 2-3 inches. Make it through Level 1 of 30DS. Make it through the first 2 weeks of C25K.
    Bellum24 - Be under 200 pounds, lose 2-3 inches from waist are.
    femme62209- make it to ONEderland, see a weight of 195 by September 1, drink 80 ounces of water every single day, eat desserts only on weekends, write at least one day a week, work out for at least 30 minutes at least 6 days a week, reach week 6 of C25K, give up scale for the month on August (HARD FOR ME!), take time every night night before I go to sleep to reflect on how I am making my body stronger and the things I am thankful for
    knfowler - Cut back on Diet Coke, drink more water, start working through C25K, get back on the rowing machine
    lipe44 - lose 5 pounds, workout 3 times a week while at school, stay on track with my 40/30/30 ratio
    anapai- bike 20 miles a week, back under 120lbs, and log in food diary at least 28/31 days
    Amberness89 - be as close as I can be to 160 lbs, 10 glasses a day, keep on track with P90X & C25K, pack lunches when school starts back, and work out at the gym as soon as school starts back as well.
    SweetcheeksRN- to workout 4x a week and walk or step 50 miles (walk away the pounds, elliptical, crosstrainer) and log everything...try my best to stay under my calories and lose 8-10 lbs.
    lalonmeg000- no more than 2 "out to eat" meals a week, 3hrs cardio and 3hrs of strength training a week, again .5 inch loss all around !
    Fromaquizer - Run 170ks this month, eat 100g of protein a day and strength train 3 days a week
    Gaia85 - Work out for at least 31 hours (including my remaining 17 days of the 30DS and Week 5 - 8 of C25K); Drink at least 8 cups of water (very hard for me!); Go down a size (14 to 12) and/or lose 8lb.
    CCSunlight - Work out 2x a week after/before work. Start packing my lunch instead of buying it every day. Stop eating pizza rolls for dinner every night.
    KayyB13 - Lose 4 more pounds to get to 184, workout 5-6 times a week, drink less diet soda and more water, and only step on the scale once a week! (Hardest one haha)
    Ashleypeterson37- Gym at least 4-5days a week, get into the 180's, try one new recipe and run at least 3 miles every time I go to the gym! (12-15 miles a week!)
    IMARUNNER8908- walk 2-3 days a week, get 8 hours of sleep, wake up at 8-8:30am every day, get to 165lbs
    ~~KanCrav.. loose 6 pounds to hit 130. Be on level three of 30DS by the end of the month.
    cmg2008 - stick with my 5K training plan, run at least 26miles, get into the 130s, continue with the 30DS shred on my CT days and conintue doing all this once Grad School starts back up!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Allislefttogain: Start training for my first full marathon; at least 96 ounces of water a day; make initial appointment with a physical therapist; hit 583.33 miles running by month end; at least 2 strength training sessions a week

    Wishy washy month for me. Did start training (and am on week 3!) of my marathon training; did get in 96 oz of water about 90% of the time; saw a PT on Saturday (phew, just slid that in) and am going back today. SURPASSED my mileage goal and ran my first 100 mile month; and majorly failed with the strength training.

    Gotta think about my August goals. A lot of it is riding on what the physical therapist says at my appointment this afternoon. EEK.
  • Evallusion
    Evallusion Posts: 165 Member
    New to this challenge:

    theprettyone1010- run 30 miles
    GypsyRose25 - Lose 10 lbs and/or 2-3 inches. Make it through Level 1 of 30DS. Make it through the first 2 weeks of C25K.
    Bellum24 - Be under 200 pounds, lose 2-3 inches from waist are.
    femme62209- make it to ONEderland, see a weight of 195 by September 1, drink 80 ounces of water every single day, eat desserts only on weekends, write at least one day a week, work out for at least 30 minutes at least 6 days a week, reach week 6 of C25K, give up scale for the month on August (HARD FOR ME!), take time every night night before I go to sleep to reflect on how I am making my body stronger and the things I am thankful for
    knfowler - Cut back on Diet Coke, drink more water, start working through C25K, get back on the rowing machine
    lipe44 - lose 5 pounds, workout 3 times a week while at school, stay on track with my 40/30/30 ratio
    anapai- bike 20 miles a week, back under 120lbs, and log in food diary at least 28/31 days
    Amberness89 - be as close as I can be to 160 lbs, 10 glasses a day, keep on track with P90X & C25K, pack lunches when school starts back, and work out at the gym as soon as school starts back as well.
    SweetcheeksRN- to workout 4x a week and walk or step 50 miles (walk away the pounds, elliptical, crosstrainer) and log everything...try my best to stay under my calories and lose 8-10 lbs.
    lalonmeg000- no more than 2 "out to eat" meals a week, 3hrs cardio and 3hrs of strength training a week, again .5 inch loss all around !
    Fromaquizer - Run 170ks this month, eat 100g of protein a day and strength train 3 days a week
    Gaia85 - Work out for at least 31 hours (including my remaining 17 days of the 30DS and Week 5 - 8 of C25K); Drink at least 8 cups of water (very hard for me!); Go down a size (14 to 12) and/or lose 8lb.
    CCSunlight - Work out 2x a week after/before work. Start packing my lunch instead of buying it every day. Stop eating pizza rolls for dinner every night.
    KayyB13 - Lose 4 more pounds to get to 184, workout 5-6 times a week, drink less diet soda and more water, and only step on the scale once a week! (Hardest one haha)
    Ashleypeterson37- Gym at least 4-5days a week, get into the 180's, try one new recipe and run at least 3 miles every time I go to the gym! (12-15 miles a week!)
    ~~KanCrav.. loose 6 pounds to hit 130. Be on level three of 30DS by the end of the month.
    **Evallusion -- Complete the 30 Day Shred, drink more water, take my iron pills, eat more veggies
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Happy August Lovelies and new Lovelies!!

