Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - August Challenge!!



  • Ashleypeterson37
    Ashleypeterson37 Posts: 347 Member
    Mandy- That sounds awful! Poor thing....I will send my prayers your way!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Allie - Sorry about the 5K race...those races definitely happen. I can offer you one piece of advice: start out slow. So many people (myself included at times) burn themselves out by running too fast that initial 1/2 or 1 mile. If you stay back and gradually increase your pace, you will pass a great majority of those people as they get burnt out. It's very rewarding mentally (and we all know running IS mostly mental) to pass people. Try and hold yourself off a bit, so you can have an explosive sprinting finish...there's nothing like it and there are always people cheering you on as you finish at a 6:00 pace :smile: I highly recommend putting the scale away...mine has been away since June 24th...and I'm focused on my body, how I actually feel (vs how the scale makes me feel) and my physical performance instead of a number.

    Cmg - Thanks! I don't know how I did it either, honestly. I just moved to the ridiculously hot South about 6 weeks ago and have been struggling with the hot runs (100+ heat index runs). But the good news that I could continue running despite injury just brought me to that place where I was invincible. Loooooove those runs. I run for those kind of runs. I'd have quit long ago if I never got that kind of satisfaction out of a run! Good luck with your 5K training. If you have any questions, let me know. I've run my share of 5Ks in the last 16 months (15!) as well as other longer/shorter runs...I'm still a "novice" runner but I've dealt with a variety of injury, weather conditions (-30 to 110 degree runs...including a few blizzards) and setback imaginable (minus surgery...thankfully!)

    Aly - Sorry to hear about your bike accident. Were you hurt at all? :sad:

    Kan - How long have you been doing Shred for? It might be time for a new routine. I'm sure you've heard it before, but the best workout is one you want to do...not one you're forcing yourself to do. Might be time to hit the gym, take up running:heart: or find a new workout DVD.

    Bethany - Thanks! Me too! Thrillllllled doesn't even begin how pleased I am:love: Yay for running with your daughter AND most importantly, her looking forward to it! Hope today is a better day for you! Not planning ahead screws me up too! And good on you for going to kickboxing last night! :flowerforyou:

    Meag - I have nothing more to say to you:grumble: I think your profile is blowing up enough with my stuff, so I'll spare you. But :heart:

    Megan - Confidence is key. Without confidence in your abilities, you will fail. No question. I had the absolute WORST training week last week...fell short on every single run last week. My confidence was so low and I was considering dropping from the full to half marathon in November. I had to snap myself out of my funk, but the imporant thing to remember is that YOU HAVE to believe in yourself. Hitting 70% of your training mileage in a week is enough if you have the confidence to go out and conquer. Summer runs are tough (believe me I know) so your pace is going to slow's inevitable. Just make sure you hydrate. Maybe delete your running playlist (if you have one) and start from scratch. Get rid of the old, boring songs you hear time and time again. I do that every 2-3 months and it's so refreshing on that first run after! Also, start slow and build your speed, even if it's just a little bit different, it will help. You can do it. You have to do it. But no one can do it but you! Go get it girl:drinker:
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Been having some incredible pain the last 12 hours or so. I've never had nerve damage but it's bad enough that it's making me anxious and my leg is convulsing. Not good. PT today, so hopefully he can do something?! Yesterday's run was a bust. First 2 miles were painful and slow (10.03 and 10.53) and my knee locked up to the point I almost fell during mile 2. Then I picked up the speed and was able to run the last mile in 8.28. After mile 2, I was about to quit...but am glad I didn't. Average a 9:49 pace, undoubtedly slow for me... Today is still a good day, and I'm not letting this pain ruin it! PT then strength and stretch/yoga tonight. Was going to go on the stationary, but I don't need the cardio and it's a knee-killer, so not today.

    And this is one of my favorite things I've seen this week. I live for motivational stuff because I think of it during a tough spot in the run or during the day and it keeps me going. If you have a Facebook account and/or are a runner, you must follow the "I <3 to Run" group. Good stuff!

