How can anyone find Victoria Beckham and Kate Moss sexy?



  • B_L_A_Z_I_A_N
    *sniff sniff*

    I smell a hater.... *yawns*
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    WTF is with all the hate on the skinny chicks lately,Victoria Beckham and Kate Moss are very pretty and their body types look good on them.Is it the body I want to have? no but still maybe I should start threads on how I think body types like Jillian Michales are not femmine and such.

    Uh-oh... don't bring JM into this! It always ends badly:
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Uh-oh... don't bring JM into this! It always ends badly:

  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    jillian michaels = butterface
  • BigBadVooDooBob
    Wow, this is just a "no win" thread! But, is is very interesting to see what women think about the sex appeal of different body types. We all have to remember that every one likes something different and that you should accept people for who they are.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    getting really tired of all the hating on thinner people...this is supposed to be a site of support of fitness and healthy living for EVERYONE--why is it not ok to make fun of larger people around here, but ok to bash people who you think are "skinny?" Doesn't anyone else see how wrong that is?

    As a person who has been on both sides of this issues (naturally thin/athletic entire life until age 30, 10 years of obesity and now back to a normal FIT/thin weight)--I am asking my MFP friends:


    Stop worrying about everyone else and deal with yourself. If you want to have a Kate Moss like body, go for it. If you wanna keep or develop your curves, figure out whatever the heck JLo does (now THERE's a body I would like to have lol) to get that booty...and take care of yourself and stop showing this pettiness and's RIDICULOUS. It just makes you look mean. It's hurtful to someone like me who has worked incredibly hard to get a healthy, fit, strong body that I am proud of (and I didn't do this for someone else's ideal, I did this for myself) And obviously men don't "all" like one body type, as has been made obvious by the guys who've contributed to this thread.

    Rant over.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    sorry that was mean. Sorry JM if youre reading this
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    sorry that was mean. Sorry JM if youre reading this

    Yes, that was very mean. Shame on you.

    I prefer to call her a BOBFOC.

    Body Off Baywatch Face Off Crimewatch.

    I hear she speaks very highly of me as well...
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,342 Member
    WTF is with all the hate on the skinny chicks lately,Victoria Beckham and Kate Moss are very pretty and their body types look good on them.Is it the body I want to have? no but still maybe I should start threads on how I think body types like Jillian Michales are not femmine and such.

    I agree, is there an air of envy on this thread?

    This is like the 6th one ive seen in a week,so what about the naturally slender people its not ok to hate on people for being overweight but if they are skinny its fair game, I call BS on that

    Ooo, now there's a compelling reason not to hate on them....because of their body type....? Way to use sensible logic and common sense!

    Personally, I've never understood the attraction of Brad Pitt. To me, he reminds me of a dirty, smelly, stupid. stoner I attended a metal shop class with back in high school. lol

    *drops grenade and looks for cover*
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    Personally, I've never understood the attraction of Brad Pitt. To me, he reminds me of a dirty, smelly, stupid. stoner I attended a metal shop class with back in high school. lol

    *drops grenade and looks for cover*

    'Cause you know, crater face is SOooO charming *stops mid-feigned-swoon to vomit in her mouth a little*
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    People are saying how the OP is jealous. Can HE be jealous, considering HE's a HE?

    I'm not saying that the sentiment wasn't a nasty one though.
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    <Thinks "He" just may be a TROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    i guess everyones different, but the way my hubby looks at me when the kids go to bed tells me i'm sexy :blushing: and every woman will find someone who looks at her that way, whatever her external appearance x

  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    sorry that was mean. Sorry JM if youre reading this

    Yes, that was very mean. Shame on you.

    I prefer to call her a BOBFOC.

    shes a low resolution babe!
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member

    This stems from jealousy, whether you acknowledge that to yourself, publicly or stay in denial. You may honestly not wish to be THAT skinny yourself however, the anti-twiggy-celebrity mentality comes from the fact that most 'regular' people feel their body could never reach those levels and in most cases, that is true.

    My 'anit-twiggy-celebrity mentaility' comes from one LONG semester of Women's Studies at the collegiate level (which I received an A in) tehe :wink: Yet, I do understand that some insecure women feel this way based on their self-perception, and also that their self-image is usually skewed as a result of imposed patriarchal expectations.

    I have a daughter, and I am PRAYING the standard of publicized beauty is shifted to a more attainable shape as she becomes an adolescent. A little WS trivia for you, only 5% of the female population have the body stats of models & celebrities with model-like structures. This opens up various issues for the rest of the 95% of females attempting to look like the women we see everywhere, from disordered eating to depression. I say that's grounds for beauty spectral broadening :flowerforyou:
  • unmitigatedbadassery
    unmitigatedbadassery Posts: 653 Member

    Each to there own I guess. I would fight to defend Megan Fox, but only if my car were a transformer

    Me too.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member

    This stems from jealousy, whether you acknowledge that to yourself, publicly or stay in denial. You may honestly not wish to be THAT skinny yourself however, the anti-twiggy-celebrity mentality comes from the fact that most 'regular' people feel their body could never reach those levels and in most cases, that is true.

    My 'anit-twiggy-celebrity mentaility' comes from one LONG semester of Women's Studies at the collegiate level (which I received an A in) tehe :wink: Yet, I do understand that some insecure women feel this way based on their self-perception, and also that there self-image is usually skewed as a result of imposed patriarchal expectations.

    I have a daughter, and I am PRAYING the standard of publicized beauty is shifted to a more attainable shape as she becomes an adolescent. A little WS trivia for you, only 5% of the female population have the body stats of models & celebrities with model-like structures. This opens up various issues for the rest of the 95% of females attempting to look like the women we see everywhere, from disordered eating to depression. I say that's grounds for beauty spectral broadening :flowerforyou:

    by the same standards, maybe we shouldnt have good actors as role models, because most of the population cant act for toffee. Probably shouldnt have good lawyers or scientists or anything. in fact, lets pretend that EVERYONE is as good at everything as everyone else.

    We cant have everything we want, and i think THATS the real problem people have trouble with grasping.
    I never have, and never will look like a supermodel. Do i hate them for it, and think they should only have models of MY level of attractiveness? No. I dont look like a model or a pornstar and thats ok, because im not one.
    Im not as clever as a top scientist. oh well, I dont need to be.

    Wheres the challenge or whats the beauty or joy in being elite for something if its attainable by all
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    ~I like toffee~
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member

    Real women have curves!

    Real women come in all shapes and sizes and colors.
    So why are you looking to these people, because society has given them some label? You want sexy...have confidence in who you are...that is sexy!
    ....and to answer the question I do not find them sexy, attractive but no thanks.

    This is kind of a silly topic... some people think Jenna Jamison is the epitome of a sexy woman and some kill for a night with Oprah Winfrey. Everyone has their own ideas as to what is physically attractive in a woman. But personally, I agree second MFPer I quoted here: having confidence in who you are is probably the sexiest attribute a woman can have! Over the years, our particular society has changed its mind on what kind of womanly figure is sexy on a whole several times over the past century. So many attributes that were sexy 30 years ago are not as desirable now and vice versa many attributes that are vogue now, aren't so sexy to those who've been around since the last 30 years. So my question is: why is there a need to criticize what people find sexy now or at any other point in time? It's purely subjective anyways and has no bearing (in my opinion) on how sexy I can be. :heart: