Fit For Future Families - August 2011



  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    So I'm going to throw this out there.....seeing as though we are all on this forum for TTC..I was wondering.....does anyone log sex calories????? I have no idea what made me think to ask......I'm going to stop typing now...cuz I feel like an F'in idiot :)

    i don't. even if it is a great burn, i just consider that a bonus. :)

    This is true ;)
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    Pantera: I sometimes log is as "wrestling" haha but I haven't in a while. I have been working out a lot and figure I don't need to eat my sex calories :)

    Jalara: That's awesome that you said that to your "friend." A shame that she can't handle the truth and de-friended you, but I guess that just shows who your true friends are.

    So tonight is the first night of officially "trying" I don't know when I actually ovulate but according to a few fertility calendars (haven't had too much time for fertilityfriend yet) Today until next wednesday are the "potentially" fertile days. Hubby says he wants to get busy every other night until we find out we are pregnant. I'm down with that aside form the fact that we work opposing shifts so in order to do that, I have to stay up late and take naps. I'm a fan of naps though so maybe it's a good excuse ;)
  • L4JSnP
    L4JSnP Posts: 6 Member
    Hello! I'd like to join in this group! i just had a baby 8 months ago, but I want to lose the weight and more before i have another. I want kids close together so I am on a fast track. I suffered two miscarriages before my beautiful baby girl arrived so I feel anxious to get on the TTC bit because I am nervous. But...that's not healthy right now so I would love the support and encouragement from others who are trying to get fit before they have a baby...

    I am WORKING HARD at losing the weight!!! I just joined MFP exactly a month ago on 7/11/11 and i've lost 11 lbs...guess that's my lucky number. :)
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    L4SnJ- welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear about the miscarriages but your baby girl is BEAUTIFUL and I can tell just by looking at your picture that she brings you a lot of joy! :)

    to everyone- does/has anyone on here done foster care? I definitely want my own kids, but I also have been thinking that maybe part of my calling is in foster care. I wouldn't do it until i'm out of the service, but I would love to hear anyones stories and thoughts about it. I would love to give some less fortunate children a home
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Hi all--I was up .6 this week, but I should consider that a win, the way I've been feeling and eating. This progesterone is driving me nutsies. Literally. I had a breakthrough yesterday when I realized that one of the side effects can be depression. I was like "AHA!! I'm not going crazy!" I've just been feeling so down. Listless, no energy, I don't care about anything, I don't want to do anything, and no hope for a BFP. And this is all on top of "feeling pregnant" with the sore boobs, and all that wonderful stuff. It just really messes with your head, but it felt deeper than just a "keep myself realistic for a BFN". My husband was getting worried. I was afraid that I was just so wrapped up in this baby drama that I had lost all of my coping skills and perspective, but now I really think that the progesterone is depressing me and causing most of it. (Don't worry--I don't need intervention or anything.)

    SO, now my silver lining situation looks like this: BFP-I have to keep taking meds that make me feel down, but I achieved my goal. Yay! BFN: I can get off this crappy stuff and get back to my normal self and deal with the BFN without feeling like it is the utter end of the world. (Of course you all know which I would rather deal with, but still--the thought of just getting to stop the progesterone is really looking good right now.)

    Okay-back to the day--I'm taking little boy to Chick-fil-a for lunch. I want a treat, and he loves the playground. Yay! Hope everyone else is doing good.
  • meggamix
    meggamix Posts: 496 Member
    Jalara, I think you said what you needed to say very well. I have a really good friend and for her getting pregnant is literally like an "on-off" switch. She's had 3 kids (all not planned) and she keeps telling me that she's done having kids. Which is great, fine, of course you can hit a point where you've decided your family is complete. But she brings it up CONSTANTLY at the most random times and it really bugs me. -Partly because I know she has no clue what it's like to actually TRY to conceive. And again, the way she say's it it's like if she were to change her mind and want another baby it would just happen in no time. I finally told her that we were TTC and the challenges we were facing, in hopes she might realize that for some people it's not as simple as just making a choice.
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Happy Friday everyone!

