I will tell you when I need your opinion...



  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    Good point OP. Although I've never experience negative comments on my diary, I've seen others in the forums having their eating habits and diary attacked when the OP posted a question not related to food at all. Really rubbed me the wrong way. It's why I only let my friends view my diary and why I'm picky with who I allow to friend me. Even one of my friends was being ridiculed about her diary from her friends.

    I don't see these things regularly, but enough to make me wary with who I add.
  • GenerationD05
    I always find it really fascinating that people are more aggressive online than they might possibly be in real life.

    First off: bravo on keeping your cool and doing something good with that energy. There's no point to lower yourself to shoot that person back a comment. I mean, what was the point of what they said to you? The point of this website is to encourage people to lose weight, to be motivators for each other and to applaud when someone does well. And even when they don't do well, to tell them that it's perfectly ok to mess up as long as you get back on the track. To sit and critique a food/exercise diary because it might not be up to someone else's standards is just ridiculous. You've lost 50 pounds and that is AMAZING. You should be proud of that! And if someone doesn't like how you've lost it, who cares? Everyone is different and everyone will lose it differently. Who are we to judge someone else because it differs from the way we're doing it?

    Keep doing what you're doing. It's apparently working so why change it (except change it when it stops working haha).
  • Khadines
    Khadines Posts: 64 Member
    And BTW Mr. Trainer, why did you not have any pics of your current successes? SMH at some people.

  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    You have your diary open. That mean it's open for critique.
    I wouldn't assume that a person who has their diary open means they wanted it critiqued. It could simply mean that they don't mind others getting ideas from them. Unless they explicitly start a status or post saying "critique my public diary" I don't think anyone should feel the need to do so.
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    This is the exact reason mine is private. Someone was *****ing about my sodium!!!

    Don't understand what this means. :O(
  • healthyliving_girl
    healthyliving_girl Posts: 290 Member
    Wow. Really? I'm so glad I have my diary private. That's insane. Apparently, that person has WAY too much time on his hands!
  • Crooks0204
    Crooks0204 Posts: 189
    Ya know what!? If I wanted any of yer lip I'd shake my zipper! :tongue:

    :bigsmile: :laugh:
  • Corrie62
    Corrie62 Posts: 191
    I like open diarys..then if I happen across someone who I am inspired by I can look at their diary and see what kind of foods have helped them along the way...gives me a few ideas of other options for me. I would never critique unless asked...

    Mine is open BTW.
  • janetj518
    If leave my door unlocked, doesn't mean that my neighbor gets to barge in. And there is a difference between criticizing and offering advice. I hold myself accountable by entering my own information and being honest; I don't need someone else holding me accountable. What I need is support, encouragement and if I ask for advice, then I just might need some advice, not critical blah, blah, blah.
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    If leave my door unlocked, doesn't mean that my neighbor gets to barge in. And there is a difference between criticizing and offering advice. I hold myself accountable by entering my own information and being honest; I don't need someone else holding me accountable. What I need is support, encouragement and if I ask for advice, then I just might need some advice, not critical blah, blah, blah.

    I completly agree with you! I beat myself up enough when I am weak!
  • bbbbb33333
    bbbbb33333 Posts: 1,107 Member
    Admit it.... you are on the twinky diet and someone called you on it.
  • cathynicolette
    cathynicolette Posts: 78 Member
    a few things.
    1) glad you restrained yourself.. good job
    2) you know you are making progress, what you are doing is working for you
    ok, two things, not a few.
    But as a parent, I have had to deal with unwanted advice and you just have to learn to let it roll off your back, if not you will either wind up in jail for hurting someone or wind up with an ulcer or heart attack. Keep up the good work.
  • purnurple
    purnurple Posts: 102
  • purnurple
    purnurple Posts: 102
    Admit it.... you are on the twinky diet and someone called you on it.

    well atleast is wokring unlike somebodys... haha jk idk how your weight loose is going but reallly. it is working for her.
  • runslikeagirl
    runslikeagirl Posts: 140 Member
    This is the exact reason mine is private. Someone was *****ing about my sodium!!!

    Don't understand what this means. :O(

    I guess I got censored! Someone was reeming me a new one about my sodium!!!
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I am really rather gobsmacked at all of the people who think an open diary is an invitation to everyone to come nitpick you. Really?
  • bridt
    bridt Posts: 1
    Well done you on your 50lbs and in 5 months is amazing. You are obviously doing what's right for you. Hope I can say the same in a few months. Keep up the good work :0)
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I just had the same thing happen to me. I thought they were talking about someone else and sent it to me by mistake. NOPE!
    I think when people are new they are excited and think they know everything. What they need to know is if I want you opinion I'll ask for it. Really, look at my dairy and tell me I am not eating enough??????????????? If I eat anymore I'll have to stay up all night.
    Oh and when I asked to see her CLOSED DIARY...................... Silence,all I hear is the sound of crickets.. haven't heard from her since.
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    This is the exact reason mine is private. Someone was *****ing about my sodium!!!

    Don't understand what this means. :O(

    I guess I got censored! Someone was reeming me a new one about my sodium!!!

    Sorry - I read it as a type missing a 'with' the sodium. :blushing:

    I'm dim. :O)
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I once posted on here that I was going to the taste of chicago(hello pig out fest) and had a friend comment that she went to a similar event and this is what she did and that I needed to watch myself and blah blah blah. I politely told her that while that may have worked for it, I plan on enjoying myself.

    Good for you OP on keeping your cool.. People sometimes need to learn when to butt out!