    Assessment time...
    guamgrly (Bethany) - no scale!! Focus on the lifestyle, the routine, and meal planning. Work out 3x per week. Drink 8 glasses of water per day. Eat more fruits and veggies

    I think I stepped on the scale once during the middle of July to get an accurate starting weight - so a win there. Yet to start meal planning and exercising again. Was averaging about 4 glasses of water per day which is better than the best but not where I need to be. I was definitely getting in more fruits and veggies for the month.

    And here's August...

    theprettyone1010- run 30 miles
    GypsyRose25 - Lose 10 lbs and/or 2-3 inches. Make it through Level 1 of 30DS. Make it through the first 2 weeks of C25K.
    Bellum24 - Be under 200 pounds, lose 2-3 inches from waist are.
    femme62209- make it to ONEderland, see a weight of 195 by September 1, drink 80 ounces of water every single day, eat desserts only on weekends, write at least one day a week, work out for at least 30 minutes at least 6 days a week, reach week 6 of C25K, give up scale for the month on August (HARD FOR ME!), take time every night night before I go to sleep to reflect on how I am making my body stronger and the things I am thankful for
    knfowler - Cut back on Diet Coke, drink more water, start working through C25K, get back on the rowing machine
    lipe44 - lose 5 pounds, workout 3 times a week while at school, stay on track with my 40/30/30 ratio
    anapai- bike 20 miles a week, back under 120lbs, and log in food diary at least 28/31 days
    Amberness89 - be as close as I can be to 160 lbs, 10 glasses a day, keep on track with P90X & C25K, pack lunches when school starts back, and work out at the gym as soon as school starts back as well.
    SweetcheeksRN- to workout 4x a week and walk or step 50 miles (walk away the pounds, elliptical, crosstrainer) and log everything...try my best to stay under my calories and lose 8-10 lbs.
    lalonmeg000- no more than 2 "out to eat" meals a week, 3hrs cardio and 3hrs of strength training a week, again .5 inch loss all around !
    Fromaquizer - Run 170ks this month, eat 100g of protein a day and strength train 3 days a week
    Gaia85 - Work out for at least 31 hours (including my remaining 17 days of the 30DS and Week 5 - 8 of C25K); Drink at least 8 cups of water (very hard for me!); Go down a size (14 to 12) and/or lose 8lb.
    CCSunlight - Work out 2x a week after/before work. Start packing my lunch instead of buying it every day. Stop eating pizza rolls for dinner every night.
    KayyB13 - Lose 4 more pounds to get to 184, workout 5-6 times a week, drink less diet soda and more water, and only step on the scale once a week! (Hardest one haha)
    Ashleypeterson37- Gym at least 4-5days a week, get into the 180's, try one new recipe and run at least 3 miles every time I go to the gym! (12-15 miles a week!)
    ~~KanCrav.. loose 6 pounds to hit 130. Be on level three of 30DS by the end of the month.
    **Evallusion -- Complete the 30 Day Shred, drink more water, take my iron pills, eat more veggies
    ~GuamGrly~ (Bethany) - start and continue C25K training, 8 oz. of water per day, 60-90 minutes per week of additional exercise, eat out no more than 2 days per week, and lose 4 pounds this month. Going big or going home this month!!
  • JessYas
    JessYas Posts: 21 Member
    Woo hoo!

