Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - August Challenge!!



  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member

    For those who "gave up" on P90X - Try -- It's a much softer workout for those just beginning, it's totally free, and you work at your own pace. If you incorporate this workout with some additional core and cardio throughout the week, you'll see a definitely increase in lean muscle over the course of 6-8 weeks. You just have to stick with it. Your body will get sore - That means it's working! :wink:

    Alright better hit the showers, as they say. Work calls. Many hugs ladies - Enjoy your Wednesdays! :heart:
    Don't get me wrong, I didn't quit because it was too hard. I was on my 4th week. I just started having a hard time finding time to do it, especially the hour and a half Yoga. Also I work a lot and stay on my feet the entire time, so.if J didn't workout before I went to work I'd have to do it afterwards and sometimes I wouldn't get home until after 11 pm. Right now I don't have time for Tony, although I was loving the Kenpo and the Shoulder/Tri/Bic days. I found out the gym on campus will actually.start showing the.vidoes so maybe I'll do it with them. At least I would finally have a 1 up on some, lol. Also I love being outdoors and now that it's trying to stay in the low 100-mid 90s I would rather bike/walk/run right now and hit up the gym when school starts next week. Tjanks for the link though!
    Hey- I totally understand! The Nerd Fitness workout is wayyy less of a commitment and you can do it anywhere - I actually do my circuits exclusively in the park. That's why I recommended it! Whatever the reason, this workout is just way easier to fit into you life. It's a great workout for anyone - beginner or not - you just have to ramp it up to meet you own goals.

    Do it 3x's a week and you're set! I tend to do my circuits between miles, but you can do it whenever it fits! Takes me 25-28 mins for 3 sets, but I also add in a bunch of my own exercises to make it a bit more challenging...

    Just a suggestion! Do whatever works for you :smile:
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Hey ladies,

    Meagalayne I actually plan all the meals usually which I don't mind since he does more than his share. But I can workout in the night, but I work 2 jobs and get home after 8pm. so the last thing I wanna do after feeding my animals is working out by the time I get to relax it will be 10:30 pm or so it's just way to late. But my last day for y 2nd job after 11/2 years is tomorrow... WOOOHOOO bittersweet but I only have two weeks off before it's back to school till 9:35 pm. 4xs/week. That's life...

    I so went over my calories today but the upside is considering I have been with MFP for over 200 days I can count with one hand the amount of times I have gone over, For some reason I was so hungry today.. I did get in a short 2 mile jog and I plan on waking up early running 3 miles and working out with the big brother in the night. The same hill that had me sore for 2 3 days lol... Got to challenge my self feel that I am plateauing. Hope you all have a good rest of the week, need my rest!!!
  • sharlin_e
    sharlin_e Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I've never joined a challenge before but super keen. Can i still join and what do i do?
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Meag- I am so glad you ladies had such a great time at Warrior Dash! I am super jealous that you got to actually meet Cait and Gonks! And it sounded like you did a great job of not letting the celebrations stress you out. Also your runs have been sounding amazing and like you are really improving on your times. I mean under 9 minute miles! A-MAZ-ING!

    Amberness89- Its ok that P90X isn’t for you. I definitely realized that doing the 30 days shred wasn’t for me just because I got way to bored with doing the exact same workout for 10 days straight. As long as you are still doing something that is all that matters! Great job keeping up with C25K! I think that it is a great way to get moving and into running. Sounds like you have some great fitness plans!

    Beth- I am sorry to hear you haven’t been feeling well :( Hopefully you are starting to feel better so that you and your daughter can go on your runs together. I think its great that you are involving her and trying to show her a healthy lifestyle from the on set. It will only help make her future that much better!

    Cynthia- If you are just starting out I have heard any where from .25 miles to 1 mile increase in your long runs each week. But that doesn’t mean you want to run that long distance every time you run. I would look up a distance that you want to achieve and find a beginners training plan for it. That will help you get to that point without injurying yourself which is key! Keep up the great work!

    Imarunner- I hope you are ok! Hang in there and try not to let the stress turn you to food, that’s what it would do to me. I know you have been having a really difficult past 2 months, but you can get through this one step at a time HUGS!

