Teachers or Future Teachers



  • joimichele
    joimichele Posts: 382
    I go back tomorrow!!!! Yaaaaay!!!! In the itinerary they sent it said "lunch provided". Yea right I'll provide my own lunch thank you very much! Crisis averted! Have a great day tomorrow!
  • smlandry
    smlandry Posts: 12 Member
    I officially start back tomorrow with kids next week. Let the school year begin! Good luck to everyone! Oh and I'm all for the challenge. As for weigh-ins, whatever works for everyone. Just pick a time and I will put it on my calendar to remind myself to post. Night all!
  • ercarnes
    ercarnes Posts: 43 Member
    I am 38 years old and want to join this group. I guess I would be considered a future teacher, due to unable to find a job this summer. I am EC-6 and ESL certified. I was so excited about graduating and finally be able to be a teacher. But in Texas the jobs are hard to find.

    I have been doing MFP for 3 weeks now and have lost 2lbs and lost about 3.5 inches. I do Turbo Jam and also P90X with my husband. I eat 1200 calories a day.
  • sara46ward
    sara46ward Posts: 7 Member
    I would like to join this group. I'm 65....a teacher off and on for 40 years. I've taught in public and private schools. For the last 14 years I've been teaching 5th and 6th grade choral music. My students are generally poor, eat unhealthy foods, sometimes violent, and on the brink of joining gangs or deciding that they want a better way of life. Musically, they have talent and love to sing and perform. Teaching them is stressful and I usually give into food as a means of comfort whenever I'm exhausted, bored, or mildly depressed. However, I think with the support of other teachers who experience similar stress and schedules that I can stay on top of the food cravings and be a better person, a better teacher, and a healthier me. What is on my side for success in this diet thing is I don't have to fix food for anyone other than myself. I live alone with my two dogs who never let me feel alone. I have a wonderful thread mill in a nice room and I have a huge swimming pool in my back yard which I literally hate. However, I think I should turn the hate into a positive factor in my exercise program. It's so hot in my area that I think I'll be able to swim for another 2 months at least. I have lots of healthy food in my cabinets, fridge, and freezer....enough for a couple of months. I tend to have headaches.........food and environmentally driven. So I really have to watch what I eat. When a bad headache strikes, I'm an emotional wreck. I think migraines work that way for most people. I work with a professional boys choir which has a demanding schedule. We perform a lot, have a couple of week long camps a year, and travel every summer for several weeks. This summer, we'll be in France. It would be nice to fit in some new performance clothes and not look pethetic in choir t-shirts. I have to eat out 3 times a week due to boys choir schedules. That is always a problem. I'm brand new to MFP and I promise to support my fellow teachers in this group with comments and interest in their progress.
  • joimichele
    joimichele Posts: 382
    Today was my first day back and to my surprise the lunch was pretty health. Baked chicken, corn, salad, bread, roast beef, and mashed potatoes and gravy. I had half a chicken breast, corn, and salad. Good first day!
  • joimichele
    joimichele Posts: 382
    I would like to join this group. I'm 65....a teacher off and on for 40 years. I've taught in public and private schools. For the last 14 years I've been teaching 5th and 6th grade choral music. My students are generally poor, eat unhealthy foods, sometimes violent, and on the brink of joining gangs or deciding that they want a better way of life. Musically, they have talent and love to sing and perform. Teaching them is stressful and I usually give into food as a means of comfort whenever I'm exhausted, bored, or mildly depressed. However, I think with the support of other teachers who experience similar stress and schedules that I can stay on top of the food cravings and be a better person, a better teacher, and a healthier me. What is on my side for success in this diet thing is I don't have to fix food for anyone other than myself. I live alone with my two dogs who never let me feel alone. I have a wonderful thread mill in a nice room and I have a huge swimming pool in my back yard which I literally hate. However, I think I should turn the hate into a positive factor in my exercise program. It's so hot in my area that I think I'll be able to swim for another 2 months at least. I have lots of healthy food in my cabinets, fridge, and freezer....enough for a couple of months. I tend to have headaches.........food and environmentally driven. So I really have to watch what I eat. When a bad headache strikes, I'm an emotional wreck. I think migraines work that way for most people. I work with a professional boys choir which has a demanding schedule. We perform a lot, have a couple of week long camps a year, and travel every summer for several weeks. This summer, we'll be in France. It would be nice to fit in some new performance clothes and not look pethetic in choir t-shirts. I have to eat out 3 times a week due to boys choir schedules. That is always a problem. I'm brand new to MFP and I promise to support my fellow teachers in this group with comments and interest in their progress.

