Fit For Future Families - August 2011



  • e_amanda
    e_amanda Posts: 19
    klmh614 - I also don't know why I don't ovulate. My blood work came back normal, I don't have PCOS or glucose resistance. The bonus is I respond well to clomid and typically produce 2-3 follies on my good side. I think lots of women with PCOS have to go on injectables to get results which are so much more expensive plus the whole needle factor - OUCH! Unfortunately over the course of 4 TI and 2 IUI cycles with clomid & repronex I have not gotten my BFP. Next step is a diagnostic laparascopy to see why my one tube is blocked and if anything else is going on. A possible cause for the BFNs could be asymptomatic endometriosis. It's pretty sad that I'm hoping for endo so at least I have an explanation for my secondary IF and potentially good odds of conception in the 6 months following surgery.

    I had a better food day yesterday, came the closest yet to meeting my goal calories after a nice evening walk with DS and limiting the evening snacking.
  • klmh614
    klmh614 Posts: 13 Member
    e_amanda - I completely understand what you mean. For a long time in some ways I wanted there to be something wrong so that at least I had an answer and then I could get the correct treatment. It has been a guessing game trying to figure out what meds work. So far femera and metformin are my answer. My doctor wants me to try the meds for the next 3 months and if I am not pregnant then I gave to go in to discuss what my options are.....I am avoiding the fertility specialist due to the cost!!
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Imr9 – congrats on the 1.5 loss! How is the 2ww going?

    Jalara - thanks! What is 2ww?
    2 week wait - the time between ovulation/possible conception and the start of your period, or when you can reasonably test for pregnancy. In other words, a very slow, seemingly endless time that tries your patience!

    Newbie alert, newbie alert! :laugh: :laugh: Thanks - that makes total sense now! :flowerforyou:

    My 2ww has been......fine. I'm not as anxious this month as I have been in the past because I don't think this our month. It technically could be - we were intimate once during what I think is my fertile time, but it was 5 days before my scheduled ovulation. And I use "scheduled ovulation" very loosely because I don't track it at all other than logging my periods and counting the 14 days. So, it's possible, but I'm not getting my hopes up. Also, I don't "feel" preggo - I obviously have no idea what preggo feels like, but I have always thought that I would feel differently or just know, and I don't feel anything. That's most likely not valid reasoning at all though. :laugh: I've been super busy lately studying for a test for work - so that's been distracting me, but I do still look at the calendar and know exactly what day my period is supposed to arrive! :wink: I'm just waiting it out until next month so we can try again. The months do seem much longer now than before! lol

    How long did you all TTC before going to a doctor or taking other measures? And what other measures did you take?
    I think I'm going to give us 2 more months of "playing" - that will be 6 months - and if I'm not preggo by then I'll start charting and maybe using the ovulation kits.
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Alisa- Yay for a good first day back! I love my vitamins because it helps my nutrition stats. As far as calcium I added a calcium and vitamin D supplement to meet my goal.
    Emily- I hate when people buy yummy fast food to tempt me. I’m sorry your work schedules and your hubbys are conflicting. I can totally relate and tends to add in stress. Definitely remember it should be FUN
    Thedestar- Enjoy the family while they are in town. Sorry you are feeling discouraged, but I like your positive attitude of staying focused on the long time healthy goals. And you never know…
    Katy- I’m glad you finally got a Dr. to listen to you and take action. Glad you are feeling better
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    sandy- I have never had antibiotics affect my cycle, but I know being sick can throw it off.

    lmr9- don't feel bad about asking. We throw around a lot of acrynoms. I waited a year and we really haven't taking very many measures. I'm not a fan of medicine and I do have a normal cycle and hormone levels so they don't really know what to do with me. As I said they are pretty sure our problems lie in my husbands health. We have decided to continue to play, have fun with each other, and yes chart to increase chances. We get frustrated at times that love doesn't solve this "issue" we have, but currently we are focusing our resources on adoption because that seems what is right for us. I feel you will know when you should ask a dr. because you'll know what is right for you:wink:
  • batgirlrox
    batgirlrox Posts: 105
    Emily- I hate those temptations. I managed to surpass one today. I work on an ambulance and had an early morning interfacility transfer to the city which meant breakfast out. My partner chose my favourite restaurant (Cora's) and they have the most delicious Raspberry crepe EVER! I had 2 poached eggs and tomatoes(How boring) but definitely felt good about the fact I stood strong and resisted the treat.

