August Cycling Challenge: 150 miles, 1 month



  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,685 Member
    sunny local loop, bit windy, but I've cracked 150

    9/8//2011 11.2 miles per the Garmin 705.
    13/8/2011 another 11.2 miles
    14/8/2011 another 11.2 miles
    15/8/2011 another 12.3 miles
    17/8/2011 another 15.4 miles
    18/8/2011 another 11.2 miles
    19/8/2011 another 16.84 miles
    21/8/2011 another 15.11 miles
    22/8/2011 another 16.15 miles
    24/8/2011 another 15.11 miles
    25/8/2011 another 15.13 miles - 0.84 miles over :smile:

  • zornig
    zornig Posts: 336 Member
    I know exactly how that demoralization feels. I had about a year and a half off the bike. When I started back I could never remember rides hurting so badly. But almost 2 years later I'm feeling as good as ever, just a little heavier. My only advice is to be patient and consistent. You will have a great ride in Florida. The wind can be a factor but a group will help with that. Sub-6 is very obtainable. One of my two fastest ever centuries was from Silver Springs to New Smyrna in 2007, 109 in 4:50, solo. Of course the wind took much of the credit. Do you know anything about the Seagull Century in Salisbury, MD? I've heard that ride is a lot of fun.

    I've certainly heard of the Seagull Century--it's a big one, and very popular. But I've never actually done it. I imagine cycling there is a lot like the cycling I did in Delaware, which means flat and fast, but windy. Would be fun!

    I've had a great week of riding here in the DC area, particularly on Beach Drive through Rock Creek Park. Today I complete my move to Tampa, where the temps are supposed to hit 111 degrees with 30 mph gusts of wind on Saturday. Looks like I better buy a new trainer!
  • Carlton_Banks
    Carlton_Banks Posts: 757 Member
    Thanks everyone for giving me the motivation to see this challenge through to the end. I made all of my other goals for the month as well. Ride safe and keep pursuing your goals!

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    total for the week(1 & 2) 164.7
    total for week 3 54.4

    total for the mth 229.1:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    sorry i was missing week 1 totals::embarassed:

    week 4: 36.8
  • Somnifac
    Somnifac Posts: 30 Member
    Only need 18 to hit my 600. I'll certainly get it, but Irene may cheat me out of hitting 700 for the month... If I had the weekend free and clear, I would hit it no problem.
  • carbonboy
    carbonboy Posts: 729
    Home stretch...less than a hundred to go. Woohoo!!
  • JonoK
    JonoK Posts: 147 Member
    Another 12 Last night. Keep moving out there!
  • 6Alsmom
    6Alsmom Posts: 40
    15 on Weds
    18 last night.

    242 for the month
  • carbonboy
    carbonboy Posts: 729
    After my short commute home tonight, that will only leave 66 miles, which I should get tomorrow. So Sunday through Wednesday will all be gravy.
  • Somnifac
    Somnifac Posts: 30 Member
    41 miles this morning, bringing me to 623 for the month. Goal reached.

    It's already starting to get breezy here in SE VA. Tomorrow will probably be a wash due to the storm, and there will probably be plenty of debris out on Sunday, so that may be a no go. If I rearrange my rest days next week (Monday and Tuesday) I can probably hit 700 for the month.

    79 more and I hit 3000 for the year as well.
  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    Road 29.5 miles today; total of 581 for the month. My goal for the month is 750 miles, and I should make it.

    Hope everyone stays safe, and avoids Irene; I'm glad to see many of you have already reached your goals, or getting close. It is great to see.
  • Glos1976
    Glos1976 Posts: 23
    I hope there's going to be a similar challenge for September. I'd love to take part!
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,685 Member
    Windy local loop, heavy going for the last 1/3

    9/8//2011 11.2 miles per the Garmin 705.
    13/8/2011 another 11.2 miles
    14/8/2011 another 11.2 miles
    15/8/2011 another 12.3 miles
    17/8/2011 another 15.4 miles
    18/8/2011 another 11.2 miles
    19/8/2011 another 16.84 miles
    21/8/2011 another 15.11 miles
    22/8/2011 another 16.15 miles
    24/8/2011 another 15.11 miles
    25/8/2011 another 15.13 miles
    27/8/2011 another 15.14 miles - 15.98 miles over :smile:

  • stanley12345
    stanley12345 Posts: 12 Member
    Oh great !
    Thats a super bike :)
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    18.48 miles this morning. Leaves me at about 36 Miles to hit my goal of 250 for the month of August.

    Put new pedals on the bike this morning, loved them. I broke a spoke with about 4 miles left. Going to ask my bro if I can borrow his bike for tomorrows ride!

    Good luck everyone finishing out August, looking forward to September.

  • bbbbb33333
    bbbbb33333 Posts: 1,107 Member
    20.35....... busted through the 150 finish line!
  • carbonboy
    carbonboy Posts: 729
    Came up a little short today with only 55 miles because of the heat wave here in SoCal. Tomorrow I'll meet the goal though.
  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    Rode 31 miles today; strong head winds. 612 miles for August.
  • mattellis2
    mattellis2 Posts: 152
    longest continuous ride since i started riding this morning: 41 miles. 275 for the month. I never decided what my goal for the month would be, but 310 looks pretty good. boy, i am pretty worked over.

    question for you guys that do long distance rides: is a century or half century that many miles in a single day, or is it only considered that when it is ridden continuously?

  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,685 Member
    Very Windy today - truncated loop, hopefully it'll blow itself out for tomorrow

    9/8//2011 11.2 miles per the Garmin 705.
    13/8/2011 another 11.2 miles
    14/8/2011 another 11.2 miles
    15/8/2011 another 12.3 miles
    17/8/2011 another 15.4 miles
    18/8/2011 another 11.2 miles
    19/8/2011 another 16.84 miles
    21/8/2011 another 15.11 miles
    22/8/2011 another 16.15 miles
    24/8/2011 another 15.11 miles
    25/8/2011 another 15.13 miles
    27/8/2011 another 15.14 miles
    28/8/2011 another 11.14 miles - 27.12 miles over :smile:

    Really hoping I get the all-clear from the knee doctor next week, so I can start and up the mileage per ride, I'm getting dizzy riding these little loops. Not that I'm likely to be hitting mega mileages, not until I've lost about the equivalent of a small columbian mountain specialist :laugh:
