Slender Sisters <3 Introduction Thread (Closed Group)

So, lets get to know each other.
This is just a little form that we can all fill out and read to get to know each other etc. Just to make sure that all of you guys are serious about this, only the people that reply to this thread within the next week will make the official list! This is only because we want to have the most dedicated members. Here is the list so far, I'm sure that everyone on it is going to be a valuable and lovely member of our team.

elliej3, deedsr, Ambie213, nikniki, dimond1610, kvaldez95, angelacasey736, helloimangela, asiavenetia, sanmacks, chrissypops, Jeffnjo, ohchansey, scheherazade315, meganotravels, MUMMY2BAILEY, SLIM195,PhoenixRising11, sweetsapphire85, audram420,tsaenz09, nomnomgal, winelover51, iluvsparkles, nancycparker, Erica92627, JPetz3057.

I will put everyone's information on a chart once we have met everyone, so go ahead and copy the form below to tell us a bit about yourself, and make sure you friend your sisters for support!

Name (what you would like to be called, could be username or a nickname):
Three words that describe you:
Family situation:
Why do you want to lose weight?:
Have you tried losing weight before?:
Current Weight:
How much you want to lose:
What is your top tip for everyone out there?:

Right, lets have some fun! Lots of love <3 Ellen


  • elliej3
    elliej3 Posts: 29
    Name (what you would like to be called, could be username or a nickname): Ellen :)
    Three words that describe you: optimistic, bright, loving
    Family situation: I live at home with my parents, and i have no (real) brothers or sisters.
    Why do you want to lose weight?: So many reasons, i actually wrote a 100 reason list... But mainly to be healthy, to look good for myself and others, to wear small sizes in clothes and to be fit!
    Have you tried losing weight before?: Yes many times. One attempt I was going very well, but i gave up and gained the most i had ever gained over two years. Since then i have been yoyo dieting throughout the past year, promising myself every Sunday night that it would start tomorrow. And now i have finally begun.
    Current Weight: 200lb (14st 4), down from 208 three weeks ago.
    How much you want to lose: In nine months i would like to lose 56lb (4st).
    What is your top tip for everyone out there?: EXERCISE IS KEY. I cant tell you how many times i have eaten so so healthy for weeks without exercising, then given up because i havent seen results. Personally, i have to exercise and exercise hard, 15 minutes on an elliptical does nothing, and so now i'm pushing myself harder than ever, attempting to do the 30 day shred and 6 days of at least 30 mins cardio per week.
  • dimond1610
    Name (what you would like to be called, could be username or a nickname): Ilana(:
    Three words that describe you: caring, social, energetic
    Family situation:currently my mom and my step dad, until next month when college starts. no sibblings:(
    Why do you want to lose weight?: I want to be happy with myself again, plain and simple
    Have you tried losing weight before?:yes, last year i lost about 20lbs. i was at 137 at my lowest and then when summer vacation hit the number just slowly but steadily went up from there. i have also tried atkins
    Current Weight:165(i reached the 160s within the past few months...never weighed this much before
    How much you want to lose:30lbs
    What is your top tip for everyone out there?: do your best, you are your own worst critic
  • phoenixzebra
    hey can i be in your group?
  • nomnomgal
    Name: Chrys
    Three words that describe you: Short, Plump, Friendly (hoping to change the second to fit!)
    Family situation: Divorced, remarried, with 8 month old daughter. Stay at home mom.
    Why do you want to lose weight?: Because I lived a life of bad eating habits that contributed to low self esteem. I want to be a good example for my daughter and don't want her to go through the teasing that I had when I was a child. I don't want her to be embarassed by her "fat mother". I also want to be healthy so that I can do things with her and my husband. I want my husband to feel like I'm sexy, and I want to feel sexy too! Lingerie options are just so much better for skinny girls!
    Have you tried losing weight before?: Yes, and tired of the yo-yos. Was at my thinnest in my late teens, but that was due to starving myself. Gained a phenomenal amount of weight in a span of 2 years or so. Maintained said weight due to a sedentary lifestyle in front of the computer.
    Current Weight: I think 73 kg (163 lbs)...not sure, husband hid the scale because it was dictating my life. I'll get to see it when TOM is gone though!
    How much you want to lose: 40 lbs
    What is your top tip for everyone out there?: Don't be discouraged by little pitfalls. Don't try to rush things (easier said than done I know!) We didn't gain weight overnight, so we won't lose it that way either.
  • phoenixzebra
    name: call me phoenix
    3 words that describe you: artistic, fun-spirited, caring
    family situation: mother, step-father, 1 big sister (18), 1 little brother (9)
  • angelacasey736
    angelacasey736 Posts: 249 Member
    Name (what you would like to be called, could be username or a nickname): Angela
    Three words that describe you: Dedicated, considerate, emotional
    Family situation: Married to my high school sweetheart - been together 16 years - two beautiful children - 8 yr old son, 20 month old daughter
    Why do you want to lose weight?: To be healthy and live long for my children, to have more confidence and be more outgoing and enjoy life to the fullest!
    Have you tried losing weight before?: Off and on for 10 years - everything from WW, SB, Atkins, Pills etc -
    Current Weight: 170 on the nose as of this morning!
    How much you want to lose: 75 total - down 35 currently so 40 more to go minimum
    What is your top tip for everyone out there?: Utilize MFP and all the wonderful people's support here - It has truly been a blessing for me!
  • phoenixzebra
    name:call me phoenix
    3 words that describe you: artistic, fun-spirited, caring
    family situation: mother, step-father, 1 big sister (18), 1 little brother (9)
    why do you want to lose weight: I am a dancer so it is important for me to stay thin, i really want to get the part in nutcracker this year
    current weight: 97
    goal weight: 80-85
    tried to lose weight before: yes, couldn't control food cravings
    what is your top tip for everyone out there: every calorie counts and calories do make a difference
  • angelacasey736
    angelacasey736 Posts: 249 Member
    Cannot seem to get my signature pic to work - help please!! :flowerforyou:
  • angelacasey736
    angelacasey736 Posts: 249 Member
    Cannot seem to get my signature pic to work - help please!! :flowerforyou:
    Woohoo - figured it out!!
  • nikniki
    nikniki Posts: 21
    Name (what you would like to be called, could be username or a nickname):Niki or Nicole
    Three words that describe you: emotional, polite, fun-loving
    Family situation: I am have been married about 2 1/2 years no children just us and the dogs.
    Why do you want to lose weight?: I want to gain more confidence in myself and the way I am. I also need to lose weight to stay in the Navy.
    Have you tried losing weight before?: Yes I dont think I ever really tried that hard I would get discouraged when I wasn't seen results that I wanted to.
    Current Weight: 167
    How much you want to lose: 35-40 pounds
    What is your top tip for everyone out there?: Dont give up deciding to do it is the first step!
  • ohchansey
    ohchansey Posts: 10 Member
    Name (what you would like to be called, could be username or a nickname): Erica :) though it might get confusing with another erica in the group
    Three words that describe you: dramatic :), spastic (at times), and... twitchy?
    Family situation: I'm a college student, so I'm away from home. But my immediate family is entirely women :) being my mom and my elder sister, who is 3 years older than me.
    Why do you want to lose weight?: I want to feel confident and attractive, that's not something that weight will always fix, but I think knowing I was able to lose 30 lbs will help :) Also, I'm a dancer, so the extra pounds are definitely not helping me. Lastly, I'd just like to feel healthy and eneretic!
    Have you tried losing weight before?: I've been dieting for as long as I can remember. My entire family has had weight problems and I've been struggling with yo-yo diets for so long. My weight typically peaks at 180 lbs, when I realize that I need to lose weight- commence yo-yo diet. A month ago i reached a bit above 180lbs and lost 10 lbs using a different calorie counting site and I'm determined to shed the flab for good this time :D
    Current Weight: 170.2 lbs this morning :(
    How much you want to lose: 35-40 lbs would be great. But just being at a place where I'm comfortable with my weight would be nice
    What is your top tip for everyone out there?: Ummm... find a way to get along with your guilty pleasures. Personally, I am not one who can go long without a bit of indulgence, food-wise. So I'm finding ways to give in without giving up! For example, I'm an avid chocolate fan :) so instead of a heaping slice of chocolate cake I go for a chocolate chip granola or protein bar.
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member