    Jill- I played soccer from when I was 5 to 18. I had to stop due to 4 concussions that I received along the way but I really want to join an adult co-ed team. I feel like I need to be sure to be in soccer shape first so I need to get out there and start doing drills on my own. But I know playing soccer is definitely what kept me healthy as a kid so I would LOVE to get back to doing it! Hopefully your PT will clear you and you will be playing the best sport ever!

    Sharlin_e- of course you can still join! Just find our most recent list of goals and tack you name and your goals on to the end and then work to achieve those goals! Some just post goals and check in at the end of the month, some check in periodically and then some of us creep on here all day :) Either way we will give you are 2 cents and encouragement along the way!

    AFM- Bootcamp this morning and we did 50 seconds on 10 seconds off and boy was it killer. I think I am used to the running and biking and not so much the circuits anymore. I should start doing some after I get back from my runs or when I get done with spin just to keep my endurance with that kind of workout up. My bday was on Tuesday and I have been busy this week which is why I haven’t really posted. I haven’t done to bad foodwise, but this week has been mixed emotions and not the best food choices. I am so proud of all the things I have accomplished so far and that everyone is noticing it, but at the same time I still feel like I have so far to go. I think that this week I was concentrating on what’s left to do instead of the awesome stuff I have already done, so I am trying to refocus on that while still pushing for goals. Maybe it’s my quarter life crisis even though I just turned 26- haha. But I am back and I will be working hard to post and encourage you ladies everyday!

  • cmg2008
    cmg2008 Posts: 139

    First - I just wanted to say that to anyone that is running 10 miles, that goes out for short runs, jogs a few hundred meters every mile, or even tries to run on their walks just to see how far they can make - no matter what your distance, dedication or goals - you ARE a runner, you CAN run, and you shouldn't give anyone else the time of day who wishes to pass judgment on the "legitimacy" of your workouts, your athletic ability, or your drive. We're all doing this for us and I was reminded this weekend that how we choose to lead balanced, healthy and happy lives is an entirely personal decision. So whatever you're doing, if it's making you happy and the net result of your activities is positive and not a cause of stress, unnecessary pain, or serious inconvenience in life, then I think you're doing it right :happy: So just a reminder - Be happy with whatever you're doing. It's getting you there, one step at a time :heart:

    THANK YOU! so much for posting that! It makes me feel so much better about being a 'slow' runner!!!

    mking: I love my food scale, I got it at for $20!

    meag: The warrior dash sounds like a lot of fun, it makes me want to do one next summer!

    jill: Just stick with it and you'll do amazing!!! but remember don't push yourself too hard to where you injure yourself and our out for a prolong period of time! Keep up the great work though

    AFM: Still trekking along! I'm still running at least 3 times a week and trying to cross-train on my off days but with grad school starting back up, its been a little hetic lately! Monday i paid $1003 for my books :noway: and i'm trying to move from my house back to school, while workng all the d@mn time soo its been a hetic few weeks! But classes start monday and i am beyond exccited!!! Keep up the great work ladies!
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Hey Ladies

    Thanks for the inspiring words about running and being RUNNER, cmg2008 totally reminded me seeing her post on how much better it is we felt after reading the post!

    Mkingraham: Thanks! I will definitely search online and see what plans fits best for I have only been jogging consistently for about 4 months, and I started it all with C25K loved that program but I think I either want to check out C210K or some other similar plan, thanks for the input!

    As far as today I jogged 3.2 miles and will be exercising with the brother later tonight, hope everyone has a great rest of the day till tomorrow!! :)
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hey all ... Quick updaty-ness tonight. Life's a zoo!

