Sixers Holiday Challenge Week 1



  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving y'all.......
    day is planned and recorded. i have 400 something left for any extras or miscounts, pickings, etc. i workout with the BL cardio max and only burned 400. was shocked i use to burn 500/600. i told DH when he got up that i am in too good of shape anymore:wink: . was hoping to burn more. so when shanell gets here we can go walk around the block a time or two. if she doesn't want to go i will drag the girls with me. they're go anywhere with ganny:wink: .
    new outfit looks good, need to take pic. everything is cooked and just need to peel potatoes and put the turkey in the oven and it's all done. i just thought that why overeat when you always have leftovers and can eat these items for a few more days. if you make a healthier meal than you will be fine.

    well off to find something to do. have a great day ladies. i may/may not check back later. if not see you tomorrow.
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Happy Thanksgiving to all!

    I just wanted to say hello. I need to go workout now, probably the treadmill or a dvd. My Mom and I still have some more dishes to cook but I can't wait. Last year I wasn't home for thanksgiving and then at Christmas my Mom didn't make any sweetpotato pie .... so its been a while since I had any. PORTIONS are the key.

    Take care... see ya at the weigh in tomorrow! Great idea!!!

  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    What a beautiful picture Cathy! I can see a difference!
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Today is going to be so hard to not overeat. I made 2 pecan pies and an apple pie and bought a pumpkin pie and some cool whip. I have the turkey in the oven and my mother in law has the ham at her house. I wont have time to workout today either. I cant leave while I am cooking. I will makeup for it tomorrow.

  • domjar
    domjar Posts: 19

    happy turkey Day

    Do some squats around the house!!! try to get 4 sets of 25 Easy!!!
  • pdxmomof2
    Happy Thanksgiving! :smooched: :smooched: :smooched:
  • rlh0614
    rlh0614 Posts: 73 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving. Big shopping day tomorrow... Im going to have to weigh in late.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    over ate sick to my tummy. and i don't think i even went over calories. it was just toooooo much food at one time. i will post pics of what our table looked liked when i can get a good internet speed. when son turns off his computer.
    not weighing in tomorrow. going to gym with shanell at 10.
    see you tomorrow.
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Mommy, you looked so good today. I'm starting to really see the weight lose big time, and I see it everywhere, even your arms!!!:flowerforyou: Keep up the good work.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all my American MFP pals, and hope everyone had a wonderful day today.

    I filled my plate today and ate only half of it, I was so full. I was shocked. Going to the gym tomorrow, hope I can make it, haven't done that in a long time.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful night. Later, Shanell:heart:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    thanks sweetie. i saw your collar bones:happy:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    So, I'm feeling a little low the last day or so. I know all of the logical responses and I keep talking myself through them but I just really wanted to vent a little... I know I have made incredible progress over the course of 5 months. I mean, 45lbs in FIVE months?? That's good stuff. And my whole life my biggest trouble spot is my abdomen. And of course after a couple of pregnancies my skin is really loose anyway. But it's not just the skin, it's the FAT! I know my general appearance is pretty fit these days. But under my clothes I feel like I've got this secret of a wobbly belly and I am just in this place (for some reason) where I feel like it will never ever go away. I don't know where this is coming from! I know I have to be patient and I know that the longer fat has been in a particular spot, the longer it will take for it to come off (body fat is burned first from areas that are closest to blood supply. It's a matter of physical adaptation to the path of least resistance. When the body stores fat in an area for a long time, it basically closes down near-by vessels because they aren't necessary. So when we burn fat, of course the stuff that is easiest to access goes first!). So I have this fear that I'll be able to get lean and muscular all over my body but this awful spot of poor self-esteem and self-consciousness that has plagued me since the age of 5 will stay and haunt me forever. So of course, because I've been dwelling on this unhealthy thought, I've been feeling so "fat" and dumpy. :frown:
    Me venting is my effort to NOT get into a bad spiral about it. I'm actually fairly confident that part of it is not having been to the gym between Saturday and Wednesday and I'm planning on holding true to my schedule so the exercise endorphins will of course help my mood.

