Sexy in Six: Week 6



  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Just a quick hello before a super BUSY day. Ugh. don't even have time to post meals right now and I don't think I will get a work out in today (no football this week, sad!). But I will check back in later.

    Trying to eat light today as a classmate is making us authentic Chinese tonight and I have no idea what the calorie count there is going to be!! :noway:

    Have a great Thursday!!!!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Lauryn, still riding the high from a great loss??

    Thanks for asking, Pedal!! I am. The scale showed even less yesterday, into the upper 150s and I about fell out on the floor. Of course, that number isn't "real" to me until it sticks for about a week, but I'm happy with the weight loss.

    I have experienced a new and very challenging issue lately. I use to read posts about it and think those people were crazy, but.... for the last three days, I haven't met my 1200 daily caloric intake. I've been very close, in the 1100 range, but shy of 1200. It's very weird. VERY WEIRD.

    I do have a couple medical 'things' going on, so this may just be stress. I've changed birth control (from brand name Ortho-Tric Cyclen Lo to the generic Tri-Sprintec, or whatever the generic is called), so my hormones are changing slightly due to minute estrogen changes. This may be affecting my appetite. I've also been worried about a lump I found on my lower ab muscle. I have a doctor appointment tomorrow. It's probably nothing -- a knot in the muscle, or a fatty deposit, but with my history of bizarre medical 'stuff', I'm getting it looked at. When you throw in an overactive ulcer, combatted with medication to calm it, my stomach just hasn't been allowing for much food. I'm getting full quickly with every meal.

    The important thing is I realize not reaching my 1200 daily calories is a problem and I'm monitoring it carefully. I think I'll feel much more confident about my medical condition after my doctor appointment tomorrow.

    I hope everyone is having a wonderful week!! It's been crazy cold here (I'm a summer girl :wink: ) but I'm plugging onward with sweatpants and sweatshirts and warm socks at home. Being freezing all the time is the downside of weighloss.... that and constantly having to replace your wardrobe!!!:laugh:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    GOOD morning ladies! Yep...can't believe it's already Thursday! And I give a presentation today...scary! Oh well. Soooo...Bootcamp kicked my *kitten*!!!!!!!!!!! WOW! It was intense! I burned around 700 calories in that hour and was drenched! But it felt GREAT! I will probably try it again next week!

    Here is my meal plan for today:

    One A Day - Womens Multi Vitamin, 1 tablet 0 calories
    Old Orchard - Healthy Balance Pomegranate Cranberry, 8 FL OZ 29 calories
    Multi Grain Cheerios & Banana, 1 meal 255 calories
    284 total lunch calories

    AM snacks
    Coffee - ground, 2 cup 0 calories
    Nestle Coffee Mate - Coffee Creamer (Sugar Free Vanilla Caramel), 2 tbsp 30 calories
    Kashi Tlc - Soft Baked Cereal Bar-Blackberry Graham, 1 bar (35g) 110 calories
    140 total AM snack calories

    Diet Coke - Soft Drink, 12 fl. oz. 0 calories
    Ae Yo-Lite Yogurt - Yogurt, 6 oz 80 calories
    AE - Fat Free Cottage Cheese, 1/2 cup 90 calories
    Nabisco Wheat Thins - Fiber Selects Garden Vegetable, 15 crackers 120 calories
    Jello - Sugar FreePudding (Chocolate/Vanilla Swirl), 1 snack 60 calories
    350 total lunch calories

    Afternoon snacks
    Apples - Raw, with skin, 1 medium (2-3/4" dia) (approx 3 per lb) 72 calories
    Kashi - Tlc Crunchy Granola Bars - Pumpkin Spice Flax, 2 bars 180 calories
    252 total afternoon snack calories

    Something with ground turkey. I'm gonna check out some recipes online today and I'll let you know!

    Workout plan--45 minute Step class.

    So, today should be fine. I'm still not doing my Ab workout this week...I'm weaning myself back in slowly!:wink:

    AmyLou!!!!!!!!!!! How exciting!!!!!!!!! I LOVE fitting in old clothes! Doesn't it make you feel FABULOUS!!!!!! Nice job!!!!!!!!!!!

