Fit For Future Families - August 2011



  • newleafbeth11
    Also - Happy Birthday (late) cupcake! Where in KY? The vast vast majority of my family lives in Kentucky.
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    Ucam- so sorry for your loss! but way to get back on the wagon and hang in there! If at first you don't succed...try try again :)

    Jalara- thanks for all your input, I wouldn't call you a know it all, I know NOTHING so it helps! I signed up for fertilityfriend so we'll see how that goes. I think this month is a "just see if last month was a fluke or if working out is jacking my cycle month." then I'll try and figure it out from there! We aren't even pregnant yet and my hubby and I both feel like we're gonna have a girl (not to mention everyone says we should have a girl)
  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    Steph - why would they tear up the pool in August? What are they thinking?!?!?

    I know, seriously a dumb move! Maybe their numbers show more attendance in the winter, but it is oppressively hot here in Georgia in August, so swimming indoors is one of the best alternatives to being outside. We just keep telling ourselves that maybe it'll be a lot nicer when they're done. Ho hum.

    Pam, sorry to hear you're in the same boat with your pool.
  • KHaverstick
    KHaverstick Posts: 308 Member
    I also finished buying all my school supplies – I haven’t been a full time student since high school so it was a stupid amount fun!
    Love school supplies! I always want to buy some this time of year, even though I'm not in school. LOL.
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    HI ladies hope everyone is doing well. I had to go get some blood work done yesterday and an ultrasound as my liver and gall bladder enzymes are out of wack. Anyways I asked the ultrasound tech if she could tell if I had ovulated, and we looked at my overies, the right one was measuring 2.5cm and ready to burst! Me and hubby were intimate last night, rest today and then again tomorrow.... any thoughts on this should we try tonight as well? Just not sure I may not have ovulated yet, or just did....Ahh I dont know such a small window of opportunity, advice would be appretiated!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hey Taldie - that must have been cool to see!
    I'd say that as long as DH doesn't have low sperm count or other issues in that area to go right ahead and do it tonight, tomorrow, and the next day! EOD (Every other day) is a great guideline, but not a rule unless the doc says otherwise!
    Happy Humping!
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    Ucam- sorry for your loss....and glad that you came back to MFP and the group! Good for you :)

    Jalara- You are pretty strong to have sat through that whole movie....but you did so it shows that you have the strength to keep going....and thank you for continuing to be sooooo supportive of all of us while you are walking down a rough road.....Thats a true woman and friend ;) And you are not a board hog and not acting like a know-it-all! LMFAO....You are teaching us stuff (believe me I need it!!) ...and forums are made to be kept going <3
  • meggamix
    meggamix Posts: 496 Member
    <~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Board hog!

    So I just checked the hotel we are staying in in Vegas..... the fitness center is part of the spa and costs $40 per day for use! WTF??? Guess I'm working out in our room! I know we'll be doing a lot of walking too... but seriously!

    I thought I would ask... I'm part of a MFP group starting Jillian Micheal's 30 Day Shred on Monday (Aug 15). Would anyone like to join?

    I hate it when hotels charge to use their fitness centers!

    I'd like to join in your 30DS challenge!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    GBOH – so any AF news for the day? Also, I’m very sorry about your Dad.

    thanks. it has been a difficult year.

    no af. i called the doc and she wants to wait for another 7 days before scheduling another ultrasound and more bloodwork. 7 days is right in the middle of our vacation so it will wait until monday the 22nd (11 days). i am probably being a pessimist, but the 22nd appointment means another week or 10 days of meds/hormones so our october cycle is now actually end-of-october. :( i am unhappy right now but there is nothing i can do to change it except keep my fingers crossed that af decides to show up on her own (and hopefully not during my vacation). who knew ttc was going to be such a waiting game? all i was worried about was the 2ww. since i am a 'planner', all this waiting is driving me crazy. i want something to DO. instead i feel like my like is being taken hostage. in a way, i am relieved that i will only get to 'try' again one more time before switching to another method.
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    GBOH- So sorry things are working out this way. Try and enjoy your vacation though. I know its hard with so much stress.

    Jalara- You are one tough lady for being able to sit through that movie! And you're happy humping remark cracked me up!

