When you were 17...



  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Figure out a way to get through school without student loans. It'll be a monkey on your back for most of the rest of your life.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I know you think you're in love, but you aren't. He is a loser
    Go to college
    Be nicer to your parents, they really love you and want to see you have a happy life.
    Quit smoking NOW.

    Oh and enjoy the fact that you can eat anything you want and be skinny because the second you turn 31 all hell breaks loose.
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    Everytime you try to dye your hair blue it's going to come out green.

    Nine Inch Nails is never going to put out an album as good as Pretty Hate Machine.

    The WRX will come to America in 9 years and you're gonna want one, BAD! So start saving now so you can buy one with cash.

    I know you love your tapes but the sooner you switch to CD's the happier you'll be. You wont be able to rip off BMG and Columbia House forever.

    You best friend is treating your boyfriend like **** because she's in love with him and she jealous.

    Let your dad teach you how to work on cars. He's going to die soon and you'll regret that you didn't learn that skill when you had the chance.
  • jessradtke
    jessradtke Posts: 418 Member
    I would tell my 17 year old self:

    Don't be so freaking serious! Have some fun for goodness sake! There will be much more serious things to come.

    And don't wait to do the things you really want to do. Do them now! You may not have the chance later on.

    Don't be in a hurry to get to adulthood, it will come all to quickly on it's own.

    You will never figure what you want to be when you grow up because you will never, ever feel like you're a "grown up". (Like fteale said, our bodies will age, but we will always feel 17 inside. It's a weird feeling and rather jarring when you look in the mirror.)

    Enjoy each and every moment with the people you love because as you get older the years go by SO much faster and at the end you'll still wish you had more time with them.

    Follow your instincts...they're spot on.
  • jessradtke
    jessradtke Posts: 418 Member
    One more thing...never have regrets about ANYTHING. It's a waste of your time and energy. Learn from the experience and move on.
  • SarahR1984
    SarahR1984 Posts: 212
    Stop trying to fit in and impress people
    Wear sunscreen always! take care of your skin, you'll wish you had when those wrinkles start showing up!
    Don't drink excessively, you will do things you regret...
    Remember what's important in life and don't get caught up in materialistic stuff
    Stick to your principles :) no matter what.
  • haylz24
    haylz24 Posts: 225
    Oh and not be afraid to stick up to your dads wife. Report her to social services.

    Go to otley college no matter your Grandad says and get the job you've always wanted.
  • ApproachingDusk
    I would say to stay away from the drama. Its really not worth it.
    Don't spend all your money. Learn to save money, even if its just a little at a time and dont touch it unless its an emergency!
    Learn to love yourself and your body, and take care of it.
    Don't drink so much, its not worth the hangover!
  • courtneylwatson
    courtneylwatson Posts: 260 Member
    Use Protection... EVERY TIME!

    When you rebel against your parents now you are just rebelling against your future self, if the risks out weigh the benefits do not do it!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Never ever ever ever EVER get even ONE credit card! NONE! They're awful things that will cause nothing but stress later in life!

    Definitely this!

    Also when you and Dad are alone in that hospital room witness to him! (Ok, I know you're not going to understand this right now, but just remember it and when you're in your 20's it'll make sense. :smile: ) It'll be the last chance you have. :cry: He's not going to live forever! :sad:

    Also, don't move to Washington State just because George broke up with you. You will get back together with him and short distance relationships are better than long distance relationships. Also propose to him before it's too late even though you know he will say no. He's not going to live forever! I know you'll be in your 40's in these two cases but trust me on this.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    -Give the ring back....you are too young to be engaged! (I wound up pregnant at 18, married at 19, divorced at 26)
    -Keep your friends close...they never let you down.
    -Don't sacrifice your ideals to conform to someone elses.
    -Know that life has many bumps and hurdles along the way...but you will make it through them.
    -Remember that sticking up for others is what matters...keep true.
    -Stay Straightedge....best decision you can make.
    -Tell Rebekkeh to not get in that car. (she died in a head on collision because I didn't take the keys from the driver).
    -Stay true to yourself.
  • BAMA66
    BAMA66 Posts: 240
    Choose a lucrative career path now and stick with it. You'll be glad you did later.

