Pregnancy – August 2011



  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    elizabeth- I hope all is well! your in my thoughts :)

    ronya- the shower sounds amazing!!! glad you got what you needed and more :)

    I'm also sending you labour vibes rach, infact you can take all of my braxton hicks too if you like! lol

    off home yay! Just wanted to drop in and say that I tested negative for gestational diabetes :) hope everyones week started great!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Been trying to keep emotions from getting the best of me this weekend, and feeling quite worn out today, emotionally and physically.
    Had a nesting surge this morning. We've been doing dishes by hand all week (and will until we can get more dishwasher detergent) and noticed, as I was finishing, that the microwave and cabinets were dirty. So here I am, sitting on the floor, scrubbing the cabinet and drawer fronts :laugh: . I notice how badly the floor needs a mopping. Here's the point where I am so glad I have kids old enough and disciplined enough that I can assign one to take out the garbage (overflowing...) and another to sweep and mop, and it gets done without too much complaint. So my kitchen (and the bathroom, had her sweep and mop there too while she had the mop water) look decent again :happy:

    Ronya, yay for baby shower. The "cake" looks really cute.

    Elizabeth - hope the u/s shows everything is fine.
  • Jennwith2ns
    Jennwith2ns Posts: 296 Member
    Elizabeth, its a girl! (the first thing that popped into my head)
  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    I really have a hard time keeping up with everyone so I am really sorry.

    My husband will be gone for two weeks and next weekend I am having a birthday party for my now 6yo and I get to host it myself and have never done that before so I am stressing a little about it. I'm usually okay when he leaves for the week but lately I have been an emotional mess. I don't remember being this emotional with the other three.

    I also don't remember having this many problems with my lower back/sciatic nerve. It hurts to bend, walk or even sit for a long period of time. I hope it goes away because it is VERY painful! My house is a disaster :grumble: because if something drops to the floor it hurts to pick it up so 8 times out of 10 it just stays there until I can pick it up.
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    Hi Ladies. How was your weekend?
    It was fairly low key here. I was babysitting my cousins little boy while my husband and daughter went to a family gathering. I fwlt bad for missing it but money is money at this point.

    I mowed the lawn yesterday. Good calorie burn. I should have worn my HRM just for the fun of it.

    Diabetic Clinic appointment later this morning. I wonder what they're going to say when they see I haven't been testing my sugar levels because I ran out of strips last week!!
  • carrieannbradley
    carrieannbradley Posts: 4 Member
    Hello to all; I'm totally new to My Fitness Pal (just joined today) and I'm trying to lose about 9lb before I fall pregnant. It's a silly little amount of weight, I know, but it's just not wanting to shift no matter how hard I try ... but to be honest I'm probably not trying hard enough and that's why I've joined! I already have one gorgeous little boy (Arran, 2yr old) and am desperate to give him a little brother or sister. When I was pregnant with Arran I fell hook-line-and-sinker for the "eating for two" mindset and went from a pre-pregnancy weight of 139lb to 169lb at 36wks gestation when Arran came into the world, yip, he was 6wks early! Ideally I'd have liked to weigh about 130lb before the next pregnancy and also eat sensibly throughout so as not to gain so much weight. We've been TTC for two months now and it's consuming me (charting my fertility) and I can't wait for another 10 days so I can take a test to see if we've been successful this month (fingers-crossed). So in the long-term I'm hoping to get lots of support and motivation from you all here and of course give you my support too :)
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Didn't do much this weekend. Just chilled with the hubs for a while. Here's a preggo pic I took this morning (26 weeks 1 day)
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    Tomorrow is finally the big day. We find out if baby has the same brain abnormalities that my daughter has and also if it is a boy or girl. Hopefully baby wont be shy tomorrow and I am hoping to get some sleep tonight. I am sure it will be hard to fall asleep daddy and I are so excited to see the little one again.

