Pregnancy – August 2011



  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member

    afm- my cold has cleared up but I keep getting pains in my tummy and lower back I don't think that I'm drinking enough water also have a massive headache but hopefully a little water and sleep and all will be well also just looked into cloth diapers today I think I'm going to go with them for my 3yo dd that is still not potty trained and also for the new baby

    Apparently, headaches are common with pregnancy because of the hormones. My doc told me I should be drinking 90-100 oz of water a day (yikes!), but I know as long as I'm drinking at least 4 glasses a day the headaches aren't so bad. I'm really bad with water...

    Rachel - I know you didn't want to be induced, so I'm glad, too, that your doc is letting you go the full 2 weeks. Hope something (good) happens before then.

    Caper - yeah, get those test strips so you can make sure to keep you and baby healthy!! :smile:

    AFM - Took the in-town commuter train up to school today to buy my books for fall semester, which starts Monday. Hubby and the boys went with, so it was a fun family outing, but there was plenty of walking (UofU has a LARGE campus). We were almost done at the bookstore when I started getting leg cramps and then suddenly got this hard pain in my cervix, like the baby had just kicked it really hard. It didn't last long that hard, but didn't go away completely for a bit, plus got hit by some BH about the same time. Still had to walk back to the train station, but then got to sit for the ride home and our car was parked at our stop. I think it worried my husband more than me. When I got home, I sat and put my feet up for pretty much the rest of the afternoon, and I'm feeling better now, but I hope that doesn't happen again! (As far as I can tell, I'm not leaking fluids. I have high level of fluid so if my water broke it would be quite a gush.)
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    afm- my cold has cleared up but I keep getting pains in my tummy and lower back I don't think that I'm drinking enough water also have a massive headache but hopefully a little water and sleep and all will be well also just looked into cloth diapers today I think I'm going to go with them for my 3yo dd that is still not potty trained and also for the new baby

    Hey, I think we have the same due date! hehe Anyways, I have been feeling really dehydrated too and have had the low back pain and braxton hicks contractions. I do associate it with being dehydrated. I've been HORRIBLE about drinking water. For a couple weeks, I wasn't drinking any water. Just coffee(in the morning), milk and fruit juices.
  • Lindseyjones1717
    Lindseyjones1717 Posts: 1,030 Member
    Thanks for the concern everyone!

    Test results show no pre-eclampsia so far! Seems my body just isn't tolerating the last month of pregnancy very well..which I'm assuming has to be related to my being so overweight before pregnancy + the 25 lbs I have added to that! I'm really looking forward to getting healthy again ASAP and taking full advantage of this website.

    I've been feeling lots of cramping lately in my low abdomen and back. Its so not fair to have such bad cramps when you don't even have your period! :grumble: this just reminds me how I'm not looking forward to getting that back. :laugh: Hoping breastfeeding will stall it for a loong time! My BH seem to be getting stronger when I do get them, but they are very few and far between. I'm not sure if I have offically "dropped" but the baby seems to be putting more pressure on my pelvic bone and lady parts the past few days.

    My body must also be preparing me to be up all night because I keep waking up at random times wide awake, and cannot go back to sleep for several hours. TV is getting so boring! I can't wait til I can have my new little girl to stare at instead! C-section is 2 weeks from today!

    Wishing everyone a great Friday!
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    I got my test strips last night. I bought 100 of them for $85 and bought some alcohol prep pads as well. I hope I won't have to buy either item again. I'll try to stretch those 100 strips to the end of my pregnancy and hope and pray the Diabetes goes away after delivery. I'd hate to have to deal with it for the rest of my life!

    I started logging my food again here. Diary is private until I can get my act together though, lol. I am hoping it will keep me honest and accountable and I switched out the fat for sugar for now just to see what I am consuming in that department.

    I had an abnormally high glucose number this morning that I hope was just a fluke. It's supposed to be below 5.3 since I take Insulin before bed and this morning it was 6.1 .. so we'll see what the rest of the day brings. I'll either call the Diabetic Clinic in the late afternoon if my numbers are still reading high or just wait it out since I have an OB appointment on Monday anyway.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Just popping in to say hi! Miss you ladies. I still read up on you :)

    Elise is 4 weeks old today! Wow, time flies!
  • dawniee
    dawniee Posts: 143 Member
    HI friends!! I am trying to conceive after an ectopic pregnancy........also trying to lose a few more pounds to have a awesome healthy pregnancy and baby!! I would love to join!! I have three beautiful girls....Aubrei 17, Lucy 3.5 and Toula is 12 months!!! I'm 36 years old and want more!!!! So I hope to get to know you all and be of great support!! Prayers and blessings to all of you!!