    I am down to 137lbs again after some slipping up, but I will hit my 135 mark this month and STAY there, that is my major goal! How am I going to do it? Running 4x a week, and not skipping weekends :)

    Other August peeps:

    theprettyone1010- run 30 miles
    GypsyRose25 - Lose 10 lbs and/or 2-3 inches. Make it through Level 1 of 30DS. Make it through the first 2 weeks of C25K.
    Bellum24 - Be under 200 pounds, lose 2-3 inches from waist are.
    femme62209- make it to ONEderland, see a weight of 195 by September 1, drink 80 ounces of water every single day, eat desserts only on weekends, write at least one day a week, work out for at least 30 minutes at least 6 days a week, reach week 6 of C25K, give up scale for the month on August (HARD FOR ME!), take time every night night before I go to sleep to reflect on how I am making my body stronger and the things I am thankful for
    knfowler - Cut back on Diet Coke, drink more water, start working through C25K, get back on the rowing machine
    lipe44 - lose 5 pounds, workout 3 times a week while at school, stay on track with my 40/30/30 ratio
    anapai- bike 20 miles a week, back under 120lbs, and log in food diary at least 28/31 days
    Amberness89 - be as close as I can be to 160 lbs, 10 glasses a day, keep on track with P90X & C25K, pack lunches when school starts back, and work out at the gym as soon as school starts back as well.
    SweetcheeksRN- to workout 4x a week and walk or step 50 miles (walk away the pounds, elliptical, crosstrainer) and log everything...try my best to stay under my calories and lose 8-10 lbs.
    lalonmeg000- no more than 2 "out to eat" meals a week, 3hrs cardio and 3hrs of strength training a week, again .5 inch loss all around !
    Fromaquizer - Run 170ks this month, eat 100g of protein a day and strength train 3 days a week
    Gaia85 - Work out for at least 31 hours (including my remaining 17 days of the 30DS and Week 5 - 8 of C25K); Drink at least 8 cups of water (very hard for me!); Go down a size (14 to 12) and/or lose 8lb.
    CCSunlight - Work out 2x a week after/before work. Start packing my lunch instead of buying it every day. Stop eating pizza rolls for dinner every night.
    KayyB13 - Lose 4 more pounds to get to 184, workout 5-6 times a week, drink less diet soda and more water, and only step on the scale once a week! (Hardest one haha)
    Ashleypeterson37- Gym at least 4-5days a week, get into the 180's, try one new recipe and run at least 3 miles every time I go to the gym! (12-15 miles a week!)
    ~~KanCrav.. loose 6 pounds to hit 130. Be on level three of 30DS by the end of the month.
    **Evallusion -- Complete the 30 Day Shred, drink more water, take my iron pills, eat more veggies
    ~GuamGrly~ (Bethany) - start and continue C25K training, 8 oz. of water per day, 60-90 minutes per week of additional exercise, eat out no more than 2 days per week, and lose 4 pounds this month. Going big or going home this month!!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Adding JessYas...