    Name: My name is Emily, but it's so common I like being called iluvsparkles online :)

    Three words that describe you:
    Mama, creative, pacifist

    Family situation:
    I married my way awesome husband in 2009, and we became pregnant with twins on our honeymoon! They are 18 months now, a girl and a boy, Ryah and Luca.

    Why do you want to lose weight?:
    Because I am not accustomed tot his big ol belly that my wonderful twins gave me :) I want to wear my old awesome clothes and feel sexy and confident again.

    Have you tried losing weight before?:
    It's SO complicated, BUT the Reader's digest version of my story goes something like this: In 9th grade, I weighted about 175 and after some harsh comments from some upperclassmen, I quit eating and fell head first into an eating disorder that has since been a big player in my life. I became a vegetarian in college which was just another ridiculous disguise for my eating disorder. I met my husband in college and he has really helped me in terms of getting adequate calories every day, and keeping me exercising. He is a fitness buff and is active with cross-fit. Before our wedding and on our honeymoon, I was buff, lean and loving my body. We promptly found out that we were pregnant with twins, and during the pregnancy I gained 60 or more lbs. After they were born I lost about 40 of them immediately, but I still have a long way to go. I weigh more now than I did when my ed was triggered :(

    Current Weight: 175

    How much you want to lose: 20 lbs. I will be happy at 155. That is how much I weighed on our honeymoon as a very muscular and lean person so I know that is what's right for my frame. Much smaller and it would get out of hand in my brain.

    What is your top tip for everyone out there?: Zumba! I am a Zumba instructor and it has changed my life for the better...I probably wouldn't exercise without it!