    Cupcake- Happy late birthday! Hope it was a great one

    I've been feeling crummy the past few days. Seriously? Who gets sick in the summer?! Yesterday I didn't reach my water goal (my throat hurt too much to even drink!). I postponed my usual morning walk today so that hopefully I'll feel a little better this evening. The baby bug has a runny nose too :( So.... I downloaded an app on my phone called period tracker and that's the only thing I'm really using to somewhat track my cycle and ovulation for now. If things don't work out by the end of the year I'll probably be trying to make room in my budget for OPKs and such. We just changed insurances so that if/when we get pregnant we'll have some coverage and thats draining us right now. Anyway, that app says that I'm in my "fertile window" now and that I'll be ovulating on the 15th. I know this is all an estimate. I hate that I'm feeling this way right now, because I'm no way in the mood to do ANYTHING in the bedroom.... except sleep :) Hope everyone's having a happy Thursday!
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    So I'm going to throw this out there.....seeing as though we are all on this forum for TTC..I was wondering.....does anyone log sex calories????? I have no idea what made me think to ask......I'm going to stop typing now...cuz I feel like an F'in idiot :)
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Pantera! hahahaha! That's awesome! I don't but to each their own! I have been tempted to where my heart rate monitor during... but DH said no!

    Destiny - be careful with those things - every woman has a different luteal phase and those apps just average them out. But knowing this, you'll probably be the next one to get pregnant!

    GBOH - Sorry Hun :(

    Megga - awesome! I added you as a friend and here's the link:
  • meggamix
    meggamix Posts: 496 Member
    Megga - awesome! I added you as a friend and here's the link:

    Thanks Jalara!
  • KHaverstick
    KHaverstick Posts: 308 Member
    So I'm going to throw this out there.....seeing as though we are all on this forum for TTC..I was wondering.....does anyone log sex calories????? I have no idea what made me think to ask......I'm going to stop typing now...cuz I feel like an F'in idiot :)
    LOL someone on my friends list does, but she logs it as "mowing the grass," or something like that! I don't, though.
  • drsteph01
    Thanks for the kind welcome.

    Name: Stephanie
    Age: 35
    Where you live: Germany (till next summer, then we are off to San Antonio, TX)
    Job: Active duty Army, veterinarian
    Length of time on board: just joined, using MFP for last two months
    Marital status: married
    Length of time with SO: 5 years married, 8 total
    Do you have kids: Yes, one 4-year old daughter
    Length of time TTC: about three months
    Diagnosis: none
    Do you chart your BBT: not at the moment
    Do you use OPKs: currently using the First Response kit. It's not the Gold one, just the one with 20 tests and the LH surge is indicated by getting the dark pink line along with the control line.
    Are you on any meds for TTC: no
    Height: 5'6"
    Weight: 153
    Goal weight: 142

    Weird fact: I have never lived at the same address for more than 4 years.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Steph - take a peak at - their OPKs are SO much cheaper - I use them and have never had a problem.

    AFM - I'm a little proud of myself today. I know someone on FB who complained her ENTIRE pregnancy about how much she really didn't like it and how it was the worse thing she'd ever done to her body, etc. etc. She had the baby in June and all she still complains... baby needs to go to sleep so I can work out, I can't do yard work because my kid never sleeps, etc, etc.

    Today I was just sick of it so I told her what I thought. I said:
    I hope you know how incredibly lucky you are to have a happy and healthy baby. I would do anything for that, and I wouldn't complain all through my pregnancy (if I could stay pregnant) and motherhood (if I could get that far).
    Not everyone is as lucky as you are, so I hope you don't take it for granted!
    I know a lot of women, myself included, who would do anything to have what you have.

    I'm pretty pleased with myself.... she de-friended me! Some people don't like to be called on their BS!
  • clydeisme
    Steph - take a peak at - their OPKs are SO much cheaper - I use them and have never had a problem.

    AFM - I'm a little proud of myself today. I know someone on FB who complained her ENTIRE pregnancy about how much she really didn't like it and how it was the worse thing she'd ever done to her body, etc. etc. She had the baby in June and all she still complains... baby needs to go to sleep so I can work out, I can't do yard work because my kid never sleeps, etc, etc.