    Katy- glad you finally got a good doctor willing to do something and you are feeling awesome.

    Jalara- Prednisone for my ulcerative collitis. I am using the OPK line strips from that early pregnancy test website you sent out a few weeks back. I usually test first thing in the morning and before going to bed.

    AFM- Was having a good day today until my husband got mandated to work tomorrow...our only day off together this week. Gah Life these days is driving me crazy haha
    PS Sorry for all the bummer posts lately. I will make a promise to try to keep them more up beat the next few days.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Klmh – I can’t imagine how frustrating it must be to not actually have answers! With that said, it’s great that the meds seem to be helping though!

    Imr – sorry about that! MadBabysMama had it right – 2ww is the long torturous 2 week wait between ovulation and your period. I laughed at the “Newbie Alert”!
    We tried for 9 months before starting Clomid (I ovulate on my own but my doc was concerned about my luteal phase and the quality of my eggs). But I’d had 2 miscarriages already and surgery on my uterus. Now that there’s been another miscarriage and it’s been more than a year we’re moving on to IUI and super close monitoring. We have our first apt at the clinic on the 29th and I can’t tell you how relieved I am to be able to have someone help us through the rest of the process.

    Destiny – I love how you stay so focused on the big picture!

    Alisa – thanks for laying it all out for me! I find I’m starting to get a little confused with everyone now! I have to agree with Karen, the calcium chocolate things are icky. I’d much rather have real chocolate and take a pill :) And I think it’s great that you have a RL friend to talk about this stuff to! I’m jealous!

    Katy – Wow! I’m glad you’re feeling better but wow! Thank goodness for the 2nd doc!

    Karen – I’m sorry you’re going through this. What you had said to me a couple of weeks ago about taking time when needed, but limiting it, really worked for me. I also use the “Why do you ask” line with everyone – I’ve yet to have someone give me an answer that is worthy of prying into our private sex life – and that’s what I consider it right now – our sex life, not our family life. I hope things go well for you this week, but I’m here if you need me.

    Sandyfeet – do you track your cycles?

    Batgirlbox – Cora’s!!!!!!!!!!!!! I <3 Cora’s soooo much! Good job you!
    For the OPKs it’s recommended that you DON’T use FMU (first morning urine) for them. I test at 10, 3ish and 7 – but once I get a + I stop and just enjoy :) When my temp goes up I know I’ve ovulated and I start the torturous wait.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    AFM - It seems I'm finally coming to terms with the miscarriage and feeling much more like myself. I think that (for me) it helped that I started exercising during and it made me feel like I had a little control over my body (I was so low that I could actually feel the post-workout endorphins). But what really made the difference (this is going to sound crazy) was Harry Potter. Yup - we went to the last movie and I cried. And cried. And cried. I cried for about an hour during the movie, cried the whole time walking out of the movies, stopped on the steps and cried and then got in the car and lost it! I think I needed to lose it... and I did.

    I've got quite a bit going on to focus on though. School starts on the 7th and I've been busy with shopping, tuition and I went to school to get my ID and locker assignment (yay).

    Also - we leave tomorrow (eek!) for Las Vegas! We're staying at the Venetian and on Friday we're seeing Garth Brooks. I loves me some Garth Brooks!

    I'm doing the 30 Day Shred Challenge - and plan to start Turbo Fire when this one is done (any takers?).

    When we get back next week we're doing a 3k for the Make-A-Wish Foundation on the 27th.

    And, a couple of days after that - we have our appt at the Fertility Clinic (the 29th).

    So that's me....
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Just wanted to pop in and say hello to all of my friends. I keep up with you all and of course keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I like the other girls who have moved on from this board find "breaking up hard to do"! ;) Just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you. hugs!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Karen- I'm so sorry about the BFN :( It sounds like a reasonable decision to wait at least a cycle....

    Luki - How are things going with the exchange student? How long is he with you again? When do you find out more about whether or not DH's diabetes is related to the fertility stuff?

