Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - August Challenge!!



  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I meant to be in bed already... But I wanted to answer this QOTD because I overlooked it before and I feel like it might improve my mood slightly (thanks for the inspiration, Mking and Meghan)...

    QOTD- sometimes its really easy to get caught up with what we want to change about ourselfs, but what is your favorite thing about YOU?

    I'm going to name FIVE. Because I think we all deserve to gloat about ourselves once in a while... :wink:

    1) My legs - they are strong, and they never give up. I continue to be amazed my how far they can carry me, even when they feel like they are about to completely cave in.

    2) Despite my ever-negative and critical self-image, I can always see the value in others and really appreciate the progress that I see in women working hard and being good to themselves. I like that I can always aspire to be more like the rest of you!

    3) No matter how sh*tty I feel, you can always get a smile out of me. I can find happiness amongst the worst circumstance. It's just a matter of making a point to acknowledge it... I need to do this more often on the boards, as it's would be a better reflection of my true RL self.

    4) I am patient and compassionate and I care a great deal about the success of others - this makes me feel proud to have been raised so well, and its a quality that I truly love in myself and search out in others.

    5) I love that I'm able to transgress the physical and harness my willpower to push myself beyond my limits. It's been the greatest possible outcome of my journey with running thus far and I feel like I have been able to apply it in so many other aspects of my life. I am so much stronger than I ever imagined - coming to that realization has enabled me to accomplish so much in the last year or so. So many things I would have never even considered attempting in past years.

    That made me feel good :smile: Good night all! I have another early morning and I'm EXHAUSTED! Take care and speak soon - possibly not until I'm on the other side!
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Hey everyone,
    Hope everyone's Wednesday has been great!
    GuamGrly: Thanks for the input I'm sure you are much busier than I am :) Let me know how that Insanity works, hope you get it soon, I've heard a lot about it!!

    Mkingraham: Yes it is Cynthia :)I have actually thought about customizing my calorie intake but have it set on the recommended amount. Good idea about checking the threads I will do that tonight and see what others have experienced. And you are right as long as I am losing overall I shouldn't worry. Just sucks because for the past 20 somethings week I have lost consistently and now all of a sudden it's starting to change but I'm sure it can be a combination of tings, building muscle, having less weight to loss, my body plateauing but I will tweak a few things and hope it changes soon.

    lalonmeg000: Zig Zag Method which I have copied and pasted!! This Zig Zag approach is a process that may sound peculiar to some in that it requires periods of eating less than average followed by periods of eating more than average. However, it has long been known that restrictive dieting leads to a drop in our resting metabolic rate, which can make fat loss even more difficult. So, by mixing stringent dieting with periods of greater caloric intake, one is allowing for occasional adjustments to be made to the resting metabolism. Otherwise, if someone diets hard until all excess weight is lost then the BMR never has an opportunity to adjust. The gist of it! Thanks for the suggestions I Googled the Barre classes and they seem very interesting and there's a few in San Francisco!!

    QOTD: My favorite thing about me is my dedication that I have sustained, with this whole new lifestyle change. Of course with all the support from MFP "friends" as well. I have surprised my self and I'm really proud that I have been good to me and have put my self first! Following through with what goals I set and pushing daily to not give up. A year ago I wouldn't have been able to do this I wasn't ready but now that I see the changes and feel more confident I really feel that my ultimate goals are actually tangible and not too far-fetched.

    meagalayne: Power yoga sounds great and so do spin classes! I do hike/mt. bike 2xs/week usually on the weekends and that's definitely something that will be a staple in my workout! I really do want to try a spin class heard they're challenging so I think I might just try one, besides you have a good point in strengthening my leg muscles and build my endurance since I jog a few times a week and I do plan on increasing my distance. Thanks for the tips!! :)

    Today for me has been a success jogged 3 miles without stopping which is a lot for me! I have been exercising and hitting all my goals minus the scale. Really considering putting it away it's too tempting plus my clothes and they way I feel are definitely a better gauge of what my progress is not some stupid scale that honestly I am not quite sure is even correct lol.. Anyways it's almost Friday woohoo the days I look forward to. Until tomorrow! Everyone have a great night and make tomorrow even better!
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Going to add you ladies for the xtra support/motivation! Hope ya'll don't mind!
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    Mkingraham-Yep Meg or Meghan is fine :) what sorority were you in! I was Receuitment vp last year and leading decorating team this year! So yes lol I know EXACTLY how you felt ! So much work, idk if I will be totally happy with my work, but that's the perfectionist in me! Also great job on shaving off that extra time !