    theprettyone1010- run 30 miles
    GypsyRose25 - Lose 10 lbs and/or 2-3 inches. Make it through Level 1 of 30DS. Make it through the first 2 weeks of C25K.
    Bellum24 - Be under 200 pounds, lose 2-3 inches from waist are.
    femme62209- make it to ONEderland, see a weight of 195 by September 1, drink 80 ounces of water every single day, eat desserts only on weekends, write at least one day a week, work out for at least 30 minutes at least 6 days a week, reach week 6 of C25K, give up scale for the month on August (HARD FOR ME!), take time every night night before I go to sleep to reflect on how I am making my body stronger and the things I am thankful for
    knfowler - Cut back on Diet Coke, drink more water, start working through C25K, get back on the rowing machine
    lipe44 - lose 5 pounds, workout 3 times a week while at school, stay on track with my 40/30/30 ratio
    anapai- bike 20 miles a week, back under 120lbs, and log in food diary at least 28/31 days
    Amberness89 - be as close as I can be to 160 lbs, 10 glasses a day, keep on track with P90X & C25K, pack lunches when school starts back, and work out at the gym as soon as school starts back as well.
    SweetcheeksRN- to workout 4x a week and walk or step 50 miles (walk away the pounds, elliptical, crosstrainer) and log everything...try my best to stay under my calories and lose 8-10 lbs.
    lalonmeg000- no more than 2 "out to eat" meals a week, 3hrs cardio and 3hrs of strength training a week, again .5 inch loss all around !
    Fromaquizer - Run 170ks this month, eat 100g of protein a day and strength train 3 days a week
    Gaia85 - Work out for at least 31 hours (including my remaining 17 days of the 30DS and Week 5 - 8 of C25K); Drink at least 8 cups of water (very hard for me!); Go down a size (14 to 12) and/or lose 8lb.
    CCSunlight - Work out 2x a week after/before work. Start packing my lunch instead of buying it every day. Stop eating pizza rolls for dinner every night.
    KayyB13 - Lose 4 more pounds to get to 184, workout 5-6 times a week, drink less diet soda and more water, and only step on the scale once a week! (Hardest one haha)
    Ashleypeterson37- Gym at least 4-5days a week, get into the 180's, try one new recipe and run at least 3 miles every time I go to the gym! (12-15 miles a week!)
    ~~KanCrav.. loose 6 pounds to hit 130. Be on level three of 30DS by the end of the month.
    **Evallusion -- Complete the 30 Day Shred, drink more water, take my iron pills, eat more veggies
    ~GuamGrly~ (Bethany) - start and continue C25K training, 8 oz. of water per day, 60-90 minutes per week of additional exercise, eat out no more than 2 days per week, and lose 4 pounds this month. Going big or going home this month!!
    JessYas - Running 4x a week, and not skipping weekends :)
  • theprettyone1010- run 30 miles
    GypsyRose25 - Lose 10 lbs and/or 2-3 inches. Make it through Level 1 of 30DS. Make it through the first 2 weeks of C25K.
    Bellum24 - Be under 200 pounds, lose 2-3 inches from waist are.
    femme62209- make it to ONEderland, see a weight of 195 by September 1, drink 80 ounces of water every single day, eat desserts only on weekends, write at least one day a week, work out for at least 30 minutes at least 6 days a week, reach week 6 of C25K, give up scale for the month on August (HARD FOR ME!), take time every night night before I go to sleep to reflect on how I am making my body stronger and the things I am thankful for
    knfowler - Cut back on Diet Coke, drink more water, start working through C25K, get back on the rowing machine
    lipe44 - lose 5 pounds, workout 3 times a week while at school, stay on track with my 40/30/30 ratio
    anapai- bike 20 miles a week, back under 120lbs, and log in food diary at least 28/31 days
    Amberness89 - be as close as I can be to 160 lbs, 10 glasses a day, keep on track with P90X & C25K, pack lunches when school starts back, and work out at the gym as soon as school starts back as well.
    SweetcheeksRN- to workout 4x a week and walk or step 50 miles (walk away the pounds, elliptical, crosstrainer) and log everything...try my best to stay under my calories and lose 8-10 lbs.
    lalonmeg000- no more than 2 "out to eat" meals a week, 3hrs cardio and 3hrs of strength training a week, again .5 inch loss all around !
    Fromaquizer - Run 170ks this month, eat 100g of protein a day and strength train 3 days a week
    Gaia85 - Work out for at least 31 hours (including my remaining 17 days of the 30DS and Week 5 - 8 of C25K); Drink at least 8 cups of water (very hard for me!); Go down a size (14 to 12) and/or lose 8lb.
    CCSunlight - Work out 2x a week after/before work. Start packing my lunch instead of buying it every day. Stop eating pizza rolls for dinner every night.
    KayyB13 - Lose 4 more pounds to get to 184, workout 5-6 times a week, drink less diet soda and more water, and only step on the scale once a week! (Hardest one haha)
    Ashleypeterson37- Gym at least 4-5days a week, get into the 180's, try one new recipe and run at least 3 miles every time I go to the gym! (12-15 miles a week!)
    ~~KanCrav.. loose 6 pounds to hit 130. Be on level three of 30DS by the end of the month.
    **Evallusion -- Complete the 30 Day Shred, drink more water, take my iron pills, eat more veggies
    ~GuamGrly~ (Bethany) - start and continue C25K training, 8 oz. of water per day, 60-90 minutes per week of additional exercise, eat out no more than 2 days per week, and lose 4 pounds this month. Going big or going home this month!!
    JessYas - Running 4x a week, and not skipping weekends :)
    Kmarie115-Run a 5k under 30 min
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Got the OK to keep training for my marathon! And to start playing soccer again in the fall. YESSSSSSSSSS! Then I ran out and ran an "easy" 4 mile run in 100+ degrees....yeahhh overall 9:12 pace, which is fast for me on easy/hot days. Let myself go fast to celebrate! Have some nerve damage (unexpected news) and the ankle/tendonitis problems that I've had for years. Have very limited rotational and side to side movement in my ankle and I can't bend my toes. Never realized any of these issues until the PT had me try them today. So #1 goal for August is to keep up with PT and doing my exercises and icing "homework". I CAN KEEP RUNNING:heart:

    I'm in "maintenance" right now. Would be happy to get a bit lower, but my fitness/overall health are more of a priority to me. Haven't weighed since the end of June, and I will once in August...not sure when yet. Trying to not let the scale dictate/affect how I feel about myself. I feel good, I'm fit and healthy and eat a balanced the number isn't that important!