    Thanks for listening ladies, I appreciate the understanding!! I want to bust it this month and really see a change between now and New Years and I just need to keep up the good work and not let my occasional self-deprecating thoughts get the better of me.

    I'm glad you guys are having a good thanksgiving so far!!! :flowerforyou:
  • pdxmomof2
    Pedal- I can relate to your feelings. Sometimes just getting it out makes us feel better. Fuel of that negative energy by tackling that gym next week and getting on track. You look wonderful and 45 pounds in 5 months is absolutely wonderful! Keep it up! You will get your body back, like you said, it will be that last part that will come together for you!

    I just got home from Thanksgiving dinner. I am happy to report that I did not overeat. I was full from just the small portions that I had on my plate. I took a few bites of everything and at NO DESERT at all! Pumpkin is my absolute favorite so it was hard but I did it. I think it was getting on the scale this morning and actually being down to 193! I was excited. That is a pound down since tuesday. I just think that I kept that in mind and knew I didnt want to put 3 on in one day!

    Tomorrow is crazy shopping day. I cant do any shopping yet but friend of mine and I go every year, we get coffee, have lunch, etc. The crowds dont bother me. So I have an early morning! Up at 4am. Yikes.

    Goodnight all!

    PS...Saturday is my day to start C25K! I am excited. I have the schedule all printed off.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Amy, thanks so much for understanding :flowerforyou: AND, your new pic is great!! What a difference in your face, woman!! :drinker: Congrats also on doing so well with your Thanksgiving meal. That's excellent. That's an early start to the day tomorrow, yikes! We don't have a shopping tradition day like that here. It's amazing how early some people get up but I know a lot of people have fun traditions with friends and isn't that what it's all about?? I think you'll love C25K. I always look very forward to it!

    Cass, I hope you're lurking my friend. Thanks for mentioning that program - seems like a lot of us are following your lead :wink: And you'll get back on it when you're good and ready.

    So, venting here earlier did seem to help me out. Thanks again for listening without judgment. It actually enables me to better resist judging myself as well :smile: I'm an avid reader of Oxygen Magazine and I'm always so inspired when I read a new issue (partly content, partly the stunning physiques of the fitness models!) so I went though and cut out some of the pics that inspire me (mostly women who have similar frames to me, I'd say) and put a few up. One inside the door of our pantry, one inside my fridge (literally, on the wall of the fridge :laugh: ) and one on my kitchen wall. It's also got some good training routine "keep it fresh" tips so I can browse those when I get bored with my workout schedule. I guess I'll see if it helps! I think it may...

    Alright, back to cleaning. Trying to catch up as my monkeys are little hurricanes these days!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    hope this works.......our dinner table yesterday......

    glad it's over with.....
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Holy Moly Cathy! Did you feed an army with all that food? I thought we had a lot, but nothing like your table!

    Well, I did eat too much. Not to the point of being sick, I was just a little uncomfortable (not as bad as DH, who had to do the whole unbuttoning and unzipping his pants to accomodate). We waited a few hours after dinner to have dessert (toll house chocolate pie). Because of that, I didn't have any supper. Only my husband and one of the kids actually felt like eating supper last night! So, it could have been worse than it was.

    I stepped on the scale this morning... who wanted to weigh in on Fridays? lol I'm not just blaming it on all the food I ate, I was a little low on drinking my water. And lets see what else I can blame it on... Oh yeah, I weighed myself at 3:30 am, instead of 7 or 8. I'm sure I would have lost more weight if I weighed in at the regular time :laugh:

    SW: 194
    CW: 195

    Have a good day everyone!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Cathy, that's quite a spread!!

