Fit For Future Families - August 2011



  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    Fingers crossed for you today Karen
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Monday - I'll have to write up my weigh in after work..... :) Did it though and am not too pleased (am up 5.1 since Saturday morning?!?!?! Stupid water weight!!!!)
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Okay so I weighed in today and was somehow up 4lbs from yesterday..... I ate some crap yesterday but not that much! I'm not sure if I should count it or up my water intake and weigh in in a couple of days. Thoughts?
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    Ali-I am so glad you got to talk to your husband! It's amazing how things change and it's great that you guy have developed a real friendship! Yesterday my hubby said I was his best friend and that made my day. :)

    Kah-Sounds like you have a lot going on right now! Have fun at the homeless shelter, and I'm sorry to hear that you aren't "feeling" pregnant. Hopefully next month will be the month!

    Jalara- I vote wait a few days then try weighing in again! I try to only weigh myself once a week (opperative word being TRY) that way I don't get bent out of shape when there is a gain from the day before. But I have had that experience and then 2 days later seen a loss after drinking a bunch of water

    AFM- Hubby has been getting real involved in this whole trying to get pregnant thing, which makes me feel less obcessive :) Yesterday he was googleing doctors opinions on when is the best time to conceive and all of that stuff. I THINK I ovulated this weekend but I have a real hard time telling. I previously had said I wasn't going to get OPK's yet, but I feel like it would help me know my cycle better anyway so it might be a good idea (btw, have any of you checked the dollar store? we have OPKs and pregnancy tests at ours). I emailed the doctor friday to ask for a script for prenatals (if I have a script then I can get them for free from the pharmacy) if our pharmacy for some reason doesn't carry them then I will shell out the money.

    Today on my way to work i could not wait to get on here an post! I'm so glad to have you all but at the same time it makes me mad at my "real" friends. My sister is the only friend I can really talk to about this stuff because everyone else says it's too soon blah, blah, blah. One friend (who I am questioning her position as my best friend) not only told me her openion but got super upset (almost mad) when I told her I was going off the pill. She told me I'm being stupid and that I need more time just me and my hubby before bringing kids into the picture. It really upsets me that when I was single if I thought I had an "oops" she could commiserate with me but now that I'm trying she wont be excited for me! I need new friends!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Ladies... I just couldn't help it....had to share.
  • dcg8r
    dcg8r Posts: 38
    Good morning!

    So I found my dream job but it will take a while to get the paperwork and security clearance through, so I'll be a housewife for a bit longer now. And I was worried for a bit, that if I can't start the job for 6+ months, should I hold of on pregnancy? Because in my mind it's rude to start a job pregnant.... but then, I thought "this is just a job, and kids will be part of my LIFE" so I stopped worrying about it. Yes it will be unfortunate (for my employer) to start a job 6 months pregnant (if it sticks this time) but hopefully it will work out, its a natural part of life so they will have to deal with it LOL

    CD15 and still no O, very weird for me since I usually O on day 13 but there was some weird spotting stuff going on this month. Poor DH got the warning that I'm on the prowl tonight, he better make it home by 7pm. ;)

    Good luck to those of you in the 2WW! :)
  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    Happy Monday Ladies!

    Thanks Jalara for compiling the stats! What a cool group of women. And that pic you just posted - HOTT!!

    Alisa, I'm so happy you got to talk to your hubby and that you're now counting days, not months, until you see him! It's even more awesome that he thinks the friendship is the center of your relationship. It's amazing to me how much more important the friendship part becomes, especially through the years.

    Karen, thinking good thoughts for you, no matter what! *HUGS*

    Pam, sorry about your dad. As if there aren't enough other emotional roller coasters. Here's hoping things work themselves out.

    Katy, glad you are healing and looking forward.

    Mae, yes, your obgyn can prescribe Clomid, but that's about as far as he/she can go before referring you to a fertility specialist. I tried to go as far as I could with my obgyn because I really like her and feel comfortable with her. She was able to do a lot of tests and prescribed a few rounds of Clomid and a few rounds of Femara, but when we're ready to explore IUI or something more complicated, then we have to go to a fertility clinic.

    EmilyRanae, sorry about what you're going through with your friends. I almost think the inevitable coming and going of friends is almost harder as an adult than it was as a child. It is just so much harder to find people you can relate to, the older we get. I don't think it is weird that you were excited to check in here. I'm very grateful for avenues, like this MFP board, to facilitate bringing people together that wouldn't otherwise ever have a chance to meet.

    dcg8r, congrats on finding your dream job!

    ARM, my weigh in day today:

    MFP SW (March 2011): 211
    Calendar week 29: 178.6 (-1.0)
    Calendar week 30: 178.8 (+0.2)
    Calendar week 31: 179.8 (+1.0)
    Calendar week 32: 177.0 (-2.8)
    Calendar week 33: 175.4 (-1.6)

    Also, we had a free health screening offered at work this morning. I was about 4 lbs heavier fully dressed (& of course on a different scale), but it was still nice to have a reading in front of someone else that is so much lower than it would've been 6 months ago! Also good news, my blood pressure was normal and my total cholesterol was in the normal range too! This is a big win, since high cholesterol was one of the main reasons I started to seriously look at changing my lifestyle a few years ago.

