Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - August Challenge!!



  • cmg2008
    cmg2008 Posts: 139
    Really really slow thread guys, hopefully it starts to pick back up! AFM Still trying to get reorientated to a good routine since I started school. I gained a 1/2 pound last week, which isn't a huge gain but I dont want to turn it into a habit! I'm still keeping up with my running and yes even on the dreaded treadmill, I feel that by both running outside and inside, I'm keeping a certain variety to my routine and I hope it helps me in the long run! Keep up the great work ladies!

    Meag: Have fun on your camping trip! And you'll be back running before ya know it!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Cynthia- Sounds like you have been kicking *kitten* and taking names with that yoga. Definitely give yourself a rest when you need it though. Sometimes the best workout is no workout at all!

    Meag- Hang in there! I know your foot issues and not being able to run is really stressing you out mentally. Somebody else mentinoed to you on one of your posts that you should try aqua jogging. I am not sure if your pool has it but I know a lot of athletes at my college did it for rehab. It is a belt that helps you stay floating and up right while being able to run and not put pressure on your feet at all. You would ideally do it in the deep end. They also sometimes have a rope you can use to keep yourself fixed to the end of the pool so you get some resistance. Just a thought.

    cmg- I wouldn't worry to much about that 1/2 a pound because you did just start back with school and it sounds like you are really on top of everything so I think you will be good!

    AFM- Did insanity this morning instead of spinning since it was a different instructor who doesn't motivate me. Got in a good workout and now I am just trying to power through the end of the month. I am trying to figure out my goals for september and end August on a good note. I will be weighing in on Friday for my official end of the month weight. Hoping to see a decent loss for the month. I'll keep checking in!


  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Hello there Lovelies!! I am warning you now, this will be a selfish post...

    I was MIA over the weekend cause it was busy and eventful. Took the kids and aunt to Sea World on Friday. Saturday we walked around Old Town San Diego and then headed home in the early afternoon so that I could work a reunion that night. Returned to my aunt's house to find that my car was DEAD. Luckily we were able to get it jump started so that I could move on with my day since I was very pressed for time. The reunion went well but had to spend the night at a friend's house cause my car was sitting DEAD in front of her house. Had a great time catching up with her and our daughter's played very well together. Sunday was my one-year anniversary with the bf but unfortunately I had to end things. He has changed over the last couple of months and I felt as though I was putting up with it rather than being a part of his life. I am struggling with that right now. My head is all over the place dealing with every emotion in the book and I am kind of at a stand still as far as what I should do next.:ohwell: Luckily, I haven't turned to eating everything in sight. I have made a few not-so-great choices but nothing like I figured I would. I actually haven't had much of an appettite at all. However, I am definitely set on taking this time to focus on ME!!! :bigsmile: I want to finish my 5K training and kick some serious *kitten* when I run my race next month. And just take things one day at a time I guess.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hey! I've been posting here and there in other threads - I promise, I'm not cheating on y'all! Just getting back into posting about healthy foods and responding to some other random running questions. It's taking up some time though so I have been posting here less. Hope you can forgive me! :blushing:

    I've been taking pics of my food recently and posting them. Since I'm not logging cals I figure I better focus hard on eating well and get back into a rhythm of trying new things and keep tabs on the healthy choices I make. So i started taking pics and keep "track" of what foods I'm eating without all the hang up around cals and that. I still measure everything so that I can keep my portions in check. But I don't tally my day's calories. I have no clue what I'm at today and you know, that's OK!

    Here's the thread I've been hogging... Feel free to post some of your food pics too! The more food porn, the better!

    Other than that... Foot's been definitely bothering me. I had the afternoon off work, though, and so I had a nice lunch in the park with my mom, went for mani/pedis, and then retail therapy where I bought dress pants, 2 pairs of capris, and 2 sweaters all for $50. Love love love outlets!

    In other news, I figured I would share a few cute little pics from my last few weekends with Tyler...I'm going picture *crazy* these days! Besides, I said I'd post from the WD and never did!