  • cmg2008
    cmg2008 Posts: 139
    I'll have more later once I finish my workout but I just wanted to hop on here real quick!

    Jill: I love love love that quote!!!! it is soo true!! and I do have a question for you. I keep reading everywhere that when running shoe shopping they say go with a bigger size than what you normally wear, do you find this to be true??? I'm in the market for new shoes, so I figured this time around I would go about it the right way =)

    QOTD: Today is going to be great because I'm going to visit my parents and do a workout on their ellipitcal AND I get to meet my favorite author today at her book signing!!!!!!!!!! I'm soooooo excited =)
  • cmg2008
    cmg2008 Posts: 139
    I'll have more later once I finish my workout but I just wanted to hop on here real quick!

    Jill: I love love love that quote!!!! it is soo true!! and I do have a question for you. I keep reading everywhere that when running shoe shopping they say go with a bigger size than what you normally wear, do you find this to be true??? I'm in the market for new shoes, so I figured this time around I would go about it the right way =)

    QOTD: Today is going to be great because I'm going to visit my parents and do a workout on their ellipitcal AND I get to meet my favorite author today at her book signing!!!!!!!!!! I'm soooooo excited =)
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    I'll have more later once I finish my workout but I just wanted to hop on here real quick!

    Jill: I love love love that quote!!!! it is soo true!! and I do have a question for you. I keep reading everywhere that when running shoe shopping they say go with a bigger size than what you normally wear, do you find this to be true??? I'm in the market for new shoes, so I figured this time around I would go about it the right way =)

    QOTD: Today is going to be great because I'm going to visit my parents and do a workout on their ellipitcal AND I get to meet my favorite author today at her book signing!!!!!!!!!! I'm soooooo excited =)

    While you asked Jill specifically I will tell you that I went to a running speciality store and got fitted for proper shoes. I stood on a pressure mat that told them the width, arch, and size of shoe I needed and it was right on the money. They put me in neutral shoes and had me run on the treadmill for a minute to see what type of shoe I needed so that I was running properly and not injurying myself. I have gone on 3 runs with my new shoes and I am in love. I would definitely do this. I just walked right in and said I need to be fitted for shoes and the entire process took less than 30 minutes. The fastest I have bought a pair of running shoes ever in my life.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    What Megan said is what I would advise as well. Just because you go to the store and get fitted, however, doesn't mean you need to get the shoes there. I often haven't just due to price (a lot of the shoes can be found for much cheaper at places like Runner's Warehouse) but you're not going to know until you're there. I never try out the shoes on the treadmill, because I've never been a treadmill runner...lately I have been more so though :-/ They'll watch you run outside on the street/sidewalk/what have you as well. Don't be afraid to ask for a second opinion from someone else who works there...gait is not a cut and dry analysis, so you might have two different opinions on what you should be wearing. Although not the most feasible for a lot of people initially, I run in 2 different shoes. So I switch them out every run...2 different styles and although they're both lightweight stability shoes, they do work different muscles and help with recovery. So spending $200 on shoes isn't ideal initally, you'll have those shoes for twice as long... just something to keep in mind. It is highly advisable if you're going to be putting in more serious mileage. One of my pairs has about 100 miles more on them, so when it's time to retire them, I will replace them with the same model, and if it's race day or a training run that matters (long runs for me)...I will retire them and wear the old model for the race. Running shoes don't have to be "broken in" perse, but I always like to go about 25 miles before I race in any of my shoes. I'm a bit of an overthinker though :smile:

    Oh and I wear an 8 in street shoes, initially wore an 8 in proper running shoes (February 2010), went up to an 8.5 and am now in a 9. They'll tell you this in the running store, but your feet swell when you run, so you need ample (but not too much) room in the toe box. My shoes are properly fitted (just got refitted last month) and I still have blood blister/dead skin problems with my feet. I know some people say that's a sign of improper shoes...but I don't believe that to be true. You run, you sweat, your feet rub up on the socks/insides of the're going to have nasty feet. But you're a runner if you do :heart:

    Oh and proper running socks are critical. I've been having issues with socks a lot lately, so I don't have too much advice. Have been wearing Feetures as of the last 2 weeks, and I haven't had many issues....but I'm not going to give you a MUST BUY rating at this point in time.