    Bethany- I have tried just about all kinds of dance, but my college team is known for our hip-hop! The members can choreograph dances for the show, and I usually do tap, lyrical and off course hip-hop! My lifes goal is to dance on stage with Britney Spears!!! Haha idk if it will happen, but always pushing for it! Sorry to hear you weren't feeling well after lunch and dinner but that is always a good motivator when you hit that point that you your body is back in control of it's hunger, and not simply old habits or emotions!

    Meag- love that you picked your fav 5 of yourself !!! I think it goes along well with the tumbler pic you sent! Way to overcome the mirror blues and focus on your strengths !

    Cynthia- great job on the 3 mile run !!! I am looking forward to when I can do the same ! I put my scale away, it takes me a long time before the pounds start to fall off, and I know looking at it brings up to many emotions and right now
    I would simply turn to food. Sometimes focusing on how we want to feel in our own skin is more measurable than a number on a scale!

    AFM: major cheat day! I was running on about 4.5 hrs of sleep, recruitment nightmares have officially kicked in lol and anyways I lunged for the nearest lime Dr.Pepper my little hands could get too! But that was the worst of it, actual food wasn't bad...probably shouldn't have waited 12 hrs in between meals to eat but ya know ! Um, not a lot going on here, oh but to answer my own eyes and my laugh! My eyes change colors depending on my mood, when i am absolutely 100% happy they are a sparkly green, generally when I laugh so loud and hard I cry !

    Meag's QOTD- I would go back packing in Europe. I am a planner, I have lists for everything and they are everywhere.
    I would kill for a week to leave all electronic devices aside, land somewhere in France, no money, and no idea where i was going and just breath in fresh air...and not care and not worry. Maybe that can be my personal graduation present to myself!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Megan, Meag and Beth~!~! Thank you thank you thank you. I am changing my goal on MFP and upping my calories. I was def scared to do that because I didnt want to feel like I was cheating or letting myself gain weight cuz I felt bored with what I was doing. But you guys are right! I am close to my goa and I want to gain lean muscle and NOT LOOSE IT!!! So heres to hoping that I do this right. Lol. thanks for the support.

    ~Meag... thanks for posting 5 things you like about yoruself. I have been struggling with being nice to myself and you just reminded me that it is ok!!!! You are awesome, and I agree with your 5 things but... you forgot to add that you are an inspiration!

    ~Meghan... I am jealous that you can call a Dr. Pepper a cheat day. Lol!!! It is nice to know that we don't have to give up EVERYTHING to be healthy though. (a dr pepper every once in a while never killed anyone!~!)

    ~Cynthina... good job with your 3 miles! You are doing awesome this month and its only the 11th!!! Keep it up.
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Almost had a heart I thought It happened again. I posted and then I couldnt find it... here it is, on page 6. Weew!!!

    I am struggling with lots og guilt feelings lately. I have a friend back in the states and we dont talk too much anymore. I didnt keep very good contact with ppl when I got out of rehab since I had so many issues to work out on my own. She took offense to this and now that I am trying to contact her again all she has to say is how horrible of a person I am and that I am concieded and I never cared about her. I just dont understand. I never put myself first ever before in my life, and now that I am trying to do that I am getting shot down by someone who is supposed to be my best friend.

    I hate how I feel about it, but I know that I am not as bad as she says I am. Yes I have been concentrating on myself for the past few months.. but I ust got out of rehab for christmass sake!~ I think I am allowed a little time.. jeez my dad hasnt even been gone a year.. even without rehab I think I deserve a little time to do with as I will.

    Well.. now I am just getting pissed off. I have resilencey training today though.. so lets hope that changes my mood!~!~!

    I hope everyone has a great Thursday,... thanks for listening to my rant. !
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    GuamGrly- I'm trying to stick to it but it's sooooo hard! I get upset when I don't see a change in the scale. I wouldn't be so mad if I only had 5 or 6 lbs to lose, but i have 30-40!!! Michelle is in organ failure. No eating, drinking, talking...I don't think she is going to bounce back this time (she has surprised us before). One of her friends left her kids, husband, and job to "take care" of her because we weren't doing a good enough job...she thinks we neglected her because we haven't fed her...and she thinks SHE can save her! Fact is, we weren't feeding her because she wasn't hungry and it was against the hospice advice...she is dying and she wants to die. She doesn't want to suffer or have her life prolonged...feeding her would do just that. Plus she can't swallow well (barely gets her meds down) so she is at risk of choking. Oh the drama. Some people don't know how to let go. Michelle hasn't been herself for WEEKS. Basically, Michelle is gone. Her body is there, but my friend is gone.
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    Quick question for the runners out there, concerning morning jogs, do you eat a small snack or just get up and go and eat after ? If you eat after there of course is the debate how soon after should you eat?
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Quick question for the runners out there, concerning morning jogs, do you eat a small snack or just get up and go and eat after ? If you eat after there of course is the debate how soon after should you eat?