    Tyler and I, pre-mud-bath
    Myself, Ty and Gonks racing down the slip'n'slide!
    A typical "date" night for us - a bottle of craft beer, backgammon board, and a quiet night at the local pub.
    A quick lunch on the Grand River - Food was bad but you couldn't beat the scenery! :wink:

    Anyway! That's about it... I have way more update-y-ness but I'm all MFP'd out right now. Have a splendid evening ladies! :heart:
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Beth- Sorry to hear about the BF but like you said if he has changed and all you have been doing is putting up with it, then whats the point. And not turning to food should be a huge victory for you. Take your emotions out on the pavement is what I say! No better time than the present to work out all that frustration and totally kick *kitten* on your running plan. I know you are going to make great choices going forward! So proud of you <hugs>

    Meag- I am at work so I can't see your photos right now, but I like the idea! What a great way to visualize what all that deliciousness is and how beautiful good for you food is! I saw that you took a nice long bike ride last night and I hope your foot is doing ok from that. I know you are going stir crazy so keep on trying to find a way to release that energy while not totally ruining your foot.

    AFM- Two miles plus strength was on tap for today. The 2 mile route we take is really almost 2.25 so always a little extra which is never a bad thing. I ran it 37 seconds faster than I did on Monday so each time I run I am feeling stronger. I am feeling very pretty today since I am wearing a new dress and I think that it 1) actually fits properly 2) is very girly and summery and 3) I think I look good in it :) It feels nice to be able to wear the clothes I want. There are still some things I can't quite wear yet, but just to be able to go in to a store and know that they should have my size is a great feeling!! Today is the last day of August and I think all in all it was a good month. We will see on Friday if I am under 200, don't think I will be but I think I will be close! if I get down to 201 that will be 50lbs down!! Which would be almost as great as getting under 200 ;). I leaving for a cruise in a week and a half so I want to be looking fit and feeling good. I am definitely feeling good about myself and I can see the hard work changing my body everyday. So basically I am ending August on an amazingly positive note because I think this months has totally rocked!! I will keep checking back for updates today, otherwise I will see you lovelies in September :)


  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hey ladies - I've been TOTALLY swamped with life right now and have not had any time to log in. Just finally starting to wind down for the night and it's almost 12 o'clock. Have mercy.

    Posted the new thread for Sept - I nearly forgot today until Ty reminded me it's the 1st tomorrow! Holy moley - This month has just FLOWN by! I can't believe it! Where does the time go?

    Here's to hoping we can all recommit and get back to posting regularly. Let's make Sept a kick-*kitten* month if we've ever had one. We deserve it!

    Much love :heart:

    Ps. Thanks Megan - Hope you check out the group. It's great! Also Thank you so much for sharing all the details of your training, your successes and all else with the group. Your posts are always awesome to read and so inspired :happy: Congrats on your amazing weight loss so far. You are such a great motivator and you deserve to feel proud of all your accomplishments!

    Beth - I am so sorry to hear about the end of your relationship - but it sounds like you did what was right for you, and I truly admire your courage for it. It can be so difficult to be single in this world. I am really proud of you for making a tough decision and seeing it through. Not turning to food - well that's just a crazy bonus. You are stronger than I would be that's for sure! Breakups are like a Free Pass to Chocolate-Peanut-Butter-Ice-Cream-Ville, IMO. You rock my dear!

    Ahhh speaking of which. I feel like I need a run :huh: Damn this foot! See y'all in Sept!
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    Keeping it short almost midnight here in Ca. So I have been doing well and stinking to my Hot Yoga and jogging a couple times a week, kinda slacked off jogging need to add one more day a week, yogas taking most my energy but really enjoying, I definitely have taken 2 full rest days my body needs it badly. I have really enjoyed coming on here and chatting with you wonderful ladies, hope y'all keep it up and I will DEFINITELY be on here for Septembers Challenge with slightly different goals, I appreciate every one of you who read my posts and responded, encouraged and gave me kudos!
    And Beth I'm also proud of you for what is a really hard decision to make and working on your self which is most important, sometimes people just grow apart :( And like Meag said not turning to food is a huge BONUS! Stay active, and sending positive thoughts your way :))))):flowerforyou:

    Until tomorrow..... Need to get some new goals lined up. Ready for September!!! Night Ladies! :bigsmile:
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Sticking oops lol
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    LADIES!!! :huh:

    Post your results from Aug in the new thread and get to work - Sept has begun!