Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30



  • runningathena
    runningathena Posts: 218 Member
    I totally want to do RI30... just have to get a copy first!
  • sweetchick06
    sweetchick06 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi everyone! I have just about every Jillian Michaels, Bob Harper, and the Biggest Loser DVDs. LOL

    My current workout regime include Jillian’s Ripped (tonight will be Week 1 Day 6). I will be alternating Ripped with the C25K running plan. I am currently on week 3. I am also throwing in Jillian’s 6 Week 6 Pack. I just started doing Level One again; I truly hate Level 2. Week 1 of Ripped has been easy for me, but it’s exactly what I need right now.

    A bit about me…I lost 130 pounds on Weight Watchers. Since February, I have gained 15 of those pounds back due to stress (DH out of work for over a year, bills and cost of living increasing, problems with DS 15 and school, etc). I have been struggling to get back into a solid exercise and eating routine for two months now, losing a pound then gaining a pound. It’s because I have not been that strict on myself or held myself accountable. I very easily give into temptations. I have completely loss the mojo that I had when I lost the 130.

    Since WW transferred over to Points Plus I switched to counting calories and eat 1200-1300 calories a day. I can’t wait to get these 13 pounds completely off! I know 15 pounds does not sound like a lot but it did add a lot of inches back on. I went from a size 4/6 to a very tight and flabby 10.
  • Juliane1986
    Juliane1986 Posts: 138 Member
    I totally want to do RI30... just have to get a copy first!

    Definitely pick it up!! It's a great workout. I think it's pretty easy to get a copy. They seem to have them quite frequently at walmart, target. Not sure what's close to you.

    Best of luck and keep us posted when you get started!
  • Juliane1986
    Juliane1986 Posts: 138 Member
    Hi everyone! I have just about every Jillian Michaels, Bob Harper, and the Biggest Loser DVDs. LOL

    My current workout regime include Jillian’s Ripped (tonight will be Week 1 Day 6). I will be alternating Ripped with the C25K running plan. I am currently on week 3. I am also throwing in Jillian’s 6 Week 6 Pack. I just started doing Level One again; I truly hate Level 2. Week 1 of Ripped has been easy for me, but it’s exactly what I need right now.

    A bit about me…I lost 130 pounds on Weight Watchers. Since February, I have gained 15 of those pounds back due to stress (DH out of work for over a year, bills and cost of living increasing, problems with DS 15 and school, etc). I have been struggling to get back into a solid exercise and eating routine for two months now, losing a pound then gaining a pound. It’s because I have not been that strict on myself or held myself accountable. I very easily give into temptations. I have completely loss the mojo that I had when I lost the 130.

    Since WW transferred over to Points Plus I switched to counting calories and eat 1200-1300 calories a day. I can’t wait to get these 13 pounds completely off! I know 15 pounds does not sound like a lot but it did add a lot of inches back on. I went from a size 4/6 to a very tight and flabby 10.

    Hey there!! Welcome!! 130lbs lost thats definitely something to be proud of, regardless of whether you put 15 back on. That's a hell of a loss and at least you know you have the right mentality to get back on track. I love your enthusiasm. I hope we can all be a support to you as we have been to each other. Let us know how your workouts go and don't forget to take before and after pictures and measurements. Even if you don't want to share them they definitely help with seeing progress yourself.

    I'm tempted to try 6 week 6 pack. How is it?
  • afecklessdolt
    Hello Everyone!

    I have been reading through all the posts on here and they are very helpful, I never knew there were so many people in this with me! I have been doing Ripped in 30 for about a week now. This morning I was on Level 2 Day 1. Man, that first burst of cario in plank is killer!

    Overall I feel like I'm fairly healthy but I want to loose about 25-30 pounds. I am 5'3'' and weigh 145 right now. I didn't loose any this week doing Jillian which was a little frustrating but I know I'm putting on muscle and I've also been counting calories. Anyway, my main reason for this post was a quick question. I love Jillian but I don't want to bulk up, I want to slim down. Right now I know I'm adding a lot more muscle, but does anyone who followed the program longer have experience with adding bulky muscle instead of just getting more firm and toned?

    Thanks and congrats to everyone on here finding success with Jillian! She kicks your butt but I love her anyway.
  • Juliane1986
    Juliane1986 Posts: 138 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    I have been reading through all the posts on here and they are very helpful, I never knew there were so many people in this with me! I have been doing Ripped in 30 for about a week now. This morning I was on Level 2 Day 1. Man, that first burst of cario in plank is killer!

    Overall I feel like I'm fairly healthy but I want to loose about 25-30 pounds. I am 5'3'' and weigh 145 right now. I didn't loose any this week doing Jillian which was a little frustrating but I know I'm putting on muscle and I've also been counting calories. Anyway, my main reason for this post was a quick question. I love Jillian but I don't want to bulk up, I want to slim down. Right now I know I'm adding a lot more muscle, but does anyone who followed the program longer have experience with adding bulky muscle instead of just getting more firm and toned?

    Thanks and congrats to everyone on here finding success with Jillian! She kicks your butt but I love her anyway.

    Hey there, I wouldn't worry too much about bulking up significantly doing Ripped in 30. I'm no expert but from what I've read, even though you most likely didn't see results on the scale you'll probably notice yourself losing inches. Eventually the fat will also come off and you'll start to see more muscle definition. Your building up that definition under the fat right now so when you burn enough off you won't just be skinny, you'll be toned and defined.

    Here is a great article that I am constantly going back to that explains a little about losing body fat versus losing muscle and also explains about how women technically cannot "bulk up" the way men can.