    theprettyone1010- run 30 miles
    GypsyRose25 - Lose 10 lbs and/or 2-3 inches. Make it through Level 1 of 30DS. Make it through the first 2 weeks of C25K.
    Bellum24 - Be under 200 pounds, lose 2-3 inches from waist are.
    femme62209- make it to ONEderland, see a weight of 195 by September 1, drink 80 ounces of water every single day, eat desserts only on weekends, write at least one day a week, work out for at least 30 minutes at least 6 days a week, reach week 6 of C25K, give up scale for the month on August (HARD FOR ME!), take time every night night before I go to sleep to reflect on how I am making my body stronger and the things I am thankful for
    knfowler - Cut back on Diet Coke, drink more water, start working through C25K, get back on the rowing machine
    lipe44 - lose 5 pounds, workout 3 times a week while at school, stay on track with my 40/30/30 ratio
    anapai- bike 20 miles a week, back under 120lbs, and log in food diary at least 28/31 days
    Amberness89 - be as close as I can be to 160 lbs, 10 glasses a day, keep on track with P90X & C25K, pack lunches when school starts back, and work out at the gym as soon as school starts back as well.
    SweetcheeksRN- to workout 4x a week and walk or step 50 miles (walk away the pounds, elliptical, crosstrainer) and log everything...try my best to stay under my calories and lose 8-10 lbs.
    lalonmeg000- no more than 2 "out to eat" meals a week, 3hrs cardio and 3hrs of strength training a week, again .5 inch loss all around !
    Fromaquizer - Run 170ks this month, eat 100g of protein a day and strength train 3 days a week
    Gaia85 - Work out for at least 31 hours (including my remaining 17 days of the 30DS and Week 5 - 8 of C25K); Drink at least 8 cups of water (very hard for me!); Go down a size (14 to 12) and/or lose 8lb.
    CCSunlight - Work out 2x a week after/before work. Start packing my lunch instead of buying it every day. Stop eating pizza rolls for dinner every night.
    KayyB13 - Lose 4 more pounds to get to 184, workout 5-6 times a week, drink less diet soda and more water, and only step on the scale once a week! (Hardest one haha)
    Ashleypeterson37- Gym at least 4-5days a week, get into the 180's, try one new recipe and run at least 3 miles every time I go to the gym! (12-15 miles a week!)
    ~~KanCrav.. loose 6 pounds to hit 130. Be on level three of 30DS by the end of the month.
    **Evallusion -- Complete the 30 Day Shred, drink more water, take my iron pills, eat more veggies
    ~GuamGrly~ (Bethany) - start and continue C25K training, 8 oz. of water per day, 60-90 minutes per week of additional exercise, eat out no more than 2 days per week, and lose 4 pounds this month. Going big or going home this month!!
    JessYas - Running 4x a week, and not skipping weekends :)
    Kmarie115-Run a 5k under 30 min
    Jillybeanruns - Continue training for marathon; minimum 96oz of water daily; make PT/PT "homework" a priority; strength train 2x a week; stretch/do yoga on a regular basis; weigh myself once in August
  • Thank goodness for new beginnings! I have been off the site for a while, but I'm getting back into the swing of things! Ready to kick some *kitten*!!!

    theprettyone1010- run 30 miles
    GypsyRose25 - Lose 10 lbs and/or 2-3 inches. Make it through Level 1 of 30DS. Make it through the first 2 weeks of C25K.
    Bellum24 - Be under 200 pounds, lose 2-3 inches from waist are.
    femme62209- make it to ONEderland, see a weight of 195 by September 1, drink 80 ounces of water every single day, eat desserts only on weekends, write at least one day a week, work out for at least 30 minutes at least 6 days a week, reach week 6 of C25K, give up scale for the month on August (HARD FOR ME!), take time every night night before I go to sleep to reflect on how I am making my body stronger and the things I am thankful for
    knfowler - Cut back on Diet Coke, drink more water, start working through C25K, get back on the rowing machine
    lipe44 - lose 5 pounds, workout 3 times a week while at school, stay on track with my 40/30/30 ratio
    anapai- bike 20 miles a week, back under 120lbs, and log in food diary at least 28/31 days
    Amberness89 - be as close as I can be to 160 lbs, 10 glasses a day, keep on track with P90X & C25K, pack lunches when school starts back, and work out at the gym as soon as school starts back as well.
    SweetcheeksRN- to workout 4x a week and walk or step 50 miles (walk away the pounds, elliptical, crosstrainer) and log everything...try my best to stay under my calories and lose 8-10 lbs.
    lalonmeg000- no more than 2 "out to eat" meals a week, 3hrs cardio and 3hrs of strength training a week, again .5 inch loss all around !
    Fromaquizer - Run 170ks this month, eat 100g of protein a day and strength train 3 days a week
    Gaia85 - Work out for at least 31 hours (including my remaining 17 days of the 30DS and Week 5 - 8 of C25K); Drink at least 8 cups of water (very hard for me!); Go down a size (14 to 12) and/or lose 8lb.
    CCSunlight - Work out 2x a week after/before work. Start packing my lunch instead of buying it every day. Stop eating pizza rolls for dinner every night.
    KayyB13 - Lose 4 more pounds to get to 184, workout 5-6 times a week, drink less diet soda and more water, and only step on the scale once a week! (Hardest one haha)
    Ashleypeterson37- Gym at least 4-5days a week, get into the 180's, try one new recipe and run at least 3 miles every time I go to the gym! (12-15 miles a week!)
    ~~KanCrav.. loose 6 pounds to hit 130. Be on level three of 30DS by the end of the month.
    **Evallusion -- Complete the 30 Day Shred, drink more water, take my iron pills, eat more veggies
    ~GuamGrly~ (Bethany) - start and continue C25K training, 8 oz. of water per day, 60-90 minutes per week of additional exercise, eat out no more than 2 days per week, and lose 4 pounds this month. Going big or going home this month!!
    JessYas - Running 4x a week, and not skipping weekends :)
    Kmarie115-Run a 5k under 30 min
    Jillybeanruns - Continue training for marathon; minimum 96oz of water daily; make PT/PT "homework" a priority; strength train 2x a week; stretch/do yoga on a regular basis; weigh myself once in August
    missjaygraham87: Lose 6 lbs, walk dog 6x a week, start C25K (and get off the first week lol), introduce strength training 3x/wk and keep track of daily water intake.
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    Checking in for the day,

