Weight Loss and Dating



  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    I kind of think you should ensure your new man works in with your lifestyle - find one that is into fitness and activity, so you can plan dates that involve a great walk in the outdoors with a picnic things like that.
    eating clean and simple is always best, try for Japanese (sushi and sashimi) or a steak house (steak and salad) simple food. but mainly eating out will slow your progress you can't really do it more than once a week, so try to think up dates that don't involve eating so much!
  • LindsayChick
    LindsayChick Posts: 129 Member
    I'm married but totally know what you mean, as I felt the same way when I was dating! I would order a piece of fish and only eat about 4 oz or the size of a deck of cards. That should keep you within 200 calories, then get steamed or sauteed veggies for your side! That's a reliable bet. Also, you could do the same w/ baked chicken (if skinless)! Good luck and have fun dating! ;)
  • MrLeeParker
    As a guy, I have never been turned off by a woman who takes care of herself. Quite the opposite actually :)

    And remember, he asked you out. So it would take more than casually asking about calories to put him off.

    p.s. You have a beautiful smile. Just thought I'd say that.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    Ya know what? Unless it's a surprise, the man should have no issue telling you his plans. Hell, I think that it's rude not to even ask someone where they might want to go, to just assume.

    If a man likes you, he's going to respect the fact that you're trying and taking care of yourself, so if he wants to know why you want to know, just tell him flat out what your goals are. It's a good test as well, because next time you go out, if he chooses another "decadent" place without asking first, you know that he either didn't listen, or doesn't care.

    I'm very open about this part of my life with everyone in my life. Anyone I've gone out with knows at least something about it.