    My thoughts also, crave knowledge and read about anything that interests you
  • Amysgetnfit
    advice for myself & others...

    -Stay in school, finish college.
    -Never miss an opportunity to learn, If you pay attention you will be surprised just how big a classroom the world is.
    -Enjoy being 17, 17-25 are some fun years & they go by way too fast
    -Trust your gut, if something is telling you its a bad idea, it probably is.
    -if you have to worry about getting caught you probably shouldnt be doing it- (whatever IT is)
    -Boys grow older into men, but they NEVER grow up
    -If it looks like "this is gonna hurt" it probably will....but scars are tatoos with better stories, that you wont forget how you got.
    - TRUE friends you can count on one hand. (these are the people you can call at 3am in trouble & they will come bail your butt out of jail or whatever predicament you find yourself in. Throughout life you will have lots of good fun aquaintances, but TRUE FRIENDS are rare, take care of them.
    _ your family may be certifiably crazy, but at the end they are the only ones you have, & you cant escape DNA!
  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    Figure out a way to get through school without student loans. It'll be a monkey on your back for most of the rest of your life.

    ^^ Second that
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    It's weird, the different things we would say. I wouldn't have dreamed of having sex by 17, and the thought of doing so without protection was beyond comprehension. I was still a child at 17, and in many ways still am.
  • sblair77
    sblair77 Posts: 355 Member
    I can't think of a thing I would tell myself. How boring...
    I just don't have any regrets (despite making many MANY mistakes) so I can't think of what I'd say except, "Way to go, slugger!" And I'd knock myself on the chin a little.

    I agree! I did make TONS of mistakes but they were fun and I enjoyed every last minute of it. I was pretty darned good at it too.

    Now I am a responsible adult that has done everything in order (schooling, work, fun, date, career, married, move-in together, working on kids) and I'm further along in my career than my friends who knew better at 17 and one of the few who didn't have a baby before marriage.

    I love all my mistakes and successes. I own them.
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    definitely trust your gut, as a previous commenter said.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    It's weird, the different things we would say. I wouldn't have dreamed of having sex by 17, and the thought of doing so without protection was beyond comprehension. I was still a child at 17, and in many ways still am.

    I didn't think I would either. My ex husband was my 'first' and I was with him for nearly 11 years. He cheated on me...and that's what ended everything. Also, we were using protection....but it doesn't always work...and with only one child during that 11 years is kind of amazing.
  • elsham
    elsham Posts: 549 Member
    This was only 3 years ago, but...

    Don't spend so much time on the computer. There's trees and air and life outside. Real people too! It's great! (Plus, it really is bad for your eyes. I wish I listened when my parents would yell "GET OFF THE COMPUTER/DON'T READ IN THE DARK, IT'S BAD FOR YOUR EYES!" My eyes are really F'd up now.)

    Don't be shy. I let so many opportunities and friendships pass by b/c of this, and I only realize this now because I'm so much less shy and enjoy myself so much more because of it.

    Don't care about what others might think of you, especially in high school. It really DOESN'T matter. Don't choose what you do and don't do based on what you think people will think (as in, don't give in to peer pressure and all that stuff).

    You know that argument you had with a friend or that comment or even that REALLY upset you? Ask yourself if it's going to matter in ten years. Chances are, you won't even remember it in like 2 years, let alone 10, so why get upset and think your world is going to end?

    Make at least 1 friend that you'll keep in touch with. I'm SO happy I did this, it really is amazing.

    EDIT: I though of another one. Start figuring out what you want to do with your life by exploring DIFFERENT fields, b/c when you hit 20 and you think you knew what you wanted to do with the rest of your life and then you do some of it and realize it SUCKS, you're in trouble.
  • BillyC96
    BillyC96 Posts: 7,560 Member
    Don't smoke!