    Running's been good. Ran my tempo this morning and managed 2.5 full miles under a 9:00 pace, which is pretty spectacular for me. Total run was 3.86mi in 35 mins with a WU and CD (4.57mi covered). I was really hauling it at 5:30am and enjoying every minute :bigsmile:

    Training is going well and my 10mile race is coming up next Sunday. I'm not even remotely nervous. I know I can run it - just a matter of whether my foot will cooperate and keep up. It's bearable now for certain but the last thing I want to do is aggravate it too much before my 1/2 Marathon. After this race I'm definitely going to taper my training and enjoy my runs as much as I can without going all nutso. It's sooo not worth it! I love to run and I'd hate to jeopardize that out of some desire to "prove myself". I just want to run and be happy! :happy:

    As for life - Eeep. BUSY! Work's a mess and eating's been pretty messy. Yea, totally had chicken wings with dinner tonight. Thank goodness for that tempo run :wink: Having a hard time moderating my "treats" and not having them every single day. Otherwise I've been OK. Weigh in tomorrow after a really harsh week of eating... We shall see. I'm not expecting any losses, that's for sure :laugh:

    CMG - So glad my post made you feel good about your running. We all started out slow. Doesn't make those miles any less valuable. You've gotta start somewhere and with time, patience and hard work you'll definitely start feeling more and more like a "runner" every day, until you can't escape it!

    greenhumanclay - Fabulous to hear about your workouts. It sounds like you're really making it fit! A run and more later tonight? Kill it girl!

    Megan - Thank you :blushing: I am definitely working my tush off and it's paying in dividends. I'm getting faster, stronger and more confident. My body image is still pretty so-so but I am working on it. Meeting Cait and Gonks was definitely the highlight of the race and the weekend! What fabulous ladies they are. Can't wait to show you all my pics! I'm working on it...

    You should see the kick *kitten* shirts that Caiters made for us - Oh my! :happy:

    Gotta run ladies. Have a fab Thursday night and we'll catch up in the AM. Much love :heart:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Uhmm HAI?!?! Where'd everybody go?

    Ok well I just got home about an hour ago from my 5 mile pace run and I'm headed out to an all-day baseball tourny. Life's been hella busy, but I'm trying to make everything work. As usual! thank goodness it's the weekend :bigsmile:

    Just wanted to drop by and read some of your progress but there's nothing to read! :laugh: Ah well - Next time!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend - Enjoy the weather and tear it up out there. You don't have anything to lose! :drinker:
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member

    So I had my first run over 3 miles today, 4 miles, and I have been so scared and nervous about it. I set my alarm so I could get it in before it got to hot and humid, didn't want to give myself any excuses. I got up, got ready, even managed to get the hubby to come along as well!! We ran the first two and it felt pretty good then ran/walked the 3rd and then ran the 4th and we actually ended up doing 4.18 miles!!! I am on top of the world right now and the best part is that the pace felt really good. I am feeling better and better everyday! Oh My God I Just might be a.... RUNNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member

    So I had my first run over 3 miles today, 4 miles, and I have been so scared and nervous about it. I set my alarm so I could get it in before it got to hot and humid, didn't want to give myself any excuses. I got up, got ready, even managed to get the hubby to come along as well!! We ran the first two and it felt pretty good then ran/walked the 3rd and then ran the 4th and we actually ended up doing 4.18 miles!!! I am on top of the world right now and the best part is that the pace felt really good. I am feeling better and better everyday! Oh My God I Just might be a.... RUNNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Amazing realization - Enjoy the day and the runners high, Megan! You absolutely ARE a runner! :bigsmile:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Ahhh - LADIES!?!?! Where is everyone? :ohwell:

    Come on!

    I have to run to work - Just wanted to kick you all in the *kitten* haha I had a crazy hard training weekend and am on the verge of total burn-out. Definitely taking it easy this week. And I'm taking some lieu time at work on Thursday - MUCH needed! I'd take it Friday but unfortunately too many people already have it booked off...

    Will catch up later when I can. Miss yas! Get back here!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    Sorry I didn't post much this weekend. Just spent it enjoying the outdoors and figured you all would totally understand that one! On Saturday I had my four mile run that I have been dreading since the moment I printed out my training plan, but it went surprisingly well! I won't recap again as I posted right after I finished, but it sure felt nice.

    This morning I had 3 miles on tap, and went out and did the usual 5k route that I run with my coworker. I think I have finally figured out that I just need to run slowly that way I can control my breathing and go further. I ran the entire 5k without stopping and I felt like I could have kept going which is good since I will definitely need to! I am still hanging in there and striving towards my August goals.