    Robyn, I think today is a crazy day to weigh in. I'm not entirely sure I'm going to participate in both weigh-ins. We'll see... part of me feels like it's a good thing but part of me feels like if I slip up I have less time to "recover" and it will put negative pressure on me. Who knows. I'm amazed part of your family ate supper last night!!

    Well I hope everyone is having a great one. I started my day with such a yummy breakfast today: I toasted a whole wheat tortilla in the pan then I scrambled 1 egg & 3 tbsp egg whites with some spices. I spread salsa on the toasted tortilla, put the eggs on it, shredded a 1/4 cup of skim milk cheese on top then put it under the broiler for a minute to melt the cheese. I had a cup of orange juice with it. Super tasty and packed with, well, EVERYTHING!!

    The rest of my meals look like:

    apple w/ 1 tbsp almond butter
    water-packed tuna w/ vegan mayo (tastes exactly the same as regular but is a FRACTION of the calories and fats!!), spices and carrots plus a green salad w/ balsamic vinegar
    chocolate protein shake
    1/2 sprouted grain bagel w/ almond butter & banana
    lentil vegetable chicken curry
    1 pumpkin orange oatmeal cranberry mini muffin (can you tell we like to concoct muffin recipes at my house?? :laugh: ...always some new crazy and delicious combo coming to be!)

    Not sure about exercise. DH is having a vasectomy this morning :huh: so I'll try to get some weight training in here at home later on. We also have people coming through for an insurance inspection. Our landlord just had the house re-zoned to include a previously illegal suite so the company needs to come inspect everything. Joy.
    I'm going to try to write out a schedule for this month with all of our events and plans so that I can a) see when I can schedule in my work-outs to stay on them and b) so I can identify where my challenges are and set up a game plan.

    I hope shopping goes well for those of you who are participating! Amy I'm thinking of you and your early wake-up this morning!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey hey girlies! I am just checking in quick. Let me update:

    Wednesday evening was good...quick dinner of cereal (I know I know) then went to BootCamp, then grocery shopping. Went to bed under in calories.

    Yesterday I got up and went to a spinning class in the morning, then we headed off to Cedar Rapids. I was good with my portions and enjoyed everything! Even had some pumpkin AND strawberry rhubard pie!

    Today I weighed in and am SO happy to report that I am down a pound (at 158)!!!!!!!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: So...a successful Thanksgiving (so far, that is). I went to a Step class earlier and am now at my parents and we are getting ready to have our dinner here. SO, as long as I can be as good as yesterday, I should still see a loss by next weigh-in on Tuesday! YAY! to eat. Have a FABULOUS day girlies and I'll catch up more later!!!!
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Our weigh in is on Fridays now? I must not have read that one yet. Well I can say that I didnt gain anything, I suprised though. I made 2 pecan pies which I love but I ate one piece while at dinner and gave the rest of that one to my father in law and the other whole pie I gave to my nephew. He loves my pecan pie. I didnt take any desert home. I only took home so turkey and corn and mashed taters. SO that isnt to bad. The gym was closed today also so I went and walked at the park. I am getting a little better at running now. I can run double what I was able to run now although it still isnt a whole lot at one time. SO I run and then walk the same distance and then run again. My step teacher says that I am doing so much better now. I can hold a plank for about 10 seconds now which is good compared to what I was able to do and I can even do that thing where you sit on your pelvic and lift your legs and arms up. That one is hard for me. I know that you guys can probably do alot more than me but I have alot of weight on me. It is actually a step interval some days and others a step strength. It gets hard seeing these women and what they can do in there but I am proud of what I can do now.

    SW 266
    CW 266

  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Connie-- we are weighing in on Tuesday and Friday from now on. Double accountability. :wink:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Kristin, WOOHOO!!! You go girl!

    Connie, that's GREAT!! You must feel so good about that!

    Lauryn, FABULOUS new picture. Beautiful :happy:

    Well, just got home from Kyle's appointment. Poor guy is sitting on an ice pak all day...