    Today I was just sick of it so I told her what I thought. I said:
    I hope you know how incredibly lucky you are to have a happy and healthy baby. I would do anything for that, and I wouldn't complain all through my pregnancy (if I could stay pregnant) and motherhood (if I could get that far).
    Not everyone is as lucky as you are, so I hope you don't take it for granted!
    I know a lot of women, myself included, who would do anything to have what you have.

    I'm pretty pleased with myself.... she de-friended me! Some people don't like to be called on their BS!

    Good for you!! I hate people like that and I really hope she realizes what an amazing gift she truly has.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    So I'm going to throw this out there.....seeing as though we are all on this forum for TTC..I was wondering.....does anyone log sex calories????? I have no idea what made me think to ask......I'm going to stop typing now...cuz I feel like an F'in idiot :)

    i don't. even if it is a great burn, i just consider that a bonus. :)
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    AFM - I'm a little proud of myself today. I know someone on FB who complained her ENTIRE pregnancy about how much she really didn't like it and how it was the worse thing she'd ever done to her body, etc. etc. She had the baby in June and all she still complains... baby needs to go to sleep so I can work out, I can't do yard work because my kid never sleeps, etc, etc.

    Today I was just sick of it so I told her what I thought. I said:
    I hope you know how incredibly lucky you are to have a happy and healthy baby. I would do anything for that, and I wouldn't complain all through my pregnancy (if I could stay pregnant) and motherhood (if I could get that far).
    Not everyone is as lucky as you are, so I hope you don't take it for granted!
    I know a lot of women, myself included, who would do anything to have what you have.

    I'm pretty pleased with myself.... she de-friended me! Some people don't like to be called on their BS!

    it must have been hard reading all of her complaints... however, pregnancy can be a horrible experience for some (it really was for my first; i was so miserable, i wished that i had cancer instead of being pregnant) and a baby that is colicky or doesn't sleep much is never fun (my second, i honestly called him the devil. looking back i don't have a single memory from those 13 months, not even pictures will trigger one; it was like i wasn't there). plus if she had post-partum or even just hormonal/slightly depressed, the simplest things can seem like the hugest deal. after your recent loss of another baby, i am sure you were fed up with ungratefulness, especially since it has been such a long road for you. i just hope you'll cut her some slack; maybe facebook was the only place she got to complain or got some validation that being a mom is hard. i think you were really tactful in your response so i'm sorry your friendship ended. hugs jalara.
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    Steph - take a peak at - their OPKs are SO much cheaper - I use them and have never had a problem.

    AFM - I'm a little proud of myself today. I know someone on FB who complained her ENTIRE pregnancy about how much she really didn't like it and how it was the worse thing she'd ever done to her body, etc. etc. She had the baby in June and all she still complains... baby needs to go to sleep so I can work out, I can't do yard work because my kid never sleeps, etc, etc.

    Today I was just sick of it so I told her what I thought. I said:
    I hope you know how incredibly lucky you are to have a happy and healthy baby. I would do anything for that, and I wouldn't complain all through my pregnancy (if I could stay pregnant) and motherhood (if I could get that far).
    Not everyone is as lucky as you are, so I hope you don't take it for granted!
    I know a lot of women, myself included, who would do anything to have what you have.

    I'm pretty pleased with myself.... she de-friended me! Some people don't like to be called on their BS!

    Oh my rock!!! So proud of you for doing that!!!! It sad that all she did was complain on what a pregnancy has done to her body...then complain that she can';t work out because she has a baby...If she had medical problems or hardship in general it would be different for her to complain....but it if it was cuz of her body gaining....thats sad.. Its so true that people take things like that for granted.....who cares if she defriended you...her loss definitely NOT yours!!! Who cares if you gain have a healthy baby!!

    You just inspired me to tell my friends that if they don't like the choice and path I ve taken they could kiss my *kitten* cuz I have amazing chicks here who support me and I don't even know them :) Thanks for that everyone btw! - recap in case you don't remember....they seem unsupportive of my choice to try for a child before i get engaged and get married although I have a home with the man of my dreams.

    All you ladies are awesome!!!