    I guess its just me and you Meag :)
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Nope...I'm here!!

    My weekend was filled with hanging out with my kiddos. I had tons of errands and laundry to do on Saturday before we could go to the Angels game Saturday night and then we went again yesterday. I thought this weekend was going to be fairly kick back but I was wrong.

    Meag - anything planned for your day off?? I am taking Friday off to take the kiddos to Sea World and then we will be staying in San Diego for the night. So that day will be full of walking. Just hoping that I can make good choices outside of my bubble.

    Megan - great work on your run!!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Hi Guys!~!~! I have been hiding for a long time but it doesnt seem like there has been too much action going on here... I hope you are all still Kicking *kitten*.!~!!!~!! Im sure you are!~!

    Quick update for me... started a REAL strength training workout today. I copped out and bought a but the trainer at the gym said it would be a really good workout for me at this stage.. so I might look like a freak bringing my glossy mini poster into the gym to do my weight training.. but I dont have to pay tons of money to get the help!~!~!

    Im super excited about it... I did Workout One today and I cant wait to do workout two tomorrow!!

    I was going to up my calories before I took my hiatus the past week. For the moment I am leaving it where MFP suggested.... 1260. I have a feeling that after week one of this workout I am going to look forward to some extra calories!! I am going to strictly log my exercise this week as well so I know what I can expect from myself as I start this new strength training regiment.

    Im so frustrated with myself that I allowed so long to go by without logging in. I have been doing ok with my food and I am working out regularly... but I feel like I left you all down! I have not been very supportive and I apologize!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Kan - That workout looks great! Hope you can stick with it and make the most of it - I know that you'll feel great if you just hunker down and commit. It's tough though - I understand! Good luck lady! :bigsmile: Let us know how upping your cals goes. If you are working out more you definitely need to be enjoying those cals. No skimping on nutrition :tongue: Enjoy every bite!

    Guam - Uhmm Well! It turns out that in my crazy hectic schedule-ness I completely forgot that Thursday is a huge work event, so I actually can't take the afternoon off... So, instead I will be leaving early next Tuesday and going for a late *healthy* lunch with my mom, and then going for pedi/manis to celebrate my 10mile run this Sunday. Sounds like you have a fantastic day-off planned with your kiddos, Beth. I love it!! Never been to Sea World but I'm sure the kids will enjoy it and the walking will be great - make sure you're all wearing lots of sunblock! :laugh: Thankfully, this week I've got a work event Thursday afternoon and next week I have Tuesday afternoon to myself and potentially a short day on Friday on account of the long weekend - then camping for 4 days! I definitely *need* the break so thank goodness :bigsmile:

    AFM - Did my longest-run-to-date on Sunday - 11.33miles total, with WU and CD. My "run" portion was 11.01 miles, and yes, the 0.01 miles COUNTS! haha It was a freaking crazy long run and I still cannot believe how far I run some days... I really feel like a total lunatic. If you want to see my run and pacing etc, heres some linki-ness:

    Foot's being a complete b*tch these days and I don't even want to address it right now. My body NEEDS to cooperate. Four more weeks, foot. FOUR MORE WEEKS!!!

    That's all I've got time for today. If there's one message I can impart - Enjoy every bite :wink:
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Hi all! I've been around, sometimes just get too overwhelmed to reply. I'm going to be selfish here, but will try not to be from here on out!

    Been super good with getting in strength this month - most of it has been core work. My Physical Therapist told me I need to work on my core because it's causing other issues, blah, blah, blah. I've re-started the push-up challenge and have been doing lots of planks and we're doing lots of balance/stability stuff in PT...HARD! Like Meag, I ran my longest distance ever yesterday...14 miles!!! Now we're getting serious with this marathon stuff, this week is a "recovery" week, so 3 runs for 24 miles total. I always want to add another run in, but I'm not going to, I promised I wouldn't.