    I run at 6am, and I wake up around 5:20, leave my house at 5:30 throw my stuff in the locker room and run- then I do my whole workout, running, stretching, sometimes lifting, hit the showers and get up to my desk by 8 am. By this time I am famished and I immediately make my oatmeal. I don't think I could eat when I run that early in the morning. Of course as I increase my distance I'm going to have to eat something so that I have enough energy to get through the runs. Right now I am only at 3 miles so I am good without fuel.
  • cmg2008
    cmg2008 Posts: 139
    meg000: I usually wake up around 8ish, then eat toast with peanut butter and a bottle of water. Then I try to wait at least an hour or after the morning bathroom trip before I go run.

    kancrav: some people just want to make it all about them, and don't care about whatever you've been through. I say good riddance!

    cynthia: great job on the 3 miles! I'm slowly working my way up to 3miles, the longest I've ran so far is about 2ish. I'm always in awe of the people that can run 3 or more!

    melanie: I checked out those ergoergo.. they look pretty neat! I kind of want one now lol I'm also doing fairly well with my goals, i think the big thing for me is following a training plan because it makes me more accountable to do the workouts and run!

    mking: woohoo! Way to shave some time off great job!

    AFM: Today was my easy run day of 1.5 miles ..... I thought I would never say that, easy run, 1.5 miles??? boy how I have changed! I used to be the girl that hated going running and now I'm calling 1.5miles and easy run??? I'm in awe of myself lol. I've been keeping up with my training plan, I've had to flip-flop a couple days here and there but i'm staying on track! Also I've been packing my lunch lately with my new food scale!! Oh what a difference it makes when you can actually measure out the portions to make sure they're correct!

    Keep kicking @$$ ladies and have a wonderful day!
  • anitanz
    anitanz Posts: 72
    Hi Ladies,

    Well for August my posts are getting kinda sporadic but here goes…

    KanCrav- I’m sorry to hear about your friend, I guess that some people get so wrapped up in their own worlds that they can’t even comprehend other people’s problems. You have had a tough year with rehab and your Dad, and you have every right to have spent time focusing on yourself, and probably haven’t had time to indulge ‘me’ people like your friend. Sometimes those people can be great fun in good times, but not really there for you when the going gets tough. With a little care and attention she may come round, but if she doesn’t I don’t think you should beat yourself up about it x

    I’marunner- Sounds tough, hang in there 

    Meg- Re food before morning runs- It depends how far I am running, if it’s 5-10km I would just have a banana and ½ glass of water, but if I was doing more than 10k I would get up a bit earlier and have a ½ portion of porridge made with water. After my run I would just eat breakfast once I’m showered and ready. After a short run I would just have porridge, for longer runs it would be eggs on toast, Yum! But everyone is different and some people don’t run well with food in their stomachs, so it will probably take a bit of trial and error on your part. Good luck.

    AFM- Food has been OK this week, yesterday I was a bit emotional and bought a caramel slice from the café and ate ½ of it and threw the rest away, really it wasn’t going to make me feel any better. BF and I haven’t been fighting, but haven’t been getting on that great either, so that has been getting me down. Anyway, tonight we are going to have a date night so hopefully should work things out, because on Sunday he is going away for a couple of weeks.

    Last night I did the coolest run with my friend, it is a 9k course along the waterfront, you register online and they send you a wrist band and you can run the course at any time, as many times as you like. At the start/finish and at ½ way there is a vending machine on which you scan your wrist band, and your times are recorded for you. There was a billboard with our names in flashing lights as we ran past!! So cool!! And when we finished a drink came out of the vending machine! (one of those sugary sports drinks that I wouldn’t drink, but hey). Maybe you guys have seen these things before?? I managed 50:30, so that is 5.35min/km which I am pretty happy about considering I’m not running that often these days.

