Pregnancy – August 2011



  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    OMG I have 1 more box left! :noway: Starting to freak out about that! I'm getting to the "done" point. And I'm getting REALLY nervous because right about now is when my pre e showed up with DS. Although I have no symptoms ( I was so swollen with DS) I'm still worried. I've been watching my BP. Today it was alittle up at 119/75. Last week it was 103/63. But that was after I rested for a bit and I took it this moring right after I was running around trying to get ready. I'm hoping and really praying to avoid pre e this time! The GD is enough! Anyone have it with their first and not their second?
  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member
    Hey ladies - just wanted to let everyone know that I found out Babies R Us is doing a "trade in" sale. If you take in a used carseat, stroller, crib, high chair, bassinet, bouncer, walker, etc, you can get a new one for 25% off. The new item doesn't have to be in the same category as the trade in. We're planning on taking in the used carseat I was given at the shower and getting a jogging stroller travel system, and I think my mom has an old high chair we can trade in for a discount on the crib (if it costs us less that way than going to K-mart). It sounds like a good deal you might want to take advantage of if you've got something to trade in!

    It goes through Sep 16. :happy:
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    My shower was nice. About 25 people showed up. I could have done without the kids being there though because when it came time to open gifts there was one child in particular just helping herself to opening them and the guardian wasn't doing a darn thing to reign her in. Not many pictures were taken as a result because I had 3 or 4 nosy kids going through all the gift bags. I was close to blowing a gasket and now I know why there are so many "no children permitted" showers.
    We got a lot of useful items, lotions and washes, towels, washcloths, 3 small packages of diapers (no wipes), receiving blankets, burp cloths, toys, play pen, change table contoured pad, and the money gifts which we will be able to use to buy the necessities that we don't have yet ... like a baby monitor and more diapers and wipes and a diaper bag. We still need an infant seat so we'll have to look into that soon. Time is running out and I'd like to have one installed in the truck by the time I'm 36 weeks!
    I spent my morning taking tags off and opening packages to get the stuff ready for laundry.

    I allowed myself to eat one small piece of cake in spite of the GD and totally missed eating supper yesterday because we were on the road driving back home. Maybe I should have eaten more cake than that, LOL
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Lindsay – yea for no hospital visit!! You’re so close, I’m so excited for you!

    Melissa – 18 pounds so far is great. Glad you had a nice romantic dinner. And yes, you definitely deserve to go shopping!

    Julz – glad you had a great shower! I think trading the used car seat in at BRU is a good idea, just because you don’t know the history of it.

    Jen – I’m going to be in the last baby box any day…EEKKK!! I don’t have any experience with pre e but since you’re not swollen and you BP is good I hope that mean you won’t have any problems this time.

    Caperfae – glad you had a nice shower!

    Other than no power for 3 hours and a little water in our kitchen we survive the hurricane. We were very lucky compared to some people. Lots of my co-workers still don’t have power.

    We got lots done with the baby’s room this weekend too (being stick inside all weekend). The mural is done and looks fantastic! Hubby did an awesome job, I’m happy with how it turned out.


  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member
    Ronya - cute mural! That is so fun, and awesome that you have a hubby who can do such things.

    Caperfae - glad baby shower went well. We got absolutely no diapers, lol! I can imagine how frustrating it would have been about the kids looking into gift bags and stuff, and especially the one opening stuff. They must have been pretty young? We invited a few girls who were 10+ to come with their moms (either girls I've worked with at church, or my daughter's friends, or both), but nobody even thought of bringing little ones (whew!). Sounds like you got a really good variety of gifts, too.

    AFM - I just didn't have the energy to walk to class from train today, maybe because my backpack seemed extra heavy. The elevator was out of service today, too, so at least I did a few flights of stairs (ouch!!) :laugh:
    We're going to look at vehicles. We need to find something that will seat all 6 of us, then we can worry about putting a carseat in it, lol.
  • Lindseyjones1717
    Lindseyjones1717 Posts: 1,030 Member
    Ronya the mural is beautiful! Be sure to pass it on to your husband!
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    I am glad I have an appointment with the diabetic clinic this morning. Yesterday I was spilling moderate ketones and this morning it was large. My research claims it can potentially be life threatening for a person with GD and can cause problems with the baby. I'm glad I am catching it early. I know all it means is my body is burning fat for energy because it isn't getting enough sugar to burn. I am eating low carb because carbs drive my glucose up so I'm probably going to have to eat more carbs which means take more insulin. It's all rather foreign to me at this point. I will update when I know more after my appointment.