  • ElizabethRN59
    ElizabethRN59 Posts: 168 Member
    Danielle: Hoping you get a private room! I know I want DH there the whole time (unless he would need to get sleep or something if the "chair" is too uncomfortable) but that should be your decision to make, not the hospitals! Praying it works out for the priavte room and for you to have peace about it and not be stressing too much over it! :flowerforyou:

    Rachel: So glad they are letting you wait until 2 weeks, praying for that little one to make an appearance soon! =)

    Lidsey: Yea for no pre-ecampsia!! :happy: BOO for not feeling well!! :angry: Excited for you! At the most, two more weeks!!! Can't wait to hear that your bundle of joy has arrived!! =):flowerforyou:

    Dawn: baby dust to you when you (and your body) are ready for it!! Welcome!! Looking forward to getting to know you too! The support of this group of ladies is great!! =)

    Julz: Hope you are taking it easy! Praying it doesn't happen again! :flowerforyou:

    Caperfae: excited for you and your baby shower! hope you get everything you need!!! =):flowerforyou:

    Veronica: Glad you are feeling better! I hear ya on the water drinking though, i feel like i can never seem to get enough in... :grumble:

    AFM: agreed on the headaches- they come and go but some days are just pounding! :sad: One a good note, got to see baby two days ago at the 8 week u/s! DH was able to go (which i am So very happy he was there)! :love: We got to see the heart beating and hear the heartbeat! 162 bpm!!! :heart: And of course baby wouldn't cooperate for measurements (which is leading DH to think it's a boy) but oh well, baby and i are both healthy and that is all tha matters... So my fertility MD said that i can be released from their service at this point since we are having no issues and i see our OB for the first time 9/1 (for an interview) and then again 9/13 for the actual visit! :bigsmile:
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Danielle: Hoping you get a private room! I know I want DH there the whole time (unless he would need to get sleep or something if the "chair" is too uncomfortable) but that should be your decision to make, not the hospitals! Praying it works out for the priavte room and for you to have peace about it and not be stressing too much over it! :flowerforyou:

    AFM: agreed on the headaches- they come and go but some days are just pounding! :sad: One a good note, got to see baby two days ago at the 8 week u/s! DH was able to go (which i am So very happy he was there)! :love: We got to see the heart beating and hear the heartbeat! 162 bpm!!! :heart: And of course baby wouldn't cooperate for measurements (which is leading DH to think it's a boy) but oh well, baby and i are both healthy and that is all tha matters... So my fertility MD said that i can be released from their service at this point since we are having no issues and i see our OB for the first time 9/1 (for an interview) and then again 9/13 for the actual visit! :bigsmile:

    Thank you! I couldn't imagine doing any of this without my husband. I'm just hoping that it doesn't even become an issue; if it does, look out!

    Headaches do get better- I had migraines for awhile. A cold Coke/Pepsi and 2 tylenol were the only thing that sometimes helped me. And FYI we're expecting a boy and his heartbeat has always been in the 140's :tongue:
  • RFrick
    RFrick Posts: 408 Member
    Sat 08/20/11 11:39 AMJust thought I'd give you all an update... I went to my OB Dr. yesterday and I'm in the beginning stages of pre-eclampsia. :sad: That means that home-birth is no longer an option. :cry: I'm having a really hard time giving it up, but at least my midwife is going to go to the hospital with us as a doula. That makes me feel just a little better, but it's so hard to switch gears in your head at this point!!! I cried SO much yesterday and was afraid I was going to go into a full blown streak of depression. I woke up feeling better this morning though and it helps a lot that DH is home today and is doing an amazing job of taking care of DS so far... My Dr. wants me to carry the baby as long as possible, but my goal is to just make it to Monday. I'll be 37 weeks then and that is considered 'full term'!!! Anyway, so I have to go twice a week for non stress tests on the baby, see my OB at least once a week, and do a crazy 24 hour urine test. ICK!!! I'm hoping to magically go into labor about the middle of next week. :-) As long as the baby is OK that would solve a lot of problems!!! Like having to pay over $300 a week for the non stress tests and worrying about my pre-eclampsia turning into eclampsia and me going into siezures!!! Come on baby!!! :bigsmile:

    So far today I finished putting away baby clothes, and got the baby's clothes/blankets packed for the hospital. I need to dig the infant car seat out, wash it up, and get DH to put it in the car. I'd also like to wash the stroller up since our since deceased cat slept in it routinely since I used it last. And partially pack my bag for the hospital. And clean up the house. And finish sewing a dress for myself. Um.... oh yeah, I'm supposed to be on partial bed rest... oops!!! :noway:

