Teachers or Future Teachers



  • rosita76
    rosita76 Posts: 62
    Hi Is it too late to join this group of teachers?
  • Mathisfun
    Mathisfun Posts: 104 Member
    Hi! I think this is a great idea. My name is Laura and I teach Math Models and Algebra 2. I joined MFP in June and have been "really good". I was telling my husband the other day I wasn't sure about how I would do when school begins. We report back on Monday and the district is providing breakfast (donuts, kolaches, etc) and a district wide lunch (barbecue, beans, potato salad). See where I am headed? Each day this week of inservice they provide donuts in the morning and candy all day (to keep our energy up). Every faculty meeting there is a basket full of candy and chips on each table.

    My goal is to get up early enough to be able to exercise before school because I am too tired in the evening and usually have stacks of papers to grade. I also plan to pack a healthy lunch to take.

    Glad to see so many other teachers on this site.
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285

    Like most, I've been having a great weight-loss and exercise summer, but I"m nervous about the new school year. If the last two days are any indication I'm gonna have a tough time getting my exercise in... I've been too tired to do much when I get home! Food won't be a big problem, as I usually bring my lunch and snacks (I'm scared of the cafeteria food!! LOL) I've worked this summer on making healthy choices that I can pack along. My goal this month -- EXERCISE!!!

    Good luck to everyone on the start of a new school year!!!!
    It sounds as though you're getting plenty of excercise setting up classrooms. Poor thing, my sympathies. I'm sure most of us have been there
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    So glad to have found this thread. I'm wiped right now, but will check back soon.
  • frida001
    frida001 Posts: 437 Member
    oooh, I need more teacher friends, so please add me. I teach in a very low socio-economic neighborhood. I've taught grades 6-8 for the past 11 years, but will be teaching grade 3 for the first time this year.

    Climbingpanda, I've noticed I'm not hungry after workouts. Since we don't workout during school hours, it makes sense that you would be hungry then.
  • smlandry
    smlandry Posts: 12 Member

    Just curious as to what everybody exercise schedule will be like when school starts. I am trying to see if it will be better to work out in the morning or night? I see more downfalls of each one than anything else.

    My plan at this point is to exercise at night after my daughter is asleep. I think my goal is going to be a minimum of 4 nights a week including weekends. I've devoted two nights a week where I do absolutely NO school work and NO exercising and just be with my husband after the little one is down. Last year, I started setting an alarm on my phone and leaving work at that time and not doing school work until our daughter was in bed. While my husband was much happier with that arrangement (despite the small amount of sleep I tended to get), I could tell I was neglecting him. So now he has 2 nights all to himself. Right now my room is basically set up and we start inservice on Monday. I hope to stay on top of things and not be overly stressed this year. I'm pushing the exercise to help with that too. Main objective this year- maintain what I've lost over the summer and keep stress level's as down as possible.
  • sahalcomb
    sahalcomb Posts: 86 Member
    LOVE this topic!!! I will begin my 21st year as a teacher in 3 days!!! I've taught Kindergarten for all except 4 yrs when I taught 1st grade. Love my job, but dread getting back to bad habits and snacking. Hoping this year will be different though, thanks to MFP and a better lifestyle! :) I started this journey 7 weeks ago and have lost 14 lbs, but have gained a new attitude and friends to support me on the journey! My goal is to lose a total of around 60 lbs... wow, sounds like such a daunting task---but I'm in it for the long haul!!! I got this!!! :) Feel free to friend me for some extra support! ;-)
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member

    Just curious as to what everybody exercise schedule will be like when school starts. I am trying to see if it will be better to work out in the morning or night? I see more downfalls of each one than anything else.

    I hope to go to the gym from school at least 3 days a week for an hour or so and then hit the gym at the weekend both days if I'm up to it.
    I find having the gym as a goal for the day sometimes gets me through the day!!

    I treat myself to a nice sweet sachet of coffee and a snack about half an hour before I finish partly to get me ready for the workout but also to make sure I stick to it - otherwise I don't have many calories left to eat in the evening.
    Usually works :O)

  • kwkorcha
    Hi everyone, I am a Library/Media Clerk at an elementary school. I just started back to work, and really want to keep up the workouts and healthier eating that I have been doing all summer. I plan to pack my lunch instead of grabbing fast food, and to get up a bit earlier to exercise. This is a great topic!
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member

    Just curious as to what everybody exercise schedule will be like when school starts. I am trying to see if it will be better to work out in the morning or night? I see more downfalls of each one than anything else.

    I was doing 30 DS at around midnight, but as I'm part time and my son will start full-time education this year, I hope to fit in C25K, along with running the 0.8 miles to school when necessary.
  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    I am a future teacher and teacher assistant currently so I already have some of the demands of a teacher and go to school full time Im interested in this group, I work in a big public city school district at a montessori school, I work with ages 3-6 pre-K and K, my goal is to get to 130 and Im 195 currently and have already lost 45 lbs. Like I said Im an assistant and go to school to become a teacher in Early Childhood for my bachelors already have an associates. Once I get a teaching job Ill work on my masters in Special education. I hope to get support and ideas for when to exercise with my busy schedule , ideas for passing up all these carry in lunches, Im also willing to do any fitness programs like 30DS with a group. Good Luck for the 2011/12 school year, we just started our teacher training days this past Friday and have already been tempted by pastry spreads and had to have what I thought was one of the healthier items on a fast food menu, contained 1500mg of sodium
  • Bee_B
    Bee_B Posts: 89 Member
    Hello everyone!