    I need to catch up on reading the last posts, this thread gets so big so fast!

    Body temp went up about a degree, right on for my ovulation calender. Im pretty sure I ovulated this time and think I timed it pretty good with intimacy. Not sure if we should try again tonight. Anyways pretty excited, lets hope theres some magic happening in there!
  • meggamix
    meggamix Posts: 496 Member
    Hi all--I was up .6 this week, but I should consider that a win, the way I've been feeling and eating. This progesterone is driving me nutsies. Literally. I had a breakthrough yesterday when I realized that one of the side effects can be depression. I was like "AHA!! I'm not going crazy!" I've just been feeling so down. Listless, no energy, I don't care about anything, I don't want to do anything, and no hope for a BFP. And this is all on top of "feeling pregnant" with the sore boobs, and all that wonderful stuff. It just really messes with your head, but it felt deeper than just a "keep myself realistic for a BFN". My husband was getting worried. I was afraid that I was just so wrapped up in this baby drama that I had lost all of my coping skills and perspective, but now I really think that the progesterone is depressing me and causing most of it. (Don't worry--I don't need intervention or anything.)

    SO, now my silver lining situation looks like this: BFP-I have to keep taking meds that make me feel down, but I achieved my goal. Yay! BFN: I can get off this crappy stuff and get back to my normal self and deal with the BFN without feeling like it is the utter end of the world. (Of course you all know which I would rather deal with, but still--the thought of just getting to stop the progesterone is really looking good right now.)

    Okay-back to the day--I'm taking little boy to Chick-fil-a for lunch. I want a treat, and he loves the playground. Yay! Hope everyone else is doing good.

    Waiting (for anything you're excited for -not to mention something like this) is a pain! How much longer of your 2ww do you have? I hope it turns out for the best. Have fun at Chick-fil-a!

    AFM-I ordered some OPKs and the BBT on Monday, it shipped that day, the delivery confirmation says it was delivered at 12:12 on the 10th, but it wasn't in the mail that day OR yesterday. :(
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Karen - I'm glad you figured things out! Like someone else had asked - how much longer in the 2ww?

    Emily - we considered fostering but neither of us have the kind of heart it takes to let someone go in that kind of situation. We are on an adoption list but where we are it takes 3 - 4 years and we only applied in April.

    AFM - I'm having a hard time getting motivated to exercise today - I know I should but I just don't wanna!!!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Body temp went up about a degree, right on for my ovulation calender. Im pretty sure I ovulated this time and think I timed it pretty good with intimacy. Not sure if we should try again tonight. Anyways pretty excited, lets hope theres some magic happening in there!

    i'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Hi all--I was up .6 this week, but I should consider that a win, the way I've been feeling and eating. This progesterone is driving me nutsies. Literally. I had a breakthrough yesterday when I realized that one of the side effects can be depression. I was like "AHA!! I'm not going crazy!" I've just been feeling so down. Listless, no energy, I don't care about anything, I don't want to do anything, and no hope for a BFP. And this is all on top of "feeling pregnant" with the sore boobs, and all that wonderful stuff. It just really messes with your head, but it felt deeper than just a "keep myself realistic for a BFN". My husband was getting worried. I was afraid that I was just so wrapped up in this baby drama that I had lost all of my coping skills and perspective, but now I really think that the progesterone is depressing me and causing most of it. (Don't worry--I don't need intervention or anything.)

    i can totally relate. let me know if you want to commiserate. :)
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    AFM - I'm having a hard time getting motivated to exercise today - I know I should but I just don't wanna!!!