    HEEEEEEEEEEYYYYY Rachel!!!!!!! Are you still out there????? If you're still around you need to at least type a sentence or so every once in a while so the supense doesn't kill us all!!!!! :tongue: And on the subject of being over-due - my Dr. informed me yesterday in no uncertain terms that I WOULD NOT be going past my due date. Yes ma'm.... That means I will definatly be having a baby in the next three weeks!!! :love:
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    RFrick, I'm sorry your dreams for a homebirth were ruled out as an option. At least you have a midwife there to help advocate as natural a birth as possible for you! ((((hugs)))) :flowerforyou:
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Welcome to Rachel's pity party. :cry: :sad:

    I'm sorry to keep posting the same type of things but you guys can probably understand how I am feeling right now. I really just want to cry. I am spending so much time in bed, I am bored, tired, and finished all my books.

    I was doing pretty well staying optimistic last week, but at 41+1 I am feeling really sad and depressed that the baby is not ready to come yet. I have tried everything except for castor oil. I so badly want a natural birth experience, and starting off labour chemically I feel will be starting off on the wrong foot. But I have a drs appt on Tuesday and it makes me want to ask to just be induced!! (I probably won't, but it is still difficult)

    There is a family reunion today (my hubby's side) and I really don't want to go. I know everyone will be asking
    "how are you feeling?"
    "When was your due date?"
    "Have you tried..."
    "When I was pregnant..." etc. etc. I just don't want to deal with 40+ people who have an invested interest in this baby coming.

    My MIL called this AM, and when she rung off said "I'll see you at the reunion?". I told her I didn't think so, I just wasn't sure I was up for it, physically and mentally. She did not sound impressed at all, and basically said that the least I could do is show up for supper at 5. Urghhh!

    Regina- So sorry that you won't be able to have a home birth! I know how badly you wanted that. On the bright side baby girl will be here soon (did you guys choose a name?) and you and I can get working together on losing the weight we need to!
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Welcome to Rachel's pity party. :cry: :sad:

    I'm sorry to keep posting the same type of things but you guys can probably understand how I am feeling right now. I really just want to cry. I am spending so much time in bed, I am bored, tired, and finished all my books.

    I was doing pretty well staying optimistic last week, but at 41+1 I am feeling really sad and depressed that the baby is not ready to come yet. I have tried everything except for castor oil. I so badly want a natural birth experience, and starting off labour chemically I feel will be starting off on the wrong foot. But I have a drs appt on Tuesday and it makes me want to ask to just be induced!! (I probably won't, but it is still difficult)

    There is a family reunion today (my hubby's side) and I really don't want to go. I know everyone will be asking
    "how are you feeling?"
    "When was your due date?"
    "Have you tried..."
    "When I was pregnant..." etc. etc. I just don't want to deal with 40+ people who have an invested interest in this baby coming.

    My MIL called this AM, and when she rung off said "I'll see you at the reunion?". I told her I didn't think so, I just wasn't sure I was up for it, physically and mentally. She did not sound impressed at all, and basically said that the least I could do is show up for supper at 5. Urghhh!

    Regina- So sorry that you won't be able to have a home birth! I know how badly you wanted that. On the bright side baby girl will be here soon (did you guys choose a name?) and you and I can get working together on losing the weight we need to!

    Do whatever you are comfortable doing! I couldn't imagine doing much for outings right now, let alone being overdue. Don't let your MIL get to you. You need to do what is best for you and baby :flowerforyou: Tell that sweet baby of your's it can enjoy tummy time out of the belly too :wink:
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    Hey, go to the reunion .. it's times like that where ones water is bound to break!! Happens in the movies all the time :)
  • ElizabethRN59
    ElizabethRN59 Posts: 168 Member
    Danielle: Hoping you get a private room! I know I want DH there the whole time (unless he would need to get sleep or something if the "chair" is too uncomfortable) but that should be your decision to make, not the hospitals! Praying it works out for the priavte room and for you to have peace about it and not be stressing too much over it! :flowerforyou:

    AFM: agreed on the headaches- they come and go but some days are just pounding! :sad: One a good note, got to see baby two days ago at the 8 week u/s! DH was able to go (which i am So very happy he was there)! :love: We got to see the heart beating and hear the heartbeat! 162 bpm!!! :heart: And of course baby wouldn't cooperate for measurements (which is leading DH to think it's a boy) but oh well, baby and i are both healthy and that is all tha matters... So my fertility MD said that i can be released from their service at this point since we are having no issues and i see our OB for the first time 9/1 (for an interview) and then again 9/13 for the actual visit! :bigsmile:

    Thank you! I couldn't imagine doing any of this without my husband. I'm just hoping that it doesn't even become an issue; if it does, look out!