    Rhiannon...your meal plan for today sounds wonderful! That sprouted grain bagel is drawing my attention...could you pass it via email please!:laugh: YUM!

    Deb...Stick in there friend! I have been there...been in the tougher, no motivation times. You will break out of it! I promise! Just hang in there! And we are all here if you EVER need some motivation!!!! could maybe try having some hot cocoa or something to drink to get in extra calories if you need them. Just a suggestion. Hang in there.

    Well all my other ladies, have a great morning and I'll check back in a while!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    So, bumping this up again. Added in that Deb is happy with whatever name we choose. And I think she is right that we can decide. Looks like Sixers Holiday Challenge it is! But, Cass, Robin, Connie, Tammara, Tan, and Kerridwen....if you don't like this name, please let me know! Otherwise, look for Sixers Holiday Challenge next week Tuesday!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Cathy... i happy with whatever, as long as i know where to go....
    Amy... Sixers Holiday Challenge
    Rhiannon... Sixers Holiday Challenge
    Deb... happy with whatever
    Katy...Twenty Something Holiday Challenge, Sixers Holiday Challenge
    Lauryn... Sixers Holiday Challenge
    AmyLou... Sixers Holiday Challenge
    Shanell... Sixers Holiday Challenge
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    I'm ok with whatever name gets picked.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Thanks Robin!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Lauryn, amen on being COLD as a side-effect of losing weight! I've always been so warm and this fall I've been CONSTANTLY freezing. And yes, although having to replace the clothing was fun at first it's getting royally annoying to be constantly JUST out of a size. Right now I'm hovering between a 10 and a 12 depending on the store (did I tell you guys I tried on and FIT INTO size 29 jeans the other day?!?!?!) but the pants I HAVE are all either size 13 or a smaller size 10 and feel too pinched still. But I guess fundamentally it is a good problem to have. I just need to start checking out thrift stores.
    I'm sorry to hear about your medical concerns! I hope everything goes okay for you :flowerforyou: I was going to make the same suggestion as Kristin about hot chocolate :wink:

    AmyLou, that will be fun to have actual Chinese food. SO different from the N. American stuff we're used to calling Chinese. Too bad about no football... it's crumby when a regular activity doesn't happen!

    Kristin, I laughed when I saw that on FB. I'm so glad it went well!! I love it when a new class is a good one! The bagels ARE really good. They're really soft and super flavourful. It's a great little BC-based company called Silver Hills. No refined flours means the body doesn't metabolize the sugars nearly as quickly which is good for feeling satiated and good for the insulin-fat response. I wish I could pass you one!! :wink:

    Today is a rest day for me. My body is so tired from the serious work-outs this week and although I miss the extra cals, I need a break today!

    Hi to everyone else... time for play group for Ava & Leith!! BBL :bigsmile:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    WOOHOOO!!!! I just had to post again quickly because I weighed in AGAIN this morning and was back down to my pre-TOM weight MINUS 1 more lb. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I think it will stick too because my over-indulgence never took me over my maintenance cals and was usually under maintenance. So yay. 175.2 :bigsmile: Just had to share!
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Hey Amy, thanks for the c25k info I will check it out this weekend.

    Kristen, thanks for the motivating comments. You are always so helpful & compassionate. Sounds like you really kicked butt on your workout.

    Pedal, Enjoy your break today.

    Hi to everyone I missed.

    Trying to get caught up with grocery shopping, mammogram, etc. stuff today. It's just me here for this weekend. The whole family is going up north. Should make this weekend easy for me to get back on track.

    Have a lovely day ladies.:heart:
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    WOOHOOO!!!! I just had to post again quickly because I weighed in AGAIN this morning and was back down to my pre-TOM weight MINUS 1 more lb. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I think it will stick too because my over-indulgence never took me over my maintenance cals and was usually under maintenance. So yay. 175.2 :bigsmile: Just had to share!