    Looking forward to the weekend, I hope you all have a good one x
  • emmarie1630
    emmarie1630 Posts: 58 Member
    Just checking in really quick! I'll catch up more later. Thank you all so much for the encouragement and well wishes! I just got back from vacation with my family-- so the whole routine thing is still taking some work. I did however bring my own snacks and water pitcher, etc so I wasn't tempted too much. My grandma has a lovely habit of bringing LOADS of candy and junk food on family trips for "the grandchildren." Sheesh. Anyway, still getting back into the groove-- check up with you guys more later! Have a good one!
  • CCSunlight
    CCSunlight Posts: 249 Member
    Okay so I just quit my first real-life job (i'm so grown up now!) which means definitely cutting back on the fast food, and I have no excuses to not go to my 24-hr gym at my apartment complex. The main thing now is going to be not stress-eating or eating because I'm bored... i think i can i think i can i think i can
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    HI Ladies,

    Thanks kancrav and cmg2008!

    Meg: As far as eating/snacking I generally don't snack since I only jog short distances but I do hydrate throughout the short jog. I have been increasing my distance so when I reach about 5 miles or so I will start with GU energy gels. They are about 100 calories and I have tried them before since a co-worker recommended them and they do work and don't taste to bad. lol Or maybe a banana! I have this thing that if I eat I don't like to workout unless it's been at least 3 hours from my last meal time or 1-2 hours after my last snack. Might seem weird/gross but sometimes jogging makes me burp and ya you get the point. It can be gross so I'd rather jog without food and I usually shower get ready go to work and have breakfast. So I'd say 90 minutes or so after I work out is when I typically eat! But everyone's different so try what works for you... :)

    Today was another successful day besides not getting my 7-8 hours of sleep more like 6 this week and I can feel the difference since it's also not solid sleep. Other than that I can't complain unless the scale stays on the same # then I might be ranting tomorrow lol. I did the stairs today it's called Communication Hill and its a set of stairs that go up to the top of a hill, I honestly thought it'd be somewhat easy boy was I wrong very wrong. By the end of my exercise my legs were shaking soo much I had to take a break and stretch, I know I will feel that tomorrow but It was my first time doing that. Change of scenery and I get to be outdoors. Might get up an hour earlier to get my jog in since I have an extra long day at work or thinking of sleeping that hour since I know I need it and jogging after work not sure yet i really like to get my workouts in the am but I wake up with my eyes burning uggh. anyways stoked tomorrow is Friday hope ya'll have a good night and a fabulous weekend!!!
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    hey all, ok again a quick update until i get a proper chance to respond to everyone.. work's been so busy the past few days, and tomorrow night one of the computer systems will be down, so we'll have to do a bit extra and hand deliver reports to the ER.. man am i earning this weekend off lol. still doing Ripped, and it's kicking my butt every time.. i took some before pics, so hopefully by the end i can see a difference.. i added in Turbo Jam to get some more cals burned, and while it was def slow since I'm used to TurboFire, it was great since I was kinda beat from Ripped so I could put a lot of effort in.
    I'm going for a master's in Biotechnology for those who asked about school.. Been a bit of a change, since my BS is in Marine Bio and now here I am working in a hospital lab lol. This degree should help me get into the pharmaceutical business, so we'll see.. only a few more weeks! i'm so jealous some of you get to meet up this weekend.. have a great time!!
  • MissLaw
    MissLaw Posts: 2 Member
    MissLaw - excercise for a minimum of 30 minutes as least 4 times this week! :)

  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Cmg- I hear ya on not thinking you would ever say easy run! Now I look forward to when the run is only 2 miles because that means it is nice and short! Sometimes you have to switch up your days of workouts, but as long as you are still doing it then that is awesome! I’m jealous you have a food scale! I do measure things when I can but I would love a food scale for meat and the like

    Anita- way to throw out the rest of that cake! Even though you ate some of it you recognized what you were doing and made the right choice. That running course you did sounds really cool. I wish we had something like that around here that would help me stay motivated. It sounds like you have some great tools on your hands!

    Emmarie- Great job on bringing snacks on your vacation to help curb your temptation- that is sometimes the hardest thing. I’m sure you’ll be back on track in no time

    CCSunlight- You are totally right that stress/boredom eating is the hardest thing. If you feel like that just get up and take a walk or replace it with something else. One of my friends who quit smoking successfully said what worked for her was every time she wanted a cigarette she just went for a walk instead. Replace an unhealthy behavior with a healthy one!