    Hi and welcome!
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    I'm here, too!!! ~~~~waves~~~~~~

    I teach high school English, speech and journalism. I don't start till next week. We have two inservice days where lunch is provided. One day we all go out to eat and I could probaby do a salad there...it's a buffet....but I'm not sure I have the self control to do that because they have REALLY good OTHER food there on the buffet line.

    The other day is usually pizza. :(

    I am going to pack a lunch from here on out. I don't usually get too hungry till about 2 or 3 o'clock so I don't think lunch will be a big deal but I might need something for when school is out.

    I plan on walking a bit at lunch...from one end of the building to the other...twice if time allows....but we only have about 25 minutes for lunch so not sure how that will go.

    I, also, got a key to the weight room, which I really know nothing about, and am going to check it out. It depends upon who hangs out in there after school........if it's just my high school kids, I'll be okay, they can show me how to use the equipment and I love them and most of them love me so I think they would probably be cheering me on...but if there are others there I might be afraid to go for it....we'll see!!!!

    I love my kids!!! This is my 24th year and my kids are the absolute best (we are a small school so I have everyone in high school)!!

    Hope you all get off to a great start and have a great year!!

    I would love to be in the group too if I can keep up!!!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Today was my first day back and to my surprise the lunch was pretty health. Baked chicken, corn, salad, bread, roast beef, and mashed potatoes and gravy. I had half a chicken breast, corn, and salad. Good first day!

    Glad it was healthy, still fantatic of you to bring your own. That helps me so far. My obstacle, which I am surprised at, is how once I get off of my schedule, I mess up due to the sudden freedom. This weekend wasn't good on eating, though I was more active.
  • joimichele
    joimichele Posts: 382
    How is everyone doing? Anything exciting or anything that really burns your gears?
  • kerr2010
    kerr2010 Posts: 219 Member
    I am a high school visual arts / English teacher in Ontario, Canada. I am going into my 6th year of teaching this year and I am very excited because I have a full course load of visual arts. Last year I put on a lot of weight because I rarely packed lunch and ate in the cafateria almost everyday. Thank goodness Ontario schools are no longer allowed to serve fried foods and are taking out all of the vending machines. We also do not have food at staff meetings anymore. I am hoping to squeeze my workout in at the end of the day before I pick my husband and daughter up. We start back in less than three weeks! Yikes I need to start planning. The summer has gone by way too fast.
  • kerr2010
    kerr2010 Posts: 219 Member
    I know the pain. I was on maternity leave from Sept - Feb last year and started back having lost all the baby weight plus an extra 20 pounds. After 5 months of being back I gained back almost 20!!! It will not happen again!
    Hi everyone! I'm a future teacher, currently going into my last year of certification and hopefully starting teaching high school English/History in the 2011-12 school year. Last year while practice teaching I gained 10-15 lbs and that CANNOT happen this year.

    I also have 2 kids of my own, 4 and 6... so I'm busy busy busy and getting in exercise especially when lesson planning is very hard. Sometimes impossible.

    I think it is the stress and pure shock of all the goodies. My first year I gained 10 lbs.
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    Just found this thread!

    Today was my first day of school and it went so well! Our entire building has adopted Harry Wong's "First Days of School" and I have to say it has made a great difference!

    Anyway - I teach Music and see around 1300 students in a school year, K-6. Because of what I do I actually lose more weight during the school year. I'm dancing, singing, and directing, which means I burn calories all day long.