    Also, if AND ONLY IF they tell you that you need a stability shoe...I swear by the Brooks GTS 10s (they're hard to find as the 11s are out) and the Asics 2160s. They're both lightweight, perfect for me and good for racing, though they aren't racing shoes! But if you get those shoes and they tell you that you need a neutral shoe, you'll have problems...maybe not initally, but eventually they'll come.
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    Today was a good day and then it got bad. I weighed in 6 pounds heavier....6lbs in a month!? Surely I didn't eat that bad :/ praying it's only mother nature and the water weight/ bloating will be gone in a week.

    I have a friend's birthday dinner tonight at Cheddar's and all I want is a Margarita and something fried, but going to try and stay strong and not let the downing weigh in get to me.

    That's all for today, I went to boot-camp and going to take a short nap before I get ready for the night.

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful Wednesday!
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    I've been doing well this week even though last night was the first night I actually drank my 10 glasses. I came close the other two nights at 8! I also need to start week 2 of C25K tonight so that I don't get behind!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Happy Hump Day Lovelies!!

    Meghan – I think that’s a great idea to wait until your schedule is constant….that way you can just add it into the mix and plan things around your scheduled run times!! And great job with the 2 straight days of good food days. Pretty soon it will become 2nd nature and no longer weird…haha!! Keep it up girly!!

    Meag – you are completely right!! I just love my sleep and I am enjoying sleeping in while I don’t have to have my daughter up early for school. But if I don’t ever get it started then I will never finish and then won’t be anything close to prepared for the race that I already signed up for and paid for.

    ComfortFood – if it makes it easier for you to hold yourself accountable, post your workout schedule in the forum also. That way you have more people to hold you accountable and to also cheer you on. Great job taking the time to put a schedule together though!!

    GreenHuman – glad to hear that August is off to a great start for you!! Hopefully you can maintain that momentum all throughout the month and end up with amazing results!!

    Allie – eventually I will give into Jillian and let her whip my *kitten* into shape. But for now, I need to get my 5K training underway since it will lead me right up to my race so there really is no time for slacking. I am very glad that my daughter is excited about her race too. I asked her about it first and gave her the day to think about it and she decided to do it on her own. She is only doing a mile but hopefully she will stick to it and it can become something that the 2 of us can do together.

    Miriam – great job improving your time and great job finishing 30DS!! I give you tons of props cause I have yet to even pop in the DVD.

    Megan – sorry to hear that your running isn’t going quite the way that you wanted it to! I say as long as you are still attempting to get out there and run then you are still doing great things!! I would say just run!! Don’t focus on your time for now and just focus on getting out there and running the entire distance. You have plenty of time between now and your race to work on fine tuning it all!! And I’m sure those comments gave you some of that reassurance you needed to show yourself that your hard work really is paying off. Keep up the great work girly!!!

    Mandy - congrats on being hired on full-time at the fire department!! Sorry to hear about Michelle though! Its amazing that she has held on this long. Prayers will continued for you and her family!! Oh and what’s the status on the house??

    Jill – So glad to hear that you are still pushing through your runs despite the pain!! And I live for motivational stuff too!! I love quotes!! I may have to do what Rachel used to do and post a quote a day in regards to motivation or weight loss or just anything!! Do you have a HRM?? I’m sure you do. I really need to invest in one. I think I want one that gauges distance and calories burned but don’t think I need all of the bells and whistles. I guess I am just afraid that I will end up spending too much money for something that I won’t get enough use out of…ugh!! And thank you for all of that great running advice!!

