

  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Kimburg - I really wouldn't call England exciting unfortunately, you all come frm much more exciting places :(

    tcmummy - no riots near me in Sheffield, there were rumours all day, but nothing came of them. Seems to have calmed down a lot now thank goodness. My sky news addiction was getting out of hand. Where are you?

    Aggiecass - My goals are to shred every day. Today was level 2 day 5, I had hoped to do it straight through this time, but I have already had two rest days, so I am on it this week.
  • Mamato3cubs
    My goal for this week is to stop snacking so much. I think TOM may be nearing, all i want to do is eat. I have also been tracking my sodium intake's. I already see a pattern that i go over each day, so i need to start working on that as well.

    Have a lovely day/night everyone!
  • Crooks0204
    Crooks0204 Posts: 189
    My goal for the rest of the week is two parts: enjoy my vacation...............and not have any change in the scale when i return (unless it goes down) lol!!
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 871 Member
    Goal this week was to exercise every day at least 1hr ... so far/so good...
  • butterfly0589
    butterfly0589 Posts: 167 Member
    bjshooter none near me in Cumbria but lots near family,thankfully everyone's ok though
    I have no goals for this week except to not over eat on the weekend, my goal next week is to do 60 minutes of cardio a day xxx
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    How is everyone doing? Feeling positive about weigh day?

    I don't feel like I will have lost this week, I havent been eating great, Iblame the school holidays lol. I am still shredding ho, day 18 in the bag.
  • Mamato3cubs
    Good Morning all WI today will not be good, up a couple of pounds. ugh.
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    Hello everyone. Haven't weighed in yet this morning. Not expecting great results. I have been following the 4 Hour Body diet for about a month (to break a plateau) and the scale is always up on Monday and starts dropping during the week for my normal weigh in on Saturdays. I plan to do the 4HB for one more week and return to my "normal" diet on Saturday. Plus, I am at a stage in my game where weight loss is slowing down. I rapidly lost 89 pounds since January and now the last pounds are going to kick my butt. In fact, I think I am going to change my goal weight for Christmas. I have it set too big and that is setting me up to get frustrated.

  • Crooks0204
    Crooks0204 Posts: 189
    I am up exactly 2 pounds from last week, now at 230.8. thanks to my vacation!! but it was worth it and now I am back on track!!
  • TrufflePig
    Morning all, I am down 4.9 lb. from last week's weigh in.

    I hope everyone has a great week!
  • Bella7810
    Morning guys! My weigh in this morning was 130.7, up from 130 even. I know it's not much but I hate going backwards. Let's just keep up the hardwork and all of us make this week awesome!
  • nan860
    nan860 Posts: 15
    I'm down to 271.2 from 273.3. First time the scale has moved in two weeks!! My goal this week is to get in 4-5 workouts as that seems to be helping more than what I eat!!
  • MonicaLee1982
    MonicaLee1982 Posts: 33 Member
    Ok, let me try this again. My computer is NOT liking me today.
    Happy Monday everybody! Hope y'all had a great weekend.
    Looks like I stayed EXACTLY the same this week. Ugh. I know I should be happy it didn't go up any...but I'm not. LOL :smile:
    Anyway, still holding steady at 266. Hoping for a better week this week.
    Good luck to everybody as you weigh in today, and for the rest of the week!
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    156.6 lbs (down 3.4 from last week's Monday weight of 160.0). Thursdays are my "real" weigh in days though so i'll continue posting my weight from the previous Thursday.

    Is there going to be a spreadsheet with everyone's progress?
    This group NEEDS some more communication so write...

    1. What you would change about last week and WHAT you are doing about it this week
    2. Your goal for this week (can be anything)
    3. Fun fact about you

    I'll start...

    1. I only burned 2,218 calories. This week I want to burn 3,500+ by sticking to my 6x a week works out
    2. Drink 12 glasses of water each day
    3. I am missing my second toe toenails on each foot
  • Jessicas_Old_Account
    Monday weigh-in 164.6. Lost exactly 1lb from last week.
  • TrufflePig
    This group NEEDS some more communication so write...

    1. What you would change about last week and WHAT you are doing about it this week
    2. Your goal for this week (can be anything)
    3. Fun fact about you


    1. I didn't eat enough veggies last week, so this week I am going to have them every day at lunch in addition to making my dinner plate 2/3 veggies.
    2. Goal this week is to start adding weights into my exercise routine.
    3. Fun fact: I collect pressed pennies.
  • butterfly0589
    butterfly0589 Posts: 167 Member
    weigh in this week I'm 187 - up 0.4lb since last week.

    1. I simply ate too much and didn't exercise enough, I'm changing that this week by not eating as much junk and by trying to stick to an hour 5/7 of aerobics
    2. To try and get on top of my housework
    3. I have the mind of a teenager (not so fun for those around me)

    hope all you lovely people have a good week xxx
  • Crooks0204
    Crooks0204 Posts: 189
    I previously posted my weight but I am up 2 pounds from last week. I agree we need more communication and we NEED a spreadsheet or something to compare!!!

    1. I ate horribly (and enjoyed myself) on my vacation. This week my goal is to get by butt back in gear and work hard.
    2. My goal this week is to take my vitamin EVERY day!!
    3. Fun fact: I am a nursing student that graduates in December..................yayyy!!!!
  • caitmcwill
    caitmcwill Posts: 102
    So this week I am 155.2 lbs. Yay!

    1. I would change my workout intensity.
    2. I am going to change the types of snacks that I eat. This is where I have a tendency to overeat.
    3. Fun fact: I start school this evening. Eeekk...I'm nervous :)
  • kimberg75
    kimberg75 Posts: 412 Member
    Hey all. I am up 2 lbs. from last weeks weigh in....scale read 175.4 today after having too much fun on our mini-vacation! Hoping to lose it and then some by next Monday!
    1. Ate way too many of my old favorites last week! Nachos, pizza, burgers, chicken fingers, fries, wine name a few!
    2. This week I will get back to eating better and logging my food, haven't logged since last Wednesday since we were out of town Thursday until tonight. Also plan to work out again and do my Jillian No More Trouble Zones at least 4 times this week.
    3. Fun fact: I used to be a special education teacher and now I'm a stay at home mommy to 2 toddlers. Once they are both in school I will go back to teaching, I loved it, but I also love being there every day for my kiddos.