How can anyone find Victoria Beckham and Kate Moss sexy?



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Why does everyone's idea of sexy have to be the same? I think Victoria's body is gorgeous, and very sexy. I'd be happy to have a body like that. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it's ugly or gross. And I HATE when people say real women have curves. Real women have vajayjays. What differs among them besides that does not make them real or fake.

    Have you ever seen her smile?


    She has an ADORABLE smile!
  • Namaste1983
    Namaste1983 Posts: 603 Member
    WTF is with all the hate on the skinny chicks lately,Victoria Beckham and Kate Moss are very pretty and their body types look good on them.Is it the body I want to have? no but still maybe I should start threads on how I think body types like Jillian Michales are not femmine and such.

    Thank you.... No one says wow: Obese is disgusting, Muscular is manly, how can that be sexy? There is something beautiful about every woman... Lets just be nice and healthy k?

    Actually people DO call obese people disgusting, every day. If you don't think they do you've obviously never been bullied for it.

  • Sparksfly
    Sparksfly Posts: 470 Member
    Real women have curves!

    No, no, no! Real women are whatever they want to be...skinny, strong, fat, chubby...


    Rant over.
  • MondaysChild81
    MondaysChild81 Posts: 158 Member
    Umm I guess so and I really don't see what that has to do with anything lol.

    It has to do with sex appeal. I don't' care if you have a smoking hot body, if you come across as a ***** then you've lost all your sex appeal.

    Too true. We are all shapes, sizes and are aesthetically pleasing to those who matter :drinker:
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Why does everyone's idea of sexy have to be the same? I think Victoria's body is gorgeous, and very sexy. I'd be happy to have a body like that. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it's ugly or gross. And I HATE when people say real women have curves. Real women have vajayjays. What differs among them besides that does not make them real or fake.

    Have you ever seen her smile?


    She has an ADORABLE smile!

    She should smile more often, imo. Very pretty unlike most of the time when she looks like a constipated *kitten*, rofl!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    WTF is with all the hate on the skinny chicks lately,Victoria Beckham and Kate Moss are very pretty and their body types look good on them.Is it the body I want to have? no but still maybe I should start threads on how I think body types like Jillian Michales are not femmine and such.

    Thank you.... No one says wow: Obese is disgusting, Muscular is manly, how can that be sexy? There is something beautiful about every woman... Lets just be nice and healthy k?

    Actually people DO call obese people disgusting, every day. If you don't think they do you've obviously never been bullied for it.

    So that makes it ok for people to talk about how disgusting skinny women are?
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    WTF is with all the hate on the skinny chicks lately,Victoria Beckham and Kate Moss are very pretty and their body types look good on them.Is it the body I want to have? no but still maybe I should start threads on how I think body types like Jillian Michales are not femmine and such.

    Thank you.... No one says wow: Obese is disgusting, Muscular is manly, how can that be sexy? There is something beautiful about every woman... Lets just be nice and healthy k?

    Actually people DO call obese people disgusting, every day. If you don't think they do you've obviously never been bullied for it.


    No need to get upset, just saying it's kind of silly to act like obese people don't get called disgusting.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Preference is strange. One of my co-workers bleaches her hair blond. I think it makes her look pasty. One time, she had beautiful brown hair after going to the hair dresser. She looked amazing. She kept it for about a month, and then when back to BLEACHED, because her husband likes blonds. ???? He married her. She DOESN'T have naturally blond hair.

    Strange, eh?
    This was my father. He thinks all women should have long, straight, blond hair. My mom had beautiful auburn hair growing up. Then he got ahold of her and she dyed it blond. I'm a dark brunette. Even when I was age 12, he was trying to get me to dye it. And when I permed it, he just told me it looked better straight. Nice. I vowed my husband would never tell me how to wear my hair.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    not to be crass, but a significantly better indication of what men find sexy would be to check out the body types of porn stars. Not all are exemplars, but there are many very successful porn stars who look significantly healthier than the names you mentioned.

    They did a study that found, when watching porn, men prefer fit/slightly overweight to skinny. I learned this from a Dan Savage podcast.