    My goals are going to be difficult since I am relocating next month. I am going to try my hardest to keep up with my exercise routine at least 4 days a week. I hope that once I get settled in the UK I can find an affordable gym. As for what time of day I prefer to exercise, usually it would be first thing in the morning. However, I have always done home workouts so this is more convenient. If I'm working out at a gym, I think I might find the evening more convenient. Also, since I will be doing daily supply, most of the time I won't know where I will be going that day so I will have to be up and waiting for a phone call. That will also make morning workouts difficult.

    Another challenge for me is water. When I'm at home I have no problem drinking my water for the day. But when I'm out, I don't think about it and end up drinking about half of what my body needs for the day. Not exactly the most healthy thing to do day in and day out. So this will be another goal for me for September (and probably the entirety of the school year)!
  • mtaylor3348
    mtaylor3348 Posts: 12 Member
    We have similar weight start, goal, and plateau. I currently want to get back to 155, and I know that will be work. It's harder. But I'm with you I can't break that plateau into 140's. Keep me posted. Do they have a "friend" blog scene here?

    Like others, I teach---Science---to 8th graders. It's my 15th year, and it's still a hoot. The administration changes, and the "strategy de jour" but the kids do not. As noted, there are a lot of snacks brought into school. Given more than 10 teachers wanted to join weight watchers last year, I'm surprised there's so much junk around school. I'm a sucker for sugar in the morning.

    So help me peeps. Is there going to be a month 1 plan? conscensus?
  • mtaylor3348
    mtaylor3348 Posts: 12 Member
    So help me peeps. Is there going to be a month 1 plan? conscensus?
  • joimichele
    joimichele Posts: 382
    Hi Is it too late to join this group of teachers?

    Nope, this is an open group.
  • joimichele
    joimichele Posts: 382
    So help me peeps. Is there going to be a month 1 plan? conscensus?

    I think we all have the same goal. Eating right and fitting exercise in. Maybe we can make it into a pact or a plan? What does everyone think? I am open to suggestions, ideas, or plans.
  • dids01
    dids01 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi I'm a secondary science teacher in the Uk and have been teaching for 4 years now and absolutely love the job. My goal for when I go back on sept 1st is to resist the goodies in the science staff room. I have lost 20lb since being off work and hope to lose another 10 before we go back. Our school has a gym which we can use after work and so far have not taken advantage of the fact (always use the excuse need to go home to pick the kids up from their grandparents and its a 45 min drive home) so next term I am going to try to fit in 2 workouts a week in the school fitness suite.

    Before we broke up I was involved in helping other members of staff lose weight as I used to run slimming classes in the uk but stopped when I started teaching. I am going to get all the people that were involved before summer to join MFP and see how we go.

    I like the idea of setting up a biggest loser at school with a cash prize, we used to have a weekly weigh in and pay £1 each who ever lost most won the money, which can be quite an incentive.

    So I will put it to my collegues when I get back and get some more people on board.

    My ultimate goal is to be at my target by christmas break which if my mindset carries on as it is now is possible.

    Good luck all xx
  • frida001
    frida001 Posts: 437 Member
    What would work for me is if we "friended" each other so that we can encourage and celebrate successes on our daily entries as well as posting on to this thread anecdotes of our day.
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    Hi guys! I'm an English teacher in Turkey. I'm starting at a new school on Monday, and I'm a bit nervous, as I spent the last year working with 2-6 year olds in a pre-school and it was pretty comfortable, plus I worked with another teacher at all times. Hopefully I'll find out on Monday what grades I'll be teaching, but it will probably be 2nd and 3rd grade.
    I'll be working harder, and for longer hours than I ever have, so quite nervous!!
    I've been working out really hard over the Summer, so I really want to keep up with my workouts at least twice during the week and both weekend days. I should be able to go to the gym in the evenings with my husband, which will be a big motivator.
  • JoLeeFA
    JoLeeFA Posts: 211 Member
    What would work for me is if we "friended" each other so that we can encourage and celebrate successes on our daily entries as well as posting on to this thread anecdotes of our day.

    I think this would be an excellent idea. I was among the first to reply to this thread, then got busy, and couldn't find it when I went back to looking for it. Althought, I would like to continue the thread as well.

    I have been back at school for 3 days. All nightmare-ish!!! Wednesday meetings 9-3:30 (at a campus an hour away from my home campus); Thursday - on an interviewing committee sat from 8:30 - 3:15; Friday - Meetings 8:30-3:15 (when I just left while the meeting was still going on)

    The bad thing is, during meeting days they feed us. Wednesday was lunch room, so I got salad, fruit, and a small bit of ice cream. But yesterday, they catered in - pulled pork, baked beans full of bacon, cole slaw so sweet you couldn't eat it, and lots of cakes and cookies! ARGH.... Nothing healthy, so I ate a small salad I brought and picked over the other foods!!!

    ANYWAY - Thank goodness it is the weekend!! I can't wait to get students next Wednesday!