    As for the kids at the shower. The little girl getting into everything was 4 I think. She was there with her grandmother (who is my aunt) but she wasn't being corrected at all which was making me crazy. Some grandparents are just so relaxed and never punish. I'd never let my daughter get in the way of gift opening like that at someone else's shower.

    Ohhhh that Noah's Arc mural is absolutely beautiful ... !!!!!! Excellent job :)
  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member
    I think we've found a vehicle! It's a 2007 Chrysler minivan, and there are a few things I wish were different about it, but at this point we need the extra seats more than the other options, and they can get the payments into our price range. It's nice to be able to check that off our list of needs before the baby comes!

    First physics lab is this morning. I hope these are as easy as the first semester, because I don't want to have to put a whole lot of brainpower into it right now...

    And Dr's appointment after school. I get to do the Strep B test today. Oh goodie (heavy sarcasm).

    Caperfae - How frustrating with the adult in charge of a child won't discipline the child! Hope you get all the info and help you need at your appointment this morning to finish up this last month healthy. We're almost there!
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Glad your recent baby showers went well ladies! How have you all been feeling?

    Ron- Love the mural! What is on the left of the ark next to the giraffe? I've been trying to figure it out but it's small so I can't really tell! Your husband is quite the artist though!!!

    I had my Strep B yesterday which honestly was nothing, easy peasy. But.... my very 1st cervix check was HELL. Oh how I am dreading those from here on out. I had all I could do not to jump right off the exam bed/table and onto the midwife. I'm thinking I'll be getting checked every other time, unless I feel that progress is being made (contractions/cramping etc.)

    We took our own maternity pictures this past weekend and much prefer them over the one's we paid for- guess you learn the hard way sometimes!


  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Any updates on Rachel yet? I hope all is well!!

    I hope she doesn't mind me sharing -- Baby Avery Elizabeth arrived yesterday. Mom & baby are doing well and we'll hear more once they're released from the hospital (likely Tuesday, according to Rachel).

    Yay! Glad to hear it! It sounds like maybe in Canada they keep mom in the hospital longer than here in the US. Congrats Rachel!

    I had to stay 2 nights after a vaginal birth so I think 3 nights is pretty typical for a C-section.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Hey ladies, Just wanted to let you know that I still read up on all of you :) Hope everyone is doing well!

    Elise is doing great, time is flying by!

  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    Rachel- hope your first few days are going smoothly :flowerforyou: looking forward to hearing from you

    jen- I hope that you have no pre-e this time around! fingers crossed

    caperfae- I would totally feel the same frustration surrounding the little girl at the baby shower. Of course its natural for her to want to poke around but its her guardians job to respect the situation and you by stopping her. frustrates me when parents seem oblivious to their child doing something obviously inappropriate, makes it awkward for those around. I hope you appointment went well and that all is fine :smile:

    ronya- that mural is AMAZING!! is your hubby a professional artist? and can he come and do our nursery?:laugh:

    julz- yay for finding a new vehicle that does the job!!

    Danielle- Wow those are beautiful maternity photos!! especially love the ones with you and your hubby :smile:

    anne- how is everything going with you and baby?

    so god showed himself to me yesterday in the form of skinny maternity jeans!:laugh: I found them at motherhood maternity, they fit great, are soooo comfortable and have seriously made me feel 100 times more comfortable in my own skin:smile: I paired these jeans with a summery light purple and white stripped maternity t-shirt and i feel like a new woman. After some shopping therapy hubby and i decided to walk home which was fine until i got diarrhea half way home:ohwell: the cramping was horrible but we luckily managed to find a restroom before things became truly unbearable haha, so much for a romantic walk home :laugh:

    Although the shopping increased my endorphines i still couldn't help feeling like i was closer to 80 years old yesterday, with the niggly back pains that are creeping in and shooting pains in my thigh every so often when walking. Im also abit bummed out that my morning sickness has again reared its ugly head:sick: luckily its almost always during the morning hours of 9-10am so i can mentally prepare, but this is something I could definitely do without.

    Can anyone believe that its almost September??? soon we'll have lots of mommies holding there LO's in their arms :love: how exciting!
  • JKilty
    JKilty Posts: 75
    Finally, I have the time to catch up on this board! If I miss anyone, I’m sorry!

    Congrats, Rachel!

    Anne- Love your picture of Elise! She’s beautiful!

    Danielle- Great job on the maternity pictures! I need to get those done. I think we’re going to have my husband’s cousin do them. She is fantastic (and affordable)! I’m not looking forward to those checks…ugh!