    AFM…was tired and DID NOT want to go to the gym last night for my kickboxing class!! And my friend that I had invited ended up bailing on me but I had a heart-to-heart with myself and decided that going was the best thing that I could do for myself. So I went and got my *kitten* worked!! I don’t know why I ever stopped going cause its killer when I start again. I’m hoping to get my 5K training started today. My daughter and I are gonna head to the high school down the street from my house and hopefully the track is open so that we can run there. Food was good yesterday and its looking pretty good today. Just need to figure out dinner.

    QOTD (yesterday) – just stay focused and continue to plan ahead. I know that if I don’t have a plan or options then I am more likely to make bad decisions!!

    Today’s quote of the day – “It's not whether you get knocked down; it's whether you get up” Vince Lombardi

    Make it a great day Lovelies!!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Hey there everyone! There is so much going on but I don't think I have time to respond to everyone just yet. But welcome newbies and vets a like! I am so ready to kick *kitten* this month!

    A few of you have asked if I got hurt and here is an answer. I hit my helmet first then my Jaw on the cement. I started gushing blood from my chin and it took a few hours to stop but it was a small cut and I didn't need stitches. I might have had a mild concussion from hitting my head so hard but there is nothing I can do about it. The most pain I have now is that my Jaw hurts to chew and I have some bruses on my ribs and legs from falling. I have been told by my acupuncturist and many other to just take it easy and maybe do some long walks for exercise-This is sooo hard! But right now I am hurting so it isn't as hard and it might be if this is for a long time. The hardest part is that I have some grief from not finishing but I am trying to focus on the positive right now and get to losing weight and wedding planning.

    I am going to Weight Watchers with my mom tomorrow, I think I need that physical sense of community and she wants to do it together and last time we did it together we had great results. Something about paying for it and going to the meetings work for me. For now I am tracking on here and yesterday I was over my cals about 150 which isn't too bad. Today I am hoping to not be over but it is hard because I feel really hungry still from the training. Maybe Weight Watchers will work better for me because of this. It is hard to chew so that seems to help too haha. Ill be back to comment on peeps but for now have a great day.

    QOTD- Today I am sticking to my calories and I plan to go on a little walk with my fiance tonight. It's the little things I have to work on to feel great.
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    So, I've eaten good all day today :D, not had much water though. Got to get some in before Zumba at 6! Wore my fancy new heart rate monitor last night... hopefully this really is a more accurate read on what I am burning. So far 2 for 2 on workout schedule accomplishments lol... baby steps here. Made a new recipe last night that was lighter... the bf even liked it... only problem is I can't the curry smell to go away. It is following me. I have washed my hands a hundred times and showered. Oh, well. Hope I stay on track for the rest of the day as well. Plus lots of studying tonight! Hope everyone else is having a great day!
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    Hi all - this is my first check in :)

    SO I am 5ks into my 170 for the month, and have another 25 scheduled this week. I have 2 weight trainings done and one to go. Protein wise I'm not doing so good, I need to get some more protein powder? Any one got any recommendations?

    Thought I would share this as some good advice/motivation for the day
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Ohhh my word! Today was absolutely heinous! :noway: Hope you're all ready for a minor b*tch fest, because one is coming!

    So I got up begrudgingly at 530am once again on very little sleep to get in a run - 40 mins tempo run on the schedule - only to realize in my half-awake zombie mode that a) my phone is still broken and Tyler's attempt to fix it last night totally uninstalled ALL of my apps, including MFP and RunKeeper; b) my new fuel belt that I picked up on Tuesday is really uncomfortable and until I get used to it I'm going to freaking HATE running with it; c) my body is destroyed, particularly my hip and foot, and running even in small intervals feels absolutely awful; and d) I'm f*cking worn out and beat down and I need to get some rest, sleep and a little emotional down time before I have a total melt down...

    Then I step outside, finally, giving up on my phone and just deciding to run whatever I feel like running, and it's cold and rainy. And I'm dressed for the summer heat. FML! I ran a total of 8 minutes and finally gave up - not words I regularly use while describing my runs. I am *not* a quitter and I'm not one to let excuses cut my runs short. I live for the runs and everything in between is just time spend waiting for my date with asphalt. But this morning just plain sucked - I had crawled out of my warm bed, left Tyler asleep, and all for nothing. I tried so hard to run but it just wasn't in me today. Not at all. I ended up heading back home and crawling back into bed for 40 mins before finally getting up for work.