    Alisa - I'm so happy that you guys are getting to have such good face time :) Skype is a miracle tool....LOL Yay for school - I can't believe it's that time of year again already....the time is just flying.....My 2 cents on the calcium chews is that my understanding is that it's usually a difficult type of calcium to digest. Make sure to do your research and see what other supplements are needed to help absorb the calcium and see if your prenatal helps with getting those, then calcium chew away (I used to, but I am getting my full dose of calcium now in my prenatal)

    Batgirl - yeah, tracking can definitely do that to ya, just remember the more stress you have, the more cortisol in your body, the harder it will for you to conceive :) So just try and relax, it'll improve your chances (easier said than done though....LOL) OMG - my fav at cora's is the 90's harvest- - but then I read the caloric's surprisingly UNHEALTHY....LOL - it has more calories than a big mac (but is also way more food that's fresh) I tend to split anything from coras now......

    Emily - No Fast food is such a good goal and it's one of the hardest to keep.Are you temping at all? The signs should be pretty clear if you have O'd, which helps with the stresses of "having" to try, but does create new ones....LOL

    Pantera - I'm the same way. I know exactly how much $$$ we'll have coming in and have cut my current expenses to meet that now (which is how we're saving for the IVF as well). I drive friends and family crazy though because I always have at least 3 plans and I analyze every contingency to the nth degree.....but it works for us :)

    KLMH - Don't you love that test for insulin resistance with the orange drink? Blah......the metformin has worked wonders for me (but I'm PCOS and IR).....hope that it helps you too!!!

    Thedestar - Great goal!! Enjoy the time with your family - sounds like a really full house :)

    Katy - glad you're feeling better

    Sandy - I haven't heard anything about antibiotics impacting cycles - it was probably more the stress on the body from being sick.

    LMR - most doctor's won't discuss fertility issues until you've been trying about a year - it can take a normal, healthy couple at least that long to actually conceive (they say that only 1 out of 4 conceptions actually don't abrupt (Chemical pregnancy) - so even if you catch the egg, the chance is only about 25% that you'll get to see a BFP)

    Jalara - so proud you're shredding your way healthy!!! Glad you're starting to feel more like yourself. Have a complete blast in Vegas....say hi to Garth for me.

    AFM: Things at work are starting to settle down. On the fertility front, I should be calling the clinic on Monday (Sunday should be my day 1 and I'm hormonal and hungry and all the rest) for my u/s and prescription. Fight with my dad was as much my fault as his (but I'm the only one willing to admit it...LOL) and we're very very similar. We're cutting the wood for the upstairs floor and he just felt that his idea wasn't being given fair consideration and he wasn't listening to the fact that I had reasons not to go with his idea (he wanted to leave a mistake in the cuts and I was trying to say that it affects the functionality of the floor)....I also had a bombshell dropped on me yesterday from a friend I used to work with. She found out she's 4months pregnant. She was told years ago that she couldn't have a baby (severe damage after an ectopic pregnancy) and so had come to terms with it. Now she's pregnant and not in a relationship with the father; stressing about finances and offered us the baby. *blink* Yes, she offered to have us adopt the baby. I have to say that I was strong and suggested that she really needed to do her research first and go through several counselling sessions. She didn't know that we'd have to get a homestudy or lawyers involved. She also said that if we couldn't take the baby that she would raise it herself. I'm happy that she recognizes that I'd make a good mom, but it sounds like she's just really freaked about the situation and hasn't really come to terms with what it would be like to adopt out her miracle baby. She has a great support network and has already started setting up a nursery, etc. Don't get me wrong. I would jump through hoops in a heartbeat, but I think I'd have to put the IVF on hold and it just seems like she's not ready to make that kind of decision and by the time she is, I don't know if we can get a homestudy together in time (our last one was rushed at 6 months). I'm not ready to put the IVF on hold for something that I'm not sure is going to happen. So the way we left it was for her to do the counselling and then we could talk heart is saying that she wants the baby, just is very scared....

    So that's been my week - how's everyone else's going?

    (Added Oh Heather - you jumped in as I was typing. I was so proud that I managed to get everyone in from the last two pages!!! LOL That bump is looking mighty pretty!!!! EEK - time sure is flying!!!)
  • newleafbeth11
    Pantera, I'm totally the same way... I am definitely a planner. My husband and I have been seriously considering throwing our plan to wait to TTC until next summer out of the window and it's making me incredibly anxious. But, since you guys are actually TTC, try not to stress too much... I know it's hard to live in the moment sometimes! You are in my thoughts for sure.
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    Pantera, I'm totally the same way... I am definitely a planner. My husband and I have been seriously considering throwing our plan to wait to TTC until next summer out of the window and it's making me incredibly anxious. But, since you guys are actually TTC, try not to stress too much... I know it's hard to live in the moment sometimes! You are in my thoughts for sure.