    Headaches do get better- I had migraines for awhile. A cold Coke/Pepsi and 2 tylenol were the only thing that sometimes helped me. And FYI we're expecting a boy and his heartbeat has always been in the 140's :tongue:

    Awesome! thanks for the FYI :wink: I personally just want an happy healthy baby but we will see... :heart: And thanks for the coke coke and tylenol tip... i havent tried that one, definitiely worth a shot! thanks!! :smile:
  • ElizabethRN59
    ElizabethRN59 Posts: 168 Member
    Rachel: I agree, don't allow your MIL to get to you... Maybe by going to the reunion, baby might want to come out more?!? :wink: Sending good vibes your way!! Praying this baby makes and entrance into the world soon!!

    Regina: I'm sorry you won't be able ot have the home birth, but i'm glad your doula can be with you for the delivery... As long as baby is born healthy and you remain healthy, that's what counts! :smile: Thinking of you! ((((hugs))))) your way!:flowerforyou:
  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member
    Regina - sorry that you can't have the in-home birth you'd planned on. At least you have some time to adjust to the idea, set things up with your family and midwife, etc. And, thank heavens for early detection so that they can make sure baby is doing okay, even if you wanted to avoid all of that intervention and expense. Hang in there, you'll have a sweet little one soon, and it won't really matter in the end how she gets here. :hugs: :flowerforyou:

    Rachel - I dont know if I would be up to a reunion at this point either. Maybe you can go for a short time and let your husband run "interference"? He can step in and let people know you're very tired and just playing the waiting game, and he can "pass on" all of their "advice." Lol.... don't know if that's the kind of thing he could or would be willing to do. (My husband has gotten very used to it for me, I'm a regular basket-case, haha)

    ElizabethRN - I assume you're drinking plenty of water? My doc said that the headaches are caused by hormones relaxing weird things but that proper hydration helps. (Seems like I already replied that...) Anyway, often a cold coke and 2 tylenol were lifesavers for the killer headaches. The other thing that works for me is a cold compress on my neck... mine were mostly tension and muscle spasms from tension, and the cold stopped the spasms so I could relax. And, yes, they do get better.

    AFM - Went to orchestra this morning. I'm starting to appreciate how much I use my abs and diaphragm for some of this stuff, now that I don't have much available to use. Felt really worn out by the time I got home (does orchestra rehearsal count as exercise? haha, kidding) but taking it easy for the rest of the weekend. Our 16th anniversary is Monday, but it's also the first day of school (for me and for kids) and with me almost 8 months along, I don't think we're going to do much. We're both okay with that :smile:
  • frzr71186
    frzr71186 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi! I'm C, and would love to join the group!
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Is anyone planning on having their placenta encapsulated after baby comes? I found a good tutorial for doing it yourself. The benefits of doing it are so great. It greatly reduces your chances of Post Partum Depression, takes away baby blues, shortens length of post partum bleeding, generally gives you more energy than you'd have without it, and has good benefits for breastmilk and supply. I can't believe I didn't do it with my other two, but I never knew it was possible. I'd heard of people eating it, but I don't think I could do that. lol
  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member
    Welcome Asheligh! Jump right in

    Scorpio - I know someone else was talking about it a month or so ago. I've never thought of it, personally. Hope it helps you!
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    So our annual state fair is starting on Thursday which means the summer is coming to an end. : ( I can't believe how fast time flies by especially during the nice weather seasons. Tomorrow I start my second semester of the lpn program. My bag isnt ready, my books aren't even ordered yet and I still have print outs to pick up from office max. I was hoping to have our office/my study room moved downstairs by now and the baby room started upstairs but that hasnt happened. As chaotic as everything seems I am so blissfully happy so it doesn't seem to even phase me. My hubby is probably freaked out by the mood swings lol. Poor guy. Hope you are all having a fabulous weekend. I usually work thur fri sat sun so my husband and I never have a day off together. This week I only worked Friday and wow is it nice to be home on the weekend with him and our daughter. I am so jealous of you ladies that have days off with your sig. others.
    Rachel I am sending your baby vibes to get moving. Sorry you are having such a tough time I hope the baby decides to show up soon.