    This was followed by an absolutely HORRENDOUS day at work. I also found out that the shoes I wanted to wear to the wedding on Sat are presently in Rome with my mother (thanks, mom!). And my phone doesn't receive calls. So basically the whole day I just felt like life wouldn't give me a f*cking break...

    Protein Powder - Go for whey protein isolate. Ive used Cygen, Allmax and a few others and for the most part they are comparable. They are MOSTLY all the same, or similar, just take a look at the nutritional stats and keep the carbs and sugar down. If you can get an all-natural without artificial sweetener, giddy up!

    Oh and to answer my own QOTD - I took the time to go to Power Yoga for an hour tonight, despite not really having it at all, and now I'm going to crawl into bed to cuddle up with Ty again for a few hours before my 530am run. The only thing that's keeping me going these days is looking forward to my races and my upcoming trip to NY to meet up with my Kick-*kitten* girls and race my *kitten* off :big smile:

    OK that's all I can post today. Thanks everyone for your comments. Have a great night!
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    GuamGrly- I'm super excited about the fire dept. I grew up in a fire dad had been a firefighter since he was 16. My grandpa, uncle, and husband all have firefighting backgrounds. My friend thinks Michelle is determined to die the same day her father died (of the very same thing)...August 21st. As for the house...WE BOUGHT IT! Let the fun begin! I'm sure there will be mention of the house in future updates!
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Today was another successful day for did about 50 minsutes of cardio including jogging/walking for 2.3 miles drank my h20 slept about 7 hrs last night and I'm impatiently waiting for Friday to weigh in my biggest temptation. Planning on waking up an earlier before work to get my work out in since I work both jobs tomorrow wish me luck hope my bed isn't too cozy! Good night ladies and keep striving...
  • emmarie1630
    emmarie1630 Posts: 58 Member
    hello, wonderful twenty-somethings! Well, I'M BACK! I've been MIA for the past month or 2 mostly due to getting married and all of the wedding craziness that comes with it. Needless to say, I've been wayyy slacking but I'm ready to get back on the horse. I finally have some more time on my hands now and no more pre-wedding stress so I'm ready to get back into MFP and back into a routine and catching up with all of you lovely ladies.
    Really, my goal for this month is just going to be get back into a healthy routine--because there has been no sort of order in my daily life for a while! I'm taking it one step at a time all over again pretty much.. slightly frustrating but I probably should have expected it. Healthy food choices and exercise have slipped on my list more than I would have liked but I'm so ready to get back to the grind. I'm going to be drinking tons more water this month and work on replacing it with some of the bad habits I've started to pick up. I'm going to focus on working out 3 times a week and cooking more/less eating out. Those are pretty generic but I have to start (over) somewhere. Good luck to all of you! I look forward to sharing our success this month!