    Julz- Glad you found a vehicle! That must be a relief. We’re going to try to go in our little Corolla as long as possible! Fitting the baby in isn’t the problem…it’s trying to find space for my 70lb lab! Especially because we live a little over 3 hours from my family and one hour from his. Good luck with school! I’m so glad I took this semester off…but it feels weird that I’m not taking classes, since I’ve been in school for what seems like forever!

    Ronya- What an awesome mural! Love it!

    Caperfae – Glad you got a lot of good stuff at your shower! Cake sounds so good right now…haha!

    Lindsey- Only a few more days!

    Melissa- LOVE my maternity skinny jeans!!! I know I’ll love them even more when I get to wear my boots and scarves with them this fall! Glad you had some good retail therapy :happy:

    Thanks to all of you who commented about daycare! I did read every response, I just didn’t have time to respond! I wish I was able to be a stay at home mom, but it’s really not possible right now. We would struggle financially if I did, but more than that, because I am doing grad school through my employer, I would have to pay all the tuition back if I quit. So, I will have to keep working at the University for two years after I finish my degree next December. We did find a couple of good leads on home day cares though! We meet with one tomorrow night and another the next night. One of them is where my husband’s cousin takes their son. I’m really hopeful about that one because she is inexpensive ($85 a week…when we were expecting to pay $130ish) and she is a stay at home mom with only her two kids and our cousins little boy. The other lady has more kids at one time, but has been doing it for 21 years, so we’ll see. Fingers crossed, but it’s nice to have options!

    I had another ultrasound the other day to see if my placenta moved up and it did! So happy about that! Now if all goes well, I won't have to have a C-section. I also found out that I will have to do some extra tests when I get closer to the due date because I’m on blood pressure medicine. Not sure what that will involve, but my Dr isn’t concerned yet. AND I only gained two pounds since my last visit (1 month ago)! I guess walking 1 hour minimum every night is really paying off!

    I will be camping with my in-laws this coming weekend, so I’m praying it won’t be too hot!

    Hope you are all having a great week!
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    Appointment update - Just as I suspected, they (the nurse and nutritionist) told me I have to increase my carbs in order to lower the ketone spillage. So I bought a burger at Wendy's on the way home and it was DELICIOUS. The nurse said it was easier and safer to compensate the high glucose numbers with the insulin than to have my body burning off the fat and energy that the baby needs.
    I have basically been living off very little carbs and a lot of salads the last few months because I was scared to raise my blood glucose too much. Now I am going to have to retrain myself to have a slice of bread or bowl of cereal among other things. We'll see what the ketone situation is for the rest of the week and I have to call them with my glucose levels and my ketone results on Friday.

    Next Tuesday I have to put my daughter on the school bus for the first time then I have to get ready for another diabetic clinic appointment and right after that I'm off to a prenatal appointment. It's going to be a very hectic morning to say the least.
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Ronya, $8.50?!? That’s so wrong! That’s sad that the people caring for our children are paid less than a person working at a mall! Something’s not right with that situation! I know that my MIL who is an early childhood educator gets paid $25/hr and has fantastic benefits. For instance, women that get pregnant in her field (and nurses, and a few other professions) get an automatic paid leave once they get that Dr.s note saying they’re pregnant (because they are in high risk jobs for infections) and then after delivery they get the regular year leave, and most Government daycares pay the full salary for that year.
    BTW I love the mural! So cute!

    Lindseyjones, best of luck this week!

    Little Spy, thanks for the info, I think it’s sad that you guys get so little time with your bundles of joy. In Canada, it’s a little different. The mother can either take 6month and her spouce take the other 6months, or she take a full year and the spouse gets 5weeks. They are currently trying to get it set up in the courts that parents of multiples each get a full year, but only a few couples have been given that, and had to go to court to get it granted. But it’s in the making. I should mention that the year off is not fully paid, the first few weeks is somewhere near 70% of your salary, then you go down to almost half, but most companies have a top up policy, where they pay the difference of what the Government will give you.

    Muki, so glad to hear the shingles are clearing up! & gotta love that shopping therapy.

    Mathjulz, A week? That’s all you can take before going back to school! I feel for you! You must be supper woman to take all this on, I tip my hat to you missy! Glad you enjoyed your supper.

    Scorpiomom, thanks for that link, I was just thinking about kegels today and how I needed to start a regular routine. I think I just might do squats and leg stretches instead.

    Caperfae, Glad you enjoyed your shower! But wow, that is annoying that the parent wasn’t controlling their child. It puts everyone else in an awkward situation because you don’t feel like you should be disciplining someone else’s kid, especially when the parent is there!
    Correction, at least it wasn’t the parent, but comm’on grandma!

    Dpage, love the pics!

    To anyone I missed, sorry it wasn’t intentional!

