What were YOU proud of this weekend???



  • nawlinsned
    60 days, 64 pounds, 0 cheating. I have a liquor cabinet with about 70 bottles of booze, and I have not touched a drop to this point. Would rather my liver work on weight loss than processing alcohol.
  • lildevil968
    lildevil968 Posts: 152 Member
    1. The fact that my 7 year old daughter completed a 5k race with me. We finished in about 36 minutes.

    2. I did not down an entire firehouse sub. Instead I split it with my daughter.
  • rockieschick
    rockieschick Posts: 321 Member
    Climbing a mountain with my kid on my back! Everything said I carried 35lbs on my back and made it to summit. I couldnt be more proud and I burned over 2000 calories :) yay!