    Good for you girl, you are really looking good. So glad you are feeling great. Keep up the good workouts.:happy: :happy: :happy:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Thanks Deb, and I hope you have a productive day! Great that you can look forward to an on-track weekend. I love those. And as with Kristin's injury, this slump will pass and be a mere blip on your radar of success :flowerforyou:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Yep...Rhiannon couldn't say it better Deb! This will pass and you can look back at it! YOU CAN DO IT GIRL!!!!!

    I'm just eating lunch and then my presentation is after it! I need to do some grocery shopping SO bad and we are waiting for my husbands check...what a pain! Oh well. Anyways...need to run but just wanted to say hi!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Okay...I've been trying to figure calories for dinner and all the recipe calculators are not working for me. SO frustrating! Oh well. I'm going to make a straganoff using ground turkey, a little skim milk and fat free sour cream, over some whole wheat pasta. With a side salad! I'll do some more figuring!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    hi all wanted to get that out of the way before i forget...

    **repeating ""I AM NOT GOING TO EAT"" repeating again and again and again and again
    **:explode: :angry: :mad: SCREAMING LOUDLY:explode: :angry: :mad: **

    ok, vented, now please tell me when my son will leave the nest again????????? oh, how i pray soon......leave my things alone and you won't break them.......:explode:

    time to watch my soap and have an apple with PB.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Aww Cathy, sounds so stressful :flowerforyou: Just remember that the only person you will punish by eating away your feelings is YOU. Not worth it, sister.

    Kristin, supper sounds yummy! I still haven't posted that recipe for the yam black bean stew. I'll have to remember later when I'm able!

    Just popping in to say hi! :bigsmile:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Headed to the gym...still haven't figured calories for my supper. Oh well. I'll have to try and figure it out at home.

    Have a good evening ladies and I'll be back tomorrow!!!
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Hi Everyone,

    I did a different workout dvd for a change. The Leslie sandstone 2 mile walk. I enjoyed the change. Still didn't track calories today, but I'm working on that this weekend.

    It's quiet around here today.

    Kristen, Is this site the only way you track calories? I think that is one of the hardest things to keep up with, but luckily I found this site to help me with that.

    Cathy, Hope your son finds a place soon. Did you try any thing to help yourself unwind or calm down, like deep breathing, tea, etc? I splurged on a massage today (which was supposed to be my reward for losing 10 pounds) it really helped me relax and feel better.

    Pedal, How's your day going? I just got the Eat Clean Diet for your family from the library today and plan to start reading tonight. I requested it 6 weeks ago. It took this long to get it. Must be pretty popular.

    I'm done for tonight. Just going to catch up on some reading & TV.

    Have a good evening.:yawn:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    i did not eat. i am thinking of taking some extra clothes to take a sauna or steam room after my workout tomorrow. i did go to a program my grandaughter was in at her school tonight. he didn't go.
    came home put on my pjs and had a skinny cow. we are having a family meeting this weekend.
    have a good night all.
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Hi ladies!!

    Just checking in. I just got back from my yummy authentic Chinese dinner. And I am sooooo stuffed. LIke ever since I started eating better I haven't felt this overly full. I'm not very happy about it either. I might try and do shred tonight, although at this point I am still way to full for it and still need to finishing packing to head home tomorrow!!

    Speaking of which, it is an 8 1/2 hour drive tomorrow so I will check in before I leave and then when i get home. I hope this week or so at home goes okay. I will weight in Tuesday and measure but my mom's scale might be kind of off. Although I do have a doctor's appt. on Tuesday so i guess that would be an accurate weigh in. :smile:

    Sweet dreams ladies, I'm watching some TV and taking a quiz online then possibly working out and heading to bed to rest up for the drive!!! :heart:
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Okay..lot to catch up on! Havent read posts...Been so busy!!

    Did shred level 2 last night ;)

    Today, no time! Getting to be crunch time at school, finals are in about 2-3 weeks!

    I have that wedding to go to Saturday, so alot of prep tomorrow! May not be checking in again til Sunday!!!

    Tomorrow I will be going walking/jogging with a friend and may do the gym a lil bit before hand!

    Okay so hope everyone has a GREAT weekend and I will check in when I can ;)


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