Riots in Croydon – I am so so sad I could cry



  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    There is no `glory` in this it ruins lives in a time when the whole world is in a financial crisis.

    MINDLESS and unecessary :explode:

    Let's be honest here. These morons aren't thinking about anything beyond getting their hands on a TV for nothing.

    Also, some commentators are saying that part of the reason for the looting is because the rioters feel disenfranchised or cut off from society because of harsh economic conditions. Surely this will just make matters worse as it will have an affect on London businesses especially? So, these people (I use the term "people" in a very loose way) are ultimately making their own lives harder for the sake of a few "free" electrical items given the local economy will suffer.

    Not exactly what you would call the sharpest knives in the drawer...
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    There is no `glory` in this it ruins lives in a time when the whole world is in a financial crisis.

    MINDLESS and unecessary :explode:

    Let's be honest here. These morons aren't thinking about anything beyond getting their hands on a TV for nothing.

    Also, some commentators are saying that part of the reason for the looting is because the rioters feel disenfranchised or cut off from society because of harsh economic conditions. Surely this will just make matters worse as it will have an affect on London businesses especially? So, these people (I use the term "people" in a very loose way) are ultimately making their own lives harder for the sake of a few "free" electrical items given the local economy will suffer.

    Not exactly what you would call the sharpest knives in the drawer...

    They are not doing it becuase they are disjointed from socity, they are doing it because they want things for free. No work ethic or morels. It makes me sick to my stomach. Manchester now which is my home city and where all my family live.
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    I was born in Manchester and moved 10 years ago. My dad 76yo sometimes takes the bus into the city as he likes to take photographs. This is where my 2 `kids` work. I have spoken to them all on the phone today.

    I am devastated that this city is being attacked in this way!

    I feel like I am constantly posting on this topic, and I realise I am, but when you read about terrible atrocities and natural disasters around the just really gets to me that in the UK when people have a pretty much safe and stable environment, they cause so much devestation.

    Thank goodness for those people that are working on the clean up...well done to you!!

    Extra special thanks to all the emergency services..x
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I am from London. Most of my friends are in London. We moved out 4 years ago, and frankly for the first time I am really relieved we did. I don't want my children growing up around that. It's awful. It's completely disgusting, and incomprehensible. So many people are such disgusting scrotes. They need to build more prisons just to lock them all up in.
  • GabriellaMaria
    GabriellaMaria Posts: 150 Member
    am so sorry too, you are right abt the gangs..what else can you call them?? they are not human!
    i now work for a company who have been boarding up the shops of their vans was hijacked last night, and they beat the driver up for good measure??? why do that, he is not police, and just trying to earn a living... maybe if most of them did the same, they would be too tired to create havoc!!
    sending love and prayers to anyone that has been adversley affectd by this delinquent behaviour
  • BillyC96
    BillyC96 Posts: 7,560 Member

    Let's be honest here. These morons aren't thinking about anything beyond getting their hands on a TV for nothing.

    Also, some commentators are saying that part of the reason for the looting is because the rioters feel disenfranchised or cut off from society because of harsh economic conditions. Surely this will just make matters worse as it will have an affect on London businesses especially? So, these people (I use the term "people" in a very loose way) are ultimately making their own lives harder for the sake of a few "free" electrical items given the local economy will suffer.

    Not exactly what you would call the sharpest knives in the drawer...

    What a load of crap those commentators are dishing. I live in one of the most economically deprived areas in the UK. There are few well paid jobs, and some seasonal low paid jobs. Wages here are 13% lower than on the mainland. I, personally, am here on an ancestry visa, so it's work or go home. I have 2 jobs and a small business on the side. I put my head down and get the job done to keep the bills paid. Making excuses is not part of the plan. Working hard is. I do not want anything I haven't earned.
  • Laura_beau
    Laura_beau Posts: 1,029 Member
    Im in Leeds city centre and the pubs have closed near me, bottles were being thrown and I just saw a huge gang of ppl run past my flat followed by police. They must be having a go here too. Words cant describe how much contempt I feel for these idiots! Wtf!
  • lcarter25
    lcarter25 Posts: 286 Member
    yes i hate that this is turning into a racial issue - all people are looting!!!

    Exactly. It's not a race issue. It's an idiot issue.

    ha ha defo
  • emmaldownie
    emmaldownie Posts: 232 Member

    same up here, when I was younger we used to drink (underage) in little hidden places, not bothering anyone, and they used to actively hunt us down because they knew that we, being decent human beings and all, wouldn't put up much of a fight - but there were huge crews of chavs (the same age) also underage drinking, fighting, beating people up, stealing, vandalising and they did nothing about it because there was a chance they'd actually have to do their jobs

    OT I know... under age drinking is a crime, therefore you were committing the same crime as the 'chavs'.

    NO, the key point is we weren't hurting anyone. Yes underage drinking is a crime but HELLO everyone does it. The point I made is, the chavs were also underage drinking + vandalism + violence etc, they were the ones causing problems, not us, but the police took the ***** option.
    And it's not even their fault, it's their superiors that give rubbish orders. I've had some terrible experiences where the police have failed to do their jobs (that they volunteer for, know what they're getting into and get paid well for BTW) and by failing have put me and my friends lives in danger countless times. And they aint exatcly doing a great job down in england just now are they?

    Not everyone does it at all! You have a poor outlook on life sweetie!