Pregnancy – August 2011



  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Thanks for all the nice comments on the mural. He worked really hard on it, and I’m soooo happy with how it turned out.

    Caperfae – there were a bunch of kids at my shower too. But my cousins, who were helping me with the presents, did a good job of getting them to settle down. I’m glad all you have to do is increase your carbs, hopefully that will take care of everything.

    Julz – yea for finding a car!!! Oh and my self control has gone of the window the past week or so. I can’t believe we’re so close!

    Danielle – that’s dove with an olive branch in its mouth next to the giraffe. I wanted him to make it a big bigger but he was trying to make all the animals proportioned to their actual sizes. I know I said it on the other thread, but I LOVE you’re pictures!!!

    Melissa – no he’s not a professional artist, this is just fun for him. He probably could make a living doing that but he doesn’t want to turn it into a “job”. Yea for retail therapy! Oh and I’m right with you feeling like I’m 80 years old. Hubby and I went a walk the other night and I started to get horrible pains from my behind down my thigh. Our normal 35 minute walk took well over an hour I was going so slowly.

    Jenna – glad everything looked good at your ultrasound, awesome on the weight gain! Have fun camping!!!

    Ashley – I think it’s time for me to move to Canada! :laugh: How are you feeling? Any morning sickness yet? Hopefully you’ll be one of the lucky ones who don’t have it.

    Elizabeth – that’s so sweet that she wants to throw you a shower at school!

    Regina – congratulations!!!!!

    We have a meeting with the pediatrician tonight. Hopefully all goes well and that will be taken care of, one more thing crossed off my list!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    I must have counted days wrong, I was thinking it was 4 nights. Rachel had a c-section? Missed that. I agree that at least 3 nights is pretty typical for that.
    Hope to hear from Rachel soon! :D

    I think it was 4 nights total, but 3 nights for recovery.
  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member
    Regina - congratulations!

    Caperfae - glad you got ketones under control :smile:

    Ronya and Melissa - I'm feeling old, too. Hips are hurting a lot, and it make me waddle (which I'd hoped to avoid, lol), and I feel like I need a nap or early bedtime far too often. Honestly, if it weren't for my hips and having to go in for an NST every week (a bit inconvenient) I wouldn't be ready to be this close, but as it is, I am really hoping that this baby comes early.

    ElizabethJ - sounds like you're going in the right direction with the weaning from her Nuk. My kids never took a pacifier; it was annoying at first since they wanted to nurse all the time, but it was much easier later on with no additional weaning :laugh:

    AFM - made a lunch today (as usual) and left it sitting on the table at home! :grumble: Fortunately my husband is picking me up in a couple of hours, so he can bring me food then. I did end up having to buy a snack from the campus bookstore, though, especially since I swam this morning, because I was feeling a bit unwell and shaky.
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    Hey ladies! Getting closer! Hope everyone is well. I did something really stupid today. We had a lunch in at work and it was a potato bar. Not thinking ( I have GD) I ate a potato with the works. Then after looked it up, 64 carbs just for the potato! CRAP! :noway: I get 45 carbs per meal! Oops! Guess I'll be walking tonight! :laugh:
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Avery Elizabeth’s (LONG) Birth Story

    Thursday August 25th- 41 Weeks 6 Days Gestation

    Had to be at the hospital to start cervidil induction at 8am. Had cervidil inserted around 9am and it did little more than make me uncomfortable and have mild contractions that did not increase at all. Baby was not engaged and still high in my pelvis. Dr. came back to check me a few times through the day, and not much had happened. We were sent home overnight on a “pass” and told to be back again the next morning at 8am for round 2.

    Friday August 26th – 42 Weeks Gestation

    Arrived at the hospital on time and had cervidil inserted around 9:30. Almost immediately contractions began, and I was not coping well at all on the monitor I was meant to be hooked up on for 2 hours, to ensure there was no hyper-stimulation. I was coping so badly that they removed me from the monitor after only 20 minutes. I was having bad back pain, and started walking around, using the tub, shower, etc. to try and get things going. At 11am Blair called my Doula and asked her to come. She arrived at 1, and when the Dr. checked me at 2 or so I was at 2cm, still posterior, head not engaged, and cervix was still hard. That was frustrating. Went to the bathroom and cervidil fell out. Things started getting hot and heavy after that, and coping became much easier as my body took over and contractions began coming naturally. Dr. checked me at some point that evening and I was at a 3, and 90% effaced. They were very happy with the progress. Contractions began coming hot and heavy, about 1 and a half minutes long and 2 minutes apart (so only like a 30 second break) sometimes one after another for up to 5 minutes. I began to vomit, but generally speaking was coping well and was confident that the baby would be there soon. After a huuuge long contraction, I made the (what I now believe to be bad) decision to get in the shower. It was about 10pm or so. After that labour slowed down, and I started to get frustrated. Dr. checked me close to midnight, and there was little change, maybe close to 4cm but not much. Finally at 1:30am when contractions had not picked back up they encouraged me to take some morphine so I could sleep, because the next day could be a long day. I kept having some contractions through the night but managed about 4 hours. My AMAZING doula slept in her car.

    Saturday August 27th- 42 Weeks 1 Day Gestation

    By morning labour had stopped. I was very upset. The dr. came and and talked to me- told me that she was not confident, especially since the baby was still high and thought I would probably be needing a c-section, but if I wanted I could start on
    Pitocin for a few hours and try. I cried and cried but finally started Pitocin. She did not want to break the bag of waters because of the possibility of cord prolapse. I started around 9:30 or so, and by 10:30 I was in heavy labour again. The nurse was wonderful and did not require me to be attached to the monitor, only to be checked every 15 minutes or so. It was similar to heavy labour the night before, with contractions about 1.5 minutes long and 2 minutes apart. When the dr checked me at noon I was at 5cm, but head was still high (though had dropped slightly). Decided to break the water- and it was meconium stained. After the water was broken I was suddenly 6cm and the head dropped slightly. This is when things got really bad. Coping became impossible, and I could not empty my bladder although it felt like I really really needed to. It was excruciating. I moaned and screamed, tried to shower, and nothing worked. The dr came back around 3pm, and there was no progress, the head was still high and was starting to swell. That was the worst news of my life. That is when surgery became inevitable, 29 hours after beginning induction #2.

    They got me in there quick, and our beautiful girl was born at 4:33pm. Recovery has been long and hard so far, I am still sooo sore. WHEN WILL I FEEL HUMAN AGAIN? I have yet to sleep much- I can only seem to doze and have weird body tremors on occasion that yank me out of sleep. I am afraid I will run out of pain meds before the pain goes away. (there was a lot of pushing on my ribs, lungs, etc to get her out of the small incision, and multiple attempts before the spinal was successful)
    First night home last night, and it was AWFUL. She had bad gas and cried for hours and hours.

    Breastfeeding going pretty well, she is latching good and milk is in. Everything is overwhelming though. Will be back when things settle down a bit.

    Avery- 8lbs 5oz (inflated due to iv fluids) and 20.75" long.
  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member
    Rachel - congrats on your little girl! She's darling. I'm sorry that it was so hard, you are a trooper! I'm glad nursing is going well - that's one less thing for you to worry about, any way. I remember feeling so not human and so tired after my first, and it was nothing like your story. Hang in there, and take care of yourself and Avery; let hubby do everything else (and what he doesn't do can wait). As for the pain meds, don't feel afraid to ask your doctor for more if you're still in pain when they run out. (((HUGS)))
  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member
    Hey ladies, it's a new month! We're rolling over into September, so here's the new thread:

    (hoping I did everything right, lol)