OCD Confessions



  • leighkent
    leighkent Posts: 195 Member
    1. I turn plug sockets off if there is nothing plugged in to them - even if I'm in a restaurant and see one on, I have to get up and turn it off.

    2. All the tins / jars in my cupboards are in date order with labels facing forwards.

    3. All the pieces to all of my boys' toys are in particular boxes and if a piece or a ball or a shape to a toy was to ever go missing I would search non-stop until it was found.

    4. I make lists ALL the time - from what to do today, what to get from the shop, lists about all the lists I have made. Love lists (and spreadsheets).

    5. When I do my washing, I count all socks into pairs and then count them again when putting them into a zip-up bag. I also use the same colour matching pegs when hanging things up - so if something needs 4 pegs, they are all the same etc ...
  • kbarry90
    kbarry90 Posts: 48
    1. If there is dishes in the sink I freak out. Can't stand a dirty kitchen.

    2. Don't like people coming over if the house is dirty. Like even if there is this one little thing on the floor I have to pick it up if I know someone is coming over.

    3. When people come into my stuff and move things. My family does it on purpose to see if I will notice and yes I notice the slightest little things in my room.

    4. Guest using my room when I'm not home because I know I'll come home and it will be a mess.

    5. Radio and TV volume have to be on an even number. My fiance changes the radio in the car on purpose so I'll freak out.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    double post
  • Sherry1979
    Sherry1979 Posts: 457
    1. On TVs, Radios, etc. I have to have the volume on an even number.

    2. When putting stuff away in the cupboards, fridge, etc. the labels have to be facing forward.

    3. Money in my wallet all has to be facing the same direction, and in order from largest bills to smallest.

    4. IDK if this is OCD, but I cannot stand when people touch me with their socks lol.

    I do the same thing with the money in my wallet!!! I think mine comes from working as a cashier and a bank teller for about 11 years it just became habit but if my husband has me to look in his wallet for something the first thing I do is start rearranging his bills...then he fusses because he has them "just the way he wants them".
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Oh my...lol.
  • Riebop
    Riebop Posts: 275
    * The top of my sheet and my bedspread have to line up when I go to sleep.
    * When I hand write something, I will re-write it if I don't like how it looks.
    * I will edit a blog post just to put in missing punctuation even though the people reading it wouldn't notice.
    * My toe nails always have to be painted.
    * Drawer and cabinets have to be closed all the way. I will get up out of bed if I notice that a drawer isn't shut all the way.
  • livi_cowgirl
    livi_cowgirl Posts: 198 Member
    OMFG! I never realised exactly how OCD I really was until I read this thread. About 90% of everything mentioned here, I do. I had never really thought about it before. One that I haven't seen here that I do is:

    I can't walk up or down stairs with someone behind me. I freak out big style.

    There are loads of others too.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    *I "type" words in my head. Sometimes I will hear a word, and in my head (and sometimes I will move my fingers too) I will type it out to see how the letters flow

    *I tap my fingers, and it has to be even on each side. I might tap a rhythm on one hand, then repeat that rhythm on the other. And if it doesn't match up, I start over. I have often done this w/o even being aware of it, and the husband will point it out and I'm surprised when I see I have been doing it subconsciously.
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    oh my god. thank you for this. my OCD is really bringing me down right now. i mean, i don't just have "quirks." i see a therapist and everything. but right now i can barely focus on anything, let alone weight loss. i was really afraid to admit this in my "status update" but then i saw this forum topic. must be a sign from above that everything will be OK since i have support...
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    My closet is color coordinated and by type of clothing (tops, sweaters, cardigans, tank tops, dresses, vest type things all in separate sections).

    I sort out M&M's by color before I can eat them.

    Everytime I use papertowel in the kitchen to dry my hands, I wipe down the entire counter. Regardless of if it's been used or if it's perfectly clean.

    I cannot wear underwear that do not match my clothing. It would kill be to wear black undies with a blue outfit.

    My morning routine has to be in the same order every single day from when I wake up to how I do things in the shower to what I do before I walk outside.

    I am constantly straightening things in ther respective places. If the angle of a photo frame or something on the table or dresser looks off, it has to be fixed.

    I could think of millions more but my life pretty much revolves around my habits.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    several several times a day I check my zipper on my pants to make sure it is zipped up. My ex never remembered to zip his up so this was the cause of my now ocd habit.
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    After reading all of these, I almost wish that I was more OCD. I'm the person who leaves the cabinet doors open and my closets look a mess.

    I do have to have the radio volume ending in either "0" or "5" though.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    i just have one big one - put stuff back where it belongs.

    Once a place has been assigned for something, then that is where it goes. Not one shelf up, not in a different cabinet, not in that other box, not left in the car, not sitting on a desk...no, no, no. Put it where it goes. Absolutely nothing drives me as insane as trying to find something that should go right THERE ----> <
    only to find someone stashed it away or left it somewhere else.