    I'm going to start reading every one elses posts now, and friending every one. It is so nice to meet you all!
  • sweetsapphire85
    Name (what you would like to be called, could be username or a nickname): Megan/Meg

    Three words that describe you: Talkative, honest, and friendly

    Family situation: Current graduate student. Was living on my own until May when finances got to tight and moved in with my family until I'm done in a year. (Mother, Father, Grandfather, Brother, and a sister who lives separately)

    Why do you want to lose weight?: I was developing an eating disorder when i was in highschool and went in for treatment and since then have been avoiding "dieting" weight has crept up on me in the past 10 years and started developing high blood pressure etc from additional weight.

    Have you tried losing weight before?: sometimes I would occasionally try to eat healthier, but it never stuck, prior to that I did the "starvation" mode diet which obviously is not good.

    Current Weight: Started at 152 Down to 145

    How much you want to lose: I'm going to try to get down to 120 maybe 5 lbs more or less depending on how things go and how healthy I feel/look

    What is your top tip for everyone out there?:
    Make sure your workouts are doing exactly that (working you out), it's hard to drop weight with a stroll every day for 20 minutes. And you don't lose weight with diet alone for the most part, those hard workouts where you want to just lay on the floor by the end are the things that make the biggest improvements!
  • chrissypops
    chrissypops Posts: 112 Member
    Ok im gonna be lazy lol as im gona read every one elses lol.. but my basics are...

    Name (what you would like to be called, could be username or a nickname): Chrissy x
    Three words that describe you: A pain in the bum ! lol
    Family situation: have 2 children, 2 teenager daughters from a previous relationship and 15 mth old little man with my current partner, john ( have been with him 6.5 yrs )
    Why do you want to lose weight?:I would like to lose all the weight i gained having children, I was 10 stone when I fell pregnant with my first daughter so would like to be 10 ( ideally 9.5 )stone again x
    Have you tried losing weight before?: Yes, I used slimfast 3 yrs ago for 3 mths and lost 2 stone and kept it off until i fell pregnant just over a yr or so later x
    Current Weight: 11 stone 10
    How much you want to lose: 28 lb ish or when i feel comfortable if before that weight xx
    What is your top tip for everyone out there?: Be yourself, look within yourself to find the courage and strength to change the outside.... your beautiful x
  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    Name (what you would like to be called, could be username or a nickname): Audra
    Three words that describe you: Funny, caring, strong
    Family situation: Mother of one 2 year old, married.
    Why do you want to lose weight?: Keep up with my husband and son, look better in clothes
    Have you tried losing weight before?: I successfully lost 40lbs prior to getting pregnant, but never learned to maintain.
    Current Weight: 169lbs. Started at 175, but before finding MFP
    How much you want to lose: 20-30lbs
    What is your top tip for everyone out there?: PLAN AHEAD!! When I get home from getting groceries I will immediately get my fruit and veggies chopped so I can start snacking on them!!
  • Ambie213
    Ambie213 Posts: 118 Member
    Name (what you would like to be called, could be username or a nickname): Amber
    Three words that describe you: Caring, intelligent, gifted
    Family situation: Married w/ 2 1/2 year old son and 3 1/2 month old daughter
    Why do you want to lose weight?: Look better and feel better, get to healthy weight/BMI
    Have you tried losing weight before?: O yes, many times
    Current Weight: 177
    How much you want to lose: About 25lbs to be at my goal (150)
    What is your top tip for everyone out there?: Set small goals - it's much easier to attain small goals and you'll achieve them much quicker, which I find keeps you more motivated!
  • SLIM195
    SLIM195 Posts: 133 Member
    Name (what you would like to be called, could be username or a nickname): Slim195 or Jeanine
    Three words that describe you: Spoiled, Stubborn and Organized
    Family situation: Mother, one daughter
    Why do you want to lose weight?: I'm overweight or pleasantly plump,:laugh: :sad: :laugh: need to lose weight and I want to live unitl I'm at least 81 years young.
    Have you tried losing weight before?: Yes, hasn't everyone.
    Current Weight: 242.6 lbs
    How much you want to lose: 75 lbs
    What is your top tip for everyone out there?: You have to move in order to lose. Keep your heart racing and your blood pumping. Then drink plenty of WATER to flush out the toxins and fat.
  • scheherazade315
    scheherazade315 Posts: 96 Member
    Name (what you would like to be called, could be username or a nickname):Anita

    Three words that describe you: Caring, helpful, persistent

    Family situation: Married (13 years this month), 5.5 year old daughter, and 3 year old daughter

    Why do you want to lose weight?:To get to a healthy BMI and keep up with my girls.

    Have you tried losing weight before?: Yes.

    Current Weight: 181

    How much you want to lose: 30-35

    What is your top tip for everyone out there?: Track food and exercise with MFP.
  • SLIM195
    SLIM195 Posts: 133 Member
    Okay, I need help getting the ticker to display.
  • scheherazade315
    scheherazade315 Posts: 96 Member
    Try removing the spaces from the following, .

    [ img ] [ / img ]