    theprettyone1010- run 30 miles
    GypsyRose25 - Lose 10 lbs and/or 2-3 inches. Make it through Level 1 of 30DS. Make it through the first 2 weeks of C25K.
    Bellum24 - Be under 200 pounds, lose 2-3 inches from waist are.
    femme62209- make it to ONEderland, see a weight of 195 by September 1, drink 80 ounces of water every single day, eat desserts only on weekends, write at least one day a week, work out for at least 30 minutes at least 6 days a week, reach week 6 of C25K, give up scale for the month on August (HARD FOR ME!), take time every night night before I go to sleep to reflect on how I am making my body stronger and the things I am thankful for
    knfowler - Cut back on Diet Coke, drink more water, start working through C25K, get back on the rowing machine
    lipe44 - lose 5 pounds, workout 3 times a week while at school, stay on track with my 40/30/30 ratio
    anapai- bike 20 miles a week, back under 120lbs, and log in food diary at least 28/31 days
    Amberness89 - be as close as I can be to 160 lbs, 10 glasses a day, keep on track with P90X & C25K, pack lunches when school starts back, and work out at the gym as soon as school starts back as well.
    SweetcheeksRN- to workout 4x a week and walk or step 50 miles (walk away the pounds, elliptical, crosstrainer) and log everything...try my best to stay under my calories and lose 8-10 lbs.
    lalonmeg000- no more than 2 "out to eat" meals a week, 3hrs cardio and 3hrs of strength training a week, again .5 inch loss all around !
    Fromaquizer - Run 170ks this month, eat 100g of protein a day and strength train 3 days a week
    Gaia85 - Work out for at least 31 hours (including my remaining 17 days of the 30DS and Week 5 - 8 of C25K); Drink at least 8 cups of water (very hard for me!); Go down a size (14 to 12) and/or lose 8lb.
    CCSunlight - Work out 2x a week after/before work. Start packing my lunch instead of buying it every day. Stop eating pizza rolls for dinner every night.
    KayyB13 - Lose 4 more pounds to get to 184, workout 5-6 times a week, drink less diet soda and more water, and only step on the scale once a week! (Hardest one haha)
    Ashleypeterson37- Gym at least 4-5days a week, get into the 180's, try one new recipe and run at least 3 miles every time I go to the gym! (12-15 miles a week!)
    ~~KanCrav.. loose 6 pounds to hit 130. Be on level three of 30DS by the end of the month.
    **Evallusion -- Complete the 30 Day Shred, drink more water, take my iron pills, eat more veggies
    ~GuamGrly~ (Bethany) - start and continue C25K training, 8 oz. of water per day, 60-90 minutes per week of additional exercise, eat out no more than 2 days per week, and lose 4 pounds this month. Going big or going home this month!!
    JessYas - Running 4x a week, and not skipping weekends :)
    Kmarie115-Run a 5k under 30 min
    Jillybeanruns - Continue training for marathon; minimum 96oz of water daily; make PT/PT "homework" a priority; strength train 2x a week; stretch/do yoga on a regular basis; weigh myself once in August
    missjaygraham87: Lose 6 lbs, walk dog 6x a week, start C25K (and get off the first week lol), introduce strength training 3x/wk and keep track of daily water intake.
    Greenhumanclay -- Sleep 7-8 hours a day 5xs a week, drink 64 oz. of h20 a day, jog 10 miles per week, gym 5 times per week, and mt. bike or hike once a week! and weigh in only on Fridays!
    Allie7383- Complete Ripped in 30, continue with B210K, cut down on snacking and making excuses!!
    ComfortFoodAddict- 8 water/day, No sodas!, workout at least 4x/wk, drop below 170 *at least* again, log food without omitting anything, do at least 10 minutes of stretch/yoga each morning
    cmg2008 - stick with my 5K training plan, run at least 26miles, get into the 130s, continue with the 30DS shred on my CT days and continue doing all this once Grad School starts back up!
    mooky1286: finish 30ds, workout 5-6x a week, continue C25K, watch my eating on my vacation!
    vjohnso3: eat 5+ servings of fruits & vegetables a day, try to eat back exercise calories (always a struggle), & work out 6 days a week
    mkingraham(Megan)- Stick with my 15k Training Plan, Reach ONEderland, don't over splurge during my bday celebrations, love myself better in the second half of my 20s :)
    lostalykat- Start meal planning again, Start doing the new rules of lifting weight lifting routines, Get back to 170 LBS maybe Less. Start focusing on Wedding planning and making it fun.
    meagalyne- Run like I stole it Aug 13 and 28 (races!) and complete weeks 6-10 of HH 1/2 Marathon Training, allowing for some missed workouts without massive guilt; drink more water than coffee; focus on social fitness and enjoy cycling/yoga/hike/racing with Tyler whenever possible, even if it means giving up a workout; ICE AND STRETCH (!!!) when you run and your body aches; and stop giving myself permission to binge/junk because of training or stress - be accountable and plan out indulgences
    Mariababe81: run x3 week and do ripped in 30 x3 a week and once a week zumba. 3 rest days per week. eat cleaner!
    Melanie137: Achieve 140 by the end of month, Work out 4-6x per week, Cut carbs (Fit into 2009 holiday party dress! Old work pants by September!)
    emmarie: establish a routine! lots of water, weed out the bad habits..
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Welcome back Em! :smile: So glad to see you - your wedding pic looks wonderful, too! Happy to hear you are getting back on the horse and ready to re-commit to healthy living. It's so much easier once you dive right in!