    Unrelated, but they tried to do a study between men who watch porn and men who don't...and they couldn't find men who didn't watch porn. I laughed.
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
    I don't know but I think there is a difference between beauty and sex appeal.

    Everyone is beautiful in their own way but not necessarily sexy to me.

    I do think this thread goes against the spirit of the site.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Umm I guess so and I really don't see what that has to do with anything lol.

    It has to do with sex appeal. I don't' care if you have a smoking hot body, if you come across as a ***** then you've lost all your sex appeal.

    This, exactly. Nice looking does not equal sexy, it can help but there are plenty of less than nice looking guys out there that have the girls attention , power often adds to a blokes sex appeal...Sir Alan Sugar came high in a "secret crush" poll
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    WTF is with all the hate on the skinny chicks lately,Victoria Beckham and Kate Moss are very pretty and their body types look good on them.Is it the body I want to have? no but still maybe I should start threads on how I think body types like Jillian Michales are not femmine and such.

    Thank you.... No one says wow: Obese is disgusting, Muscular is manly, how can that be sexy? There is something beautiful about every woman... Lets just be nice and healthy k?

    Actually people DO call obese people disgusting, every day. If you don't think they do you've obviously never been bullied for it.

    So that makes it ok for people to talk about how disgusting skinny women are?

    I'm in with Fear on this one... I don't hate, appreciate.
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    WTF is with all the hate on the skinny chicks lately,Victoria Beckham and Kate Moss are very pretty and their body types look good on them.Is it the body I want to have? no but still maybe I should start threads on how I think body types like Jillian Michales are not femmine and such.

    Thank you.... No one says wow: Obese is disgusting, Muscular is manly, how can that be sexy? There is something beautiful about every woman... Lets just be nice and healthy k?

    Actually people DO call obese people disgusting, every day. If you don't think they do you've obviously never been bullied for it.

    So that makes it ok for people to talk about how disgusting skinny women are?

    I'm in with Fear on this one... I don't hate, appreciate.

    Just simply pointing out that it happens on both sides. Skinny people call fat people ugly, and then fat people retaliate by calling them ugly. I was not advocating either one. The only reason I said that ONE picture (not every one) of Kate Moss looked ugly is because she looks like she's been starving herself and she's proud of it. She's not an ugly person, as evidenced by several of her other pictures. I just personally don't think being super thin (OR super obese) is something that should be advocated.
  • PecanTanDiva
    Me personally, I dont find Kate Moss attractive for a lot of reason, but this is "my opinion"...I think Victoria Beckham's style is AMAZING and her attitude is perfect along with her confidence and that makes her sexy to me :love:

    Everyone has their own opinion on what is sexy and what's not. We are all different. I'm attracted to men & women and I look at certain things which determines a persons sex appeal. Some may not agree with either one of them being sexy and some might think they are. AGAIN, this is your personal opinion.
  • 0uTc4sT
    0uTc4sT Posts: 26
    Everyone is hott.. End of story
  • jessie580
    REAL women are ALL women!

    don't judge.
    it makes you look jealous.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    Everyone is hott.. End of story

    love this...LOL
  • DancingYogini
    Hmmm....I thought this was supposed to be a support site?? I can quote a million trite sayings, like "beauty comes from the inside," or "if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all," but do they actually make a difference in how people really act or think? We come in all shapes and sizes, and we all find beauty in different things, so what? But, coming right out and saying that you find a particular body shape or size "ugly" or "un womanly" is only going to elicit two reactions: anger from those of us that prefer that type, are trying to look like that type, or already are that type; or, approval because you find that type to be not your "cup of tea," or "disgusting." How can that have any place on a weight loss/fitness website?? It just hurts feelings, and gives this place an "us against them" type of mentality. It is too early in the morning for this...:huh:
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    I do. I think they are sexy because they are confident! They strut around these big cities like they are 9 feet tall. Their fashion sense is amazing (and they can afford to buy the designer sample sizes their little bodies wear).

    Do they have the ideal body? Maybe not. IS there an ideal body type? It's different for everyone.

    Hating on them for being so thin is exactly the same as hating on someone for being overweight. Project LOVE and ACCEPTANCE people!