    I also got the green light to start kicking the soccer ball around, so Thursday I'm going to the park to run some drills and test things out. Reporting back to PT (down to 2x a week right now) on Friday with my results/aches/pains/what have you. Other than that, work + life has been hectic. I've been told that I'm on the verge of over-training and couple that with the fact that I don't sleep, I'm just tired, a lot. I think if I managed to sleep a few solid hours a night, I'd feel less overwhelmed...but c'est la vie. Oh and I got 1st in my age group with my 5K series of 4 races - final race was on Thursday and I ran a 24.14 (which is only 26 seconds off my PR pace) in the heat! New 5K PR is coming up some time this year...but I'm not focusing on that since I just set a new one in July. I'm about 100% certain that I'll set a new 10K PR next time I race one, because my last one was in November and I'm quite a bit faster now:happy:

    Okay, that's enough running talk! I did buy a loveseat yesterday, right now I only have a chair (a massive chair and a half) in my living room so it'll be nice to relax in the living room and stretch out.

    I'll be back...before the weekend...I promise:flowerforyou:
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Hi Ladies

    I have also been gone sinceThursday, I'm usally pretty good logging in but I worked Lot's of overtime this week and Saturday That I was too tired/lazy to write back honestly sorry... :(

    But to those runners Meag, mkingraham and jellybeans Awesome job with all that running!!!
    Kancrav Good luck with the training hope it works out for ya and ya enjoy those extra calories!

    Guamgrly Seaworld and San Diego both sound like so much fun, hope you have a great time! As for me nothing planned except for a girls night out and Mt. biking or Hiking which ever my BF chooses, oh ya and sleeping!

    I have been doing good except for the sleeping can't seem to get more than 5 or 6 hours of sleep I automatically wake up sucks... But on the other hand I broke my plateau and I started Yoga classes today just for a month since it's pricey and I wanted to try it out for a month before committing long term, I did try Hot Yoga today and boy was it difficult, more than I expected, I already feel sore but I felt amazing after i have never sweated that much before!! i will be posting more frequently this week, it's the weekends that kill me! Hope you all had a great Monday, enjoy and make the rest of the week kick *kitten*!!! Good night!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Beth- Yeah!! I am so glad you are still here too! Your weekend with the kids sounds like a total blast. Anything outside is amazing in my opnion so throwing in Seawolrd with tons of walking and some baseball games doesn't get much better! Is your daughter still excited about your race? Have you been able to figure out your schedule and what works best for you two to train together? I think it is amazing that you are putting in the effort to teach your daughter how to have a healthy active life from the very beginning!

    Kandace- I would totally be bringing in my poster with all the workout moves as well. Good for you for getting out there and trying something new. I have been trying to put more emphasis on strength training because I know how good for me it is, but its hard since my focus is running right now. Maybe I'll try your workout :)

    Meag- Please be careful and take care of that foot!! I know you will hold back when needed I just don't want you to injury yourself to the point where you are out of your half when you have been working so hard. 11.01 miles is AMAZING! And I agree the .01 totally counts! And your pace was totally killer! I hope you still relish in every success you have as a runner because you are awesome!

    Jill- Congrats! That is fantastic winning first place in your age group! It sounds like you have been busy, but try and make getting rest a priority as well.. if you are to tired and exhausted your body won't do for you everything you know it can do from all of the hardwork you put into training. BTW 14 miles is insane and I can't even imagine going for a run that long so good for you!

    Cynthia- I might need to try out this hot yoga thing. Did you feel limber and loose after or just dehydrated haha.. I think it could be great to mix in with all the running and cycling I am doing, but like you said it is usually a pricey class so I should make sure I like it before I commit.

    AFM- Well its Tuesday which means I had spin this morning. It felt good but my legs are definitely starting to feel the combo of running and spinning combo throughout the week. I think I need to start incorporating stretching into my routine maybe with some afternoon short yoga sessions or something along those lines. Really anything to help keep my muscles loose and just to help with my flexibility in general. I stretch after every workout, but I don't think its enough. As far as my August goals, I think I did pretty good at not over indulging during my birthday which is a huge plus! And we shall see where I am at as far as weight loss goals when I weigh-in on Friday. Otherwise I am definitely sticking with my 15k training plan. I have 2 miles plus strength on tap for tomorrow. Gotta pump some iron!! hahaha have a great day ladies!!

