OCD Confessions



  • bhb301
    bhb301 Posts: 338 Member
    Ok I feel so normal reading these .. We all do have issues
  • ziggy67
    ziggy67 Posts: 351
    I thought I was bad.....here's some of mine:-

    Shoes have to be arranged in neat rows and pairs left/right (not right/left!)
    Clothes have to be hung up and put away in separate colour groups...all reds together..all blues together etc...
    Cushions have to be plumped up on the sofa if nobody is sitting on it

    I also have a phobia about using public conveniences (loo seat, flush,door handles and taps) and carry disinfectant wipes in my handbag

    Don't get me started on pubs and restaurants...I can't bear dirty tables or the thought of drinking out of a dirty cup or glass
  • MondaysChild81
    MondaysChild81 Posts: 158 Member
    *The volume in my car has to be at a multiple of 5. I usually keep it on 25.

    *When I eat Skittles, I pour them all out of the bag, then I line them all up in a row, by color.

    *Every door in my apartment has to be closed. I will walk around and close them all.

    *I don't write the number 11, ever. I will spell it out if I have to, but I don't write it.

    *When I lock apartment door, I check it three times.

    *When I park my car for the night, every vent has to be the same direction; and I turn off the air.

    I too have to line up all the skittles sort them and eat them colour order!

    I also have to do things in 3's (check oven is off, kiss my boyfriend 3 times, have him kiss me three times, three biscuits etc etc)!
  • sewerchick93
    sewerchick93 Posts: 1,440 Member
    I count the steps as I travel up or down them

    When I have a handful of candy that has different colors, I count how many of each color I have and the color that has the most number, I will eat down until it is equal with the next color count, then I alternately eat those 2 colors down until they are equal with the next color count...and so on. When I have an even number of all colors, I then eat them in a certain color order.

    Toilet seat and lid MUST be down

    When I put a stack of mail out for the carrier, they have to be arranged from the longest to the shortest and if two or more are the same length then they are arranged by height.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    When I have a handful of candy that has different colors, I count how many of each color I have and the color that has the most number, I will eat down until it is equal with the next color count, then I alternately eat those 2 colors down until they are equal with the next color count...and so on. When I have an even number of all colors, I then eat them in a certain color order.

    I definitely do that one, too.
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    I am a counter too. I count everythiing. People have noticed so I try to keep it to myself. I have always done it since I was a kid and I don't think I can stop. It doesn't seem to affect my everyday life other than people giving me strange looks when they notice the habit. lol

    I check and double check the stove, flat iron, curling iron and candles to make sure they are off or blown out.
    I double check locks on doors.

    Certain foods have to be eaten in order. Usually from least tasty to most tasty. : )

    I have a specific routine that has to be in order when getting out of the shower, getting reaady for bed and even changing into my clothes or workout gear. I feel like I will forget something if I don't do things in order.

    I'd love to say that I am obsessive about being organized. While I'd love everything to be in its place, it is not. The rest of my life is utter chaos and I like it that way. But I know where everything is. Organized chaos?!
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    When I was in grade school and the teacher was handing out a quiz or an assignment I would always switch with someone becasue I was convinved I would fail if I didn't have that specific piece of paper. This will still happen in the store, I feel like I have to have that box of mac and cheeses over all the other ones.

    I can not study if the house is dirty. I feel like this is more an avoidance thing but once I start cleaning I can not stop. I notice the dust and dog hair and will get so upset about. I can't handel haveing a dirty house.

    Everyonce in a while I will have this overwhelming urge to touch something. It might be a car I am passing by or a light post but I have to touch it.
  • CaptainMFP
    CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
    My DVD's must be organized alphabetically by title; CD's alphabetically by artist and then arranged in order of album release date! :)
  • felly07
    felly07 Posts: 43 Member
    I count - a lot - I like to do things in 3s, but 7s, 10s and 13s are ok too. (Volume, squirts of shampoo you name it)

    I hate the number 4. Can't abide it ever since I saw an HSBC advert which informed me that the chinese thought the number was unlucky becuase it's very close to the word for death. I hate when it's 4th of the month like today :(

    If I bang one elbow I have to bang the other - God I have looked stupid doing this in public.

    Hate seeing one magpie, I will hunt the other one out.

    I have to sit on the left on pubic transport.

    I have certain songs that if I hear I think I am going to have a bad day.

    If I wear something and have a bad day I will then consider it unlucky and won't wear it again.

    I won't step on grids or under road signs.

    I used to be really bad when I was younger, I'd have to say this prayer every night which ould get longer and longer untl it took me an hour to finish. I also had to wear this ring even though it made my finger turn green, in the end one of my friends just threw it away. After that I got a lot better, although I still do all of the above so I am definitely not cured! Oh God just re-read this - I am a freak!
  • SMarie1219
    I eat one thing at a time. If I start with my veggies I have to finish those before moving on to meat and then have to eat all of that. I can't stand for my food to be mixed on my plate or touching eachother unless it was made that way.