    all of these goal look great!

    Bethany- great job in July! You killed it! I am thinking I will start the C25K training. How are you starting this (silly question, but is it I need to order something etc)

    AFM...well minor rough start to August,but nothing that I can't recover from in the next 30 days :) I was good till dinner in which I had a veggie burger, wedge fries and 2 mixed drinks eek. Tell me does the "yay I am finally 21 and can drink at dinner!" ever fade? it's killing my bank account and my waist lol !

    I decided to wait till Friday to weigh in as technically I started July late, and that is when this session of boot-camp ends. A little nervous to step on that scale! I made it too boot camp today (got to go to the noon class yay!!! it's my favorite and a nice treat from forcing and dreading the 5:30 classes) No work or boot-camp tomorrow but I am still going to try and make it to the gym at some point even if its only 30 min, just gotta get in that habit!

    Happy Monday and August 1st to everyone :)
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Thank goodness for new beginnings! I have been off the site for a while, but I'm getting back into the swing of things! Ready to kick some *kitten*!!!

    theprettyone1010- run 30 miles
    GypsyRose25 - Lose 10 lbs and/or 2-3 inches. Make it through Level 1 of 30DS. Make it through the first 2 weeks of C25K.
    Bellum24 - Be under 200 pounds, lose 2-3 inches from waist are.
    femme62209- make it to ONEderland, see a weight of 195 by September 1, drink 80 ounces of water every single day, eat desserts only on weekends, write at least one day a week, work out for at least 30 minutes at least 6 days a week, reach week 6 of C25K, give up scale for the month on August (HARD FOR ME!), take time every night night before I go to sleep to reflect on how I am making my body stronger and the things I am thankful for
    knfowler - Cut back on Diet Coke, drink more water, start working through C25K, get back on the rowing machine
    lipe44 - lose 5 pounds, workout 3 times a week while at school, stay on track with my 40/30/30 ratio
    anapai- bike 20 miles a week, back under 120lbs, and log in food diary at least 28/31 days
    Amberness89 - be as close as I can be to 160 lbs, 10 glasses a day, keep on track with P90X & C25K, pack lunches when school starts back, and work out at the gym as soon as school starts back as well.
    SweetcheeksRN- to workout 4x a week and walk or step 50 miles (walk away the pounds, elliptical, crosstrainer) and log everything...try my best to stay under my calories and lose 8-10 lbs.
    lalonmeg000- no more than 2 "out to eat" meals a week, 3hrs cardio and 3hrs of strength training a week, again .5 inch loss all around !
    Fromaquizer - Run 170ks this month, eat 100g of protein a day and strength train 3 days a week
    Gaia85 - Work out for at least 31 hours (including my remaining 17 days of the 30DS and Week 5 - 8 of C25K); Drink at least 8 cups of water (very hard for me!); Go down a size (14 to 12) and/or lose 8lb.
    CCSunlight - Work out 2x a week after/before work. Start packing my lunch instead of buying it every day. Stop eating pizza rolls for dinner every night.
    KayyB13 - Lose 4 more pounds to get to 184, workout 5-6 times a week, drink less diet soda and more water, and only step on the scale once a week! (Hardest one haha)
    Ashleypeterson37- Gym at least 4-5days a week, get into the 180's, try one new recipe and run at least 3 miles every time I go to the gym! (12-15 miles a week!)
    ~~KanCrav.. loose 6 pounds to hit 130. Be on level three of 30DS by the end of the month.
    **Evallusion -- Complete the 30 Day Shred, drink more water, take my iron pills, eat more veggies
    ~GuamGrly~ (Bethany) - start and continue C25K training, 8 oz. of water per day, 60-90 minutes per week of additional exercise, eat out no more than 2 days per week, and lose 4 pounds this month. Going big or going home this month!!
    JessYas - Running 4x a week, and not skipping weekends :)
    Kmarie115-Run a 5k under 30 min
    Jillybeanruns - Continue training for marathon; minimum 96oz of water daily; make PT/PT "homework" a priority; strength train 2x a week; stretch/do yoga on a regular basis; weigh myself once in August
    missjaygraham87: Lose 6 lbs, walk dog 6x a week, start C25K (and get off the first week lol), introduce strength training 3x/wk and keep track of daily water intake.
    Greenhumanclay -- Sleep 7-8 hours a day 5xs a week, drink 64 oz. of h20 a day, jog 10 miles per week, gym 5 times per week, and mt. bike or hike once a week! and weigh in only on Fridays!
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Hey all, and welcome to all the newbies!! ugh July turned out to be a bad month for various reasons.. I started out at my lowest weight ever, at 144, then came my bday, and it bumped up to 146/148.. then we had a massive heat wave, and i was on vacay and was just a total slacker... had a 5k this past weekend, and i def started out fast and determined and hit the 2 mile mark at 19:28, giving me a PR for that distance.. however i ended up walking for parts of the 3rd mile so i ended up over 31 minutes.. was so so disappointed in myself, but i had no one to blame but me for not keeping up with running during the month.. so i weighed in this morning at 147.5, and am thinking of limiting my scale usage as I'm going to be doing Ripped in 30, so we'll see how long i can hold out.. here goes! let's all have a great month!!