    Good luck! I'll be thinking and praying for you!
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    Hello to all; I'm totally new to My Fitness Pal (just joined today) and I'm trying to lose about 9lb before I fall pregnant. It's a silly little amount of weight, I know, but it's just not wanting to shift no matter how hard I try ... but to be honest I'm probably not trying hard enough and that's why I've joined! I already have one gorgeous little boy (Arran, 2yr old) and am desperate to give him a little brother or sister. When I was pregnant with Arran I fell hook-line-and-sinker for the "eating for two" mindset and went from a pre-pregnancy weight of 139lb to 169lb at 36wks gestation when Arran came into the world, yip, he was 6wks early! Ideally I'd have liked to weigh about 130lb before the next pregnancy and also eat sensibly throughout so as not to gain so much weight. We've been TTC for two months now and it's consuming me (charting my fertility) and I can't wait for another 10 days so I can take a test to see if we've been successful this month (fingers-crossed). So in the long-term I'm hoping to get lots of support and motivation from you all here and of course give you my support too :)

    Welcome! Good luck to you, sending you baby dust! :flowerforyou: So you had your first at 36 weeks? Isn't that 4 weeks early? I had DS at 36 weeks to and I gained 50 pounds at that point, 4 weeks early yikes! :noway: I'm not doing that again! This time I've gained 20 pounds and I'm 31 weeks. This site has helped so much. I think being preganant in summer has helped me to. This is a great board, you are going to love these ladies!
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Hope there's good news from Rachel soon with a new baby in her arms! She never said if she was in labor or not.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member

    Welcome! Good luck to you, sending you baby dust! :flowerforyou: So you had your first at 36 weeks? Isn't that 4 weeks early? I had DS at 36 weeks to and I gained 50 pounds at that point, 4 weeks early yikes! :noway: I'm not doing that again! This time I've gained 20 pounds and I'm 31 weeks. This site has helped so much. I think being preganant in summer has helped me to. This is a great board, you are going to love these ladies!

    Good for you, Jen! I'm determined to gain less this time too. I'm 26 weeks and have gained less so far.
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member

    Welcome! Good luck to you, sending you baby dust! :flowerforyou: So you had your first at 36 weeks? Isn't that 4 weeks early? I had DS at 36 weeks to and I gained 50 pounds at that point, 4 weeks early yikes! :noway: I'm not doing that again! This time I've gained 20 pounds and I'm 31 weeks. This site has helped so much. I think being preganant in summer has helped me to. This is a great board, you are going to love these ladies!

    Good for you, Jen! I'm determined to gain less this time too. I'm 26 weeks and have gained less so far.

    Thanks! This site really has helped me keep track. I had pre e with DS so I did have a TON of swelling and water weight at the end. But now knowing how long it took to get off (2 1/2 years, ouch!) I'm really trying to not go down that road again! I have 8 weeks left and my goal is 30 pounds total. However, I would be happy as long as I don't gain 50 again! :laugh:
  • Lindseyjones1717
    Lindseyjones1717 Posts: 1,030 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I've been in and out of the hospital quite a bit in the past few weeks. Everytime I have been to my doctors appointments they keep sending me directly to the hospital! Last week was scary-my heart rate was very high and I was having trouble breathing, so I had to get lots of blood tests, an iv, a chest xray and then a CT on top of it all..they were checking for possible blood clots in my lungs-that was rough. Thank god they didn't find anything. The doctors ended up diagnosing me with pregnancy tachycardia (high, abnormal heart rate). This time they sent me because they've been worried about my blood pressure as it's been consistently high. I have also had dizzy spells, and even saw "stars" a few times which was very strange and scary. I have been having a hard time catching my breath and feels like my heart is beating out of my chest even when I'm just laying around. They gave the baby a non-stress test yesterday and took more blood from me and the results were good. But they now have me collecting a 24 hour urine sample to see if I'm headed towards pre-eclampsia.

    I am so hospital'd out! Yesterday was my 5th time this pregnancy! I had a great nurse yesterday (for the first time out of all 5 trips) and she said 9/10 women's problems with breathing, heart rate and high bp go away after the baby is I am hoping I am in the majority! 17 more days until my scheduled c-section, but I must be honest..I am holding on to hope that I go into labor a little early! I never went into labor with my daughter, so i'd love to see if my body does what it is supposed to this time..but we will have to wait and see!