  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Happy Tuesday Lovelies!!

    Kandace – welcome back girly!! :flowerforyou: You were definitely missed!! And I’m glad to see that you have researched different workout routines that you feel will work better for you. Great job and keep up the great work!!

    Meag – glad that you were still able to take some time off even if it wasn’t when you had originally planned. I think you are in dire need of some “you” time!! And congrats on running your longest!! Hopefully the foot will hold up for the next four weeks before completely going out on you again. And yay for camping!! Doesn’t look like we will make it camping this year. :sad: But I am very excited about Sea World, especially since I have been promising my daughter for a few years now. It is one of my favorite places aside from Six Flags. We are packing our lunches which means I get to make my own choices and then will have dinner there.

    Jill – that’s awesome that Matt gave you the green light to start kicking the ball around. When does practice start with your new team?? And great job hitting your longest run also!! :drinker:

    Cynthia – great job breaking your plateau!!:drinker: I have tried yoga a couple of times but not at the gym or a studio. I have the Biggest Loser yoga video. You would never think that stretching like that would give you such a burn but bring it on!! Hope you are able to get some much needed sleep this week.

    Megan – Thank you for that warm welcome!!:bigsmile: My daughter is still very excited about her race. She tells everyone about it and is constantly asking me when we are going to practice. I have yet to find a schedule that works for us. I simply just need to get up earlier in the mornings so that I can get home earlier in the evenings. I am going to try that this week and see how it goes. I just hate getting out of bed…I always have to drag myself. Sounds like you are on top of your game, as always!! Great job girly!!

    AFM…I think I had some sort of revelation recently cause I feel like I am living a new life today. It’s like the months of what I have been reading and learning are finally being put into place and it just feels so natural. My food was great yesterday! And I started the Insanity workout yesterday. Well, it was just the fit test which kicked my *kitten* so I am a little weary about the rest of the workout. But I invested the money into it so now I must invest the time. I am hoping to take my daughter out for a run when we get home tonight and then do Insanity.

    Quote of the Day - “The best inspiration is not to outdo others, but to outdo ourselves.” Author Unknown

    Make today count Lovelies!!
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    Hope everyone has had an awesome day or at least a good day!

    Mkingraham Yesterdays yoga actually didn't make me thirsty which was weird because I thought with all the sweating I would be dying of thirst but I still drank h20 to replenish lost electrolytes as the instructor suggested, in fact after I jog I'm usually pretty thirsty. I felt thinner, kind of like a detox although I've never done one, it's also beneficial since the yoga class is 105 degrees so it gets rid of toxins and helps your metabolism. Im almost done reading Running for Mortals and they highly suggest yoga since it stretches and works out muscles that running never does. Plus it lengthens and gives you the flexibility and strength that you need. The classes are pricey but you can try or check the web, I found my month pass for $30 bucks, good deal since I plan on attending 4xs, give a try! :)

    Guamgrly Thanks I finally broke the plateau took 3 weeks but I did it, as far as yoga I never tried videos but took Hatha before in school which was much more easier since it wasn't heated it was different, big time since the temp. wasn't 105 but more like 65 70, actually doing nothing in that room yesterday felt like I was doing something. But you are right you don't think it would be such a great burn but with my HRM I was able to burn 600 calories in 90 mins which is awesome since my normal 45 minute to an hour workout jogging burns around 250 300. Thats awesome that you are working on C25K, thats what initially started my jogging "like", that is slowly turning into a I like it a lot lol. Especially with your little one thats great! So you finally got your Insanity in the mail, good for you that you started let me know how it goes I love trying new exercises. Love the quote BTW!

    AFM call me dorky but I just realized this meant As For me or myself lol Right?
    I had a good day was able to increase my distance by a 1/2 mile and speed by .3, super happy about that and looking forward to a new yoga class tomorrow I believe I registered for the Vinyasa class, so we'll see how it goes. I slept a solid 6 last night plan on 7 tonight, need to work on my h20 intake since starting yoga requires being properly hydrated. Until tomorrow hope everyone has a great Hump day! :)
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