    Cynthia- Sounds like you are doing really good on hitting your goals. Getting enough sleep is always hard, but you will figure out your schedule. I love trying out new workouts especially ones that get me outside!

    Allie- sounds like you have been busy! You are going strong with the Ripped in 30 so keep it up!!

    AFM- Yesterday was bootcamp and we did stations which is one of my favorite workouts. The instructor sets up a station for everyone in the class, including herself, and you do each exercise for 90 seconds before moving to the next station. We went through one round, took a minute off and then did another round where each exercise was 30 seconds. It was a good burn. Today was weigh-in day and after a few weeks of up and down and all around I finally actually dropped! 3lbs!! Woohoo! So now I am 4 lbs away from 200. I think with 2 and ½ weeks left in August I am in sights of hitting my goal for sure! So excited!!! Today is rest day, but I might go for a light jog since some of girlfriends want to go out for drinks tonight since there are 3 of us with a birthday next week. Just to get some cals burned before hand. Alright I should probably do some work now :) have a great day!!

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Good morning ladies! Looks like I've missed a bunch but life has been just nuts. We drove out to Rochester last night and are heading down to Albany tonight to spend the weekend, race in the NY State Warrior Dash with two of my FAVE MFP ladies, and generally have a kick-*kitten* time! I am sooo stoked.

    Got up early this morning and did an easy 25 mins on the elliptical in the fitness center at the hotel. Breakfast was sketchy but I brought oats, chia, cinnamon and oat bran with me in single serving portions, greek yogurt and an apple. I was hoping they'd have other fruit to mix into my oats instead, but no dice. They also only had sugar-y awful PB instead of my normal deeeelicious natural PB but that's alright. I managed! haha

    Been trying to keep with my training schedule, but as usual things are hectic and I have so little time to fit things in. Getting in a race tomorrow, 4 miles at pace on Sunday, and hopefully something good on Monday. Plus LOTS of walking all weekend. And beer and good food, of course. I mentioned that, right?

    RE: running + food - I have mixed opinions on this. When I had a lot of time in the mornings I would always have my oats and coffee first and then wait for it to digest and go running - This was also during the time of year when I didn't need to run before 8am for it to be bearable. Now that I am running super early in the mornings, I tend to eat either nothing (under 5 miles) or just a banana, and as much water as I can stomach while I'm getting ready. If I am running long 6-12miles I will fuel as I run and hyrdrate as much as I can carry. Then when I get home I have either a huge protein shake immediately followed by oatmeal 1 hour or so later, or just the oats if I am only running a few miles. No real science to this - just what makes sense for me.

    Welcome MissLaw!! Could someone please add her goals to the list? I've got to run! (But wont be racing til tomorrow... :wink:)

    Have a FABULOUS Friday everyone. Can't wait to catch up with you all - Looks like you're all kicking *kitten* and taking names!

    Meag :heart:
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Adding MissLaw!! I'm hoping I found the most recent list...