    theprettyone1010- run 30 miles
    GypsyRose25 - Lose 10 lbs and/or 2-3 inches. Make it through Level 1 of 30DS. Make it through the first 2 weeks of C25K.
    Bellum24 - Be under 200 pounds, lose 2-3 inches from waist are.
    femme62209- make it to ONEderland, see a weight of 195 by September 1, drink 80 ounces of water every single day, eat desserts only on weekends, write at least one day a week, work out for at least 30 minutes at least 6 days a week, reach week 6 of C25K, give up scale for the month on August (HARD FOR ME!), take time every night night before I go to sleep to reflect on how I am making my body stronger and the things I am thankful for
    knfowler - Cut back on Diet Coke, drink more water, start working through C25K, get back on the rowing machine
    lipe44 - lose 5 pounds, workout 3 times a week while at school, stay on track with my 40/30/30 ratio
    anapai- bike 20 miles a week, back under 120lbs, and log in food diary at least 28/31 days
    Amberness89 - be as close as I can be to 160 lbs, 10 glasses a day, keep on track with P90X & C25K, pack lunches when school starts back, and work out at the gym as soon as school starts back as well.
    SweetcheeksRN- to workout 4x a week and walk or step 50 miles (walk away the pounds, elliptical, crosstrainer) and log everything...try my best to stay under my calories and lose 8-10 lbs.
    lalonmeg000- no more than 2 "out to eat" meals a week, 3hrs cardio and 3hrs of strength training a week, again .5 inch loss all around !
    Fromaquizer - Run 170ks this month, eat 100g of protein a day and strength train 3 days a week
    Gaia85 - Work out for at least 31 hours (including my remaining 17 days of the 30DS and Week 5 - 8 of C25K); Drink at least 8 cups of water (very hard for me!); Go down a size (14 to 12) and/or lose 8lb.
    CCSunlight - Work out 2x a week after/before work. Start packing my lunch instead of buying it every day. Stop eating pizza rolls for dinner every night.
    KayyB13 - Lose 4 more pounds to get to 184, workout 5-6 times a week, drink less diet soda and more water, and only step on the scale once a week! (Hardest one haha)
    Ashleypeterson37- Gym at least 4-5days a week, get into the 180's, try one new recipe and run at least 3 miles every time I go to the gym! (12-15 miles a week!)
    ~~KanCrav.. loose 6 pounds to hit 130. Be on level three of 30DS by the end of the month.
    **Evallusion -- Complete the 30 Day Shred, drink more water, take my iron pills, eat more veggies
    ~GuamGrly~ (Bethany) - start and continue C25K training, 8 oz. of water per day, 60-90 minutes per week of additional exercise, eat out no more than 2 days per week, and lose 4 pounds this month. Going big or going home this month!!
    JessYas - Running 4x a week, and not skipping weekends :)
    Kmarie115-Run a 5k under 30 min
    Jillybeanruns - Continue training for marathon; minimum 96oz of water daily; make PT/PT "homework" a priority; strength train 2x a week; stretch/do yoga on a regular basis; weigh myself once in August
    missjaygraham87: Lose 6 lbs, walk dog 6x a week, start C25K (and get off the first week lol), introduce strength training 3x/wk and keep track of daily water intake.
    Greenhumanclay -- Sleep 7-8 hours a day 5xs a week, drink 64 oz. of h20 a day, jog 10 miles per week, gym 5 times per week, and mt. bike or hike once a week! and weigh in only on Fridays!
    Allie7383- Complete Ripped in 30, continue with B210K, cut down on snacking and making excuses!!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    Hope everyone has had a great start to their month so far! I am running late for today so I will have to update later today...just wanted to say hello!