    And a small one - shut closet and dresser and cabinet doors. There are doors for a reason, to keep the areas separate. So close them.

    I used to count. Counted everything: windows, cracks in the sidewalk, ceiling tiles, signposts, drags on a cigarette, taps/shakes of my foot, steps between locations, doors on a wall, coins in my purse, everything! The counting drove me nuts, so I forced myself to quit. Just consiously stopped the counting when I caught myself doing it, until it was no longer a habit. Thank God!
  • joyfulthanks
    Glad to know I'm not the only one with quirks!

    I CANNOT watch a movie on my computer unless the computer, the table it's on, and the sofa are all perfectly aligned with one another. If things are slightly skewed, it drives me crazy!

    I can't eat dinner if any of my cabinet doors are even slightly ajar.

    The thought of what might be on bottom of shoes completely grosses me out. If anything touches the bottom of my shoes, I wash it.

    My books are ordered by type, historical period (I read historical books), and then height.

    I have alarms set on my phone to keep my day running as orderly as possible.

    I don't like getting out of bed on a number that isn't a multiple of 5.

    My furniture and decorations are pretty precisely aligned. I hate it when they get out of alignment.

    I can't STAND power cords...they are TOO MESSY!

    I edit and re-edit posts for silly little things. And I've already done that to this post...FIVE TIMES! Sigh...I need help! :-)

    I'm sure there are more!
  • AmberMagdalena
    AmberMagdalena Posts: 461 Member
    I hate when people squeeze the middle of the toothpaste.

    When people spit in the bathroom sink and just leave their tooth gunk in there for me to find later.

    When I'm in the car, the radio volume can never be on 13.

    I sort all of my vitamins and supplements out but size before I take them.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    oh my god. thank you for this. my OCD is really bringing me down right now. i mean, i don't just have "quirks." i see a therapist and everything. but right now i can barely focus on anything, let alone weight loss. i was really afraid to admit this in my "status update" but then i saw this forum topic. must be a sign from above that everything will be OK since i have support...

    Well then I feel bad calling mine OCD when they really probably are quirks (though I really can not sleep if my bare feet are touching each other). The best thing for me about MFP is the freedom of anonymity. I can say whatever I want and not worry about being judged b/c really, no one on here knows me in my "real life". :D It's like free therapy for me, so don't be afraid to say whatever you need to! And if anyone does judge, delete their butts!
  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member
    ~ I use 2 different utensils to make peanut butter & jam sandwiches for the kids, because the jam can't end up in the peanut butter & vice versa.

    ~ All the doors in the house have to be closed when I leave.

    ~ I count the stairs as I'm going up or down them.

    ~ I lose it when someone throws milk/water jugs or gallon size juice bottles into the trash can.
  • KnottyRae
    I am totally with you on the first one with the "to-do" lists...I do that all the time...lol!

    I cannot stand things off centered or a bottle turned so the front label isn't showing. I will catch myself straightening bottles/cans on the shelf in the store..lol

    It drives me crazy to start a list (for my own use) and spell something wrong or not like the handwriting...I have written grocery lists 5 times just because I don't like the way it looks when I'm done!!

    **Edited for misspelling...imagine that...lol

    I am THE SAME WAY with my lists. I always tell people "you know how some people like to hear themselves talk? I like to watch myself write." I can spend way too much time re-writing my grocery list just to make sure I like the way it looks...oh and gosh forbid anyone come behind me and add something else to the list in another type or color of pen and in a diff handwriting.

    I make lists for everything and I am absolutely enamored with spreadsheets. My life would collapse without excel. I always hit the unlock button on my car remote 4 times even though it doesn't do anything to push it more then once. If I'm not awake by 4:00a or 5:00a...if it's one minute past the hour then I stay in bed until 45min past the hour. Even if it makes me late.

    It's really quite funny to read through these posts and see just how many people have gone back and edited their posts...
  • jlzrdking
    jlzrdking Posts: 501 Member
    *I "type" words in my head. Sometimes I will hear a word, and in my head (and sometimes I will move my fingers too) I will type it out to see how the letters flow

    I type too, cannot believe there is someone else that does this.... so relieved.

    Also I cannot handle burned out light bulbs I have to change them right away.

    I have to make sure all clocks are set so no flashing 12:00 at my house

    Also when I go grocery shopping I have a pattern I use to go through the store and I cannot break this pattern. I have now gotten my gf used to this pattern. Once I have finished my pattern I can go back and randomly shop all I want.
  • BlueAventer
    *The volume in my car has to be at a multiple of 5. I usually keep it on 25.

    *When I eat Skittles, I pour them all out of the bag, then I line them all up in a row, by color.

    *Every door in my apartment has to be closed. I will walk around and close them all.

    *I don't write the number 11, ever. I will spell it out if I have to, but I don't write it.

    *When I lock apartment door, I check it three times.

    *When I park my car for the night, every vent has to be the same direction; and I turn off the air.