    theprettyone1010- run 30 miles
    GypsyRose25 - Lose 10 lbs and/or 2-3 inches. Make it through Level 1 of 30DS. Make it through the first 2 weeks of C25K.
    Bellum24 - Be under 200 pounds, lose 2-3 inches from waist are.
    femme62209- make it to ONEderland, see a weight of 195 by September 1, drink 80 ounces of water every single day, eat desserts only on weekends, write at least one day a week, work out for at least 30 minutes at least 6 days a week, reach week 6 of C25K, give up scale for the month on August (HARD FOR ME!), take time every night night before I go to sleep to reflect on how I am making my body stronger and the things I am thankful for
    knfowler - Cut back on Diet Coke, drink more water, start working through C25K, get back on the rowing machine
    lipe44 - lose 5 pounds, workout 3 times a week while at school, stay on track with my 40/30/30 ratio
    anapai- bike 20 miles a week, back under 120lbs, and log in food diary at least 28/31 days
    Amberness89 - be as close as I can be to 160 lbs, 10 glasses a day, keep on track with P90X & C25K, pack lunches when school starts back, and work out at the gym as soon as school starts back as well.
    SweetcheeksRN- to workout 4x a week and walk or step 50 miles (walk away the pounds, elliptical, crosstrainer) and log everything...try my best to stay under my calories and lose 8-10 lbs.
    lalonmeg000- no more than 2 "out to eat" meals a week, 3hrs cardio and 3hrs of strength training a week, again .5 inch loss all around !
    Fromaquizer - Run 170ks this month, eat 100g of protein a day and strength train 3 days a week
    Gaia85 - Work out for at least 31 hours (including my remaining 17 days of the 30DS and Week 5 - 8 of C25K); Drink at least 8 cups of water (very hard for me!); Go down a size (14 to 12) and/or lose 8lb.
    CCSunlight - Work out 2x a week after/before work. Start packing my lunch instead of buying it every day. Stop eating pizza rolls for dinner every night.
    KayyB13 - Lose 4 more pounds to get to 184, workout 5-6 times a week, drink less diet soda and more water, and only step on the scale once a week! (Hardest one haha)
    Ashleypeterson37- Gym at least 4-5days a week, get into the 180's, try one new recipe and run at least 3 miles every time I go to the gym! (12-15 miles a week!)
    ~~KanCrav.. loose 6 pounds to hit 130. Be on level three of 30DS by the end of the month.
    **Evallusion -- Complete the 30 Day Shred, drink more water, take my iron pills, eat more veggies
    ~GuamGrly~ (Bethany) - start and continue C25K training, 8 oz. of water per day, 60-90 minutes per week of additional exercise, eat out no more than 2 days per week, and lose 4 pounds this month. Going big or going home this month!!
    JessYas - Running 4x a week, and not skipping weekends :)
    Kmarie115-Run a 5k under 30 min
    Jillybeanruns - Continue training for marathon; minimum 96oz of water daily; make PT/PT "homework" a priority; strength train 2x a week; stretch/do yoga on a regular basis; weigh myself once in August
    missjaygraham87: Lose 6 lbs, walk dog 6x a week, start C25K (and get off the first week lol), introduce strength training 3x/wk and keep track of daily water intake.
    Greenhumanclay -- Sleep 7-8 hours a day 5xs a week, drink 64 oz. of h20 a day, jog 10 miles per week, gym 5 times per week, and mt. bike or hike once a week! and weigh in only on Fridays!
    Allie7383- Complete Ripped in 30, continue with B210K, cut down on snacking and making excuses!!
    ComfortFoodAddict- 8 water/day, No sodas!, workout at least 4x/wk, drop below 170 *at least* again, log food without omitting anything, do at least 10 minutes of stretch/yoga each morning
    cmg2008 - stick with my 5K training plan, run at least 26miles, get into the 130s, continue with the 30DS shred on my CT days and continue doing all this once Grad School starts back up!
    mooky1286: finish 30ds, workout 5-6x a week, continue C25K, watch my eating on my vacation!
    vjohnso3: eat 5+ servings of fruits & vegetables a day, try to eat back exercise calories (always a struggle), & work out 6 days a week
    mkingraham(Megan)- Stick with my 15k Training Plan, Reach ONEderland, don't over splurge during my bday celebrations, love myself better in the second half of my 20s :)
    lostalykat- Start meal planning again, Start doing the new rules of lifting weight lifting routines, Get back to 170 LBS maybe Less. Start focusing on Wedding planning and making it fun.
    meagalyne- Run like I stole it Aug 13 and 28 (races!) and complete weeks 6-10 of HH 1/2 Marathon Training, allowing for some missed workouts without massive guilt; drink more water than coffee; focus on social fitness and enjoy cycling/yoga/hike/racing with Tyler whenever possible, even if it means giving up a workout; ICE AND STRETCH (!!!) when you run and your body aches; and stop giving myself permission to binge/junk because of training or stress - be accountable and plan out indulgences
    Mariababe81: run x3 week and do ripped in 30 x3 a week and once a week zumba. 3 rest days per week. eat cleaner!
    Melanie137: Achieve 140 by the end of month, Work out 4-6x per week, Cut carbs (Fit into 2009 holiday party dress! Old work pants by September!)
    emmarie: establish a routine! lots of water, weed out the bad habits..
    MissLaw - excercise for a minimum of 30 minutes as least 4 times this week! :)
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Hey Ladies,
    Quick check-in, I did not workout today I woke up very sore, I did stairs yesterday for about 45 mins to an hour and I'm in a lot of pain and super sore. I'm icing it as I type. I woke up kinda sore and gradually have gotten more sore throughout the day. I have been stretching every couple hours but I think I just have to wait and let it recover naturally. Not sure if I'm hiking tomorrow but definitely going to do some light cardio or simple walking at least. Had a long day, looking forward to the weekend and my new haircut that I badly need lol. Have a great and safe weekend all.
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