Leslie Sansone Walking Challenge



  • Jerzeeblondie
    I'm in again....

    I did 6 miles today and have already logged the other 14 since Aug 1st.

    great! 6 miles is amazing, I'm sore and tired after 5... but I'm going to try to work my way up to do more. Even if I have to do some in the morning and some in the afternoon
  • Jerzeeblondie
    August Goal: 15

    Done Yesterday: 1

    Total so Far: 3

    To Go: 12

    And yes I LOVE me some Eric.

    great job!
  • Jerzeeblondie
    Did 2 miles today.. it was the 2 mile intervals... I was definitely sweating a lot after that one...

    August Goal: 60 miles
    Miles so far: 11
    Miles to go: 49
  • misalice
    misalice Posts: 17

  • Zonegirl51
    :sad: I have a mile to add to my walk but don't know how to chart it on ticker.
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    :sad: I have a mile to add to my walk but don't know how to chart it on ticker.

    You can update your miles on ticket factory website. Copy and paste the link in your signature into your browser (I think just the www.ticketfactory.com/ there are some letters/numbers combo after that also but the rest is not needed.). Hope that helps ---
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    I walked a mile this morning before work so that's 6 out of 40 miles done for me.
  • Jerzeeblondie
    I walked a mile this morning before work so that's 6 out of 40 miles done for me.

    great job!
  • Jerzeeblondie
    Did the 2 mile walk/jog today... wanted to do more but was short for time.. maybe I'll have some time to get another mile or 2 in later today.

    August Goal: 60 miles
    Miles so far: 13
    Miles to go: 47
  • misalice
    misalice Posts: 17
    2.25 miles today, I waited until to late in the afternoon, I wanted to walk more but it was getting way too hot, so I had to stop! Feels so good to feel motivated!

    <a href="http://www.TickerFactory.com/exercise/wLHGmf8/"&gt;
    <img border="0" src="http://tickers.TickerFactory.com/ezt/t/wLHGmf8/exercise.png"></a&gt;
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Do any of you ladies know if Leslie Sansone does a lighter intensity walk? My doctor is restricting my exercise for a few weeks due to a strained back but said I can do some light walking.
  • Zonegirl51
    Thank you so much it worked! i appreciate the help.
  • Miss_Sissy
    Miss_Sissy Posts: 27 Member
    Logged another 10 miles.

    4.5 miles yesterday and 5.5 files today..
  • Jerzeeblondie
    Do any of you ladies know if Leslie Sansone does a lighter intensity walk? My doctor is restricting my exercise for a few weeks due to a strained back but said I can do some light walking.

    Hey, I'm not sure which dvd you have already, but usually on the back or the insert of them it has the website of her other dvd's or you can always look on amazon or google it also. But I know she has a few different walking dvd's, some are for kids and families, some are for the elderly, she has beginners walking dvd's... not really sure which would be considered lower intensity though.... I'm sure you could modify any of her dvd's though... when she is doing knee lifts or kicks just do side steps or lift a little off the ground but not all the way? Just check with your Dr first.
  • Jerzeeblondie
    You are all doing so good! Keep it up, we'll all reach our goal for August!

    Today I did the walk off 10 lbs- 3 mile dvd.

    August Goal: 60 miles
    Miles so far: 16
    Miles to go: 44
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I have the 1,2,3,4,5 mile Leslie Sansone video. When I first started doing it I did a mile every day for a week and ended up sore. I'd like to try 1/2 mile for a week then graduate to a mile, then 1-1/2 miles, the 2, because I have over 100 lbs to lose and serious joint problems and back problems and am always waylaid with pain when I exercise. That's 19 miles til the end of August starting today, and skipping the day I am on vacation at Waterworld in Adventureland in Des Moines, IA.

    I am so inspired!
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Do any of you ladies know if Leslie Sansone does a lighter intensity walk? My doctor is restricting my exercise for a few weeks due to a strained back but said I can do some light walking.

    Hey, I'm not sure which dvd you have already, but usually on the back or the insert of them it has the website of her other dvd's or you can always look on amazon or google it also. But I know she has a few different walking dvd's, some are for kids and families, some are for the elderly, she has beginners walking dvd's... not really sure which would be considered lower intensity though.... I'm sure you could modify any of her dvd's though... when she is doing knee lifts or kicks just do side steps or lift a little off the ground but not all the way? Just check with your Dr first.

    Thanks! I've been looking and I think I'll try the beginner one (I have a 5 mile walk and tone one I think) and modify like you said. I'll just take it easy. I haven't done any more miles yet; may be just a 1/2 mile at a time now.
  • Jerzeeblondie
    I have the 1,2,3,4,5 mile Leslie Sansone video. When I first started doing it I did a mile every day for a week and ended up sore. I'd like to try 1/2 mile for a week then graduate to a mile, then 1-1/2 miles, the 2, because I have over 100 lbs to lose and serious joint problems and back problems and am always waylaid with pain when I exercise. That's 19 miles til the end of August starting today, and skipping the day I am on vacation at Waterworld in Adventureland in Des Moines, IA.

    I am so inspired!
    that's a good safe way to start walking... just work your way up. Don't want any injuries and if you start with too many you could not only get hurt, but start feeling less inspired to do it. I love these walking dvd's. I didn't do any walking today, but I'll definitely be doing it tomorrow. We're all going to reach our August goal and be so proud we did it! Then we can set a new goal for September!
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Hi! I would like to join in, too. I bought a Leslie Sansone DVD about 3 weeks ago and haven't cracked open the cellophane yet. So, this would be great motivation for me. I'll pledge 10 miles for the remainder of August.