  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member
    Any updates on Rachel yet? I hope all is well!!

    I hope she doesn't mind me sharing -- Baby Avery Elizabeth arrived yesterday. Mom & baby are doing well and we'll hear more once they're released from the hospital (likely Tuesday, according to Rachel).

    Yay! Glad to hear it! It sounds like maybe in Canada they keep mom in the hospital longer than here in the US. Congrats Rachel!

    I had to stay 2 nights after a vaginal birth so I think 3 nights is pretty typical for a C-section.

    I must have counted days wrong, I was thinking it was 4 nights. Rachel had a c-section? Missed that. I agree that at least 3 nights is pretty typical for that.
    Hope to hear from Rachel soon! :D
  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member
    Danielle - love the maternity pics! Especially the silhouette one.

    Jenna - good luck with the daycare. It can make all the difference in the world, knowing your little one is in good hands.

    Caperfae - yay for more carbs, at least in my opinion. How about fruit? (Anything to keep baby and mommy healthy!)

    Abeare - It's also right before fall break, so I may get 2 full weeks off, lol. I only have class for about 3 hours a day, and hubby will drive me for a while (rather than me taking train) and have baby right there, so it won't be too bad. Yeah, I'm nuts. But hafta keep the scholarship!!

    AFM - Quick dr appointment today. Last time, I thought he said it would be strep B test today, but now he says next time. Which is 2 weeks; next time I go in to doc I'll be full term! (still have NST this week and next, plus US next)
    I have to remember not to get cake from Costco, or at least not to bring leftovers home. It's killed my nutrition this week. Going over on fat, even though I'm not on calories, is not making me too thrilled. Aargh, where did self control get to? lol!
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    Hi everyone! Well it has been a bit chaotic around our house lately. Week two of school just ended. I still love it so hopefully that continues lol. My daughter is now 20 1/2 months old and we decided it is time to take her nuk from her. First I cut a bit of the tip off and told her it was broken well she still sucked on it and seemed to like it more because she was playing with it and sticking her tongue in the open end lol. So hubby took it and cut it pretty much completely off. She wssn't too happy. We just kept telling her that it was broken. Night #1 went okay it took her about 20-25 minutes of crying to fall asleep which is not typical. She goes to daycare for a partial day today so I can work on some homework then I bring her to the pediatrician this afternoon for a regular check up. There are no nuks in her diaper bag and we collected all hers from daycare yesterday so hopefully the daycare lady doesnt cave or allow her to find anyones at daycare. I wish we would have done this a long time ago it probably would have been easier. I feel bad with her crying but I know we need to nip this in the butt now. I certainly don't want to try getting her off of it when the huge change of having a little sister comes. She had her "broken" nuk in her crib last night but obviously couldn't suck on it. This morning she didnt even bother reaching for it when I got her up so maybe that is a sign she doesn't want it anymore. That is pretty much the excitement around here.
    A girl from my program who I have a few classes with asked me the other day who was throwing me a shower. I said I wasn't having one since this is my second baby and she said she wanted to throw a small one for us friends at school. That was super sweet and I am pretty excited for that. I will admit we have a lot of the necessities already like clothes, burp rags, etc but it is always nice when someone gives you something to help you out.
    Hope you are all doing great. Baby is moving around a lot now which is always fun. We have our echo for the babies heart in two weeks. Can't wait to see the little one again.
    Thought I should add our daughter is only allowed her nuk at nap times, bedtime and in the carseat when she might nap in the car. Even though we limited it to these times it is still hard to break her from it.
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    Oh I remember weaning my daughter from her soother. It went better than expected. We just cut down the availability little by little, bedtime and naps only. Then she got in a habit of chewing the tips off so it was safer that we just took it away completely. We didn't plan on her being a soother baby but she was in the NICU and the nurse gave her one without asking. Not a huge deal .. and what's more adorable than a baby with a soother in their mouth? LOL

    Planning on getting some housework done later this morning. Looking forward to some retail therapy on the weekend for baby stuff. My daughter starts school Tuesday and she still needs a backpack. Nothing like leaving things to the last minute!!

    Ketones were small this morning so the carbs are doing the trick thankfully.
  • RFrick
    RFrick Posts: 408 Member
    Hi everyone!!!!! I think I'm caught up now. Just going for a short post to check in right now and I'll try to get pics and my story on in the next couple days. Nikki Rose was born Friday at 11:12 am. She weighed 5lb 12oz and was 19 1/4 inches long. We are both doing fine right now, but we are having to take her in for blood work every day to make sure her jaundice doesn't get out of control. Hopefully it will be down today instead of up and we can quit doing that.