Terrible, Horrible, Rotten, No Good Mood!



  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member

    I bet Xanax Smurf sound pretty good right now? :smile:

    I don't have the context of knowing your friend and her intent but I read it more that she was venting to you. She made an offer she wants to follow through on, but not have to sacrifice that much to do it. I would let her know you gave the neighbor plenty of advance notice so that she could make arrangements and I would suggest to your friend that she let her neighbor know how much notice she will need in order to clear her schedule for babysitting. You're right, it isn't your responsibility to arrange her schedule for her.

    I like your soothing tone of reason. You're so Switzerland ;-)

    Thank you for talking me off the ledge *LOL*
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member

    I like your soothing tone of reason. You're so Switzerland ;-)

    Thank you for talking me off the ledge *LOL*

    Haha! Glad to be of help!
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    Can I just vent about it to get another perspective on this???

    Here's the story.... My best friend's neighbor is going through an immensely hard time. Husband left her and two very young children, not paying any support, she's living on food stamps, etc. OK fast forward... I do a direct sales business (food business). This neighbor signed up last week to also sell this food product to try and make some extra money to support herself and the kids, obviously.

    There is a meeting tonight that I told her I'd give her a ride to if she wanted to come. I told her this on Friday. The neighbor asked my best friend to babysit for her.

    This is the email my bestie sent me this morning:

    "Neighbor texted me yesterday afternoon asking if I could watch the boys tonight while she goes to training with you from 5-9. I can't b/c I'm being diligent about spin class, but this was totally what I was afraid would happen with WT. I know I told her I'd help her out with one time a month for WT, but I need more than a day's notice (especially once school starts back up) and I will always be the first person she will call on if there is not more notice than that. Anyway I'm hoping you can help me out with this by giving her more time with these things? That would be really helpful as I would like to help her out, but not at the loss of the things I've already committed to. I hope you understand where I'm coming from on this."

    Before I say boo... How would YOU take this email???

    I would say, "So tell her you won't babysit because you have spin class. I told her about the meeting on Friday so don't ask me for help on this. Be up front with her about what you think you deserve but leave me out of it!"

    But then again, I'm not that good at beating around the bush when someone is being a bit out of line... :~D

    I like this, not very diplomatic, but it's short and to the point. Love it! LOL
  • Bryce58
    Bryce58 Posts: 46 Member
    I like to keep a clear Inbox - I would Trash the irritating email. Irritation gone.:smile:
  • Whatareherthings711
    Sorry =/, It sucks when everything in a day is going wrong.