    I had a crazy, busy weekend (including weird eating), so I'm looking forward to getting back into my routine. Hope everyone has a wonderful week!

  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    Wow ladies....I don't know where to start...I haven't been able to keep up....hopefully I get all this right and didn't miss anyone!!

    Welcome to all the newbies...I m still pretty new myself!! Amazing group of ladies here i must say!!

    Kah78- sorry you are feeling so down...sounds like your husband is very supportive though! Thinking of you...and remember you did reach your goal which is fantastic.

    Meggamix- Its good that you opened up to your friend...she probably didn't realize it....hopefully now that she knows she will ease up on the random comments for your sake!

    Taldie01- Keeping my fingers crossed! Happy trying

    Jalara- Yay to Turbo Fire....I'm going to be starting that as soon as my DB's aunts comes to pick you her cats that I've been sitting for and I could have my workspace back. Gonna join your new thread! Don't fret about the 4 lbs...i m up too.....We could be each others motivation!! The guy you posted is HOT by the way!!!

    KatyRing- sorry you had to go through all of that and we'll keep our fingers crossed that it will help you conceive! :)

    Cupcake- It could be your diet and weight change that has made you spot like happens to me when I make major changes to my happened last month when I got on my health kick again.....if it keep happening then I ask the doc...but once or twice...I don't think is bad.

    Alisatoth- That's cute of your DH to say!! It must be so hard to be away from him! It's 16 day now!!! :) And in the bedroom you go! LOL

    Emily-- That's awesome your DH is so into it....mine thinks about the sex and focuses on if I get my period or not....I do all the reading! He wants to have a baby soo bad...but he's also nervous....its cute!!! And I get the dilio about we always have each other on here when out face to face friends piss us off!! LOL

    AFM- This is apparently my hot week.....don't know how accurate that is...but having sex like we'll see what happens.....we're just trying to have fun with it right now and trying to keep things stress free. Will start serious charting in a couple of months.

    My doctor says its okay for me to remove my wisdom teeth this I'm a little nervous about that.....I wonder if the added stress will hinder my chances of conceiving this month...cuz I won't be able to eat etc.

    Also I'm starting to get really stressed and I know that s not good for TTC...we've got debt we're trying to pay off.....and the company we both work not exactly stable at the we started to think about our options should the company close its doors....such a bad time cuz we are TTC. One option is working for his uncle....which means he will have to do a few jobs abroad for months at a time until the company expands where he will move into a more management position. The other is possibly moving to Australia for a 3 year contract. I live in Canada! LOL Both are not 100% secure. However this company we are at now could take of an minute and rack in the we could be fine too! But what move do we make??

    I'm terrified just thinking about it. But to stop TTC....we'lll how long for.....can't sit around and wait for something that may or may not happen. I'm so not ready to make this life changing move. It could make or break us....together of course :)

    ARG anyway...thanks for letting me rant.....its good to be able to rant! You guys are all awesome!! xo
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    Congrats on the cholesterol and blood pressure, those are amazing NSVs and much more important than the weight loss itself - way to go!

    I'm still lurking while living through my first 2ww - psychologically I'm so ready to be pregnant again - brushed off my old pregnancy books, looking through the conception as well as early pregnancy information. Now if my body will just cooperate!

    I first started tracking ovulation this month and appeared to have ovulated MUCH later than I had anticipated - LH surge on CD22, likely O on CD 23 - so I'm hoping my cycles are longer now than they used to be before getting pregnant with my 3yo daughter (30-32 days) so that I have enough time for implantation! At least I'm learning more about my cycle this month, even if nothing happens for us.

    I think someone else asked for recommendations on a BBT - if AF comes this month I probably will start temping next cycle. What are some good ones any of you have used?
  • meggamix
    meggamix Posts: 496 Member
    My OPK's and thermometer came on Friday! I was so happy! But I was really surprised at how tiny the testers were! I opened one up and thought "this can't be it..." AF slowly seems to be getting later and later which is frustrating because I feel like it's IMPOSSIBLE to track my ovulation accurately. AHH! But I'm glad to get to start charting my BBT. I know you should take the temp at the same time everyday, do you think a 20 minute variation matters much from day to day?

    Alisa -SO glad you get to meet up with your hubby soon! I can't imagine what long deployments must be like!

    Stephanie- HUGE CONGRATS on your health screening results! Amazing!

