Leslie Sansone Walking Challenge

Anyone interested in creating a Leslie Sansone walking challenge? I have seen a few out there but they are all so far into the challenges already and I've just now seen them. I have lots of her walking dvd's and love them! I think it's a great idea to set a goal, whether it be weekly or monthly... of how many miles to walk each week/month.

My goal is for the month of August:

August goal: 60 miles
Miles so far: 4 miles
Miles to go: 56

If interested just set your own goal for the week/month and post whenever you've completed some miles toward your goal.


  • ElizabethObviously
    ElizabethObviously Posts: 380 Member
    I'm doing the August one but would love to join another one.
  • misalice
    misalice Posts: 17
    I am up for that I love walking. I try and walk everyday, so I far I just make sure I walk 2.5 to 3mi a day.. What does this challenge consist of?
  • Hottness4Lyfe
    Hottness4Lyfe Posts: 321 Member
    Sounds good.....I'm just starting to walk and like it.... I've never done any of her videos though...
  • Jerzeeblondie
    Well whether you are walking outside or walking to the videos, you can set your own goal for August, starting from today (or tomorrow if you'd like) just post what your goal is for the month/week and log on every day or once a week to post your goals. My goal for the month of August is to walk 60 miles. If I started this on the 1st that'd be 3 miles 5 times a week... so I'll have a little catching up to do since it is the 8th
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    I'm in - just started using her video's (love them). I also do some walking outside (when it's not to hot). I'm just not sure of the miles - maybe I'll start small and say 40 miles for the month of August; already done some so I'll tally those up later.
  • ElizabethObviously
    ElizabethObviously Posts: 380 Member
    My goal is small because I don't want to hurt myself but I have a feeling I will pass my goal up pretty quickly! I only do the 1 mile one right now.

    Goal: 15
    Did Today: 1
    Total: 2
    To Go: 13
  • 150gal
    150gal Posts: 4
    I'll join! I just started using her dvds last week. I too am currently doing the 1 mile. I have the 2 and 3 mile but haven't done them yet. Starting slow due to lower back and knee problems. I love her dvds! So far, so good. I'll go for 15 for August. 3 down, 12 to go! I'll get on it better for September.
  • Jerzeeblondie
    My goal is small because I don't want to hurt myself but I have a feeling I will pass my goal up pretty quickly! I only do the 1 mile one right now.

    Goal: 15
    Did Today: 1
    Total: 2
    To Go: 13

    it's better to start slow and work your way up to it to avoid injuries. I started out doing a mile a day too, now I aim for 3 miles a day. And I Love the pic on your ticker.. I have that pic of Eric on my screen saver lol
  • Jerzeeblondie
    I'll join! I just started using her dvds last week. I too am currently doing the 1 mile. I have the 2 and 3 mile but haven't done them yet. Starting slow due to lower back and knee problems. I love her dvds! So far, so good. I'll go for 15 for August. 3 down, 12 to go! I'll get on it better for September.

    it's good to set a goal and work your way up. You may be surprised to pass your goal and then you'll know to aim higher next month. I want to stick to this for at least 6 months... so for now I aim for 3 miles at least 4-5 times a week... maybe one day I'll be able to do the 5 mile dvd more than once a day lol
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    I did 3 miles last night out of the 40 I pleged. May need to re-think that, I've been having low back problems and the 3 miles irritated it. I'll see what I can manage this week then I'll know.
  • misalice
    misalice Posts: 17
    ok I created a ticker to display, I have already been walking everyday using my Nike Ipod, so I have the miles I walked... I already put those on since this is a goal for August, I hope that is ok... If not please let me know.

  • Jerzeeblondie
    ok I created a ticker to display, I have already been walking everyday using my Nike Ipod, so I have the miles I walked... I already put those on since this is a goal for August, I hope that is ok... If not please let me know.


    that is fine, I didn't track mine for any day before yesterday because I couldn't remember and didn't track a few days in mfp so I couldn't remember how many were each day.
  • misalice
    misalice Posts: 17
    Hey have you thought about starting a facebook group for this? It might make posting easier? Just wondering?

  • Jerzeeblondie
    I haven't thought of doing a facebook group, probably cause everyone on my facebook is co-workers, family, people from high school, and a few close friends... and none of them will join me in my weight loss journey lol
  • Jerzeeblondie
    I did 5 miles today!

    August Goal: 60 miles
    Miles So Far: 9 miles
    Miles to go: 51 miles
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    5 miles out of 40 done --- wish I could do a ticker - don't think I have room. :ohwell:
  • Zonegirl51
    I would like to join...I have started walking the past two weeks so this will help motivate me to keep it up. My goal will be 20 more miles for August.
  • Miss_Sissy
    Miss_Sissy Posts: 27 Member
    I'm in again....

    I did 6 miles today and have already logged the other 14 since Aug 1st.
  • ElizabethObviously
    ElizabethObviously Posts: 380 Member
    August Goal: 15

    Done Yesterday: 1

    Total so Far: 3

    To Go: 12

    And yes I LOVE me some Eric.
  • Jerzeeblondie
    I would like to join...I have started walking the past two weeks so this will help motivate me to keep it up. My goal will be 20 more miles for August.

    Great! Welcome to the group! Walking is a great easy way to get in some exercise, and I have friends who have had excellent results just from walking.