    do something active for 4 minutes and give yourself permission to quit. chances are, you'll want to continue, but if not that is fine too.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    AFM-I ordered some OPKs and the BBT on Monday, it shipped that day, the delivery confirmation says it was delivered at 12:12 on the 10th, but it wasn't in the mail that day OR yesterday. :(

    hope they show up today! sometimes the arrival date and time means to the office in your area (but it didn't make it out on delivery).
  • meggamix
    meggamix Posts: 496 Member
    AFM-I ordered some OPKs and the BBT on Monday, it shipped that day, the delivery confirmation says it was delivered at 12:12 on the 10th, but it wasn't in the mail that day OR yesterday. :(

    hope they show up today! sometimes the arrival date and time means to the office in your area (but it didn't make it out on delivery).
    I hoping it's just something like that! The status says delivered and to my zipcode which is what makes me wonder...But I also live in a condo complex so maybe they stuck it in the wrong person's mailbox or something. I guess we'll just have to see!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Okay - workout done!

    I got the Turbo Fire set so I did it today for the first time - I did Fire 30 and Stretch 10 (seemed easy enough). Gah! Holy fast! I don't know if my body MOVES that fast! But it's done, for 450 calories on my HRM :)
    And I bought a new sports bra this morning so I tried it out (yes I'm a horrible person who wears things (not underwear) before washing it. But I figured I was going to gross it up anyway). It's awesome! I got it at the Mountain Equipment Co-Op, it's by Moving Comfort and I highly recommend!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    I'm supposed to go in on Monday for my beta test, so I gotta make it through the weekend, and if I haven't started my period by then, then we'll see! I'm so glad the weekend is here--so much easier to be distracted with my hubby and little boy both around.

    Jalara--way to go on the turbojam stuffs! That's awesome! I thought I was doing good to get in a walk for a few miles this morning!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hey everyone! So I think I'll give you an overview of our group, now that we have so many new members!

    Brand new members: Khaverstrick, newleafbeth11, EmilyRanae22, PanteraGirl, armacd, Imr9, thedestar, clydeisme, 9Honey16, OnMyWay2Stay, drsteph
    1 Month: godblessourhome, Juliaotwellsmith, Cupcake325
    2 Months: batgirlbox
    3 Months: dcg8r, meggamix
    5 Months: sdavisneill
    6 Months: taldie01, Pixieofdoom
    1 Year: AlisaToth, fitterpam, Kah78
    2 Years: Jalara

    We have: 2x24yo (years old), 3x25yo, 1x26yo, 4x27yo, 4x29yo, 2x30yo, 1x31yo, 2x32yo, 3x33yo, 1x34yo, 1x35yo

    5 of us live in Canada, 17 in the USA, 1 in Germany and 1 in England

    10 have children (to total 11 children), 14 are hoping to be mommies soon!

    6 of us chart, 17 don't and 1 doesn't know WHAT I'm babbling about *wink*

    8 of us use OPKs, 15 don't and 1 doesn't know WHAT I'm babbling about *wink*

    Shortest: 4ft9, Tallest: 6ft0, The rest of us are in between

    Only 6 (SIX!!) of us said we were taking prenatal vitamins............C'mon ladies!!

    So there you have it - a snapshot of our little family we have going on!
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member

    So there you have it - a snapshot of our little family we have going on!

    And all of this is something I am thankful for!! xoxo
  • mom2pne
    mom2pne Posts: 215 Member
    Hello! My name is Simone! I am wttc hopefully in a year. We will be trying for #6 and I'm hoping I'm in team pink when the time comes as I have 5 boys already.

    My goal is to get down to 160 pounds when my dh and I start trying, but my ultimate goal is 140.

    I see you have ages listed. I'm 37, but only until September 25th when I will be 38.
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Only 6 (SIX!!) of us said we were taking prenatal vitamins............C'mon ladies!!

    Make that 7. I've been taking prenatal vitamins for over a year now. Just wasn't thinking about vitamins when I filled out the "meds" section of our little get-to-know-ya intros. :)