    Here is also another thread that I saved about why the scale lies. I highly recommend it http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/160943-why-the-scale-lies?hl=why+the+scale+lies

    I hope these help. If I have anything else I think you might like I'll post it!

    Good luck.
  • sweetchick06
    sweetchick06 Posts: 30 Member
    Juliane1986, thank you for the welcome. I enjoy JM’s 6 week 6 pack. I have found that I need to keep up with a constant regimen of ab exercises in order to keep the flab in control. It’s the first area I gain weight, and the last area where I lose it from. The DVD is two levels; level one for three weeks and level two the last three weeks. I enjoy level one more because in incorporates more mat work. Level 2 is more standing ab work and I am hopeless when it comes to balance. Check out a preview of it on Collage Video’s website.

    Afecklessdolt, welcome! Many woman fear strength for the fear of “bulking up”. I was once that woman and stayed as far away from it as possible. I have learned that women do not have the correct hormones to “bulk up” like a man does, namely testosterone. You would need to put in some serious, serious, serious gym time in order to bulk up! There are so many great benefits from incorporating strength into your routine. Muscle burns fat. And muscle will give you a nice long, lean appearance.
  • Summerleahd
    Summerleahd Posts: 314 Member
    Took a rest day today. These kids are draining me! I did run around outside with them for two hours, chasing them, picking them up, tossing them in the air, so at least I got some activity in. I couldnt believe i could run around with them in circles and not get winded. We also got some dancing in lol I remember doing the same thing last year and i couldnt keep up. Now i had more energy then them! So after I cleaned up dinner and gave my girls a bath I just couldnt bring myself to work out and chilled with hubby instead.

    I seriously love love taking care of these kids. It's fun, rewarding, and keeps me more active then I was when it was just me and my girls.

    but I will do it tomorrow! Now I'm wishing that I did it lol i always feel so accomplished when I'm done :)
  • misscollegiate
    I started Week 3 today and I have to say that's actually my favorite compared to Week 2. I believe Week 2 was definitely hard for me because of those planks. I'm liking Week 3 because she really makes us work out our legs & thighs. I find when I'm jumping a lot, I build up a lot of stamina. Imma try to only rest one day this week which will be Sat. As Jillian would say, "Let's fight for it. You say you wanna be Ripped in 30, I didn't say it was going to be easy." Also, I love how she actually really "thanked us" for keeping up with the DVD in Week 3.
  • Juliane1986
    Juliane1986 Posts: 138 Member
    I worked out with my trainer this morning so I'm going to do Jillian's DVD tomorrow. I was really excited when I walked into her studio today. She put my before and after pics up on the wall! Embarassing but also flattering! LOL. Definitely an inspiration to keep working hard.

    Have a nice weekend everyone! I'll check back in tomorrow after my workout.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    did level 2 day 3 yesterday! getting a teeny bit easier now! lol!
  • sweetchick06
    sweetchick06 Posts: 30 Member
    Last night I did Week 1 Day 6 as well as Jillian's 6 Week 6 Pack Level 1. Level one of Ripped has been pretty easy for me so I have been really focusing on form. Tonight is a running night for me, so C25K W3D2 and Jillian's Abs.
  • Juliane1986
    Juliane1986 Posts: 138 Member
    Last night I did Week 1 Day 6 as well as Jillian's 6 Week 6 Pack Level 1. Level one of Ripped has been pretty easy for me so I have been really focusing on form. Tonight is a running night for me, so C25K W3D2 and Jillian's Abs.

    I wish I had your stamina!!!!
  • Juliane1986
    Juliane1986 Posts: 138 Member
    did level 2 day 3 yesterday! getting a teeny bit easier now! lol!

    We're right about the same level! If I have the energy to do it today I'll be at day 3 level 2 as well....if not...tomorrow!
  • 2dayirun4me
    2dayirun4me Posts: 336 Member
    I'm on level 1 day 3 its my new favorite
  • sweetchick06
    sweetchick06 Posts: 30 Member
    Last night I did Week 1 Day 6 as well as Jillian's 6 Week 6 Pack Level 1. Level one of Ripped has been pretty easy for me so I have been really focusing on form. Tonight is a running night for me, so C25K W3D2 and Jillian's Abs.

    I wish I had your stamina!!!!

    It sounds like a lot, but truly it's not. It equates to about 1 hour to 1 hour and 15 minutes a day, 6 days a week. I wish I had time for more, but I am out of the house 10 or 11 hours a day for work. I am lucky to have a family that understand I need an hour to myself to workout. I get home at about 6:30, take 15 minutes to unwind from a public transportation commute, then will either run first and have dinner after, or dinner first and a DVD after.
  • Summerleahd
    Summerleahd Posts: 314 Member
    Hope you ladies are doing well! I haven't done ripped yet today I'm gonna wait till after hubby gets home so he can watch the kids but I have ran around outside with the kids for an hour and I did 40 mins of 10 min trainer
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    doing week 3 day 3 today; let us pray, lol! its very serious..but i do want to be ripped so..
  • Summerleahd
    Summerleahd Posts: 314 Member
    Completed w3d2! only four more days till I can move on, I also did her bfbm video. When I was finally done I thought I was going to die
  • afecklessdolt
    Thank you to everyone for the great references and support! All your responses we're very helpful. I just did day 2 of Week 2 today, and wow am I sore, but luckily tomorrow is Saturday and since I don't have to work, I can still work out, but not at 5:00am like I have to do during the week!

    It's great to have a supportive community, thank you for all the wisdom, and to everyone who is working hard through Week 1, 2 and beyond, hang in there!