    EmilyRanae- That's so irritating to me that when it comes to things like having a family other people think they know what's best for everyone. Just because THEY might have had an experience that makes them feel a certain way doesn't mean they get to push that on other people. On another note, having your hubby so on board is the best feeling!
  • KHaverstick
    KHaverstick Posts: 308 Member
    its a natural part of life so they will have to deal with it LOL
    You're right! I have hired someone who was pregnant--it would not keep me from hiring someone who is the right person for the job. Pregnancy/maternity leave is temporary, and a natural part of life, like you said. I hope it does work out for you when the timing is right!
  • KHaverstick
    KHaverstick Posts: 308 Member
    Well, I was up 1.2lbs today. I expected a gain. I think some of it may be pre-AF weight gain, but also like I said yesterday, the past several days have been out of the ordinary for me, so I completely expected an increase on the scale today.

    Goals for last week:
    Workout 3 x 40 - 45 min - DONE
    Water 64oz/day - Not Quite...Friday and Saturday I did not do so well.
    Stay on track with eating/nutrition - DONE, even with family in town!

    Goals for this week:
    Workout 3 x 45 - 60 min
    Water 64oz/day
    Stay on track with eating/nutrition
    Buy a basal thermometer

    Happy Monday, everyone! Have a great week!
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    So I'm back- I hope! In true Luki fashion, summer vacation is always my downfall. Lots of new faces, I will try my best to get caught up and learn everyone's stories. so today is cd1 and it seemed right to get reconnected today. My diet has been horrible for the lady couple of months so my goal this week is to get back into tracking all foods and checking in daily with the group. Surprisingly i haven't gained any weight, just maintaining. For those of you that don't know me I'm a middle school math teacher and have been ttc for over 3 years. My husband and I are now looking into open adoption. But before we can totally get going on that we need to finalize his citizenship status in the USA . I've been on the board since the beginning of the year, but fell off at the beginning of June.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Luki! Welcome back! We missed you! Would you like to tell us a little about yourself? If you look back over the last couple of pages you'll see we've all just introduced (and re-introduced) ourselves.

    Age: 25
    Where you live:
    Length of time on the board:
    Marital Status:
    Length of time you've been with SO:
    Do you have kids:
    Length of time TTC:
    Do you chart your BBT:
    Do you use OPKs:
    Are you on any meds for TTC:
    Goal Weight:
    and finally......
    Weird Fact About Yourself:
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Hi ladies, Ill have to read the board to catch up. I hope everyone had a great weekend.

    Im out of my fertile period, and I cant help but think Im pregnant. I hate this part too early to test and your mind plays tricks on ya. Heres hoping! Just have to wait a week and haldf to test. I hate this I just feel different, odd I guess. And food tastes a bit different too. Who knows. I just have to try to not get too attached to the idea untill I know. Thanks for listening
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    Im out of my fertile period, and I cant help but think Im pregnant. I hate this part too early to test and your mind plays tricks on ya. Heres hoping! Just have to wait a week and haldf to test. I hate this I just feel different, odd I guess. And food tastes a bit different too. Who knows. I just have to try to not get too attached to the idea untill I know. Thanks for listening
    I know what you mean! I keep feeling these twinges and brief discomfort in the pelvic area and thinking, I must be pregnant. But there's no way I should be feeling anything like that yet! Have to wait for the day to test - I still have quite awhile to go. Good luck and baby dust to you!
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Name: Luki
    Age: 29
    Where you live: Oregon
    Job: 7th grade math teacher
    Length of time on the board: only 6 months due to my 2 months of slacking this summer
    Marital Status: married for 3 years
    Length of time you've been with SO: 9 years
    Do you have kids: I wish!
    Length of time TTC: 3 years, since my wedding day
    Diagnosis: unexplained infertility...ummm, probably tied to my husbands newly diagnosed diabettes, but no clear connection made yet
    Do you chart your BBT: yes for the past 3 months, it seems to be helping cause I feel I have more controll
    Do you use OPKs: I did for the first time this past month, it was fun to finally get a positive test on something:laugh: It matched with my temps so thats good!
    Are you on any meds for TTC: on vitamins- one a day for women, fish oil, apple cider, folic acid, and vitamin D
    Height: 5-5
    Weight: 139
    Goal Weight: 135
    and finally......
    Weird Fact About Yourself: I can play the nose flute
  • klmh614
    klmh614 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Today is my first day on here. We have been trying to conceive for a few months now and I have been unsuccessful losing weight like my doctor suggested. Hopefully this is the answer.

    I have been having trouble conceiveing so my doctor has me on Femera and Metformin so hopefully these are not preventing me from losing the weight.

    My goal this week is to work out at least 4 times and lose 2 lbs!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Welcome Kim! How are you finding MFP so far today? Congrats on TTC!
    Would you like to do our forum intro?

    Would you like to tell us a little about yourself? If you look back over the last couple of pages you'll see we've all just introduced (and re-introduced) ourselves.

    Age: 25
    Where you live:
    Length of time on the board:
    Marital Status:
    Length of time you've been with SO:
    Do you have kids:
    Length of time TTC:
    Do you chart your BBT:
    Do you use OPKs:
    Are you on any meds for TTC:
    Goal Weight:
    and finally......
    Weird Fact About Yourself:
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    welcome back Luki! We've missed you