    I think you and your husband should scrap the idea and jump into it like me and my boyfriend! LOL When the heck is the right time anyway? :)

    The thing I said to myself was that next year there was just going to be something else that doesn't make it the right just gonna do it! His aunt and uncle are coming over today to talk about job we're going to see what they have to say ..they may offer something we can't refuse! Who knows...but more money always comes with sacrifice!

    Fitterpam- LOL to all the analyses!!! I'm always the devils advocate and people hate it cuz I make them think of ever single aspect of their decisions!!! LOL
  • sandyfeet10
    sandyfeet10 Posts: 280 Member
    @Jalara-I do track my cycles. I stopped taking bc in December and for the first few months, I was very irregular, but for the past few months, my cycle has been 35 days long.

    My cycle when I was sick and took antibiotics was 46 days long! Ugh!!!!

    I'm thinking about charting temperatures and all that, but I don't want to become so obsessed with it that I can't think about anything else!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Sandy, the reason I ask is this: if you know how long your luteal phase is (the time from ovulation to the start of your next period) then you would know if ovulation was late or if that part of your cycle was prolonged. I realize this isn't for everyone - I'm a control freak!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    OK all - I'm off until I get settled in Vegas. We're taking the laptop to fiddle around with at the hotel, but I'm not sure how much I'll be on. Have a good one!
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Hi ladies, first of all I want to commend all of you who are atruggling and not giving up. Your strength is such an inspiration. Dont ever give up!

    So Im 7 days away from my expected period. I think I am always hyper sensitive to anything I feel during this waiting period. I hate to say this as to cause myself dissapointment but I feel pregnant. Somerthing just feels different, I cant explain it. If my intuition is wrong (this wont be the first time) I will be surprised then probably sad. Im really trying to not set myself up for dissapointment but Im afraid Its too late. I feel pregnant. I will feel like a fool if Im not. I hate this part. (que in *****cat dolls).

    Sending sticky baby dust to all you mommas hoping and trying
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    so, guess what showed up in the middle of our vacation? lovely. :( but at least it came. :) so now to regulate my hormones for the october try. i am feeling pretty blue and can't seem to snap out of it. anyway, i will catch up with everyone on sunday night/monday morning.
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    Jalara, have a brilliants time.

    Fingers crossed for you taldie

    welcome back GBOH, hope you had a great holiday apart from the obvious :-( Really hope the blues pass by quickly
  • meggamix
    meggamix Posts: 496 Member
    Taldie -I hope your intuition is right! I kept hoping I was this month...(I had NO symptoms so why I thought that I have no idea -can't help yourself sometimes I think).

    GBOH - I hate stowaways when I'm on vacay. :) At least you can start doing what you need to get ready for October!

    Jalara- HAVE FUN!!! I've always wanted to stay at one of the better hotels on the strip!

    AFM: I'm on day 45 here...I got nothing. Day 45!! What the crap? I got some OPK's but they came so late in my cycle I thought it wasn't worth starting them so I was waiting for the next cycle. But I ended up using one just to see and got sort of a faint line the other day, but didn't think much of it so didn't test again...maybe that was a positive? But I've also taken 2 PTs on 2 different days and they were BFN. But then, that was before this possible + on the OPK. But I have NO symptoms of anything. WTH??? Well, now that I look last month I went all the way to 44 days...whatever. Can't I just have a textbook 28 day cycle??? Is that so much to ask!!!??:explode: :happy:
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    Jalara- Have a blast in Vegas!!!

    GBOH- Too bad it was in the middle...but you are least it came!!! we're always here for you to vent away your blues!!

    Taldie- Sticky baby dust right back at ya and everyone else!! Keeping my fingers crossed for you! I know what you mean about being hyper-sensitive!! You're not alone in that boat! I've psyched myself out a few of times when we weren't even trying and I was now that we are...I have to remind myself not to cuz we only started last month so the chances are extremely slim. I really really really hope that this time is real for you :):):)

    Sandyfeet- I know what you mean about not wanting to be obsessed with charting and stuff like that. My boyfriend and I talked about we have decided to just wing it for a while and see what happens. I'm afraid that I will stress over it, in turn making it harder on myself. Good luck and like Taldie said....sticky baby dust to you! :)