    greenhumanclay - I find it so much easier to fit in my workouts before work - it's dreadful some mornings to crawl out of bed at 530am but it's much much easier now that at least the weather is warm. Hope you had a great workout today and good luck with the jobs. Try not to burn out!

    Just a quick pop-in. 3.08miles run this AM at 9:45 with a short WU and CD. Trying to get all my ducks in a row today and tomorrow for the weekend Wedding out of town all day Sat, plus two runs, and having to drive back out of the city on Sun to pick the folks up at the Int'l Airport in Toronto. Fun times. I've got a 9miler planned for Sunday and I am really getting nervous. Farthest I've ever run is just over 10 - I know I can do it but I am definitely concerned about my foot and hip. Definitely have no intention to make my way back to the benches before this 1/2 Marathon!! I think next week I'll take it easy with the running since I've got the WD on the 13th and loads of planning, packing and prep to do before we are ready for that road trip. I'll do some cycling, yoga, and weights and do maybe 75% of my training runs instead.

    Have a great Thursday everyone. My day today is DEFINITELY going to be better. It has to be!
  • Ashleypeterson37
    Ashleypeterson37 Posts: 347 Member
    Quick update--

    Didn't go to the gym yesterday. Was feeling light headed and dizzy all day and I didn't want another pass out episode so I played it safe. Feeling a lot better today so I am determined to make it to the gym tonight and make that workout count! I have also had something going on within myself that I may need a little support with. I am a recovering anorexic (it's been 4 years since I've starved myself) and I can't help but feel guilty still every time I eat. I'm not talking about the occasional cookie or snack. I'm talking about feeling guilty for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The last 3 days I have struggled to get to 1200 cals. I have completed my diary the last 3 days at 1000-1100 cals. I know it's not enough. Especially since I burn 600-800 cals at the gym in one session. I feel myself slipping back to old habits and I don't want to go back to that!!!! I just don't know what to do about the guilt im feeling! :(
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Hey There everyone!

    Welcome back Em! I am just about to start the wedding planning fun and I am diving into weight loss about a year before my wedding with a goal of losing around 20 pounds for the wedding/honeymoon! So happy to see you back and ready to get back in the groove. You had a well deserved break and I am sure an amazing wedding! I love the pic!

    Meag- You are a busy little bee as always. Just try to be nice to yourself with all that is going on, don't need any added stress! Glad today seems better for you! I am determined to have a better day then yesterday as well!

    AFM- I am starting weight watchers for the 3rd time tonight. I am determined to lose this weight for the wedding. with all the other stuff going on and knowing how I am I think Weight watchers worked for me so well before because it gives you more leway, and when I go in to the red on here I just get sad and I don't need that. Last night I was craving something sweet since I was having a bad day so we went and got frozen yogurt and I had dark chocolate chips on it. I felt guilty for letting myself splurge even thought I wasn't too badly over my cals, I am ready to be nice to myself all the time. It is really hard not being able to exercise. We went on a small walk last night but with my rib hurting and my jaw I don't feel like moving too much just yet. I guess thats a good thing considering I am not supposed to but I miss the calorie burn and ability to eat more food :( I am sure it will get easier as I keep eating less and less. I just don't want to feel chubby anymore and I want to lose 10 pounds before I try on dresses in the end of September. I think that is a reasonable goal. We will see what the scale says tonight, I don't normally weigh in the evening but It works better for me with work and stuff to go to the evening meeting, but whatever the number says today it will say less next week!
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