    I'm glad I've found a group of fellow educators who know so well how it is! :smile:
  • JJasMyself
    JJasMyself Posts: 79 Member
    OMG! OMG! OMG! I just got the scores back from my Early Childhood Certification test! I passed with flying colors! So all I need to do is pass the last class I have to take in the fall and I'll have a THIRD certification! Elementary Education, English as a Second Language and now Early Childhood Education!!! Yay!!!
  • TexasSunny
    TexasSunny Posts: 87 Member
    I teach Texas History, 7th grade....in a small rural town. Having grown up in Chicago, and then in S. Florida for 23 years....it's been a bit of a culture shock! :) I'm starting my 6th year here, and I have the best job in the school!!! Today was our first day of back-to-school inservice....and this post reminded me that I ate an "egg Mcmuffin" thing they put out for breakfast. Gotta go add it to my diary! My goal is to lose 50lbs., altho I didn't set a time limit. I think I'll be happy with 25 by Christmas! LOL gotta do the math tho!

    The benefits to losing weight during the school year.... I drink more water, because I only bring water! Same with green tea....and salads or healthy lunches, plus...no snacking/grazing. I don't bring money, so no wasting it in the machines!

    The downside..... I am usually starving by the time I get home and eat while making dinner, and it's hard to fit in workout time.

    I am 48, mom of 5 grown kids....step-mom (recent wedding, so that still sounds weird) to 2, Granny to 7. I'm going for my Masters degree in Curriculum and Instruction at Texas A & M. It's the one degree that the local districts will pay for, so I'll do it! This semester I'm only taking one course, because they only offer one that I need. I should be done by the end of next year. :) By then, one of my girls should be a teacher, and 2 should be nurses! Gotta work on them boys..... Altho, one of them is in Afghanistan right now.

    LOVE Harry Wong! :)
  • jpfrimmer
    jpfrimmer Posts: 134
    Hi! I'm Jeanette, I grew up in Iowa but my husband and I moved over two years ago to the Houston area. I will be starting my 3rd year of teaching elementary music. I just love the little kiddos! We are in inservices right now and we the kids start on Monday. I am in an awesome school district where the kids get to come to music everyday. There is one other music teacher in my school and she sees half of the school in one day and I see the other half. That means I teach 12 high energy classes a day which equals out to almost 400 kids a day! Hopefully that will help me lose more weight!

    I have already lost 4 lbs, but I'm hoping to lose another 21 lbs and then I'll evaluate again once I reach my first goal.

    Good luck to everyone starting a new school year and let's hope that we don't get too stressed!
  • jenmhykes
    jenmhykes Posts: 1 Member
    Yeah to all the teachers! I just wanted to let everyone know that actually, teaching is a great way to move around. Rushing around the halls, playing with the kids on the playground, after school activities....once I left the classroom to work at the Department of Education, I gained 10 pounds from sitting in a cubicle all day! And everyone who starts the job has the same story. So feel good about teaching and enjoy it! Also, when I was teaching I laughed with the kids all day and that burns calories too! :)
  • joimichele
    joimichele Posts: 382
    OMG! OMG! OMG! I just got the scores back from my Early Childhood Certification test! I passed with flying colors! So all I need to do is pass the last class I have to take in the fall and I'll have a THIRD certification! Elementary Education, English as a Second Language and now Early Childhood Education!!! Yay!!!

    Congrats! That is great!
  • joimichele
    joimichele Posts: 382
    My thought today...it would be so much easier to stop and get food or order a pizza rather than cook......bad me bad me. Will power! I didn't stop.
  • joimichele
    joimichele Posts: 382
    Just found this thread!

    Today was my first day of school and it went so well! Our entire building has adopted Harry Wong's "First Days of School" and I have to say it has made a great difference!

    Anyway - I teach Music and see around 1300 students in a school year, K-6. Because of what I do I actually lose more weight during the school year. I'm dancing, singing, and directing, which means I burn calories all day long.

    I'm glad I've found a group of fellow educators who know so well how it is! :smile:

    I love that book!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    OMG! OMG! OMG! I just got the scores back from my Early Childhood Certification test! I passed with flying colors! So all I need to do is pass the last class I have to take in the fall and I'll have a THIRD certification! Elementary Education, English as a Second Language and now Early Childhood Education!!! Yay!!!

    Congrats, excited for you!