    My money must be organized in my wallet.

    I balance my checkbook daily.

    Toys must be put away by color.
  • BamaMomma
    water droplets in the sink, in the shower, on the floor, etc...after i shower, after i wash my hands, i wipe it down. i like things to be dry.
  • smelius22
    smelius22 Posts: 334 Member
    if you put trash in the pockets on the back of my car seats, i'll kill you.

    don't dare put a pen right-side up on my pen cup.. i like them writing-side down so the ink runs towards the point.

    it is spelled Y'ALL, not YA'LL.. i was taught in english that you put an apostrophe in the place of the missing letters in a conjunctive word.. since it is meant to say YOU ALL (not ya all), the apostrophe goes before ALL.. duh
  • kerriknox
    kerriknox Posts: 276 Member
    When I have a handful of candy that has different colors, I count how many of each color I have and the color that has the most number, I will eat down until it is equal with the next color count, then I alternately eat those 2 colors down until they are equal with the next color count...and so on. When I have an even number of all colors, I then eat them in a certain color order.

    I definitely do that one, too.

    I do this one too!

    Also - I do math in my head all the time. I often look at people and by guessing their height and weight calculate how much they weigh per inch, or their age and ehight, how many mm they grow per day etc etc
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Im pretty laid back but I have a few. Lets see....

    1. My workouts have to end in an even number. either the miles or the minutes. I keep going to round to the nicest whole number
    2. Ugh... this one is so dumb.... when I cook something thats supposed to cook at 425. I cook it at 420. I guess it was funny once but now its stuck. Im the same way with the thermostat. Its on 69 instead of 70
  • kbarry90
    kbarry90 Posts: 48
    When I have a handful of candy that has different colors, I count how many of each color I have and the color that has the most number, I will eat down until it is equal with the next color count, then I alternately eat those 2 colors down until they are equal with the next color count...and so on. When I have an even number of all colors, I then eat them in a certain color order.

    i thought i was the only one who does this
  • Ajontheguitar
    Im pretty laid back but I have a few. Lets see....

    1. My workouts have to end in an even number. either the miles or the minutes. I keep going to round to the nicest whole number
    2. Ugh... this one is so dumb.... when I cook something thats supposed to cook at 425. I cook it at 420. I guess it was funny once but now its stuck. Im the same way with the thermostat. Its on 69 instead of 70

    I'm like that with the thermostat too.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Im pretty laid back but I have a few. Lets see....

    1. My workouts have to end in an even number. either the miles or the minutes. I keep going to round to the nicest whole number
    2. Ugh... this one is so dumb.... when I cook something thats supposed to cook at 425. I cook it at 420. I guess it was funny once but now its stuck. Im the same way with the thermostat. Its on 69 instead of 70

    I'm like that with the thermostat too.

    :laugh: go figure!

    Another one... I cant eat an odd number of things. If I have an oreo (which Im craving right now grrrr) I have to have two. Gets me in trouble.
  • Riebop
    Riebop Posts: 275
    Im pretty laid back but I have a few. Lets see....

    1. My workouts have to end in an even number. either the miles or the minutes. I keep going to round to the nicest whole number
    2. Ugh... this one is so dumb.... when I cook something thats supposed to cook at 425. I cook it at 420. I guess it was funny once but now its stuck. Im the same way with the thermostat. Its on 69 instead of 70

    I'm like that with the thermostat too.

    :laugh: go figure!

    Another one... I cant eat an odd number of things. If I have an oreo (which Im craving right now grrrr) I have to have two. Gets me in trouble.

    Generally, when I have oreos, I have to have 4.... or 6... 2 just won't cut it.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Im pretty laid back but I have a few. Lets see....

    1. My workouts have to end in an even number. either the miles or the minutes. I keep going to round to the nicest whole number
    2. Ugh... this one is so dumb.... when I cook something thats supposed to cook at 425. I cook it at 420. I guess it was funny once but now its stuck. Im the same way with the thermostat. Its on 69 instead of 70

    I'm like that with the thermostat too.

    :laugh: go figure!

    Another one... I cant eat an odd number of things. If I have an oreo (which Im craving right now grrrr) I have to have two. Gets me in trouble.

    Generally, when I have oreos, I have to have 4.... or 6... 2 just won't cut it.

    eeeeexactly! Now no more oreo talk!!! :sad:
  • beccau_20
    beccau_20 Posts: 191 Member
    I wonder what it is about even numbers, I'm that way too, although I'm okay with multiples of 5.

    I like to eat M&Ms in twos, preferably by matching color. Also, when eating anything colorful, I eat them in order of the colors I like best.