  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    Okay, trying to come back.... July was an awfully bad month for me. I really hope to let August be my month of inspiration. I have to get my butt in high gear before September! Maybe, if I set a routine and stick to it, I will be a little more adapted by then. Plus I have to fit in my clinical scrubs better! Those things are awful enough as it is- And when it is time to buy new ones I want to tell the lady at the shop- "Sorry, but I need a smaller size this time."

    To -unfortunately- rehash my goals of June:
    64 oz water/day- check
    No sodas- maybe had 2 mess up days the whole month
    sleep 6 hours 5x/wk- yep
    workout at least 4x/wk-lord nope, I fell off the wagon here... or on?
    drop below 170 *at least* again-nope, gained
    log food without omitting anything 6x/wk-sadly another nope....

    On to deciding August goals. Missed you gals :D
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    theprettyone1010- run 30 miles
    GypsyRose25 - Lose 10 lbs and/or 2-3 inches. Make it through Level 1 of 30DS. Make it through the first 2 weeks of C25K.
    Bellum24 - Be under 200 pounds, lose 2-3 inches from waist are.
    femme62209- make it to ONEderland, see a weight of 195 by September 1, drink 80 ounces of water every single day, eat desserts only on weekends, write at least one day a week, work out for at least 30 minutes at least 6 days a week, reach week 6 of C25K, give up scale for the month on August (HARD FOR ME!), take time every night night before I go to sleep to reflect on how I am making my body stronger and the things I am thankful for
    knfowler - Cut back on Diet Coke, drink more water, start working through C25K, get back on the rowing machine
    lipe44 - lose 5 pounds, workout 3 times a week while at school, stay on track with my 40/30/30 ratio
    anapai- bike 20 miles a week, back under 120lbs, and log in food diary at least 28/31 days
    Amberness89 - be as close as I can be to 160 lbs, 10 glasses a day, keep on track with P90X & C25K, pack lunches when school starts back, and work out at the gym as soon as school starts back as well.
    SweetcheeksRN- to workout 4x a week and walk or step 50 miles (walk away the pounds, elliptical, crosstrainer) and log everything...try my best to stay under my calories and lose 8-10 lbs.
    lalonmeg000- no more than 2 "out to eat" meals a week, 3hrs cardio and 3hrs of strength training a week, again .5 inch loss all around !
    Fromaquizer - Run 170ks this month, eat 100g of protein a day and strength train 3 days a week
    Gaia85 - Work out for at least 31 hours (including my remaining 17 days of the 30DS and Week 5 - 8 of C25K); Drink at least 8 cups of water (very hard for me!); Go down a size (14 to 12) and/or lose 8lb.
    CCSunlight - Work out 2x a week after/before work. Start packing my lunch instead of buying it every day. Stop eating pizza rolls for dinner every night.
    KayyB13 - Lose 4 more pounds to get to 184, workout 5-6 times a week, drink less diet soda and more water, and only step on the scale once a week! (Hardest one haha)
    Ashleypeterson37- Gym at least 4-5days a week, get into the 180's, try one new recipe and run at least 3 miles every time I go to the gym! (12-15 miles a week!)
    ~~KanCrav.. loose 6 pounds to hit 130. Be on level three of 30DS by the end of the month.
    **Evallusion -- Complete the 30 Day Shred, drink more water, take my iron pills, eat more veggies
    ~GuamGrly~ (Bethany) - start and continue C25K training, 8 oz. of water per day, 60-90 minutes per week of additional exercise, eat out no more than 2 days per week, and lose 4 pounds this month. Going big or going home this month!!
    JessYas - Running 4x a week, and not skipping weekends :)
    Kmarie115-Run a 5k under 30 min
    Jillybeanruns - Continue training for marathon; minimum 96oz of water daily; make PT/PT "homework" a priority; strength train 2x a week; stretch/do yoga on a regular basis; weigh myself once in August
    missjaygraham87: Lose 6 lbs, walk dog 6x a week, start C25K (and get off the first week lol), introduce strength training 3x/wk and keep track of daily water intake.
    Greenhumanclay -- Sleep 7-8 hours a day 5xs a week, drink 64 oz. of h20 a day, jog 10 miles per week, gym 5 times per week, and mt. bike or hike once a week! and weigh in only on Fridays!
    Allie7383- Complete Ripped in 30, continue with B210K, cut down on snacking and making excuses!!
    ComfortFoodAddict- 8 water/day, No sodas!, workout at least 4x/wk, drop below 170 *at least* again, log food without omitting anything, do at least 10 minutes of stretch/yoga each morning
This discussion has been closed.