    Hope everyone is doing well, and still waiting to hear baby news from Rachel!
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    Today we had our ultrasound. Thank you all for the well wishes, thiughts and prayers! It paid off : ) Baby # 2 looks completely healthy as far as they can see. We go back in 4 weeks for an echo of the heart. Daddy has a heart condition and so do I so they wanna just double check that everything looks great. Low and behold it is a girl : ) My hubby isn't quite sure what he will do in a house with 3 women lol. I also passed my glucose by 50 some points so I was relieved and the dr said I have gained 3 lbs so far the entire pregnancy. (from my 7 week appt) Still down overall this pregnancy so that is great.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Lindsey - yikes! That sounds nerve-wracking. I've been in for a couple of non-stress tests, but it's at the women's center and doesn't feel like being in the hospital at all. The whole environment can be enough to raise your blood pressure!! Hang in there for a couple more weeks :flowerforyou:

    Elizabeth - yay for everything looking healthy at the u/s and for a pass on the glucose. And the weight gain (or lack of) - that's good, too.

    Oops, was going to post more but hubby tells me it's time to head off to my Dr apt. I'll make sure they weigh me this time!:laugh:
  • Ladibug23
    Ladibug23 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello everyone!! I've just joined (yesterday actually) and am excited to read all the wonderful stories of weight loss on here. I'm also glad to find a pregnancy thread :) I'm only 5 1/2 weeks along but I am determined not to gain the 60 lbs I gained with my DS who is 2 1/2 years old now. Like others I did the eating for two thing becuase everyone kept saying, "have another're eating for two ya know (wink wink)." Well this time I won't be eating for 2 adults but for one adult and, right now at least, a sweet pea sized baby :)

    I used to be very active and played volleyball 5 times week. But that has since gone by the way side. I'm 40 lbs over weight and only want to gain 15-25 pounds with this little guy. I've started walking again and will continue that through this pregnancy. But does anyone have any advice on low impact DVD workouts that are good for pregnancy?

  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    Mari- welcome!! you'll love this group :) i would also like to know of any good low-impact pregnancy workout dvds

    elizabeth- yaaaay! thats amazingly good news :)

    Lindsey- hopefully no more hospitals until that baby of yours arrives :)

    Is anyone experience any extreme pain in their tail bone? I am and its quite annoying, and at times excruciating
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member

    Welcome! Good luck to you, sending you baby dust! :flowerforyou: So you had your first at 36 weeks? Isn't that 4 weeks early? I had DS at 36 weeks to and I gained 50 pounds at that point, 4 weeks early yikes! :noway: I'm not doing that again! This time I've gained 20 pounds and I'm 31 weeks. This site has helped so much. I think being preganant in summer has helped me to. This is a great board, you are going to love these ladies!

    Good for you, Jen! I'm determined to gain less this time too. I'm 26 weeks and have gained less so far.

    Thanks! This site really has helped me keep track. I had pre e with DS so I did have a TON of swelling and water weight at the end. But now knowing how long it took to get off (2 1/2 years, ouch!) I'm really trying to not go down that road again! I have 8 weeks left and my goal is 30 pounds total. However, I would be happy as long as I don't gain 50 again! :laugh:

    Girl, I gained 50 with my first, and nearly 70 with my second. It was no picnic with number two. lol And I kept half of that weight on for a year before I wanted to change. I've gained 15 so far and I'm 26 weeks. Fingers crossed for a gain of only 30-35 lbs!
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Is anyone experience any extreme pain in their tail bone? I am and its quite annoying, and at times excruciating

    I've been having bad pain in my low back, right above my tail bone when I get up or lay down. It's not constant, just if I'm switching positions, etc.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Mari - welcome! Congrats on your little pea :wink: I think most of us found we didn't really increase calories at all during the first trimester, and then only by 300 or so after that; definitely not the same as eating for two, right?

    Melissa and Mari - In don't know of any DVDs specifically, but I do know that belly dancing is a great exercise for pregnancy and there are a ton of those. Try netflix or your library maybe. Yoga might also be good (and there may be some prenatal yoga videos). If you have access to a pool, that's a great exercise when pregnant (swimming or even just walking around in the water).

    AFM - They remembered to weigh me at the docs this time :laugh: I gained 6.5 lbs in the past 5 weeks, for a total of 14. If I can maintain a pound a week from here on (or less) that'll put me at right around 20 lbs, which will be good. Everything else was routine. I get to do the strep B test next time and he'll check my cervix too, but I don't think there will be any progress.

    Forgot to post exercise challenge for last week. Here it is:
    M - swimming 45 min
    T - Yoga 15-20 min, housework (enough to get me out of breath) 30 min
    and -oops!- that's it. Plan to do better this week, hoping it will be warm enough to swim tomorrow.